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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell

eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell

eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell

our $CONF_DIR  = "$ENV{GBROWSE_CONF}/synteny";
our $VERSION   = '$Id: gbrowse_details,v 1.7 2009-08-27 19:13:18 idavies Exp $';

use strict;
use CGI qw/:standard Map Area delete_all/;
use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';
use CGI::Toggle;
use List::Util qw/min max sum/;
use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
use Bio::Graphics::Browser2;
use Bio::Graphics;

# Legacy libraries from 1.7 branch
# will slowly replace these
use Legacy::Graphics::Browser;
use Legacy::Graphics::Browser::Util;
use Legacy::Graphics::Browser::Synteny;
use Legacy::Graphics::Browser::PageSettings;
use Legacy::DB::SyntenyIO;
use Legacy::DB::SyntenyBlock;

use constant OVERVIEW_RATIO     => 0.9;
use constant OVERVIEW_BGCOLOR   => 'gainsboro';
use constant IMAGE_WIDTH        => 800;
use constant INTERIMAGE_PAD     => 5;
use constant VERTICAL_PAD       => 40;
use constant ALIGN_HEIGHT       => 6;  
use constant MAX_SPAN           => 0.3;     # largest gap allowed for merging inset panels
use constant TOO_SMALL          => 0.02;    # minimum span for displayed alignments
use constant MAX_GAP            => 50_001;  # maximum gap for chaining
use constant MAX_SEGMENT        => 2_000_001; 
use constant EXTENSION          => 'syn';   # extension for species conf files
use constant DEBUG              => 0;
use constant HELP               => '';

# Display options -- using a hash here so that
# $page_settings can be updated without using hard-coded
# keys (not counting this constant!).
use constant SETTINGS => 
      aggregate  => 0 , # chain alignments
      pgrid      => 1,  # gridlines
      shading    => 1,  # shaded polygons
      tiny       => 0,  # ignore small alignments
      pflip      => 1,  # flip (-) strand panels
      edge       => 1,  # outline polygons
      imagewidth => 800,  # width of the image
      display    => 'expanded',  # ref + 2 or all in one
      ref        => undef,
      start      => undef,
      stop       => undef,
      end        => undef,
      name       => undef,
      search_src => undef,
      species    => undef


# initialization
$CONF_DIR   = conf_dir($CONF_DIR);

# error if no data sources configured 
my $go;
while (<$CONF_DIR/*.synconf>) {
unless ($go) {
  print header,  start_html('No data source');
  print warning("No data source configured for GBrowse_syn\n"); 
  print p('Please consult '.a({-href=>''},'the documentation'));

  print <<END;
<iframe style="frameborder:0;width:800px;height:2000px" src="/gbrowse2/gbrowse_syn_help.html">
  print end_html;
  exit 0;

# search soure (general) configuration
$CONF       = Legacy::Graphics::Browser::Synteny->new();

# species-specific configuration
my $extension = $CONF->setting('config_extension') || EXTENSION;
$SCONF      = open_config($CONF_DIR,$extension);

my ($page_settings,$session) = page_settings();
my $source = $page_settings->{source};
$MAP = db_map();

$SYNTENY_IO = Legacy::DB::SyntenyIO->new($CONF->setting('join'));

my $segment = landmark2segment($page_settings);

if ($segment) {
  my $name = format_segment($segment);
  if (ref $segment ne 'Bio::DB::GFF::RelSegment') {

  param(name => $name);
  $page_settings->{name} = $name;

my @reset = (0,0);
if (param('reset')) {
  @reset = (1, 'All settings have been reset to their default values');

# warning if trying to search with no species
if (!$segment && param('name') && !$CONF->page_settings("search_src")) {
  print warning("Error: select a species to search");

# Which aligned species have been asked for
my @requested_species  = _unique(@{$page_settings->{species}});
if (!@requested_species) {
  my $search_src = $page_settings->{search_src} || '';
  unless ($search_src && $search_src ne 'nosrc' && $MAP->{$search_src}->{db}) {
    $INVALID_SRC = $search_src;
  @requested_species  = grep {$_ ne $search_src} grep {$MAP->{$_}->{db}} keys %$MAP;

if ($segment) {

  @hits = map {$SYNTENY_IO->get_synteny_by_range(-src   => $page_settings->{search_src},
						 -ref   => $segment->abs_ref,
						 -start => $segment->abs_start,
						 -end   => $segment->abs_end,
						 -tgt   => $_) } @requested_species;

my $header = $CONF->setting('header');
$header = &$header if ref $header;
print $header || h1($CONF->setting('description'));

  print warning("Species '$INVALID_SRC' is not configured for this database");


print overview_panel($CONF->whole_segment($segment),$segment) if $segment;

if ($segment) {
  # make sure no hits go off-screen
  remap_coordinates($_) for @hits;

  my %species = map {$_->src2 => 1} @hits;  
  my @species = sort keys %species;

  # either display ref species + 2 repeating or 'all in one'
  if ($page_settings->{display} eq 'expanded') {
    while (my @pair = splice @species, 0, 2) {
  else {

print end_form();
print $CONF->footer || end_html();

# remember former source for the checkbox
$page_settings->{old_src} = $CONF->search_src;
exit 0;

sub species_chooser {
  # pointless if < 3 species
  return '' if keys %$MAP < 3;
  my $src = $CONF->search_src();
  my @species = grep {$_ ne $src} grep {$MAP->{$_}->{db}} keys %$MAP;
  my $default = $CONF->page_settings->{species} || \@species;
  push @$default, $CONF->page_settings('old_src');

  if (!param('species')) {
    $default = [keys %$MAP];
  b(wiki_help('Aligned_Species',,$CONF->tr('Aligned Species'))) . ':' . br .
		 -id        => 'speciesChooser',
		 -name      => 'species',
		 -values    => \@species,
		 -labels    => { map {$_ => $MAP->{$_}->{desc} } @species },
		 -default   => $default,
		 -multiple  => 1,
		 -size      => 8,
		 -override  => 1,

sub expand_notice {
  # pointless if < 4 species
  return '' if keys %$MAP < 4;
  my $state = param('display') || $CONF->page_settings->{display};
  my $ref = $CONF->search_src; 
  my $title = b(wiki_help("Display_Mode",$CONF->tr("Display Mode")), ':');

  my $url = url . "/" . $CONF->source;
  if ($state eq 'expanded') {
    return br, $title, br,  "Three species/panel ",
	a( {-href => $url.'?display=compact'}, 'Click to show all species in one panel');
  else {
    return br, $title, br, 'All species in one panel ',
    a( {-href => $url.'?display=expanded'}, 'Click to show reference plus two species/panel');

sub landmark_search {
  my $segment = shift;
  my $default = format_segment($segment) if $segment;
  return $CONF->setting('no search')
      ? '' : b(wiki_help('Landmark',$CONF->tr('Landmark'))).':'.br.
      textfield(-name=>'name', -size=>25, -value=>$default);

sub species_search {
  my $default = $CONF->page_settings("search_src");
  my %labels = map {$_=>$MAP->{$_}{desc}} keys %$MAP; 
  my $values  = [sort {$MAP->{$a}{desc} cmp $MAP->{$b}{desc}} grep {$MAP->{$_}{desc}} keys %labels];
  unshift @$values, '';

  my $onchange = "document.mainform.submit()";
  return b(wiki_help('Reference_Species',$CONF->tr('Genome to Search'))) . ':' . br .
		 -onchange => $onchange,
		 -name     =>'search_src',
		 -values   => $values,
		 -labels   => \%labels,
		 -default  => $default,
		 -override => 1

sub search_form {
  my $segment = shift;
  print start_form(-name=>'mainform',-method => 'post');

sub db_map {
  my %map;
  my @map = shellwords($CONF->setting('source_map'));
  while (my($symbol,$db,$desc) = splice(@map,0,3)) {
    $map{$symbol}{db}   = $db;
    $map{$symbol}{desc} = $desc;

sub _type_from_box {
  my $box = shift;
  my @type = split ':', $box->[0];
  my ($feature,$fname) = @type[0,-1];
  return ($feature,$fname);

sub draw_image {
  my ($page_settings,$hits,@species) = @_;
  my ($toggle_section,@hits);
  for my $species (@species) {
    push @hits, grep {$_->src2 eq $species} @$hits;
  my $src     = $CONF->page_settings("search_src");
  my $segment = $CONF->current_segment or return;
  my $max_segment = $CONF->setting('max_segment') || MAX_SEGMENT;

  if ( $segment->length > $max_segment) {
    my $units = $CONF->unit_label($max_segment);
    print h2("Sorry: the size of region $segment exceeds the maximum ($units)");

  my $max_gap = $segment->length * ($CONF->setting('max_span') || MAX_SPAN);

  # dynamically create synteny blocks
  @hits = aggregate(\@hits) if $CONF->page_settings("aggregate");
  # save the hits by name so we can access them from the name alone
  for (@hits) {
    $CONF->name2hit( $_->name => $_ );

  # relate hits into "span" sorted by target contig/chromosomes
  # %span = ( target_database,target_contig => { target, contig, start, end } } )
  my (%span,$hit2span,%instance);
  for my $h (sort {$a->tstart <=> $b->tstart} @hits) {
    my $src    = $h->src2;
    my $contig = $h->target;
    $instance{$src,$contig} ||= 0;
    my $key = join $;,$src,$contig,$instance{$src,$contig};

    # start a new span if the gap is too large 
    if ($span{$key} && ($h->tstart >= $span{$key}{end}+$max_gap)) {
      $key = join $;,$src,$contig,++$instance{$src,$contig};

    # Tally the plus and minus strand total.  We will flip the panel
    # if more aligned sequence is on the minus strand than the plus strand.
    # only count actual alignmnts (not aggregates).
    my $panel_flip = $CONF->panel_flip($key);
    if ($h->parts) {
      for my $p (@{$h->parts}) {
	$panel_flip->{$key}{yes} += ($p->tend - $p->tstart) if $p->tstrand eq '-';
	$panel_flip->{$key}{no}  += ($p->tend - $p->tstart) if $p->tstrand eq '+';
    else {
      $panel_flip->{$key}{yes} += ($h->tend - $h->tstart) if $h->tstrand eq '-';
      $panel_flip->{$key}{no}  += ($h->tend - $h->tstart) if $h->tstrand eq '+';

    $span{$key}{start} = $h->tstart
	if !defined $span{$key}{start} or $span{$key}{start} > $h->tstart;

    $span{$key}{end}   = $h->tend
	if !defined $span{$key}{end}   or $span{$key}{end}   < $h->tend;

    $contig =~ s/Superc/C/;
    $span{$key}{src}    ||= $src;
    $span{$key}{contig} ||= $contig;
    $span{$key}{tstart} ||= $h->start;
    $span{$key}{tend}   ||= $h->end;
    ($span{$key}{tstart}) = sort {$a<=>$b} ($h->start,$span{$key}{tstart});
    ($span{$key}{tend})   = sort {$b<=>$a} ($h->end,$span{$key}{tend});
    $hit2span->{$h} = $key;
    $hit2span->{$h->name} = $key;

  # get rid of tiny spans
  my $src_fraction = ($CONF->setting('min_alignment_size') || TOO_SMALL || 0) * $segment->length;
  my @unused_hits;
  unless ($CONF->page_settings("tiny")) {
    for my $key (keys %span) {
      my $too_short = ($span{$key}{end} - $span{$key}{start}) < $src_fraction
	  && ($span{$key}{tend} - $span{$key}{tstart}) < $src_fraction;
      if ($too_short) {
	delete $span{$key};
	push @unused_hits, grep { $hit2span->{$_} eq $key } @hits;
	@hits = grep { $hit2span->{$_} ne $key } @hits;

  # sort hits into upper and lower hits, based on this pattern:
  #   1    3    5    7      upper spans
  #   - - - - - - - - -     upper hits
  #   - - - - - - - - -     lower hits
  #   0    2    4    6      lower spans

  my (%hit_positions);
  my $pidx = 0;
  my %species = map {$_->src2 => 1} @hits;
  my %position = map {$_ => ++$pidx} sort keys %species;
  for my $h (sort {($b->end-$b->start)<=>($a->end-$a->start)} @hits) {
    my $src = $h->src2;
    my $span_key = $hit2span->{$h};
    $span{$span_key}{position} = $position{$src};
    $hit_positions{$h} ||= $span{$span_key}{position};
  # Create the middle (reference) panel
  my ($upper_ff,$lower_ff,%is_upper);
  # restrict segment to aligned sequence
  my $only_aligned = 0;
  if ($only_aligned && @hits) {
    my @coords = map {$_->start, $_->end} @hits;
    my $new_name = $segment->ref .':'.(min @coords).'..'.(max @coords);
    $segment = landmark2segment($page_settings,$new_name,$CONF->page_settings('search_src'));

  for my $h (@hits) {
    my $src = $h->src2;
    # keep track of the hits for mapping purposes
    $is_upper{$src} ||= $hit_positions{$h} % 2;
    my $ff       = $is_upper{$src} ? \$upper_ff : \$lower_ff;
    $$ff ||= Bio::Graphics::FeatureFile->new;

  my $orphan_hit = 0;
  for my $h (@unused_hits) {
    warn "I am an orphan! ".$h->start."..".$h->end."\n" if DEBUG;
    my $is_upper = ++$orphan_hit % 2;
    my $ff       = $is_upper ? \$upper_ff : \$lower_ff;
    $$ff ||= Bio::Graphics::FeatureFile->new;

  # base image width
  my $width = $CONF->page_settings('imagewidth') || $CONF->setting("imagewidth") || IMAGE_WIDTH;

  # but also allow for padding
  my $ip = $SCONF->setting('image_padding') || 0;
  my $pl = $SCONF->setting('pad_left')  || 0;
  my $pr = $SCONF->setting('pad_right') || 0;
  my $padding = ($pl || $ip) + ($pr || $ip);

  my ($ref_img,$ref_boxes) = segment2image($segment,
					     width           => $width - $padding,
					     features_top    => $upper_ff,
					     features_bottom => $lower_ff,
					     background      => 'white',
					   ) or die("no image");
  $width = $ref_img->width;

  my $ref_title = $MAP->{$src}{desc} . ' ' . format_segment($segment);

  # pad all of the span coordinates for a bit of regional context 
  for my $key (keys %span) {
    my $width = $span{$key}{end} - $span{$key}{start};
    $span{$key}{start} -= int $width/20;
    $span{$key}{end  } += int $width/20;

  # we now create panels and corresponding hit feature files for each of the small
  # panels
  my $refwidth     = $width;
  my $panel_count  = keys %span;
  my $panels_above = my @panels_above = grep { $span{$_}{position} % 2 } keys %span;
  my $panels_below = my @panels_below = grep {!($span{$_}{position} % 2) } keys %span;
  my $bases_above  = sum( map {$span{$_}{end} - $span{$_}{start}} @panels_above );
  my $bases_below  = sum( map {$span{$_}{end} - $span{$_}{start}} @panels_below );
  my ($pad_top,$pad_bottom) = (0,0);
  my ($img,$boxes);
  my $im_pad = $CONF->setting('interimage_pad') || INTERIMAGE_PAD;

  for my $key (keys %span) {
    my $panel_position   = $span{$key}{position};
    my $is_above         = $panel_position % 2;
    my $total_bases      = $is_above ? $bases_above : $bases_below;
    my $panels           = $is_above ? $panels_above : $panels_below;
    my $total_width      = $refwidth - $panels*3*$im_pad + $im_pad;
    my $src              = $span{$key}{src};
    my $contig           = $span{$key}{contig};
    my $end              = $span{$key}{end};
    my $start            = $span{$key}{start};
    my $bases            = $end - $start;
    my $name             = "$contig:$start..$end";
    my $segment          = landmark2segment($page_settings,$name,$src);
    my @relevant_hits    = grep {$hit2span->{$_} eq $key} @hits;

    my $rsegment = landmark2segment($page_settings,"$contig:$start..$end",$src);

    # width of inset panels scaled by size of target sequence
    $bases or next;
    my $scale = $bases/$total_bases;
    my $width = $total_width*$scale;

    my $ff    = Bio::Graphics::FeatureFile->new;
    add_hit_to_ff($rsegment,$ff,$_,$hit2span,'invert') foreach @relevant_hits;

    my $segment_args = {width => $width};
    if ($is_above) {
      $segment_args->{features_bottom} = $ff;
      $segment_args->{noscale} = 1;
    else {
      $segment_args->{features_top} = $ff;

    $segment_args->{flip}++ if panel_is_flipped($key,1);

    ($img,$boxes)     = segment2image($segment, $src, $segment_args);

    $img or next;
    $span{$key}{image} = $img;
    $span{$key}{boxes} = $boxes;
    $span{$key}{title} = $MAP->{$src}{desc};
    $span{$key}{title} .= ' (reverse)' if panel_is_flipped($key);

    $pad_top    = $img->height if $is_above  && $pad_top < $img->height;
    $pad_bottom = $img->height if !$is_above && $pad_bottom < $img->height;

  # total height is height of reference + pad_top + pad_bottom + VERTICAL_PAD pixels of spacing
  my $total_height = $ref_img->height + $pad_top + $pad_bottom;
  my $vertical_pad = $CONF->setting('vertical_pad') || VERTICAL_PAD;
  $total_height   += $vertical_pad   if $panels_above;
  $total_height   += $vertical_pad   if $panels_below;
  $total_height   += $im_pad;

  # create a master image for all panels
  my $gd = GD::Image->new($ref_img->width+2*$im_pad,$total_height+1,1) or return;
  my $white       = $gd->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
  my $black       = $gd->colorAllocate(0,0,0);
  my $cyan        = $gd->colorAllocate(0,255,255);
  my $translucent = $gd->colorAllocateAlpha(0,0,255,90);

  for my $key (keys %span) {
    my $color            = $CONF->setting($MAP->{$span{$key}{src}}{db}=>'color');
    # report missing config for the species if no color is found
    $color || die  <<END;
    No color configured for $MAP->{$span{$key}{src}}{db}.
    Check the \[$MAP->{$span{$key}{src}}{db}\] stanza in your main configuration file;
    my @colrgb = Bio::Graphics::Panel->color_name_to_rgb($color);
    $span{$key}{tcolor}  = $gd->colorAllocateAlpha(@colrgb,110);
    $span{$key}{bgcolor} = $gd->colorAllocateAlpha(@colrgb,115);
    $span{$key}{border}  = $gd->colorResolve(@colrgb);

  my $ref_top    = $panels_above ? $pad_top + $vertical_pad  : $im_pad;
  my $ref_bottom = $ref_top + $ref_img->height;

  # paste the individual panels into the picture
  my @map_items;
  my %x = ( above => $im_pad, below => $im_pad);

  # order the panels by hit order 
  my (@sorted_spans,%seen_span);
  for my $h (sort {$a->start <=> $b->start} @hits) {
    my $span = $hit2span->{$h};
    push @sorted_spans, $span if ++$seen_span{$span} == 1;

  my $max_height_above = max( map {eval{$span{$_}{image}->height}} grep {$span{$_}{position} % 2} @sorted_spans);
  my $max_height_below = max( map {eval{$span{$_}{image}->height}} grep {! ($span{$_}{position} % 2)} @sorted_spans);

  for my $key (@sorted_spans) {
    my $is_above = $span{$key}{position} % 2;
    my $img = $span{$key}{image} or next;
    my $xi = $is_above ? 'above' : 'below';
    my $max_height = $is_above ? $max_height_above : $max_height_below;
    my $img_y = $is_above ? $ref_top-$vertical_pad-$img->height : $ref_bottom+$vertical_pad ;
    my $msk_y  = $is_above ? $ref_top-$vertical_pad-$max_height : $img_y;
    $span{$key}{offsets} = [$x{$xi},$img_y];
    my @rect = ($x{$xi},$msk_y,$x{$xi}+$img->width,$msk_y+$max_height);

	if $img->width > 75;
    $x{$xi} += $img->width + $im_pad;
    my $name = "$span{$key}{contig}:$span{$key}{start}..$span{$key}{end}";
    push @map_items,Area({shape=>'rect',

  # middle row (reference)
  my @rect = ($im_pad,$ref_top,$im_pad+$ref_img->width,$ref_top+$ref_img->height);
  my $color   = $CONF->setting($MAP->{$src}{db}=>'color');
  $color ||= 'blue';
  my $bgcolor = $gd->colorAllocateAlpha(Bio::Graphics::Panel->color_name_to_rgb($color),110);
  my $border  = $gd->colorResolve(Bio::Graphics::Panel->color_name_to_rgb($color));
  my $title = $MAP->{$src}{desc} . ' (reference)';
  push @map_items,Area({shape=>'rect',

  # sort out the coordinates of all the hits so that we can join them
  # first the hits in the reference panel
  my (%ref_boxes,%panel_boxes);
  for my $box (@$ref_boxes) {
    ref $box or next;
    my ($feature,$fname) = _type_from_box($box);
    my @rect = ($im_pad+$box->[1],$ref_top+$box->[2],$im_pad+$box->[3],$ref_top+$box->[4]);
    if ($feature =~ /^match(_part)?$/) {
      $ref_boxes{$fname} = \@rect;		
    else {
      my %atts = %{$box->[5]};
      my $url = url();
      $url =~ s/gbrowse_syn.*$//;
      $atts{href} =~ s/\.\.\/\.\.\//$url/ if $atts{href};
      push @map_items,Area({shape=>'rect',coords=>join(',',@rect),%atts});
    $gd->rectangle(@rect,$black) if DEBUG;

  # now for the hits in each individual panel
  my %tcolors;
  for my $key (keys %span) {
    defined $span{$key}{offsets} or next;
    my ($left,$top) = @{$span{$key}{offsets}};
    my $boxes  = $span{$key}{boxes};
    for my $box (@$boxes) {
      ref $box or next;
      my ($feature,$fname) = _type_from_box($box);
      #next unless $feature =~ /^match(_part)?$/;
      my @rect = ($left+$box->[1],$top+$box->[2],$left+$box->[3],$top+$box->[4]);
      if ($feature =~ /^match(_part)?$/) {
        $panel_boxes{$fname} = \@rect;
      else {
        push @map_items, Area( {
	  shape  => 'rect',
	  coords => join(',',@rect),
      $tcolors{$fname} = $span{$key}{tcolor};

      $gd->rectangle(@rect,$black) if DEBUG;
  my %grid_line;
  my %gc;
  $gc{1} = $CONF->page_settings("pgrid") ? $gd->colorResolveAlpha(10,10,10,100) : $gd->colorResolveAlpha(10,10,10,70);
  $gc{3} = $gd->colorResolveAlpha(10,10,255,100);
  my $thickness = 3;

  my $grid_upper;
  for my $feature (keys %ref_boxes) { 
    next unless defined $ref_boxes{$feature} && defined $panel_boxes{$feature};
    my $hit = $CONF->name2hit($feature);
    next unless defined $hit;
    my $span = $hit2span->{$feature};
    my $flip =  !panel_is_flipped($span) && $CONF->flip($feature)
             ||  panel_is_flipped($span) && !$CONF->flip($feature);

    my ($rx1,$ry1,$rx2,$ry2) = @{$ref_boxes{$feature}};
    my ($px1,$py1,$px2,$py2) = @{$panel_boxes{$feature}};
    my $upper = $py2 < $ry1;    

    if ($CONF->page_settings("shading")) {
      my $poly = GD::Polygon->new();
      $upper = $py2 < $ry1;
      ($rx1,$rx2) = ($rx2,$rx1) if $flip;

      if ($upper) {
	$grid_upper ||= $ry2;
      else {

  my %within_a_pixel;
  # reloop to avoid mysterious alpha-channel interaction
  # between shading and grid-lines
  for my $feature (keys %ref_boxes) {
    next unless defined $ref_boxes{$feature} && defined $panel_boxes{$feature};
    next if $feature =~ /aggregate/;
    my $exact = $CONF->setting('grid coordinates');    
    $exact = $exact && $exact eq 'exact';

    next unless my $hit = $CONF->name2hit($feature);

    my $span = $hit2span->{$feature};
    my $flip =  !panel_is_flipped($span) && $CONF->flip($feature)
             ||  panel_is_flipped($span) && !$CONF->flip($feature);

    my ($rx1,$ry1,$rx2,$ry2) = @{$ref_boxes{$feature}};
    my ($px1,$py1,$px2,$py2) = @{$panel_boxes{$feature}};
    my $upper = $py2 < $ry1;

    my @grid_coords = $CONF->page_settings("pgrid") 
	? grid_coords( $hit,
		       $segment) : ();

    # add edges
    if ($CONF->page_settings("edge")) {
      unshift @grid_coords, $flip ? [$rx1,$px2] :  [$rx1,$px1];
      push @grid_coords, $flip ? [$rx2,$px1] :  [$rx2,$px2];

    my $tidx = 0;
    for my $pair (@grid_coords) {
      my ($x1,$x2) = @$pair;
      $grid_line{$x1}{thickness} = 1 if $exact;
      unless ($grid_line{$x1}{thickness}) {
	$thickness = ++$tidx == 5 ? 3 : 1;
	$tidx = 0 if $tidx == 5;
      else {
	$thickness = $grid_line{$x1}{thickness};
      if ($upper) {
	$grid_line{$x1}{top} ||= $ry2;
      else {
        my $pad = $im_pad;
	$grid_line{$x1}{bottom} ||= $ry1;
      $grid_line{$x1}{thickness} ||= $thickness;
  for my $g (keys %grid_line) {
    # skip the line if there is one already drawn
    # a pixel to the left or right;
    next if $within_a_pixel{$g-1} || $within_a_pixel{$g+1} || $within_a_pixel{$g};
    $within_a_pixel{$g} = 1;
    my $thickness = $grid_line{$g}{thickness};
    $grid_line{$g}{top}    ||= $grid_upper;#$ref_top;
    $grid_line{$g}{bottom} ||= $ref_bottom;
  my $url = $SCONF->generate_image($gd);
  my $label = $CONF->page_settings->{display} eq 'compact' ? # all
              'Details'                                    : # or a sub-set
               join(', ',@species);
  my $map_name = md5_hex($label);
  print toggle( $label,
		table( {-width=>'100%'},
		       Tr( td( {-align=>'center', -class => 'databody'},
			       img({-src=>$url,-border=>0,-usemap=>'#'.$map_name} )))
  my $map = Map({-name=>$map_name},reverse @map_items);
  $map =~ s/\</\n\</g;
  print $map;

sub segment2image {
  my ($segment,$src,$options) = @_;
  $segment or return;

  my $width       = $options->{width};
  my $hits_top    = $options->{features_top};
  my $hits_bottom = $options->{features_bottom};
  my $background  = $options->{background} || 'white';
  my $flip        = $options->{flip};

  my $dsn = $MAP->{$src}{db} or return;
  # make sure balloon tooltips are turned on 
  $SCONF->setting('GENERAL','balloon tips',1);

  my @tracks    = shellwords($CONF->setting($dsn => 'tracks'));
  my $ff_scale  = Bio::Graphics::FeatureFile->new;
  $ff_scale->add_type( SCALE => { fgcolor => 'black', 
				  glyph   => 'arrow',
				  tick    => 2,
				  double  => 0,
				  description => 0} );

  my @labels;
  if ($hits_top && $hits_bottom) {
    @labels = ('ff_top','ff_scale',@tracks,'ff_bottom');
  elsif ($hits_top) {
    @labels = ('ff_top','zz_scale',@tracks);
  elsif ($hits_bottom) {
    @labels = (@tracks,'ff_scale','ff_bottom');
  else {
    @labels = ('ff_scale',@tracks);

  my %ff_hash;
  $ff_hash{ff_top}    = $hits_top    if $hits_top;
  $ff_hash{ff_bottom} = $hits_bottom if $hits_bottom;

  # coerce correct track order in bottom panel
  my $scale_label = $hits_bottom && !$hits_bottom ? 'zz_scale' : 'ff_scale';
  $ff_hash{$scale_label}  = $ff_scale;

  my $im_pad = $CONF->setting('interimage_pad') || INTERIMAGE_PAD;

  # padding must be temporarily overridden for inset panels
  my ($pl,$pr);
  unless ($src eq $CONF->search_src()) {
    $pl = $SCONF->setting('pad_left');
    $pr = $SCONF->setting('pad_right');
    $SCONF->setting('general','pad_left'  => $im_pad);
    $SCONF->setting('general','pad_right' => $im_pad);

  $SCONF->setting('general','detail bgcolor'=> $background);

  my $title = $MAP->{$src}{desc};

  # cache no panels if some params change
  my $no_cache = [md5_hex(url(-query_string=>1))];

  landmark2segment() if _isref($segment);
  my ($img,$boxes) = $SCONF->render_panels( 
					      drag_n_drop => 0,
					      image_and_map => 1,
					      keystyle  => 'none',
					      segment   => $segment,
					      labels    => \@labels,
					      title     => $title,
					      -grid     => 0,
					      do_map    => 1,
					      noscale   => 1,
					      -flip     => $flip,
					      cache_extra => $no_cache, 

  # restore original padding
  unless ($src eq $CONF->search_src()) {
    $SCONF->setting('general','pad_left'  => $pl);
    $SCONF->setting('general','pad_right' => $pr);

  return ($img,$boxes,$segment);

sub _isref {
  my $segment = shift;
  return $segment->ref eq $CONF->page_settings('ref') &&
      $segment->start == $CONF->page_settings('start') &&
      $segment->stop  == $CONF->page_settings('stop'); 

sub format_segment {
  my $seg = shift;
  return $seg->ref.':'.$seg->start.'..'.$seg->end;

sub landmark2segment {
  my $settings = shift || $CONF->page_settings;
  my ($name,$source) = @_;
  if ($name && $source) {
  elsif ($CONF->page_settings("name")) {
    $name   = $CONF->page_settings("name");
  elsif ($CONF->page_settings("ref")) {
    $name  = $CONF->page_settings("ref") . ':';
    $name .= $CONF->page_settings("start") . ':';
    $name .= $CONF->page_settings("stop");

  $source ||= $CONF->page_settings("search_src");

  my $segment  = _do_search($name,$source) if $name && $source;

  # Did not find our segment?  Try the other species
  if (!$segment) {
    for my $src (grep {defined $_} @{$settings->{species}}) {
      next if $src eq $source;
      $segment = _do_search($name,$src) if $name;
      if ($segment) {
	$settings->{search_src} = $src;

  # remember our search!
  if ($segment && $source && $source eq $settings->{search_src}) {
    $settings->{"ref"}   = $segment->ref;
    $settings->{"start"} = $segment->start;
    $settings->{"stop"}  = $segment->end;
    $settings->{"name"}  = format_segment($segment);
  return $segment;

sub _do_search {
  my ($landmark,$src) = @_;
  my $dsn = $MAP->{$src}{db} or return undef;
  my $db = open_database();
  my ($segment) = grep {$_} $SCONF->name2segments($landmark,$db);
  return $segment;

sub warning {

sub add_hit_to_ff {
  my ($segment,$ff,$hit,$hit2span,$invert) = @_;
  my $flip_hit = $hit->tstrand eq '-';
  $CONF->flip($hit->name => 1) if $flip_hit;
  my @attributes = $flip_hit ? (-attributes => {flip=>1}) : ();

  my $src = $hit->src2;
  my $setcolor = $CONF->setting($MAP->{$src}->{db} => 'color');

		"match:$src" => {
		  bgcolor   => $setcolor,
		  fgcolor   => $setcolor,
		  height    => $CONF->setting('align_height') || ALIGN_HEIGHT,
		  glyph     => 'segments',
		  label     => 0,
		  box_subparts => 1,
		  connector => 'dashed',

  my $seqid  = $invert ? $hit->target  : $hit->seqid;
  my $strand = $invert ? $hit->tstrand : $hit->strand;
  my $start  = $invert ? $hit->tstart  : $hit->start;
  my $end    = $invert ? $hit->tend    : $hit->end;

  my $feature = Bio::Graphics::Feature->new(
					    -source   => $src,
					    -type     => 'match',
					    -name     => $hit->name,
					    -seq_id   => $seqid,
					    -strand   => $strand eq '-' ? -1 : 1,
					    -configurator => $ff

  my $parts = $CONF->{parts}->{$hit->name};

  if ($parts) {
    for my $part (@$parts) {
      $CONF->flip($part->name => 1) if $flip_hit;
      $hit2span->{$part->name} = $hit2span->{$hit};
      $CONF->name2hit($part->name => $part);

      my $start = $invert ? $part->tstart : $part->start;
      my $end   = $invert ? $part->tend : $part->end;
      my $subfeat = Bio::Graphics::Feature->new(
						-type     => 'match_part',
						-name     => $part->name,
						-start    => $start,
						-end      => $end,
						-strand   => $strand
  else {


sub adjust_container {
  my $h = shift;

  if ($h->parts) {
    my @coords = map {$_->tstart,$_->tend} @{$h->parts};
    my ($max,$min)  = (max(@coords),min(@coords));
    $h->tstart($min) if $h->tstart != $min;
    $h->tend($max)   if $h->tend   != $max;
    @coords = map {$_->start,$_->end} @{$h->parts};
    ($max,$min)  = (max(@coords),min(@coords));
    $h->start($min) if $h->start != $min;
    $h->end($max)   if $h->end   != $max;

  return $h;

sub navigation_table {
  my $segment = shift;
  my @species = @_;

  my ($table,$whole_segment);

  my $slidertable = '';
  if ($segment) {
    my $whole_segment = $CONF->whole_segment();
    my ($label)  = $CONF->tr('Scroll');
    $slidertable = $CONF->slidertable;
  elsif (my $name = $CONF->page_settings('name')) {
    $slidertable = "$name not found in ".($CONF->search_src||'NO SPECIES SELECTED');
    my $style = "font-size:90%;color:red";
    $slidertable = p(b(span({-style=>$style},$slidertable)));

  $CONF->section_setting(Instructions => 'open');
  $CONF->section_setting(Search => 'open');

  $table .= toggle( $CONF->tr('Instructions'),
			       br.'Select a Region to Browse and a Reference species:',
  my $html_frag = $INVALID_SRC ? '' : html_frag($segment,$CONF->page_settings);
  $table .= toggle( $CONF->tr('Search'),
                    table({-border=>0, -width => '100%', -cellspacing=>0},
                             td({-align=>'left', -colspan=>3},
			     td({-align=>'left', -width=>'30%'},
				 landmark_search($segment) . '&nbsp;' .
				 submit(-name=>$CONF->tr('Search')) .
				 reset(-name=>$CONF->tr('Reset'), -onclick=>"window.location='?reset=1'"),
				) .
			     td( {-colspan=>2, -valign=>'bottom'},
			  ) # end table
		    ); # end toggle section

  print $table,br;

sub expand_display {
  return '' if keys %$MAP < 4;
  my $options = [qw/expanded compact/];
  my $labels  = { expanded => 'ref. species plus 2',
		  compact  => 'all species in one panel' };
  my $default = ['expanded'];
  my $name    = 'display';

  b(' ', wiki_help("Display Mode",$CONF->tr('Display Mode')), ': ') .
  popup_menu({-name => $name, -labels => $labels, -values => $options, -default => $default});

sub options_table {
  my @onclick = ();
  my $radio_style = {-style=>"background:lightyellow;border:5px solid lightyellow", @onclick};
  my $space = '&nbsp;&nbsp';
  my @grid = (span($radio_style, option_check('Grid lines', 'pgrid'))) unless $SYNTENY_IO->nomap;

  print toggle( $CONF->tr('Display_settings'),
                table({-cellpadding => 5, -width => '100%', -border => 0, -class => 'searchtitle'},
                            b(wiki_help('Image Widths',$CONF->tr('Image widths')), ': '),
                            span( $radio_style, radio_group( -name   => 'imagewidth',
                                                             -values => [640,768,800,1024,1280],
                                                             @onclick ))
                            submit(-name => 'Update Image')
                         td( {-colspan => 3},
                             b(wiki_help('Image Options',$CONF->tr('Image options')), ': '),
                                 span($radio_style, option_check('Chain alignments', 'aggregate')),$space,
                                 span($radio_style, option_check('Flip minus strand panels', 'pflip')),$space,
                                 span($radio_style, option_check('Edges', 'edge')), $space,
                                 span($radio_style, option_check('Shading', 'shading')),

sub option_check {
  my $label = shift;
  my $name  = shift;
  $label = wiki_help($label,$CONF->tr($label));
  my $checked = $CONF->page_settings("$name") ? 'on' : 'off';
  return $label.' '.radio_group(-name => $name, -values => [qw/on off/], -default =>$checked);

sub source_menu {
  my $settings = shift;
  my @sources      = $CONF->sources;
  my $show_sources = $CONF->setting('show sources');
  $show_sources    = 1 unless defined $show_sources;   # default to true
  my $sources = $show_sources && @sources > 1;
  my $source = $CONF->get_source;
  return $sources ? b(wiki_help('Data Source',$CONF->tr('Data Source')), ': ') . br.
      popup_menu(-onchange => 'document.mainform.submit()',
		 -name   => 'source',
		 -values => \@sources,
		 -labels => { map {$_ => $CONF->description($_)} $CONF->sources},
		 -default => $source,		 
		 ) : $CONF->description($sources[0]);

sub aggregate {
  my $hits = shift;
  $CONF->{parts} = {};

  my @sorted_hits = sort { $a->target cmp $b->target || $a->tstart <=> $b->tstart} @$hits;

  my (%group,$last_hit);

  for my $hit (@sorted_hits) {
    if ($last_hit && belong_together($last_hit,$hit)) {
      push @{$group{$last_hit}}, $hit;
      $group{$hit} = $group{$last_hit};
    else {
      push @{$group{$hit}}, $hit;

    $last_hit = $hit;

  $hits = [];
  my %seen;
  for my $grp (grep {++$seen{$_} == 1} values %group) {
    if (@$grp > 1) {
      my @coords  = sort {$a<=>$b} map {$_->start,$_->end}   @$grp;
      my @tcoords = sort {$a<=>$b} map {$_->tstart,$_->tend} @$grp;
      my $hit = Legacy::DB::SyntenyBlock->new($grp->[0]->name."_aggregate");
      $hit->start(shift @coords);
      $hit->end(pop @coords);
      $hit->tstart(shift @tcoords);
      $hit->tend(pop @tcoords);
      $CONF->{parts}->{$hit->name} = $grp;
      push @$hits, $hit;
    else {
      push @$hits, $grp->[0];

  return @$hits;

sub belong_together { 
  my ($feat1,$feat2) = @_;
  my $max_gap = $CONF->setting('max_gap') || MAX_GAP;
  return unless $feat1->target  eq $feat2->target;  # same chromosome
  return unless $feat1->seqid   eq $feat2->seqid;   # same reference sequence
  return unless $feat1->tstrand eq $feat2->tstrand; # same strand                                                                                            
  if ($feat1->tstrand eq '+') {
    return unless $feat1->end < $feat2->end;   # '+' strand monotonically increasing                                                                            
  } else {
    return unless $feat1->end > $feat2->end;   # '-' strand monotonically decreasing                                                                            
  my $dist1 = abs($feat2->end - $feat1->start);
  my $dist2 = abs($feat2->tend - $feat1->tstart);
  return unless $dist2 < $max_gap && $dist1 < $max_gap;
  return $dist2;

sub overview_panel {
  my ($whole_segment,$segment) = @_;
  return '' if $SCONF->section_setting('overview') eq 'hide';
  my $image = overview($whole_segment,$segment);
  my $ref = $MAP->{$CONF->page_settings("search_src")}->{desc};
  return toggle('Overview',
		      TR(th("<center>Reference genome: <i>$ref</i></center>")),

sub overview {
  my ($region_segment,$segment) = @_;
  return unless $segment;
  my $width = $CONF->page_settings('imagewidth')   || IMAGE_WIDTH;
  $width *= $CONF->setting('overview_ratio') || OVERVIEW_RATIO;
  # the postgrid will be invoked to hilite the currently selected region
  my $postgrid = hilite_regions_closure([$segment->start,$segment->end,'yellow']);

  # reference genome
  my $ref = $MAP->{$CONF->page_settings("search_src")}->{desc};

  my ($overview)   = $CONF->render_panels(
						    length         => $segment->length,
						    section        => 'overview',
						    segment        => $region_segment,
						    postgrid       => $postgrid,
						    label_scale    => 2,
						    lang           => $SCONF->language,
						    keystyle       => 'left',
						    settings       => $CONF->page_settings(),
						    scale_map_type => 'centering_map',
						    cache_extra    => [$segment->start,$segment->end],
						    do_map         => 1,
						    drag_n_drop    => 0,
						    image_button   => 0,
						    -grid          => 0,
						    -pad_top       => 5,
						    -bgcolor       => $CONF->setting('overview bgcolor') || OVERVIEW_BGCOLOR,

  # make sure overview is busy with redirects
  #my $server =$ENV{SERVER_NAME};
  #if ($server) {
  #  $overview =~ s/src="/src="http:\/\/$server\//;

  return div({-id=>'overview',-class=>'track'},$overview);

sub toggle {
  my $title         = shift;
  my @body           = @_;

  my $id      = "\L${title}_panel\E";
  my ($label) = $CONF->tr($title)              or return '';
  my $state   = $CONF->section_setting($title) || 'open';
  return '' if $state eq 'off';
  my $settings = $CONF->page_settings;
  my $visible = exists $settings->{section_visible}{$id} ? $settings->{section_visible}{$id} : $state eq 'open';
  $settings->{section_visible}{$id} = $state eq 'open';

  return toggle_section({on=>$visible},

sub get_options {
  my $tracks_to_show = shift;
  my $settings = $CONF->page_settings;
  my %options    = map {$_=>$settings->{features}{$_}{options}} @$tracks_to_show;
  my %limits     = map {$_=>$settings->{features}{$_}{limit}}   @$tracks_to_show;
  return (\%options,\%limits);

sub hilite_regions_closure {
  my @h_regions = @_;

  return sub {
    my $gd     = shift;
    my $panel  = shift;
    my $left   = $panel->pad_left;
    my $top    = $panel->top;
    my $bottom = $panel->bottom;
    for my $r (@h_regions) {
      my ($h_start,$h_end,$h_color) = @$r;
      my ($start,$end) = $panel->location2pixel($h_start,$h_end);
      if ($end-$start <= 1) { $end++; $start-- } # so that we always see something

      # assuming top is 0 so as to ignore top padding

sub feature2segment {
  my $feature = shift;
  return $feature if ref $feature eq 'Bio::DB::GFF::RelSegment';
  my $refclass = $CONF->setting('reference class') || 'Sequence';
  my $db = open_database();
  my $version = eval {$_->isa('Bio::SeqFeatureI') ? undef : $_->version};
  return $db->segment(-class => $refclass,
		      -name  => $feature->ref,
		      -start => ($feature->start - int($feature->length/20)),
		      -stop  => ($feature->end + int($feature->length/20)),
		      -absolute => 1,
		      defined $version ? (-version => $version) : ());

sub segment2feature {
  my $segment = shift;
  my $ff      = shift;
  my $start = $segment->start;
  my $end   = $segment->end;
  my $type  = 'SCALE';
  return Bio::Graphics::Feature->new( -start    => $start,
				      -end      => $end,
				      -type     => $type,
				      -name     => $segment->ref,
				      -seq_id   => $segment->ref,
				      -configurator => $ff

sub expand {
  my $seq = shift;
  $seq =~ s/(\S)(\d+)/($1 x $2)/eg;
  return $seq;

sub remap_coordinates {
  my $hit     = shift;
  my $segment = shift || $CONF->current_segment;
  my $flip    = $hit->tstrand eq '-';

  return unless $hit->start < $segment->start || $hit->end > $segment->end;

  if ($hit->start < $segment->start) {
    my ($new_start,$new_tstart) = $SYNTENY_IO->get_nearest_position_match($hit,$hit->src1,$segment->start,1000);
    unless ($new_start) {
      ($new_start,$new_tstart) = guess_nearest_position_match($hit,$segment->start,$flip);
    if ($new_start) {
      my $hsp = $hit->parts->[0];
      $flip ? $hsp->tend($new_tstart) : $hsp->tstart($new_tstart);
  if ($hit->end > $segment->end) {
    my ($new_end,$new_tend) = $SYNTENY_IO->get_nearest_position_match($hit,$hit->src1,$segment->end,1000);
    unless ($new_end) {
      ($new_end,$new_tend) = guess_nearest_position_match($hit,$segment->end,$flip);
    if ($new_end) {
      my $hsp = $hit->parts->[-1];
      $flip ? $hsp->tstart($new_tend) : $hsp->tend($new_tend);
  $hit = adjust_container($hit);

# If we can't get a mapped coordinate, interpolate based
# on relative hit lengths
sub guess_nearest_position_match { 
  my $hit   = shift;
  my $coord = shift;
  my $flip  = shift;
  my $hlen = $hit->end - $hit->start;
  my $tlen = $hit->tend - $hit->tstart;
  my $lratio = $tlen/$hlen;
  my $hoffset = $coord - $hit->start;
  my $toffset = $lratio * $hoffset;
  my $WAG = int($flip ? $hit->tend - $toffset : $hit->tstart + $toffset);
  return ($coord,$WAG);

# take a vote to flip the panel: the majority strand wins
sub panel_is_flipped { 
  my $key = shift;
  return 0 unless $CONF->page_settings('pflip');
  my $panel_flip = $CONF->panel_flip($key);
  my $yes = $panel_flip->{$key}{yes} || 0;
  my $no  = $panel_flip->{$key}{no}  || 0;
  return $yes > $no;

# map the reference and target coordinates to pixel locations
# to draw gridlines
sub locations2pixels {
  my ($loc,$hit,$refbox,$hitbox,$flip,$loc2) = @_;
  #my $reversed = $hit->strand ne $hit->tstrand;

  my ($ref_location,$hit_location) = $loc && $loc2 ? ($loc,$loc2) : $SYNTENY_IO->get_nearest_position_match($hit,$hit->src1,$loc);
  unless ($ref_location && $hit_location) {
    ($ref_location,$hit_location) = guess_nearest_position_match($hit,$loc,$flip);
  $ref_location && $hit_location || return 0;

  $ref_location -= $hit->start if $ref_location;
  $hit_location -= $hit->tstart if $hit_location;

  my $ref_length = $hit->end - $hit->start;
  my $hit_length = $hit->tend - $hit->tstart;
  my $ref_pixels = $refbox->[2] - $refbox->[0];
  my $hit_pixels = $hitbox->[2] - $hitbox->[0];
  my $ref_conversion = $ref_length/$ref_pixels;
  my $hit_conversion = $hit_length/$hit_pixels || return 0;
  my $ref_pixel = $refbox->[0] + int($ref_location/$ref_conversion + 0.5);
  my $hit_pixel;

  if ($flip) {# && $reversed) {
    $hit_pixel = $hitbox->[2] - int($hit_location/$hit_conversion + 0.5);
  else {
    $hit_pixel = $hitbox->[0] + int($hit_location/$hit_conversion + 0.5);

  $ref_pixel = 0 if $ref_pixel < 0;
  $hit_pixel = 0 if $hit_pixel < 0;
  $hit_pixel = $hitbox->[0] if $hit_pixel < $hitbox->[0];
  $hit_pixel = $hitbox->[2] if $hit_pixel > $hitbox->[2];

  return [$ref_pixel,$hit_pixel];

sub grid_coords {
  my ($hit,$refbox,$hitbox,$flip,$segment) = @_;
  # don't bother if there are no coords in the database
  return () if $SYNTENY_IO->nomap;

  # exact coordinates if configured
  my $gcoords = $CONF->setting('grid coordinates') || 'AUTO';
  if ($gcoords eq 'exact') {
    return exact_grid_coords(@_);

  my $step = grid_step($segment) or return;
  my $start = nearest(100,$hit->start);
  $start += $CONF->page_settings("edge") ? $step : 100;

  my @pairs;
  my $offset = $start;
  until ($offset > $hit->end) {
    my $pair = locations2pixels($offset,$hit,$refbox,$hitbox,$flip);
    push @pairs, $pair if $pair;
    $offset += $step;

  return @pairs;

# Do not round off or scale, use the grid as provided
sub exact_grid_coords {
  my ($hit,$refbox,$hitbox,$flip,$segment) = @_;

  my $seq_pairs = [$SYNTENY_IO->grid_coords_by_range($hit,$CONF->page_settings->{search_src})];
  $seq_pairs = reorder_pairs($flip,$seq_pairs,1);

  my @pairs;
  for my $s (@$seq_pairs) {
    my $pair = locations2pixels($s->[0],$hit,$refbox,$hitbox,$flip,$s->[1]);
    push @pairs, $pair if $pair;

  return @pairs;

# unflip grid-lines for flipped opposite strand panels
sub reorder_pairs {
  my $flip  = shift;
  my $pairs = shift;
  my $force_even = shift;
  return $pairs if @$pairs > 1 && @$pairs % 2 && !$force_even;
  return [] if @$pairs == 1;
  return $pairs if !$flip;

  if (@$pairs % 2) {
    shift @$pairs;

  my $new_pairs = [];
  while (my $p1 = shift @$pairs) {
    my $p2 = shift @$pairs;
    push @$new_pairs, [$p1->[0],$p2->[1]];
    push @$new_pairs, [$p2->[0],$p1->[1]];
  return $new_pairs;

# will become more sophisticated ?
sub grid_step {
  my $segment = shift;
  return nearest(100,int($segment->length/75)) || 100;

sub my_path_info {
  my (undef,$path) = Legacy::Graphics::Browser::Util::_broken_apache_hack();
  my ($src) = $path =~ /([^\/]+)/;
  return $src;

sub page_settings {
  my $session
      = Legacy::Graphics::Browser::PageSettings->new( $CONF, param('id') );
  my $source = param('src') || param('source') || my_path_info() || $session->source;
  if (!$source) {
    ($source) = $CONF->sources;

  my $old_source    = $session->source($source);

  my $settings = get_settings($session);
  return ($settings,$session);

sub get_settings {
  my $session = shift;
  my $hash = $session->page_settings;
  default_settings($hash) if param('reset') or !%$hash;
  $hash->{id} = $session->id;
  return $hash;

sub default_settings {
  my $settings = shift;
  $settings ||= {};
  $settings->{width}       = $CONF->setting('default width') || $CONF->width;
  $settings->{source}      = $CONF->source;
  $settings->{v}           = $VERSION;
  $settings->{grid}        = 1;

  my %default = SETTINGS;
  foreach (keys %default) {
    $settings->{$_} ||= $default{$_};  

sub set_default_tracks {
  my $settings = shift;
  my @labels = $CONF->labels;
  $settings->{tracks} = \@labels;
  foreach (@labels) {
    $settings->{features}{$_} = { visible => 0, options => 0, limit => 0 };
  foreach ( $CONF->default_labels ) {
    $settings->{features}{$_}{visible} = 1;

sub _is_checkbox {
  my $option = shift;
  return grep {/$option/} qw/aggregate pgrid shading tiny pflip edge/;

sub adjust_settings {
  my $settings = shift;

  if ( param('reset') ) {
    %$settings = ();
    return default_settings($settings);

  $settings->{width} = param('width') if param('width');
  my $divider = $CONF->setting('unit_divider') || 1;

  # Update settings with URL params
  local $^W = 0; # kill uninitialized variable warning
  my %settings = SETTINGS;

  for my $option (keys %settings) {
    next if $option eq 'species';
    my $value = param($option);
    if ($value) {
      $value = undef if $value eq 'off';
      if ($option =~ /start|stop|end/) {
	next unless $value =~ /^[\d-]+/;
      # sigh
      $option = 'stop' if $option eq 'end';
      $settings->{$option} = $value;

  $settings->{name}       ||= "$settings->{ref}:$settings->{start}..$settings->{stop}"
      if defined $settings->{ref} && $settings->{start} && $settings->{stop};

  # expect >1 species
  my @species = param('species');
  if (!@species) {
    $settings->{species} = [keys %$MAP];
  else {
    $settings->{species} = \@species;

  param( name => $settings->{name} );

  if ( (request_method() eq 'GET' && param('ref'))
       (param('span') && $divider*$settings->{stop}-$divider*$settings->{start}+1 != param('span'))
       grep {/left|right|zoom|nav|regionview\.[xy]|overview\.[xy]/} param()
       ) {
    $settings->{name} = "$settings->{ref}:$settings->{start}..$settings->{stop}";
    param(name => $settings->{name});

  $settings->{name} =~ s/^\s+//; # strip leading
  $settings->{name} =~ s/\s+$//; # and trailing whitespace
  return 1;

sub _unique {
  my %seen;
  my $src = $CONF->search_src || '';
  my @list = grep {!$seen{$_}++} grep {$_} @_;
  return grep {$_ ne $src} @list;  

# nearest function appropriated from Math::Round
sub nearest {
  my $targ = abs(shift);
  my $half = 0.50000000000008;
  my @res  = map {
    if ($_ >= 0) { $targ * int(($_ + $half * $targ) / $targ); }
    else { $targ * POSIX::ceil(($_ - $half * $targ) / $targ); }
  } @_;

  return (wantarray) ? @res : $res[0];

# cetralized help via the the GMOD wiki or a defined URL
sub wiki_help {
  my $label = shift;
  my @body  = shift || $label;
  my $url   = HELP;
  (my $blabel = $label) =~ s/_/ /g;
  $label =~ s/\s+/_/g;
  return a({ 
	-href => "${url}#${label}", 
	-target => '_wiki_help',
	-onmouseover => "balloon.showTooltip(event,'Click for more information about <b><i>$blabel</i></b>')"},

sub segment_info {
  my ($settings,$segment) = @_;
  my $whole_segment = $CONF->whole_segment($segment);
  my $padl   = $CONF->setting('pad_left')  || $CONF->image_padding;
  my $padr   = $CONF->setting('pad_right') || $CONF->image_padding;
  my $max    = $CONF->setting('max segment') || MAX_SEGMENT;
  my $width  = ($settings->{width} * OVERVIEW_RATIO);

  hide(image_padding        => $padl);
  hide(max_segment          => $max);
  hide(overview_start       => $whole_segment->start);
  hide(overview_stop        => $whole_segment->end);
  hide(overview_pixel_ratio => $whole_segment->length/$width);
  hide(overview_width       => $width + $padl + $padr);
  hide(detail_start         => $segment->start);
  hide(detail_stop          => $segment->end);
  hide(overview_width       => $width + $padl + $padr);

sub hide {
  my ($name,$value) = @_;
  print hidden( -name     => $name,
                -value    => $value,
                -override => 1 ), "\n";