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# $Id$

=head1 NAME

Bio::Graphics::Browser2::GFFhelper -- Helps gbrowse plugins handle GFF


  package Bio::Graphics::Browser2::Plugin::MyPlugin;

  use vars qw/@ISA $ROLLBACK/;

  @ISA = qw/ Bio::Graphics::Browser2::Plugin 
             Bio::Graphics::Browser2::GFFhelper /;

  $ROLLBACK = '/tmp/';

  # other plugin subs skipped...

  sub save_segment {
    my ($self, $segment) = @_;
    return 0 unless $ROLLBACK;
    $self->{rb_loc} ||= $ROLLBACK;

  sub gff_from_rollback {
    my $self = shift;
    my $conf = $self->configuration;

    # don't save a persistent rb_id, look for a CGI param each time
    my $rollback = $self->config_param('rb_id');

    my $gff = $self->rollback($rollback);

    # this is a rollback to an earlier version of an existing segment
    # we don't need DNA, just the GFF

  # read GFF2 dialects
  sub gff {
    my $self = shift;
    my $gff  = shift;

    # set a flag to add a header to the GFF
    $self->{header} = 1;

    # set sequence name in case the GFF does not have it

    # process the GFF, convert it to GFF3, get the sequence
    my ($newGFF, $dna) = $self->read_gff($gff);
    return ($newGFF, $dna);


This modules helps process GFF prior to loading into the database and provides
rollback capability for feature editors/loaders

=head2 GFF help

This module deals with the different GFF2 dialects and changes 
them to GFF3 format. It also allows conversion of Bio::DB::GFF::Feature 
objects to Bio::SeqFeature::Generic objects, which is required for consistent
feature and attribute handling across different input/output formats.

=head2 Sequence Extraction

If DNA is appended to the GFF, it will be extracted.  The read_gff 
method returns a string containing processed GFF and also a sequence 

=head2 Rollbacks

The state of a segment can be captured and saved in case the user 
wishes to revert to an earlier version of the segment after 
editing/deleting features.  The last 10 modified segments are saved 
in a round-robin rotation.  In plugins that inherit 
methods from this module, the $ROLLBACK variable must be defined 
with a string containing the path to a directory where the web 
user ('apache', 'nobody', etc.) has write access.  If $ROLLBACK 
is undefined, the rollback functionality is disabled.


See the GMOD website for information on bug submission

=head1 AUTHOR - Sheldon McKay


This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL (either
version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic
License 2.0.  Refer to LICENSE for the full license text. In addition,
please see DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty.


package Bio::Graphics::Browser2::GFFhelper;

use strict;
use IO::String;
use Bio::Root::Root;
use CGI qw/:standard/;
use Bio::DB::GFF::Homol;
use Bio::SeqFeature::Generic;
use Storable qw/store retrieve/;

use Data::Dumper;

use vars qw/ @ISA /;

@ISA = qw/ Bio::Root::Root /;

sub read_gff {
    my ($self, $text) = @_;
    $self->throw("No GFF to parse") unless $text;
    my $seqid = $self->refseq;

    my (@seq, $gff) = ();

    # give up if the GFF is not correctly formatted
    $self->throw("This does not look like GFF to me\n$text")
	if $text !~ /^(\S+\s+){7}\S+/m || $text =~ /^LOCUS|^FT/m;
    for ( split "\n", $text ) {
	# save the sequence
	push @seq, $_ and next if /^>/ || !/\S\s+\S/;

	# interpret the header
	if ( /\#\#sequence-region\s+(\S+)\s+(-?\d+)\s+(-?\d+)/ ) {
        # save the GFF
	$gff .= $_ . "\n" if /\S\s+\S/ && !/^(>|##)/;

    # dump fasta header and assemble the sequence
    shift @seq if @seq && $seq[0] =~ />/;
    $self->seq(join '', @seq);

    # make sure the sequence name and range are defined
    unless ( $self->start && $self->end && $self->refseq) {

    return $self->fix_gff($gff);

# Create a list of pseudo Bio::DB::GFF::Feature objects
# the attributes will be saved as a hash rather
# than a canned database query
sub parse_gff {
    my ($self, $gff) = @_;
    my @feats = ();
    for ( split "\n", $gff ) {
	next if /^\#\#/ || !/\t/ || /reference\tcomponent/i;
        push @feats, $self->parse_gff_line($_);

sub parse_gff_line {
    my ($self, $gff_line) = @_;
    my $groupobj;
    my $seqid = $self->refseq;
    my $db = $self->database;
    $gff_line =~ s/\"//g;

    my ( $ref, $source, $method, $start, $stop, 
         $score, $strand, $phase, $group) = split "\t", $gff_line;
    next unless defined($ref) && defined($method) && defined($start) && defined($stop);
    foreach (\$score,\$strand,\$phase) {
	undef $$_ if $$_ eq '.';
    $seqid ||= $ref;

    $db->preferred_groups(['gene', 'mRNA']);
    my ($gclass,$gname,$tstart,$tstop,$attributes) = $db->split_group($group);
    # create a group or target object
    if ( $tstart && $tstop ) {
	$groupobj = FakeHomol->new($gclass,$gname,$tstart,$tstop);
    elsif ( $gname && $gclass ) {
	$groupobj = Bio::DB::GFF::Featname->new($gclass,$gname);

    # create a Bio::DB::GFF::Feature
    my @args = ( undef, $seqid, $start, $stop, $method );
    push @args, ($source, $score, $strand, $phase, undef );
    my $f = Bio::DB::GFF::Feature->new(@args);
    $f->group($groupobj) if $groupobj;
    # save the attributes!
    $f->{attributes} = $attributes;

# rework the GFF feature attributes into GFF3
sub new_gff_string {
    my ($self, $f, $version) = @_;
    $f->version($version || 3);
    my @gff = split "\t", $f->gff_string(1);
    my $segment = $self->segments->[0];
    my $source = $self->{source} || $f->source_tag;
    my $refseq = $self->refseq   || $segment->ref;
    my $atts   = $f->{attributes};
    $gff[1] = $source if $source;
    $gff[0] = $refseq if $refseq;
    chomp $gff[-1];

    my @group_field;
    for ( @$atts ) {
	push @group_field, _escape($_->[0]) . '=' . _escape($_->[1]);
    my $group_field = join ';', @group_field;

    my $gff = join "\t", @gff;
    if ( $group_field ) {
	$gff .= $f->class ? ";$group_field" : "\t$group_field";


sub fix_gff {
    my ($self, $gff) = @_;

    # convert features to Bio::SeqFeature::Generic objects
    my @feats = $self->parse_gff($gff);

    # rebuild the GFF as GFF3
    my @gff = map { $self->new_gff_string($_) } @feats;    
    # add a header if required
    unshift @gff, $self->gff_header(3) if $self->{header};
    return (join "\n", @gff) . "\n";

sub gff_header {
    my $self  = shift;
    my $ver   = shift || 3;
    my $exists = shift;
    my $date  = localtime;
    my $start = $self->start || 0; 
    my $end   = $self->end || 0;
    my $ref   = $self->refseq;
    my $seq   = $self->seq || '';
    $start = 1 if $start > 1;
    $end   = (length $seq) + 1 if $end < length $seq;

    my $header = "##gff-version $ver\n##date $date\n";
    # don't give this line if the segment exists
    $header   .= "##sequence-region $ref $start $end\n" unless $exists;
    $header .= "##source";

sub origin {
    my ($self, $gff) = @_;
    my $desc  = $self->{desc};
    my $start = 1;
    my $end   = length $self->seq;
    my $ref   = $self->refseq;
    my $src   = $self->{source};
    my $group = "ID=Accession:$ref";
    $group .= ';Note=' . _escape($desc) if $desc;
    $gff . join ("\t", $ref, $src, 'origin', $start, $end, '.', '.', '.', $group);

# convert the feature into a Bio::SeqFeature::Generic object
sub gff2Generic {
    my ($self, $f) = @_;

    my $feat = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new( -primary_tag => $f->primary_tag,
					      -source_tag  => $f->source_tag,
					      -phase       => $f->phase,
					      -score       => $f->score,
					      -start       => $f->start,
					      -end         => $f->end,
					      -strand      => $f->strand );

    my $att = $self->process_attributes($f);
    for my $t ( keys %$att ) {
        my @v = (ref $att->{$t}) ? @{$att->{$t}} : ($att->{$t});
	for my $v ( @v ) {
	    $feat->add_tag_value( $t => $v );

sub process_attributes {
    my ($self, $f) = @_;

    my $att = $f->attributes || $self->{missing_attributes};

    # handle GFF2.5 targets
    if ( my $t = $f->target ) {
	my $tclass = $t->class;
	my $tname  = $t->name;
	$att->{Target} = "$tclass:$tname";
	$att->{tstart} = [$t->start];
	$att->{tend}   = [$t->end];
    elsif ( $f->group )  {
	my $class = $f->class;
	my $name  = $f->name;
	push @{$att->{$class}}, $name if $class && $name;
    for ( keys %$att ) {
        # make sure the value is an array ref
	my $V = $att->{$_};
	$V = [$V] unless ref $V; 
	for my $v ( @{$V} ) {
	    $v =~ s/;/,/g;
	    $v =~ s/\"|\s+$//g;


# Sequence attribute getter/setters 
*ref = *refseq;
sub refseq {
    my ($self, $id) = @_;
    return $self->{seq}->{id} unless $id;
    $self->{seq}->{id} = $id;

sub start {
    my ($self, $start) = @_;
    return $self->{seq}->{start} unless $start;
    $self->{seq}->{start} = $start;

sub end {
    my ($self, $end) = @_;
    return $self->{seq}->{end} unless $end;
    $self->{seq}->{end} = $end;

sub seq {
    my ($self, $seq) = @_;
    return $self->{seq}->{seq} unless $seq;
    $self->{seq}->{seq} = $seq;

# we need to get the sequence name and range if it was not specified
# elsewhere
sub get_range {
    my ($self, $gff ) = @_;
    my @nums = ();

    for ( split "\n", $gff ) {
        next if /\#/;
	my @word = split "\t", $_;
	next if !$word[3] || !$word[4];
	    unless $word[0] =~ /\.|SEQ/ || $self->refseq;
	push @nums, @word[3,4] if $word[3] =~ /^\d+$/ && $word[4] =~ /^\d+$/;

    # give up if the sequence has no name
    $self->throw("A Sequence ID is required for this GFF file")
	unless $self->refseq;
    my @sorted = sort { $a <=> $b } @nums if @nums;

# Rollback functions

sub save_state {
    my ($self, $segment) = @_;
    $segment || $self->throw('No segment');
    my $path = $self->{rb_loc};
    $path .= '/' unless $path =~ /\/$/;
    my $file = $path . 'rollback';
    my $key  = $segment . ' ' . localtime;

    my $cache  = -e $file ? retrieve( $file ) : {}; 
    $cache->{$key}->{timestamp} = time;
    $cache->{$key}->{gff} = [];

    my @feats = grep {
	$_->start >= $segment->start - 1 &&
	$_->end   <= $segment->end + 1  &&
	lc $_->method ne 'component';
    } $segment->features;

    for ( @feats ) {
	push @{$cache->{$key}->{gff}}, $_->gff3_string;

    # limit the number of saved segments to 10
    my @keys = _keys_by_date($cache);
    if ( @keys > 10 ) {
	my $count;
	for ( @keys ) {
            next unless ++$count > 9;
	    delete $cache->{$_};   

    store $cache, $file;

# return a list of keys, newest first
sub _keys_by_date {
    my $h = shift;
    return map  { $_->[1] } 
           sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] }
           map  { [$h->{$_}->{timestamp}, $_] } 
           keys %$h;

# retrieves a cached segment or a list of saved segments
sub rollback {
    my ($self, $key) = @_;
    my $path = $self->{rb_loc};
    $path .= '/' unless $path =~ /\/$/;
    my $file = $path . 'rollback';
    -e $file || return '';
    my $cache = retrieve( $file );

    if ( $key ) {
        my @gff = @{$cache->{$key}->{gff}};
	return $self->gff_header(3,1) . "\n" . join '', @gff;
    else {
	return _keys_by_date($cache);

# called by configure_form methods if req'd
sub rollback_form { 
    my ($self, $msg, $filter) = @_;

    # make sure we only get what we want to see
    my @keys = $filter ? grep { /$filter/ } $self->rollback 
                       : $self->rollback;
    @keys || return '';

    my $rb   = $self->config_name('rb_id');

    # first menu item empty
    unshift @keys, '';

    my $help = a( { -onclick => "alert('$msg')",
		    -href    => "javascript:void(0)",
		    -title   => "help" }, ' [?]' );

    return table( 
		   Tr( { -class => 'searchtitle' },
			td( font( { -color => 'black' }, 
			    b('Restore saved segment') )),
			td( { -class => 'searchbody' },
			    h3( popup_menu ( -name   => $rb,
					     -values => \@keys ), $help))


# internal method stolen from Bio::DB::GFF
# GFF3-ify our attributes
sub _escape {
    my $self = shift;
    my $toencode = shift || $self;
    $toencode    =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_. :?^*\(\)\[\]@!-])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg;
    $toencode    =~ tr/ /+/;


package FakeHomol;

sub new {
    my $caller = shift;
    my ( $class, $name, $start, $stop ) = @_;
    my $self   = { class => $class,
                   name  => $name,
	           start => $start,
                   stop  => $stop };
    return bless $self;

sub start {
    my ($self, $start) = @_;
    $self->{start} ||= $start;

*stop = *end;
sub end {
    my ($self, $end) = @_;
    $self->{stop} ||= $end;

sub class {
    my ($self, $class) = @_;
    $self->{class} ||= $class;

sub name {
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    $self->{name} ||= $name;
