The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell

eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell

eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell

eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell


=head1 GBrowse/GMap Mashup

The purpose of this code is to create a mash up of GBrowse data and Google Maps
that displays diversity data of a feature in the locations that they were

=head1 Code

This code was started as a modification of the gbrowse_details script.

Template Toolkit is used to generate the html for the page.  The template is
encased after the __DATA__ token.

=head1 Installation

=head2 PhyloGeoViz

PhyloGeoViz is a Google Maps/Population data mashup.  It does the heavy lifting
of displaying the diversity data on Google Maps.  This means that PhyloGeoViz
(or something functionally equivalent) is required for the gbrowse_gmap script
to work.

Fortunately, PhyloGeoViz is freely available and easy to install.

=head3 PhyloGeoViz Web Sites

More detailed and up to date information on PhyloGeoViz is available at its web
site,   The code is available at .

=head3 PhyloGeoViz Installation

=over 4

=item * PHP

PhyloGeoViz is a PHP application.  Make sure PHP is installed and working on your server.

=item * Get PhyloGeoViz Code

PhyloGeoViz is available through Google.  Simply download using Subversion
(svn).  From the Linux command line it looks like this:

  svn checkout phylogeoviz-read-only

=item * Make a directory in your web server's document tree


  mkdir /var/www/html/phylogeoviz
  mkdir /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/phylogeoviz

=item * Copy PhyloGeoViz

Copy the contents of the phylogeoviz-read-only directory into the newly created directory:

  cp phylogeoviz-read-only/* /var/www/html/phylogeoviz/


=head3 PhyloGeoViz Configuration

In the top directory of your new PhyloGeoViz installation is a file called
config.php.  This is a php file where information is set to customize

Open it with your favorite editor. 


  vim /var/www/html/phylogeoviz/config.php

=over 4

=item * $gmap_api_key

To use Google Maps, a GMap API key must be supplied.  As of writing, keys are
freely available from Google at

Set the $gmap_api_key to your new api key.  As follows:


Note: You must keep the quotes and the semicolon intact for it to work.

=item * $popup_url

Each PhyloGeoViz pie has a marker in the middle.  Clicking on that pops up a
window with information.  If set $popup_url will be used as a base url to get
html to fill the pop-up window.  We want that to point to this (the
gbrowse_gmap) script.

  $popup_url = "/cgi-bin/gb2/gbrowse_gmap/pop_demo?pop_name=";

Note: You still must keep the quotes and the semicolon intact for it to work.


=head3 Test PhyloGeoViz

To check that the installation worked, go to your web site:


This will give you a page that says "Input Your Data".  

Click the "Autofill some example data" link to get some example data and click
"Draw Map!".

If a Google Map appears with several pie charts, then you have successfully
installed Phylogeoviz.

=head2 Configuration

To place the mashup in a balloon, simply add a modified version of the
following to the track configuration.

  balloon click = http://localhost/cgi-bin/gbrowse_gmap/yeast_chr1?ref=$ref;start=$start;end=$end;name=$name;class=$class;balloon=1

Similarly, to set the mashup as a feature link add a modified version of the
following to the track configuration.

  link = http://localhost/cgi-bin/gbrowse_gmap/yeast_chr1?ref=$ref;start=$start;end=$end;name=$name;class=$class;

Note that the only difference between the two URLs was the balloon option.  The
balloon option needs to be set to 1 if it will be popped up in a balloon.

The "yeast_chr1" portion should be replaced with the coorect data source.

Also, "localhost" should be changed to your url.  A relative url may not work
because Google ties the api key to a URL.

=head2 Current Data Requirements

=over 4

=item * Different Populations will have different track types.

=item * Latitude and Longitude

A track is identified as being a population if it has latitude and longitude
values assigned in the configuration file.

=item * Haplotypes

Each haplotype of a population is stored as a feature with the "score" value
deterimining its weight.  The feature "name" is the haplotype name. For
features to be considered as part of the same population group, they must all
share the same start and end.

=item * Start and end of all used features the same.

Only features that have the same start and end as the chosen feature will be
displayed.  If a feature has a different start or end, it will be excluded.

=item * SeqFeature::Store is being used.

I'm pretty sure that this won't work for anything other than SeqFeature::Store.
I haven't tested that assumption though.  There should be a way to generalize
this.  The feature searching is where I'm conserned about it.


=head3 Example Data

  contig1	Contig	scaffold	1	793	.	.	.	Name=contig1
  contig1	POPA	SNP	50	50	8	.	.	ID=snp.POPA.contig1.50.AA;Name=AA
  contig1	POPA	SNP	50	50	4	.	.	ID=snp.POPA.contig1.50.AG;Name=AG
  contig1	POPB	SNP	50	50	1	.	.	ID=snp.POPB.contig1.50.AA;Name=AA
  contig1	POPB	SNP	50	50	4	.	.	ID=snp.POPB.contig1.50.AG;Name=AG
  contig1	POPB	SNP	50	50	5	.	.	ID=snp.POPB.contig1.50.NN;Name=NN
  contig1	POPC	SNP	50	50	3	.	.	ID=snp.POPC.contig1.50.AA;Name=AA
  contig1	POPC	SNP	50	50	2	.	.	ID=snp.POPC.contig1.50.AG;Name=AG

=head2 GMap API Key (Depricated)

Since this script is now using PhyloGeoViz for the GMap interactions, we no
longer need the api key.  I'm keeping this section of comments in case we ever
need it again.

=head1 Interesting Methods


use strict;
use Bio::Graphics::Browser2;
use Bio::Graphics::Browser2::RegionSearch;
use Template;
use JSON;

our $VERSION = '$Id: gbrowse_gmap,v 1.2 2009-08-27 19:13:18 idavies Exp $';

use constant DEFAULT_CONF   => '/etc/apache2/gbrowse';
use constant DEFAULT_MASTER => 'GBrowse.conf';

# Colors were chosen based on a chart found at
# These colors should be discerned by everyone
my @color_list = (
    '#F0E442',    # Yellow
    '#0072B2',    # Blue
    '#D55E00',    # Vermillion
    '#CC79A7',    # Reddish Purple
    '#000000',    # Black
    '#E69F00',    # Orange
    '#56B4E9',    # Sky Blue
    '#2B9F78',    # Bluish Green

my $conf_dir  = $ENV{GBROWSE_CONF}   || DEFAULT_CONF;
my $conf
    = Bio::Graphics::Browser2->new(
    File::Spec->catfile( $conf_dir, $conf_file ) )
    or die "Couldn't read globals";

my $gmap_renderer = GMapRenderer->new($conf);

exit 0;

package GMapRenderer;

use strict;
use Math::Trig;
use Data::Dumper;
use constant DEBUG => 0;

use CGI qw(:standard *table *TR escape);

sub new {
    my $package = shift;
    my $conf    = shift;
    return bless {
        index   => 0,
        globals => $conf,
        ref $package || $package;

sub globals {
    my $self = shift;
    my $d    = $self->{globals};
    $self->{globals} = shift if @_;

sub state {
    my $self = shift;
    my $d    = $self->{state};
    $self->{state} = shift if @_;

sub source {
    my $self = shift;
    my $d    = $self->{source};
    $self->{source} = shift if @_;

sub distance_in_km {

    # Algorhythm described by By Chris Veness
    # Found at

    my $self  = shift;
    my %args  = @_;
    my $lat1  = $args{'lat1'} || 0;
    my $lng1  = $args{'lng1'} || 0;
    my $lat2  = $args{'lat2'} || 0;
    my $lng2  = $args{'lng2'} || 0;
    my $debug = $args{'debug'} || 0;

    my $earth_radius = 6371;
    my $lat_dist     = deg2rad( $lat2 - $lat1 );
    my $lng_dist     = deg2rad( $lng2 - $lng1 );

    # I don't know what a or c stand for so I'm leaving them as $a and $c
    my $a
        = sin( $lat_dist / 2 ) 
        * sin( $lat_dist / 2 )
        + cos( deg2rad($lat1) ) 
        * cos( deg2rad($lat2) ) 
        * sin( $lng_dist / 2 )
        * sin( $lng_dist / 2 );
    my $c = 2 * atan2( sqrt($a), sqrt( 1 - $a ) );
    return $earth_radius * $c;

sub get_pie_sizes {
    my $self = shift;
    my $lats = shift;
    my $lngs = shift;

    # Get max distance
    my $max_distance = 0;
    my $min_distance = -1;
    for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{ $lats || [] }; $i++ ) {
        my $lat1 = $lats->[$i];
        my $lng1 = $lngs->[$i];
        for ( my $j = $i + 1; $j <= $#{ $lats || [] }; $j++ ) {
            my $lat2 = $lats->[$j];
            my $lng2 = $lngs->[$j];
            my $dist = $self->distance_in_km(
                lat1 => $lat1,
                lng1 => $lng1,
                lat2 => $lat2,
                lng2 => $lng2,
            $max_distance = $dist if ( $dist > $max_distance );
            $min_distance = $dist
                if ( $min_distance < 0 || $dist < $min_distance );
    my $max_size = int( $min_distance / 3 );
    return ( $max_size, $max_size, $max_size );

sub run {
    my $self = shift;
    print STDERR "++ Running ++\n";

    my $conf    = $self->globals;
    my $session = $conf->session;
    $self->source( $conf->create_data_source( $session->source ) );
    $self->state( $session->page_settings );

    my $name    = param('name');
    my $class   = param('class');
    my $ref     = param('ref');
    my $start   = param('start');
    my $end     = param('end');
    my $f_id    = param('feature_id');
    my $db_id   = param('db_id');
    my $balloon = param('balloon');

    #print STDERR Dumper(param())." \n";
    #    print STDERR "name : $name\n"   if ( defined $name );
    #    print STDERR "class : $class\n" if ( defined $class );
    #    print STDERR "ref : $ref\n"     if ( defined $ref );
    #    print STDERR "start : $start\n" if ( defined $start );
    #    print STDERR "end : $end\n"     if ( defined $end );
    #    print STDERR "f_id : $f_id\n"   if ( defined $f_id );
    #    print STDERR "db_id : $db_id\n" if ( defined $db_id );

    $self->state->{dbid} = $db_id if $db_id;    # to search correct database

    my $search = Bio::Graphics::Browser2::RegionSearch->new(
        {   source => $self->source,
            state  => $self->state,

    # this is the weird part; we create a search name based on the arguments
    # provided to us
    my $search_term;
    if ($f_id) {
        $search_term = "id:$f_id";
    elsif ( $class && $name ) {
        $search_term = "$class:$name";
    elsif ( defined $ref && defined $start && defined $end ) {
        $search_term = "$ref:$start..$end";
    else {
        $search_term = $name;
    my $features
        = $search->search_features( { -search_term => $search_term } );

    if ( not @{ $features || [] } ) {
        print header, start_html;
        print "No Features Found\n";
        print end_html;

    # Now that we know that we have a feature, let's begin

   # Get all the tracks that have latitude and longitude values.  We are going
   # to take all of the features in this region that have geolocation and
   # display them.
    my %type_geolocation;
    foreach my $type ( keys %{ $self->source->{'config'} || {} } ) {
        if (    defined $self->source->{'config'}{$type}{'latitude'}
            and defined $self->source->{'config'}{$type}{'longitude'} )
            my $feature_key = $self->source->{'config'}{$type}{'feature'};
                = $self->source->{'config'}{$type};

    # If there is only one feature, we need to see what other features are
    # at this location.
    my $feature = $features->[0];
    my $fstart  = $feature->start;
    my $fend    = $feature->end;
    my $fref    = $feature->ref;

    $search_term = "$fref:$fstart..$fend";

   # This is a bit sketchy but when using SeqFeature::Store, and serching only
   # on a span of sequence, search_features() returns a SeqFeature::Segment
   # object.  I don't know if this is the same behavior in the other adaptors.
    my $segments
        = $search->search_features( { -search_term => $search_term } );
    my $segment = $segments->[0];

    # Get the features in this segment that are of the same geolocation
    my @seg_features = $segment->features( map { $_->{'feature'} }
            values %type_geolocation );

    #print STDERR Dumper(map {$_->{'type'}}@seg_features)." \n";
    #print STDERR Dumper(@seg_features) . " \n";

    my %population_data;
    my %hap_names;

    # Extract the population data from the features.  Only keep the features
    # that have the same start and stop.  Populate the population data hash.
    # Example:
    # $population_data{'polymorphic_sequence_variant:CS'}->{'GT'}=$score;
    foreach my $seg_feature (@seg_features) {
            unless ( $seg_feature->{'start'} == $fstart
            and $seg_feature->{'stop'} == $fend );
        my $feature_key = $seg_feature->{'type'}
            . (
            defined $seg_feature->{'source'}
            ? ":" . $seg_feature->{'source'}
            : ''
        my $score = $seg_feature->{'score'};
        my $name  = $seg_feature->{'name'};
        $population_data{$feature_key}->{$name} += $score;
        $hap_names{$name} = 1;

    # If we only want the population details menu, then print that and return
    if ( param('pop_details') ) {
        my $pop_name = param('pop_name');
        print STDERR "PD:\n";
        print STDERR Dumper( \%population_data ) . " \n";
        unless (
                pop_name         => $pop_name,
                type_geolocation => \%type_geolocation,
                population_data  => \%population_data,
            print header, start_html;
            print "Failed to print population details.\n";
            print end_html;

    # Create the values that will be passed to PhyloGeoViz
    my @sorted_pop_keys = sort keys %population_data;
    my @sorted_pop_names
        = map { $type_geolocation{$_}->{'key'} } @sorted_pop_keys;
    my @sorted_hap_names = sort keys %hap_names;
    my $numpops          = scalar(@sorted_pop_names);
    my $numhaps          = scalar(@sorted_hap_names);
    my @pop_lat
        = map { $type_geolocation{$_}->{'latitude'} } @sorted_pop_keys;
    my @pop_lng
        = map { $type_geolocation{$_}->{'longitude'} } @sorted_pop_keys;
    my @pop_include = map {1} @sorted_pop_keys;
    my @hap_include = map {1} @sorted_hap_names;
    my @hapgroups   = map {'Haplotypes'} @sorted_hap_names;

    my @pop_haps;
    foreach my $pop_key (@sorted_pop_keys) {
        my @haps;
        foreach my $hap_name (@sorted_hap_names) {
            push @haps, ( $population_data{$pop_key}->{$hap_name} || 0 );
        push @pop_haps, \@haps;

    my @pie_sizes = $self->get_pie_sizes( \@pop_lat, \@pop_lng );
    my @set_hap_colors;

    for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#sorted_hap_names; $i++ ) {
        push @set_hap_colors, [ $sorted_hap_names[$i], $color_list[$i] ];

    # options to be passed into the link back
    my %link_options = ( pop_details => 1, );
    $link_options{'ref'}   = $ref   if ( defined $ref );
    $link_options{'start'} = $start if ( defined $start );
    $link_options{'end'}   = $end   if ( defined $end );
    $link_options{'db_id'} = $db_id if ( defined $db_id );

    #print STDERR Dumper( \%population_data ) . " \n";
    #print STDERR Dumper( \@sorted_pop_names ) . " \n";
    #print STDERR Dumper( \@sorted_hap_names ) . " \n";
    #print STDERR Dumper( \@pop_haps ) . " \n";

    #my $numpops     = 2;
    #my $numhaps     = 2;
    #my @pop_names   = ( 'Iowa', 'Else' );
    #my @hap_names   = ( 'Gold', 'Purple' );
    #my @pop_lat     = ( 37.0625, 25 );
    #my @pop_lng     = ( -95.677068, -95 );
    #my @pop_haps    = ( [ 9, 1 ], [ 5, 5 ] );
    #my @hapgroups   = ( 'Up', 'Down' );
    #my @pop_include = ( 1, 1 );
    #my @hap_include = ( 1, 1 );

    my $html;
    my $template = Template->new(
        FILTERS => {
            dump => sub { Dumper( shift() ) },
            nbsp => sub { my $s = shift; $s =~ s{\s+}{\&nbsp;}g; $s },
        or $self->error(
        "Couldn't create Template object: " . Template->error() );

    print header();
    my $css = $self->source->global_setting('stylesheet');
    my $style_sheet = $self->globals->resolve_path( $css, 'url' );

    my $phylo_url = '';
    if ( defined $self->source->{'config'}{'general'}{'phylogeoviz_url'} ) {
        $phylo_url = $self->source->{'config'}{'general'}{'phylogeoviz_url'};

    #$phylo_url = 'http://localhost:8081/phylo/printparams.php';
    #my $phylo_url = 'http://localhost:8081/phylo/newviewer.php';

    my $iframe_height = '90%';
    my $iframe_width  = '100%';

    my @phylo_link_params = (
        [ 'numpops',        $numpops ],
        [ 'numhaps',        $numhaps ],
        [ 'anchor_pies',    1 ],
        [ 'pop_names',      JSON::to_json( \@sorted_pop_names ) ],
        [ 'hap_names',      JSON::to_json( \@sorted_hap_names ) ],
        [ 'pop_lat',        JSON::to_json( \@pop_lat ) ],
        [ 'pop_lng',        JSON::to_json( \@pop_lng ) ],
        [ 'pop_haps',       JSON::to_json( \@pop_haps ) ],
        [ 'hapgroups',      JSON::to_json( \@hapgroups ) ],
        [ 'set_hap_colors', JSON::to_json( \@set_hap_colors ) ],
        [ 'pop_include',    JSON::to_json( \@pop_include ) ],
        [ 'hap_include',    JSON::to_json( \@hap_include ) ],
        [ 'radii_in_km',    JSON::to_json( \@pie_sizes ) ],
        [ 'link_options',   JSON::to_json( \%link_options ) ],

    if ($balloon) {
        $iframe_height = '400';
        $iframe_width  = '400';
        my $map_padding = 40;
        push @phylo_link_params,
            [ 'map_width',  $iframe_width - $map_padding ],
            [ 'map_height', $iframe_height - $map_padding ],
            [ 'map_only',   1 ],

    # must escape the JSON objects
    my $request_str = join( '&',
        map { $_->[0] . "=" . CGI::escape( $_->[1] ) } @phylo_link_params );

    # For some reason, the balloon interprets the escaping.
    # So we must escape again if it is a balloon.
    if ($balloon) {
        $request_str = CGI::escape($request_str);

    my %options = (
        style_sheet   => $style_sheet,
        numpops       => $numpops,
        numhaps       => $numhaps,
        request_str   => $request_str,
        phylo_url     => $phylo_url,
        iframe_width  => $iframe_width,
        iframe_height => $iframe_height,
        balloon        => $balloon,
    $template->process( \*DATA, \%options, \$html )
        or die $template->error();
    print $html;


=head2 print_pop_details

This method prints out the population details for the given feature.  This is
to be presented in a smallish popup balloon.  It presents population
information and creates links to GBrowse.

The reason that this is not it's own script is that it is just a small portion
of the gbrowse_gmap project.  I'm trying to minimize the file footprint of this


sub print_pop_details {
    my $self             = shift;
    my %args             = @_;
    my $pop_name         = $args{pop_name} or return 0;
    my $type_geolocation = $args{type_geolocation} or return 0;
    my $population_data  = $args{population_data} or return 0;

    my $pop_key = undef;
    foreach my $local_pop_key ( keys %$type_geolocation ) {
        print STDERR "POP_KEY $local_pop_key\n";
        if ( $type_geolocation->{$local_pop_key}{'key'} eq $pop_name ) {
            print STDERR "FOUND\n";
            $pop_key = $local_pop_key;
    return 0 unless ( defined $pop_key );

    my $longitude = $type_geolocation->{$pop_key}{'longitude'};
    my $latitude  = $type_geolocation->{$pop_key}{'latitude'};
    my $category  = $type_geolocation->{$pop_key}{'category'};

    print header, start_html;
    print qq[
        <div id="phylo_popup_div" >
        $pop_name <br>
        Location: $latitude, $longitude <br>
    for my $hap_name ( sort keys %{ $population_data->{$pop_key} } ) {
        print "<tr> <td>$hap_name:</td> <td>"
            . $population_data->{$pop_key}{$hap_name}
            . "</td></tr>\n";
    print "</table>";
    print "</div>";
    print end_html;
    return 1;

[% IF not balloon %]
    <body onLoad="window.location='[% phylo_url %]?[% request_str %]';">  
[% ELSE %]
    <iframe frameborder=1 scrolling=auto height=[% iframe_height %] width=[% iframe_width %] src="[% phylo_url %]?[% request_str %]">ALT</iframe>
    <a href="[% phylo_url %]?[% request_str %]">Local PhyloGeoViz</a>
    <a href="[% request_str %]">Official PhyloGeoViz</a>
[% END %]
<a href="[% request_str %]">Official PhyloGeoViz</a>