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use strict;
# ABSTRACT= 'upoad post to wordpress'
use lib './lib';
use WordPress::CLI::Base ':all';
our $VERSION = sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.2 $ =~ /(\d+)/g;
use LEOCHARRE::Strings ':all';
use Getopt::Std::Strict 'ht:d:D:c:u:p:x:vnC:k';
$opt_h and print STDERR usage() and exit;
$opt_v and print "$VERSION\n" and exit;

sub usage {q{wordpres-upload-post [OPTION].. FILE
Upoad post to wordpress.

   -d path     simple text/html file or FILE containing content 
   -h          help
   -t string   title *
   -D string   date
   -c number   category name or id, can be comma separated
   -u string   username *
   -p string   password *
   -x url      proxy, xmlrpc address *
   -n          don't post, just test
   -C path     load username, password, and proxy from this config file
   -k          clean description text

* required
Try 'man wordpress-upload-post' for more info.

# load config from file ?
if ($opt_C){
      or die("you asked to load args from $opt_C, but file's not on disk");
   ### %OPT

# check we have all options wanted
# turn into args
my $u = usage();
while ( $u=~/\s+-(\w)\s(\w+)\s+(.+)\*/g ){
   shomp $desc;
   $OPT{$option} or die("missing $desc (-$option), value must be $value");

# check login credentials
my $wp = _wordpress_xmlrpc_object_or_die(\%OPT);

# resolve options 
if( my $count = scalar @ARGV ){
   $count ==1 or die("can only set one FILE as argument for post content file");
   $opt_d and die("use either the -d argument OR an argument, not both");
   $opt_d = $ARGV[0];
if( $opt_d ){ # description content file
   -f $opt_d or die("not on disk $opt_d");
   $opt_d = slurp($opt_d);

   if ($opt_k){
      # if we see a newline but the chars in between are word chars not uppercase
      $opt_d=~s/(?<=[a-z])\s*\n(?=[a-z])/ /g;
      # this helps prevent wordpress from adding breaks where we dont want then
      # because for flat text files, 80 width is great
      # but for the web, not so much

   length($opt_d) > 10 or warn("description had very little length");
   ### description content seems ok

if ($opt_D){ # date
   $opt_D = _date2wordpressdate($opt_D) or die;      

### if categories specified.. make sure they exist for real
if ($opt_c){# categories

   my @cats;
   my @wanted = split(/,/,$opt_c);

   for my $category_arg (@wanted){      
      shomp $category_arg;
      my ($name,$id)=_resolve_cat_arg($wp, $category_arg) or die;
      push @cats, $name;      

   $opt_c=[ @cats ];
   ### $opt_c
   ### categories ok

my $struct;
if ($opt_D){ # date
   $struct->{dateCreated} = $opt_D;
   $struct->{date_created_gmt} = undef; # maybe needs that

if ($opt_c){ $struct->{categories} = $opt_c; }
if ($opt_d){
   $struct->{description} = $opt_d;

### $opt_n

unless( $opt_n){
   my $new_post_id = $wp->newPost($struct, 1) or die("failed");
   ### $new_post_id


exit 0;

### subs

sub slurp {   
   open(FILE, '<', $_[0]) or warn("Can't open file for reading: '$_[0]', $!") and return;   
   local $/;
   my $text = <FILE>;
   close FILE or die($!);



=head1 NAME

wordpress-upload-post - upoad post to wordpress


If you provide a date, we check for correctness before attempt.
If you specify a category or more, we check that they do exist.

=head2 Motivation

I've workded on other cli scripts to wordpress- but I found them too complex.
This simply allows you to post content to a category in your blog, via the comand line.

=head1 USAGE

wordpress-upload-post [OPTIONS].. [PATH|DESCRIPTION]

   -d path     simple text/html FILE containing content 
   -h          help
   -t string   title *
   -D string   date
   -c number   category name or id, can be comma separated 
   -u string   username *
   -p string   password *
   -x url      proxy, xmlrpc address *
   -n          don't post, just test
   -k          clean description text

* Required.


Load the login info from a file:
   wordpress-upload-post -d ./content.txt -t 'Red House Found' -C ./conf.txt 

Login conf example file:

   -u usenamejim
   -p passew2t42t

Set a date for the post, also upload to category 'yummy' and 'broke', you can also specify 
an id for a category instead, we check that the category exists.

   wordpress-upload-post -D 'June 2001' -t 'simple title' -c 'yummy,broke,35' -u leo -p 2g32 -x

You may specify the file with content for the description (the body of the post), via -d
argument or via an argument. Not both, and not more than one.

=head3 clean description text flag

If you want to clean the description text, use the -k flag.
This makes it so

   This is another kind of 
   break that happens here.
   As well as this 

Gets turned to

   This is another kind of break that happens here.
   As well as this 

This is useful if you have as decription input file, properly formatted 80 char wide
data. This prevents wordpress from inserting breaks where we don't want them.
For the web, it's best to have only paragraphs, the user can set the width and.. well.
You know the argument.

=head1 SEE ALSO

WordPress::CLI - parent package

=head1 AUTHOR

Leo Charre leocharre at cpan dot org

=head1 LICENSE

This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, i.e., under the terms of the "Artistic License" or the "GNU General Public License".


This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

See the "GNU General Public License" for more details.
