The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.

eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl  -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell

eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl  -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell

eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl  -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell

eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl  -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell

use strict;
use warnings;

# $Id$

use Bio::Graphics::Browser2;

my $fcgi = Bio::Graphics::Browser2::Render->fcgi_request;
if ($fcgi) {

    my $FCGI_DONE = 0;
    $SIG{USR1} = $SIG{PIPE} = $SIG{TERM} = sub {
	my $sig  = shift;
	my $time = localtime;
	print STDERR "[$time] [notice] DAS FastCGI process caught sig$sig. Exiting... (pid $$)\n";
	$FCGI_DONE = 1;

    my %sys_env = %ENV;
    while (!$FCGI_DONE) {
	my $status = $fcgi->Accept;
	next unless $status >= 0;
        %ENV = ( %sys_env, %ENV );
	my $globals = Bio::Graphics::Browser2->open_globals;

else {
    my $globals = Bio::Graphics::Browser2->open_globals;

exit 0;

package GBrowse2::Das;

use Carp;
use strict;
use Bio::Graphics::Browser2::Region;
use Bio::Graphics::Browser2::RegionSearch;
use Bio::Graphics::Browser2::DataSource;
use Bio::Graphics::Browser2::RenderPanels;  # just for make_link method
use Bio::Graphics::Browser2::Util 'shellwords';
use Bio::DB::GFF;
use File::Spec;
use Date::Parse;
use Date::Format;

use CGI qw/header path_info param url request_method escapeHTML/ ;

use constant DAS_VERSION => 'DAS/1.50';
use constant SO          => 
use constant CAPABILITIES => 
    join '; ',qw(error-segment/1.0 unknown-segment/1.0 unknown-feature/1.0
					  feature-by-id/1.0 group-by-id/1.0 sources/1.0
                                          dna/1.0 features/1.0 stylesheet/1.1 types/1.0
                                          entry_points/1.0 dsn/1.0 sequence/1.0
use constant INVALID_SOURCE
    =>'invalid data source; use the sources or dsn command to get list';

use constant INVALID_OP    
    =>'invalid request; please append a command such as /types to this URL';

use constant ERRCODES => {
    200 => 'OK',
    400 => 'Bad command',
    401 => 'Bad data source',
    402 => 'Bad command arguments',
    403 => 'Bad reference object',
    404 => 'Bad stylesheet',
    405 => 'Coordinate error',
    500 => 'Internal server error (oops)',
    501 => 'Unimplemented feature',

use constant CACHE_STYLESHEET=> 0;


sub new {
    my $class   = shift;
    my $globals = shift;
    return bless {globals => $globals},ref $class || $class;

sub globals    { shift->{globals} }
sub render     { shift->{render}  }
sub datasource { shift->{dsn}     }
sub track      { shift->{track}   }

sub set_track  { shift->{track} = shift }
sub set_datasource {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $dsn    = shift;
    my $track;

    if ($dsn =~ /(.+)\|(.+)/) { # composite
	$dsn   = $1;
	$track = $2;
    my $source = $self->globals->create_data_source($dsn);

    if (!$source) {

    if (!$track) {

    if ($track && !$source->setting($track => 'das category')) {

    $self->{track} = $track;
    $self->{dsn}   = $source;

sub run {
    my $self   = shift;
    my (undef,$dsn,$operation) = split '/',path_info();
    $self->dispatch($operation || $dsn,$dsn);

sub dispatch {
    my $self      = shift;
    my ($op,$dsn) = @_;

    do { $self->error_header(INVALID_OP,400); return } unless $op;

    do { $self->list_dsns();    return } if $op eq 'dsn';
    do { $self->list_sources(); return } if $op eq 'sources';

    # all other arguments expect a valid data source
    do { $self->list_sources(); return } if $op eq $dsn;
    do { $self->stylesheet();   return } if $op eq 'stylesheet';
    do { $self->entry_points(); return } if $op eq 'entry_points';
    do { $self->types();        return } if $op eq 'types';
    do { $self->features();     return } if $op eq 'features';
    do { $self->dna();          return } if $op eq 'dna';

    # if we get here we got an operation we don't understand

sub error_header {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($message,$code) = @_;
    $code ||= 500;
    print header(-type          =>'text/plain',
		 -Access_Control_Allow_Origin => '*',
		 -Access_Control_Expose_Headers => 'X-DAS-Version, X-DAS-Status, X-DAS-Capabilities, X-DAS-Server',
		 -X_DAS_Version => DAS_VERSION,
		 -X_DAS_Status  => "$code ".ERRCODES->{$code},
		 -X_DAS_Capabilities => CAPABILITIES,
	) unless $self->{header}++;
    return if request_method() eq 'HEAD';
    print $message,"\n";

sub ok_header {
    my $self = shift;
    print header(-type          =>'text/xml',
		 -Access_Control_Allow_Origin => '*',
		 -Access_Control_Expose_Headers => 'X-DAS-Version, X-DAS-Status, X-DAS-Capabilities, X-DAS-Server',
		 -X_DAS_Version => DAS_VERSION,
		 -X_DAS_Status  => '200 '.ERRCODES->{200},
		 -X_DAS_Server       => "GBrowse/$Bio::Graphics::Browser2::VERSION",
		 -X_DAS_Capabilities => CAPABILITIES,
	) unless $self->{header}++;

sub list_dsns {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $globals = $self->globals;
    my $j = ' 'x3;

  print qq(<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>\n<!DOCTYPE DASDSN SYSTEM "">\n);
    my $self_url = url(-full=>1);
    $self_url    =~ s/dsn.*$//;

    print "<DASDSN>\n";

    for my $dsn (sort $globals->data_sources) {
	my $source = $globals->create_data_source($dsn);

	if (my $mapmaster = $source->setting('das mapmaster')) {
	    $mapmaster = "$self_url/$dsn" if $mapmaster eq 'SELF';

	    for my $track ($source->labels) {

		next if $track =~ /:/;
		next unless $source->setting($track=>'das category');

		my $citation    = $source->setting($track=>'citation');
		my $key         = $source->setting($track=>'key');
		my $description = $source->description($dsn)."; $track track";
		$description   .= "; $key"      if $key;
		$description   .= "; $citation" if $citation;
                $description    = _xml_escapeASCII(   $description );
                $description    = _xml_escapeLiteral( $description );
		print "$j<DSN>\n";
		print qq($j$j<SOURCE id="$dsn|$track">$dsn|$track</SOURCE>\n);
		print qq($j$j<MAPMASTER>),$mapmaster,qq(</MAPMASTER>\n);
		print qq($j$j<DESCRIPTION>),$description,qq(</DESCRIPTION>\n);
		print "$j</DSN>\n";
    print "</DASDSN>\n";

# escape functions cribbed from XML::Writer (which is public domain)
sub _xml_escapeLiteral {
  my $data = $_[0];
  if ($data =~ /[\&\<\>\"]/) {
    $data =~ s/\&/\&amp\;/g;
    $data =~ s/\</\&lt\;/g;
    $data =~ s/\>/\&gt\;/g;
    $data =~ s/\"/\&quot\;/g;
  return $data;

sub _xml_escapeASCII($) {
    my $data = shift;
    $data =~ s/([^\x00-\x7F])/sprintf('&#x%X;', ord($1))/ge;
    return $data;

sub list_sources {
    my $self = shift;

    my $globals = $self->globals;

    my $j = ' 'x3;

    print <<END;
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>

    my $self_url = url(-full=>1);
    $self_url    =~ s/sources.*$//;

    my @sources  = $self->datasource ? $self->datasource 
                                     : sort $globals->data_sources;

    print "<SOURCES>\n";

    for my $dsn (sort $globals->data_sources) {
	my $source = $globals->create_data_source($dsn);

	my $sourceinfo = ($source->setting('das source') || 
	    or  next;

	my %a = $sourceinfo =~ m/-(\w+)\s+([^-].+?(?= -[a-z]|$))/g;
	for (keys %a) { $a{$_} =~ s/\s+$// }; # trim
	for (qw(maintainer created coordinates authority source testrange)) {
	    next if exists $a{$_};
	    warn "'das source' option requires mandatory '$_' field; skipping\n";
	    next SOURCE;
	my $created;
	    local $^W = 0;  # to quench uninit warnings from Date::Parser
	    my @time    = strptime($a{created});
	    @time       = localtime unless @time;
	    $created = strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%T%z",@time) || '';
	my $version = $a{version} || $a{coordinates_version} || '';
	my @tracks = $self->track ? $self->track : sort $source->labels;
	for my $track (@tracks) {
	    next unless $source->setting($track=>'das category');

	    my $citation    = CGI::escapeHTML($source->setting($track=>'citation'));
	    my $key         = CGI::escapeHTML($source->setting($track=>'key'));
	    my $title       = CGI::escapeHTML($source->description($dsn));
	    my $description = $source->description($dsn)."; $track track";
	    $description   .= "; $key"      if $key;
	    $description   .= "; $citation" if $citation;
	    $description    = CGI::escapeHTML(CGI::unescapeHTML($description));
	    my $authority   = CGI::escapeHTML($a{authority});
	    $authority     .= "_$version" if $version;
	    my $base        = url();
	    $base           =~ s/\?$//;
	    my $maintainer  = CGI::escapeHTML($a{maintainer});
	    my $uri = CGI::escape($dsn).'|'.CGI::escape($track);
	    print <<END;
     <SOURCE uri="$uri" title="$key" description="$description">
        <MAINTAINER email="$maintainer" />
        <VERSION uri="$dsn|$track" created="$created">
  	  <COORDINATES uri="$a{coordinates}" authority="$a{authority}" test_range="$a{testrange}" taxid="$a{taxid}" version="$version" source="$a{source}">$authority,$a{source},$a{species}</COORDINATES>

	    for ('types','features','entry_points','stylesheet') {
		print <<END;
          <CAPABILITY type="das1:$_" query_uri="$base/$dsn|$track/$_" />
	    print  <<END;
    print "</SOURCES>\n";

sub stylesheet {
    my $self       = shift;
    my $globals    = $self->globals;
    my $source     = $self->datasource;

    my $cache_file = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->tmpdir,
    if (CACHE_STYLESHEET && -e $cache_file) {
	my $cache_mtime = (stat(_))[9];
	if ($cache_mtime >= $source->mtime) {
	    open my $f,$cache_file or die "$cache_file: $!";
	    print while <$f>;
	    close $f;

    my $stylesheet = $self->_stylesheet();
    if (open my $f,'>',$cache_file) {
	print $f $stylesheet;
	close $f;
    print $stylesheet;

sub _stylesheet {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $source = $self->datasource;
    my $track  = $self->track;

    my ($category2type,$type2category) = $self->categories;

    my %default_style       = $source->default_style;
    $default_style{-link} ||= $source->setting(general=>'link');

    my $stylesheet =  <<END;
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<STYLESHEET version="1.0">

    local $^W=0;
    my %valid_attributes = map {$_=>1}
    qw(height fgcolor bgcolor label bump parallel linewidth style font
                         fontsize linewidth direction);
    my %boolean_attributes = map {$_=>1} qw(label bump parallel);

    for my $cat ('default',keys %{$category2type}) {

	$stylesheet .= qq(  <CATEGORY id="$cat">\n);

	my (%seenit,%doneit);
	my @types = grep {!$seenit{$_}++} exists $category2type->{$cat} 
	             ? @{$category2type->{$cat}} 
	             : 'default|default';

	for my $toplevel (@types) {

	    my $db         = $source->open_database($track);
	    my $subtypemap = $self->expand_types($db,$toplevel);
	    for my $type ('default',keys %$subtypemap) {

		my $forced_type = $source->setting($track=>'das type');
		my $typeid = $type eq 'default' 
		                ? 'default' 
			        : ($forced_type || $self->guess_type($type));
		next if $doneit{$typeid}++;

		my ($glyph,%style);

		my %type_style = $source->style($track);

		%style = (%default_style,map {ref $type_style{$_}
					     ? ()
					     : ($_=>$type_style{$_})
			  } keys %type_style);

		delete $style{-feature};
		delete $style{-feature_low};
		delete $style{-link} if $style{-link} eq 'AUTO';

		my $parts = $subtypemap->{$type};

		my %style_hint;

		if (defined $parts && $parts > 0) { # a group!
		    next unless $cat eq 'group';
		    ($glyph,%style_hint) = $self->guess_glyph($style{-glyph},1);
		    if ($style{-glyph} eq 'gene' && $type eq $toplevel) {
			$glyph = 'HIDDEN' ;
			%style = %style_hint = ();
		    %style = (%style,%style_hint);
		else {
		    next if $cat eq 'group';
		    ($glyph,%style_hint) = $style{'-das glyph'} ? ($style{'-das glyph'})
                                                                : $self->guess_glyph($style{-glyph});
		    $glyph ||= 'box';

		$stylesheet .= qq(     <TYPE id="$typeid" label="$type">\n);

		$stylesheet .= qq(        <GLYPH>\n);
		$stylesheet .= qq(           <\U$glyph\E>\n);
		for my $attribute (keys %style) {
		    (my $name = $attribute) =~ s/^-//;
		    $name =~ s/\s/_/g;
		    next if $name =~ /glyph|category|das/;
		    next unless $valid_attributes{lc $name};
		    my $value = $boolean_attributes{lc $name}
		            ? ($style{$attribute} ? 'yes' : 'no')
                            : escapeHTML($style{$attribute});
		    $stylesheet .= qq(              <\U$name\E>$value<\U/$name\E>\n);
		$stylesheet .= qq(           </\U$glyph\E>\n);
		$stylesheet .= qq(        </GLYPH>\n);
		$stylesheet .= qq(     </TYPE>\n);

	$stylesheet .= qq(  </CATEGORY>\n);
    $stylesheet .= <<END;

    return $stylesheet;

sub guess_glyph {
    my $self            = shift;

    my ($suggested_glyph,$group) = @_;

    my $class = "Bio::Graphics::Glyph::$suggested_glyph";
    my %style;

    eval "require $class" unless $class->can('new');
    if ($group) {
	return  $class->isa('Bio::Graphics::Glyph::transcript') ? ('LINE',-style=>'hat')
	      : $class->isa('Bio::Graphics::Glyph::cds')        ? ('LINE',-style=>'hat')
	      : 'LINE';
    } else {
	return $class->isa('Bio::Graphics::Glyph::arrow')        ? 'ARROW'
	    :$class->isa('Bio::Graphics::Glyph::anchored_arrow') ? 'ANCHORED_ARROW'
	    :$class->isa('Bio::Graphics::Glyph::crossbox')       ? 'CROSS'
	    :$class->isa('Bio::Graphics::Glyph::ex')             ? 'EX'
	    :$class->isa('Bio::Graphics::Glyph::line')           ? 'LINE'
	    :$class->isa('Bio::Graphics::Glyph::transcript')     ? 'BOX'
	    :$class->isa('Bio::Graphics::Glyph::segments')       ? 'LINE'
	    :$class->isa('Bio::Graphics::Glyph::span')           ? 'SPAN'
	    :$class->isa('Bio::Graphics::Glyph::text_in_box')    ? 'TEXT'
	    :$class->isa('Bio::Graphics::Glyph::toomany')        ? 'TOOMANY'
	    :$class->isa('Bio::Graphics::Glyph::triangle')       ? 'TRIANGLE'
	    :$class->isa('Bio::Graphics::Glyph::primers')        ? 'PRIMERS'

sub categories {
    my $self = shift;
    my $source = $self->datasource;
    my $dsn    = $source->name;

    return @{$CACHED_TYPES{$dsn}} if exists $CACHED_TYPES{$dsn};

    my (%category2type,%type2category,@types);
    my @labels = $source->labels;

    my $track = $self->track;
    my $category       = $source->setting($track=>'das category');
    my $has_subparts   = $source->setting($track=>'das subparts');
    my $has_superparts = $source->setting($track=>'das superparts');
    my $structural     = $source->setting($track=>'das landmark') ||
	$has_subparts || $has_superparts;
    $category ||= 'structural' if $structural;
    next unless $category;  # skip sections without a category marked

    my @composite_types = $source->label2type($track);

    push @types,@composite_types;
    my $t   = Bio::DB::GFF->parse_types(@composite_types);

    my $db = $source->open_database($track);

    if ($db && $db->can('aggregators')) {
	$_->disaggregate($t,$db) foreach $db->aggregators;
    my @t = map {defined($_->[1]) ? join(':',@$_) : $_->[0]} @$t;

    my %seenit;
    my @all_types = grep {!$seenit{$_}++} @t,@composite_types;

    push @{$category2type{$category}},    (@composite_types,@all_types);
    push @{$category2type{'group'}},      (@composite_types,@all_types);
    $type2category{$_} = $category foreach @composite_types;

    my $so_hash = $self->so_hash;

    for my $type (@all_types) {
	my $typeobj      = Bio::DB::GFF::Typename->new($type);
	$type2category{__fuzzy__}{$typeobj}   = $typeobj;
	my $so = $so_hash->{lc $type} if $so_hash;
	for my $t ($type,$so) {
	    next unless $t;
	    $type2category{$t}                 = $category;
	    $type2category{__label__}{$t}      = $track;
	    $type2category{__subparts__}{$t}++   if $has_subparts;
	    $type2category{__superparts__}{$t}++ if $has_superparts;
    $CACHED_TYPES{$dsn} = [(\%category2type,\%type2category,\@types)];
    return @{$CACHED_TYPES{$dsn}};

# Given a feature type, return all the subtypes that it contains
# in the form [type,has_children]
sub expand_types {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($db,$type) = @_;
    unless (exists $self->{type2subtypes}{$type}) {
	$self->{type2subtypes}{$type} = {};
      TRY: {
	  my $iterator = $db->features(-types=>$type,-iterator=>1) or last TRY;
	  my $example  = $iterator->next_seq                       or last TRY;

    return $self->{type2subtypes}{$type};

sub _add_types {
    my $self                  = shift;
    my ($hash,$feature)       = @_;
    my @subparts              = $feature->get_SeqFeatures;
    $hash->{$feature->method} = @subparts;
    $self->_add_types($hash,$_) foreach @subparts;

sub guess_type {
    my $self     = shift;
    my $feature  = shift;
    my $track    = $self->track;
    my $type     = ref $feature ? $feature->method : $feature;
    my $source   = $self->datasource;

    return $type unless $source->fallback_setting($track=>'das use so');

    my $glyph    = $source->fallback_setting($track=>'glyph');
    my $hash     = $self->so_hash() or return $type;
    return $hash->{lc $type} || $type;

sub so_hash {
    my $self = shift;
    return \%SO_HASH if tied %SO_HASH;

    my $so_file = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->tmpdir,'SO.obo');
    my $so_hash = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->tmpdir,'SO.db');

    $self->fetch_sofile($so_file) or return unless -e $so_file;

    eval 'use DB_File' unless DB_File->can('new');
    eval 'use Fcntl'   unless Fcntl->can('O_CREAT');

	or return unless -e $so_hash && 
	(stat($so_hash))[9] >= (stat($so_file))[9];
    tie %SO_HASH,'DB_File',$so_hash,Fcntl->O_RDONLY,0666,$DB_File::DB_HASH or return;    
    return \%SO_HASH;

sub fetch_sofile {
    my $self = shift;
    return if $self->{so_fetch}++; # only try once per session

    my $so_file = shift;
    my $so_url  = SO;
    eval "use LWP::Simple; 1" unless LWP::Simple->can('mirror');

    my $result = eval {
	local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {die "timeout"};
	my $result = LWP::Simple::mirror($so_url => $so_file);
	alarm 0;
    return $result;

sub hash_sofile {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($so_file,$so_hash) = @_;
    my %hash;
    tie %hash,'DB_File',$so_hash,Fcntl->O_CREAT|Fcntl->O_RDWR,0666,$DB_File::DB_HASH or return;
    open my $f,$so_file or return;
    local $/ = '';  # paragraph mode
    while (<$f>) {
	next unless /\[Term\]/;
	my ($id)     = /^id: +(SO:\d+)/m;
	my ($name)   = /^name: (.+)/m;
	my @synonyms = /^synonym: "(.+)"/mg;
	$hash{lc $_} = $id foreach ($name,@synonyms);

sub types {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->all_types() unless param('ref') or param('segment');

    my $source = $self->datasource;
    my ($category2type,$type2category,$types) = $self->categories;

    my $summary = param('summary');
    my $url     = $self->get_url();
    my @filter  = param('type');
    unless (@filter) {
	@filter = @$types;

    my @segments = $self->get_segments() or return;


    print <<END;
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<GFF version="1.2" summary="yes" href="$url">

    foreach (@segments) {
	my ($reference,$class,$start,$stop) = @$_;
	next unless $reference;
	my $seq = $self->get_segment_obj($reference,$start,$stop) or next;
	unless ($seq) {  #empty section
	    my $version = $self->seq2version($reference);
	    print qq(<SEGMENT id="$reference" start="$start" stop="$stop" version="$version">\n);
	    print qq(</SEGMENT>\n);

	my $s = $seq->start;
	my $e = $seq->stop;

	# use absolute coordinates -- people expect it
	my $name = $seq->seq_id;

	my $version = $self->seq2version($name);
	print qq(<SEGMENT id="$name" start="$s" stop="$e" version="$version">\n);

	my @args = (-enumerate=>1);
	push @args,(-types=>\@filter) if @filter;
	my %histogram = $seq->types(@args);
	foreach (keys %histogram) {
	    my ($method,$source) = split ':';
	    my $count = $histogram{$_};
	    my $category  = $self->transmute($_,$type2category);
	    $category ||= '';  #get rid of uninit variable warnings
	    $method   ||= '';
	    $source   ||= '';
	    $count    ||= 0;
	    (my $type  = $_) =~ s/:[^:]+$//;
	    my $id    = $self->type2so($type);
	    print qq(\t<TYPE id="$id" category="$category" method="$method" source="$source">$count</TYPE>\n);
	print qq(</SEGMENT>\n);
    print <<END;

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
sub dna {
    my $self = shift;
    my @segments = $self->get_segments() or return;

    print qq(<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>\n);
    print qq(<!DOCTYPE DASDNA SYSTEM "">\n);
    print qq(<DASDNA>\n);
    for my $segment (@segments) {
	my ($reference,$refclass,$start,$stop) = @$segment;

	my ($seg,$dna);
	for my $dbid ('general',$self->track) {
	    $seg = $self->get_segment_obj($reference,$start,$stop,undef,$dbid);
	    unless ($seg) {
	    $dna = $seg->dna;
	    last if $dna && $dna =~ /[gatc]/i;
	next unless $dna;
	my $length = length $dna;
	$dna =~ s/(.{60})/$1\n/g;
	my $ref = $seg->ref;
	my $s   = $seg->start;
	my $e   = $seg->end;
	    print <<END
<SEQUENCE id="$ref" start="$s" stop="$e" version="1.0">
<DNA length="$length">
    print qq(</DASDNA>\n);

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
sub type2so {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $type    = shift;
    my $track   = $self->track;
    my $source  = $self->datasource;

    return $type unless $source->fallback_setting($track=>'das use so');
    my $hash     = $self->so_hash() or return $type;
    return $hash->{lc $type} || $type;

# list of all the types
sub all_types {
    my $self = shift;

    my ($category2type,$type2category,$types) = $self->categories;
    my $url   = $self->get_url();
    my $track = $self->track();


    print <<END;
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<GFF version="1.2" summary="yes" href="$url">

    for my $t (@$types) {
	my $category = $self->transmute($t,$type2category);
	my $typeobj  = Bio::DB::GFF::Typename->new($t);
	my $method   = $typeobj->method;
	my $source   = $typeobj->source;
	my $id = $t;

	$id          = $self->type2so($id);
	print qq(\t<TYPE id="$id" category="$category" method="$method" source="$source" />\n);

    print <<END


sub error_segment {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($reference,$start,$stop) = @_;
    my $source        = $self->datasource;
    my $mapmaster     = $source->setting('das mapmaster');
    my $authoritative = $mapmaster && 
	($mapmaster eq 'SELF' || $mapmaster eq (url(-full=>1) . "/". $source->name));
    my $tag = $authoritative ? 'ERRORSEGMENT' : 'UNKNOWNSEGMENT';
    my $attributes = '';
    $attributes .= qq( start="$start") if defined $start;
    $attributes .= qq( stop="$stop")   if defined $stop;
    print qq(<$tag id="$reference"$attributes />\n);

sub error_id {
    my $self = shift;
    my $id = shift;
    print qq(    <UNKNOWNFEATURE id="$id" />\n);

# =============== humungous features processing steps =================

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# get the features for the segment indicated
sub features {
    my $self = shift;
    my $source = $self->datasource;
    my $track  = $self->track;

    my @segments = $self->get_segments();

    my $summary  = param('summary');
    my $url      = $self->get_url();
    my @filter   = param('type');
    my @category = param('category');

    my ($category2type,$type2category,$top_types) = $self->categories;
    my %valid_types = map {$_=>1} @$top_types;

    unless (@filter || @category) {
	@filter = @$top_types;

    push @filter,map {exists $category2type->{$_}
		      ? @{$category2type->{$_}} 
		      : $_ 
                     } @category;

    @filter = map  {shellwords($source->setting($track => 'feature'))} 
    @filter = grep {$valid_types{$_}} @filter;

  print <<END
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<GFF version="1.01" href="$url">

    foreach (@segments) {
	my ($reference,$refclass,$start,$stop) = @$_;

	my @features = $self->get_segment_obj($reference,$start,$stop,1);
	$self->error_segment($reference,$start,$stop) unless @features;

	for my $seq (@features) {

    # dump feature requests, if any
    for my $id (param('feature_id'),param('group_id')) {
	my @segments = $self->get_feature_obj($id);
	$self->error_id($id) unless @segments;
	foreach (@segments) {
	my @exact_matches = grep {$id eq $_->display_name} @segments;
	my @to_dump       = @exact_matches ? @exact_matches : @segments;
	dump_segment($_,\@filter,'toplevel') foreach @to_dump;

    print <<END;

sub dump_segment {
    my $self        = shift;
    my $seq           = shift;
    my $filter        = shift;
    my $toplevel      = shift;
    my $type2category = shift;

    my $source      = $self->datasource;

    my $r = $seq->seq_id;
    my $s = $seq->start;
    my $e = $seq->stop;
    ($s,$e) = ($e,$s) if $s > $e;

    my $version = seq2version($r);
    if ($toplevel) {
	print qq(<SEGMENT id="$r" start="$s" stop="$e" version="$version" />\n);
    print qq(<SEGMENT id="$r" start="$s" stop="$e" version="$version">\n);

    my %agg_map;
    my $db = $source->open_database($self->track);

    if ($db->can('aggregators')) {
	%agg_map = map {($_->get_method||'') => ($_->main_name||'')} $db->aggregators;

    if (@$filter) {
	my $iterator = $db->features(-seq_id=>$r,-start=>$s,-end=>$e,-types=>$filter,-merge=>1,-iterator=>1);
	while (my $f = $iterator->next_seq) {

    print qq(</SEGMENT>\n);

sub print_feature {
    my $self          = shift;

    my $f             = shift;
    my $parent        = shift;
    my $category      = shift;
    my $agg_map       = shift;
    my $count         = shift || 0;
    my $group         = shift || $parent || $f;
    my $level         = shift || 0;
    my $sequence      = shift || 0;
    my @subparts     = $self->children($f);

    my $no_parent    = @subparts && $self->no_parent_wanted($f);

	unless $no_parent;

			 ($no_parent ? undef : $f),
	) foreach @subparts;

sub _print_feature {
  local $^W = 0; # kill some uninit variable warnings

  my $self          = shift;

  my $f             = shift;
  my $parent        = shift;
  my $category      = shift;
  my $agg_map       = shift || {};
  my $count         = shift;
  my $group         = shift;
  my $level         = shift || 0;
  my $sequence      = shift || 0;

  my $datasource    = $self->datasource;
  my $track         = $self->track;

  my $flabel      = $f->display_name||'';
  my $source      = $f->source;
  my $method      = $f->method;
  my $start       = $f->start;
  my $end         = $f->stop;
  my $score       = $f->score;
  my $orientation = $f->strand || 0;
  my $phase       = $f->phase;

  my $type        = $self->guess_type($f);
  my $typelabel   = $f->type;

  my $pid         = $self->feature2id($parent) if $parent;
  my $id          = $self->feature2id($f) || $pid;
  $id            .= ".$sequence" if $pid && $id eq $pid;
  my $counter     = 0;
  my @children    = $self->children($f);

  my @child_ids   = map {$self->feature2id($_)||"$id.".$counter++} @children;

  my @notes       = $f->notes if $f->can('notes');
  my %attributes  = $f->attributes if $f->can('attributes');

  my $das_version = $datasource->setting('das version') || 1.5;
  my $panel       = Bio::Graphics::Browser2::RenderPanels->new(-source=>$datasource);

  my $gclass;
  if ($f->can('group')) { # Bio::DB::GFF feature
    $gclass      = (ref($group) && $group->can('class')) 
	               ? $group->class 
		       : 'anonymous';
  } else {
    $gclass      = '';

  my $group_type  = $self->forced_group($parent||$f) || eval{$parent->type} || $type;
  $group_type     =~ s/\:\w+$//;

  # This is way nasty.  The aggregator may have changed the method of the
  # main feature, so we need to change it back to what it was originally
  # for the purpose of serializing on the net.  What amazing shortsightedness
  # on the part of someone who should know better.
  $method = $agg_map->{$method} if defined $agg_map->{$method};
  $phase       ||= 0;
  $orientation ||= 0;
  $score       = '-' unless defined $score;
  $orientation = $orientation >= 0 ? '+' : '-';

  ($start,$end) = ($end,$start) 
      if defined($start) && defined($end) && $start > $end;

  # group stuff
  my $groupid       = $group->primary_id;
  my $grouplabel    = $group->display_name;
  my ($group_info,$link,$gtype,$url);

  $url = $panel->make_link($f,undef,$self->track);
  $url  ||= 'none';
  if ($url ne 'none') {
      $link = qq(<LINK href="$url">$flabel</LINK>);
  if (@child_ids) {
      my $glyph = $datasource->fallback_setting($track=>'glyph');
      $gtype    = " type='$type'";
  } else {
      $gtype    = " type='$group_type'";

  if (%attributes) {
    for my $tag (keys %attributes) {
	next if $tag =~ /parent_id/ || $tag =~ /load_id/;
	my @values = ref($attributes{$tag}) ? @{$attributes{$tag}} : $attributes{$tag};
	$group_info .= join("\n",map {qq(\t<NOTE tag="$tag">$_</NOTE>)} @values)."\n";
  } elsif (@notes) {
      $group_info = join("\n",map {qq(\t<NOTE>$_</NOTE>)} @notes);

  if ($group_info) { # post-fix formatting
      $group_info =~ s/^\t//;
      $group_info =~s/\n$//;

  my ($target,$target_info);
  if (($target = $f->target) && $target->can('start')) {
    my $start = $target->start;
    my $stop  = $target->stop;
    my $seqid = $target->ref;
    $target_info = qq(<TARGET id="$seqid" start="$start" stop="$stop" />);
  my ($map,$type2category);
  $map = qq() ;

  $start ||= '';  $end ||= '';

  # suppress printing parent features for earlier versions of DAS
  return if $das_version < 1.6 and @child_ids;

  $flabel ||= $grouplabel;

  print <<END;
   <FEATURE id="$id" label="$flabel">
      <TYPE id="$type" category="$category"$map>$typelabel</TYPE>
      <METHOD id="$method">$method</METHOD>

  if ($das_version >= 1.6) {
      print qq(      <PARENT id="$pid"/>\n)  if defined $pid;
      print qq(      <PART   id="$_"/>\n)    foreach @child_ids;

  print qq(      $link\n)                if $link;
  print qq(      $target_info\n)         if $target_info;

  if (defined $groupid) {
    $gtype     ||= '';
    if ($group_info) {
      print qq(      <GROUP id="$groupid" label="$grouplabel" $gtype>\n);
      print qq(        $group_info\n)  if $group_info;
      print qq(      </GROUP>\n);
    } else {
      print qq(      <GROUP id="$groupid"$gtype label="$grouplabel"/>\n);
  print <<END;

sub children {
    my $self = shift;
    my $feat = shift;

    my @children = $feat->get_SeqFeatures;

    my @expanded_children;
    for my $c (@children) {
	if ($self->split_location($c)) {
	    my @grand_children = $c->get_SeqFeatures;
	    push @expanded_children,@grand_children;
	} else {
	    push @expanded_children,$c;
    return @expanded_children;

sub split_location {
    my $self = shift;
    my $f    = shift;
    my @subparts = $f->get_SeqFeatures;
    my %subtypes     = map {$_->type=>1} @subparts;
    return keys %subtypes == 1 && $subtypes{$f->type};

# unfortunately, the gbrowse library returns a relative address
# for AUTO links
sub hack_link {
    my $self     = shift;
    my $url_ref  = shift;
    return if $$url_ref =~ m!^\w+:!;
    unless ($self->{prefix}) {
	my $self_url        = url(-full=>1,-path=>1);
	($self->{prefix})   = $self_url =~ m!^(\w+://[^/]+)!;
	($self->{suffix})   = $self_url =~ m!.+(/das/.+)!;
    $$url_ref        =~ s!$self->{suffix}!!;
    $$url_ref        = "$self->{prefix}$$url_ref";

sub no_parent_wanted {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $feature = shift or return;
    return unless $feature;

    my $source = $self->datasource;
    my $track  = $self->track;

    my $type = $feature->type;
    return $self->{no_parent}{$type} if exists $self->{no_parent}{$type};

    my $no_parent = $source->fallback_setting($track => 'das flatten');
    return $self->{no_parent}{$type} = $no_parent;

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
sub forced_group {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $feature = shift or return;

    my $type = $feature->type;
    return $self->{forced_group}{$type} if exists $self->{forced_group}{$type};
    return $self->{forced_group}{$type} = $self->datasource->setting($self->track=>'das type');

sub feature2id {
    my $self = shift;

    my $f     = shift;

    my $id = $f->primary_id;

    # HACK
    my $db          = $self->datasource->open_database($self->track);

    $id             = unpack('L',$id)
	if $db->isa('Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::berkeleydb');
    return $id;

# -----------------querying regions-------------------------------------
sub get_segments {
    my $self = shift;

    my $source = $self->datasource;
    # extended segment argument
    my @segments;
    foreach (param('segment')) {
	my ($ref,$start,$stop) = /^(\S+?)(?::(\d+)(?:\.\.|,)(\d+))?$/;
	push @segments,[$ref,$start,$stop];
    push @segments,[scalar param('ref'),
		    scalar param('start'),
		    scalar param('stop')] if param('ref');
    return unless @segments;

    foreach (@segments){
	my ($reference,$start,$stop) = @$_;
	my $class = $source->setting('reference class') || 'Sequence';
	my $name  = $reference;

	if ($reference =~ /^(\w+):(\S+)$/) {
	    $class = $1;
	    $name  = $2;
	my @values = ($name,$class,$start,$stop);
	$_ = \@values;
    return wantarray ? @segments : \@segments;

sub get_segment_obj {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($reference,$start,$stop,$as_feature,$dbid) = @_;

    my $source = $self->datasource;
    my $db     = $source->open_database($self->track);
    my $search = $self->get_search_object;

    my $term     = defined $start ? "$reference:$start..$stop" : $reference;
    my @features = $search->features(-search_term=>$term);
    return unless @features;

    # the "feature" flag is used when we are looking for supercomponents
    # and we want to fetch the segment as a feature object so as to find its parent
    return @features if $as_feature;

    return wantarray ? $search->features2segments(\@features,$dbid||$self->track)
                     : $search->feature2segment($features[0],$dbid||$self->track);

sub get_search_object {
    my $self = shift;
    my $db   = shift;

    return $self->{searchobj} if defined $self->{searchobj};

    my $search = Bio::Graphics::Browser2::RegionSearch->new(
	{ source => $self->datasource,
	  state  => {},

    return $self->{searchobj} = $search;

#------------------- little utils --------------
sub get_url {
    my $self = shift;
    my $url = url(-path=>1, -query=>1);
    $url =~ tr/&/\;/;
    return $url;

sub seq2version {
    my $self = shift;
    my $seqname = shift or return '1.0';
    return $seqname =~ /\.(\d+)$/ ? $1 : '1.0';

# calculate type and category from type and method
sub transmute {
    my $self = shift;
    my $type = shift;
    my $map  = shift;

    # try fast exact match first
    return $map->{$type} if exists $map->{$type};

    # otherwise do a fuzzy match
    for my $typeobj (values %{$map->{__fuzzy__}}) {
	if ($typeobj->match($type)) {
	    my $category  = $map->{$typeobj};   # fetch category for this object
	    $map->{$type} = $category;          # remember exact match for later
	    return $category;
    return 'miscellaneous';  # no success