#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# (C) 2001, Workhorse Computing
# All rights reserved.
# This code is released under the same terms as Perl, see the
# Artistic License for a complete definition.

# housekeeping

# matches the file name:  diskfrie.pm

local $/;

use Parse::RecDescent;
use Quantum::Superpositions;

	package Quantum::Duality;

	use overload
		q{""}	=> sub { $_[0] },
		q{+0}	=> sub { $_[1] },
		q{cmp}	=> sub { $_[2] ? $_[1]->[0] cmp $_[0] : $_[0]->[0] cmp $_[1] },
		q{<=>}	=> sub { $_[2] ? $_[1]->[1] <=> $_[0] : $_[0]->[1] <=> $_[1] },

# real work begins here

# generate a parser from the __DATA__ section of this
# file (see below) then call its "input" rule passing
# it the result of running "df -k" on the system.  the
# parser hands back a reference to an array of blessed
# disk informatin.

my $mountz = 
	Parse::RecDescent->new( <DATA> )->input( qx(df -k) )
	or die "Roadkill:  bad data";

# display df on the mount points that are over the threshold.

if( my $overz = any( @$mountz ) > 90 )
	print "\n", qx(df -k @$overz), "\n";

# keep the shell happy



# df -k on a bsd system looks like:
# Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
# /proc                      0       0       0     0%    /proc
# /dev/md/dsk/d2       1987399 1034737  893041    54%    /
# fd                         0       0       0     0%    /dev/fd
# /dev/md/dsk/d11      3009327   55418 2893723     2%    /var
# on a linux box with devfs it might look like:
# Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
# /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part2
#                         323536    179936    127216  59% /var
# /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part3
#                        2070736    309308   1656572  16% /scratch
# /lvm/vg00/lvol1         486344    418760     43008  91% /opt/src
# /lvm/vg00/lvol2         258832      2060    243668   1% /backup
# problem is to figure out which drives are over the threshold
# and need to be reported.

{ $::HD_HINT = $::HD_TRACE = 1 if $^P }

input	:	<rulevar: local @dir>

input	:	line(s)	{ $return = \@dir }

line	:	path number(s) '%' path
				push @dir,
					bless [ $item[-1], $item{number}->[-1] ], 'Quantum::Duality'

		|	/.+/	{ 1 }

path	:	m{/\S+}	{ $return = $item[1] }

number	:	/\d+/	{ $return = $item[1] }