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package Bio::Graphics::Browser2::Plugin::LDAPAuthenticate;

# $Id$
use strict;
use base 'Bio::Graphics::Browser2::Plugin::AuthPlugin';

use Net::LDAP;
use Carp 'croak';
#use constant SERVER        => '';
#use constant PEOPLE_BASE   => 'ou=People,dc=oicr,dc=on,dc=ca';
#use constant GROUPS_BASE   => 'ou=Groups,dc=oicr,dc=on,dc=ca';

sub authenticate {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($name,$password) = $self->credentials;

    my $ldap = $self->_ldap_connect or return;

    # possibly bind to the server if a root DN and password are needed

    # do a search to get the user dn with which to bind
    my $search = $ldap->search(
	base   => $self->people_base,
	filter => "(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=$name))"
	)  or die $@;
    return unless $search->count == 1;

    my $entry  = $search->entry(0);

    # now attempt to authenticate with the password
    my $message = $ldap->bind($entry->dn, password => $password);
    return if $message->is_error;

    # get user's full name from the gecos and/or cn/sn fields
    my ($gecos)   = $entry->get('gecos');
    $gecos        =~ s/,+$//;   # trailing unused fields
    my $fullname  = join ' ',($entry->get('cn'),$entry->get('sn'));
    return ($name,$gecos||$fullname||$name);

sub user_in_group {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($user,$group) = @_;
    my $ldap = $self->_ldap_connect or return;

    # do an anonymous search for the posix group with the
    # indicated uid member.
    my $search = $ldap->search(
	base   => $self->groups_base,
	filter => "(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid=$user))"
    my @entries = $search->entries;

    my %groups  = map {$_->get('cn')=>1} @entries;

    return $groups{$group};

sub _ldap_connect {
    my $self = shift;
    my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($self->server);
    unless ($ldap) {
	warn "Could not connect to server ",$self->server;
    return $ldap;

sub _initial_bind {
    my $self = shift;
    my $ldap = shift;
    my $bind_dn    = $self->bind_dn   or return;
    my $bind_pass  = $self->bind_pass or return;
    my $message    = $ldap->bind($bind_dn,password=>$bind_pass);
    return unless $message->is_error;
    my $text = $message->error_text;
    warn <<END;
Error during initial binding to $bind_dn:
All LDAP logins may fail.

sub server {
    return shift->required_setting('ldap server'); 

sub people_base {
    return shift->required_setting('people base');

sub groups_base {
    return shift->required_setting('groups base');

sub bind_dn {
    return shift->setting('bind dn');

sub bind_pass {
    return shift->setting('bind pass');

sub required_setting {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $option = shift;
    my $value  = $self->setting($option);
    croak "You must set the '$option' option in the [LDAPAuthenticate:plugin] section of GBrowse.conf\n"
	unless defined $value;
    return $value;



=head1 NAME

Bio::Graphics::Browser2::Plugin::LDAPAuthenticate - Authenticate user against an LDAP server


In the GBrowse.conf configuration file:

 authentication plugin = LDAPAuthenticate

 login hint = your foobar corp account
 ldap server =
 people base = ou=People,dc=foobar,dc=ny,dc=usa
 groups base = ou=Groups,dc=foobar,dc=ny,dc=usa
 # the following only needed if the LDAP server forbids anonymous (unbound) searches:
 bind dn    = uid=root,ou=People,dc=foobar,dc=ny,dc=usa
 bind pass  = xyzzy


This plugin uses hard-coded values to authenticate users against an
LDAP database. Users can log in using their Unix login names and
passwords (LDAP "posixAccount"). Groups are authorized against the
posixGroup memberUID fields.


For this plugin to work, you must configure an [LDAPAuthenticate:plugin] section
in the main GBrowse.conf file. It will look like this:

 login hint = your foobar corp account
 ldap server =
 people base = ou=People,dc=foobar,dc=ny,dc=usa
 groups base = ou=Groups,dc=foobar,dc=ny,dc=usa

B<login hint> (optional) is displayed to the user so that he knows
what account credentials he or she is being asked for.

B<ldap server> (required) is the address of the LDAP server you wish
to contact. If the server is running on a non-standard, port, you can
indicate it as "".

B<people base> (required) is the search base for the People records
where the provided user id will be found.

B<groups base> (required) is the search base for the Group records
where the user's group membership can be determined.

In addition, if your LDAP server requires a username and password to
bind to B<before> permitting searches, then you will need to provide:

B<bind dn> (optional) the distinguished name of the LDAP user to bind to.
This is often called the LDAP "root" user.

B<bind pass> (optional) the password of the LDAP user to bind to.

Note that providing this bind user's account name and password in a
file that is readable by the web server can be considered a security
risk. Consider allowing anonymous searches on the LDAP server, or else
create an unprivileged user account for the initial binding step.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Lincoln Stein E<lt>lincoln.stein@oicr.on.caE<gt>.

Copyright (c) 2011 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research

This library is free software distributed under the Perl Artistic License v2; 
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
