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=head1 NAME  Synchronize local file system to GBrowse slave volume.


 % sudo --conf     /etc/gbrowse2/aws_balancer.conf \
                                  --mysql    /var/lib/mysql \
                                  --postgres /var/lib/postgresql

 syncing data....done
 data stored in snapshot(s) snap-12345
 updated conf file, previous version in /etc/gbrowse2/aws_balancer.conf.bak


This script is run in conjunction with Amazon Web Server-based GBrowse
render slave load balancing, which is described in more detail in the
manual page for

The script should be run on the GBrowse
master machine each time you add a new database to an existing data
source, or if you add a whole new data source. What it does is to
prepare a new Amazon EBS snapshot containing a copy of all the data
needed for the GBrowse slave to run. This snapshot is then attached to
new slave instances.

After running, it updates the conf file with the current versions of
the slave AMI and the data snapshot(s).

 % sudo --conf     /etc/gbrowse2/aws_balancer.conf \
                                   --mysql    /var/lib/mysql \
                                   --postgres /var/lib/postgresql

The --conf argument is required. The script will create a snapshot of
the appropriate size, mount it on a temporary staging instance, and
rsync a copy of your gbrowse databases directory
(e.g. /var/lib/gbrowse2/databases) to the snapshot. If you have
created mysql or postgres databases, you must also give the paths to
their database file directories, as shown in the example.

Note that ALL your mysql and postgres data files located on the master
machine will be copied; not just those used for track display.


The following environment variables are used if the corresponding
command line options are not present:

 EC2_ACCESS_KEY AWS EC2 access key EC2_SECRET_KEY AWS EC2 secret key

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<VM::EC2>, L<VM::EC2::Staging::Manager>

=head1 AUTHOR

Lincoln Stein,

Copyright (c) 2013 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL (either
version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic
License 2.0.  Refer to LICENSE for the full license text. In addition,
please see DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty.


use strict;
use FindBin '$Bin';
use lib "$Bin/../lib";
use lib '/home/lstein/projects/LibVM-EC2-Perl/lib';

use Getopt::Long;
use GBrowse::ConfigData;
use File::Spec;
use Bio::Graphics::Browser2::Render::Slave::AWS_Balancer;

use constant GB => 1_073_741_824;
use constant DEBUG => 0;

my ($balancer,$slave);
my $program = $0;

# this obscures the AWS secrets from ps; it is not 100% effective
($0 = "$program @ARGV") =~ s/(\s--?[as]\S*?)(=|\s+)\S+/$1$2xxxxxxxxxx/g;

$SIG{TERM} = sub {exit 0};
$SIG{INT}  = sub {exit 0};

	   'access_key=s'  => \$AccessKey,
	   'secret_key=s'  => \$SecretKey,
	   'conf=s'        => \$ConfFile,
	   'mysql=s'       => \$MySqlPath,
	   'postgres=s'    => \$PostGresPath,
           'verbosity=i'   => \$Verbosity,
    ) or exec 'perldoc',$program;

$ConfFile  ||= File::Spec->catfile(GBrowse::ConfigData->config('conf'),'aws_balancer.conf');
unless (DEBUG || $< == 0) {
    my @argv;
    push @argv,('--access_key'=>$AccessKey)                 if $AccessKey;
    push @argv,('--secret_key'=>$SecretKey)                 if $SecretKey;
    push @argv,('--conf'      =>File::Spec->rel2abs($ConfFile))     if $ConfFile;
    push @argv,('--mysql'     =>File::Spec->rel2abs($MySqlPath))    if $MySqlPath;
    push @argv,('--postgres'  =>File::Spec->rel2abs($PostGresPath)) if $PostGresPath;
    push @argv,('--verbosity' =>$Verbosity)                 if defined $Verbosity;
    $program = File::Spec->rel2abs($program);

    print STDERR <<END;
This script needs root privileges in order to access all directories
needed for synchronization.  It will now invoke sudo to become the
'root' user temporarily.  You may be prompted for your login password

    exec 'sudo','-E','-u','root',$program,@argv;

$balancer = Bio::Graphics::Browser2::Render::Slave::AWS_Balancer->new(
    -conf       => $ConfFile,
    -access_key => $AccessKey||'',
    -secret_key => $SecretKey||'',

$Verbosity = 3 unless defined $Verbosity;

# run the remote staging server
print STDERR "[info] Launching a slave server for staging...\n";
$slave = $balancer->launch_staging_server();

$slave->shell if DEBUG;

# figure out total size needed on destination volume
my $DataBasePath = GBrowse::ConfigData->config('databases');

my $gig_needed = tally_sizes($DataBasePath,$MySqlPath,$PostGresPath);  # keep an extra 10 G free
my $gig_have   = $slave->volume_size;
 if ($gig_needed + 5 > $gig_have) {
     $gig_needed = $gig_have + 10;  # grow by 10 G increments
     $slave->info("Increasing size of slave data volume...\n");

$slave->info("Syncing files...\n");
$slave->put("$MySqlPath/",   '/opt/gbrowse/lib/mysql')       if $MySqlPath;
$slave->put("$PostGresPath/",'/opt/gbrowse/lib/postgresql')  if $PostGresPath;
my @snapshots = $slave->snapshot_data_volumes;
$slave->info("Updating $ConfFile.\n");
$slave->info("Synchronization done. New data is in snapshot(s) @snapshots.\n");

exit 0;

sub tally_sizes {
    my @dirs  = @_;
    my $out   = `sudo du -scb @dirs`;
    my ($bytes) = $out=~/^(\d+)\s+total/m;
    return int($bytes/GB)+1;

    if ($slave) { $slave->terminate }
    undef $slave;
