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use strict;
# ABSTRACT = 'get a screenshots within a movie file'
use LEOCHARRE::Dir ':all';
use String::ShellQuote 'shell_quote';
use LEOCHARRE::Basename ':all';
use Getopt::Std::Strict 'hvf:s:o:S:Xdn';
our $VERSION = sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.2 $ =~ /(\d+)/g;

$opt_h and print STDERR usage() and exit;
$opt_v and print "$VERSION\n" and exit;

sub debug { $opt_d and warn("$0: @_\n"); 1 }

sub usage {q{moviecap [OPTION].. MOVIEFILE..
Get a screenshot within a MOVIEFILE

   -f number      frame count, default 1
   -s number      seconds to skip per frame, default 5
   -o dir         path to output directory, default is cwd
   -S number      seconds in to start
   -X             disable -forceidx
   -h             help
   -v             version
   -n             show the shell commands

Try 'man moviecap' for more info.

$opt_f ||= 1;
$opt_s ||= 5;

my @ss;
$opt_S ||= 0;

my $in= $opt_S;

for ( 0 .. $opt_f ){
   $in = ($in + $opt_s);        
   push @ss, $in;

debug("steps used: @ss");

my @files = map { abs_file_or_die($_) } @ARGV;

if ($opt_o){
   $opt_o = abs_dir_or_die($opt_o);

MOVIE: for my $abs (@files){

   my $abs_loc = abs_loc($abs);
   my $basename = filename($abs);
   my $name = filename_only($abs);

   debug("abs loc '$abs_loc', basename: '$basename'");

   $opt_o ||= $abs_loc;

   my $d = `mktemp -d /tmp/caps.XXX`;

   (chdir $d) or die;   
   for my $seconds (@ss){
      my $ss;
      # transform seconds to hh:mm:ss
      # Convert seconds to days, hours, minutes, seconds
      my @parts = gmtime($seconds);
      $ss = sprintf '%02d:%02d:%02d', @parts[2,1,0];     

      my $force = $opt_X ? '' : '-forceidx'; # disable forceidx? 
      my $cmd = sprintf "mplayer $force -quiet -vo jpeg:quality=95 -nosound -frames 1 -ss $ss %s > /dev/null 2>&1", shell_quote($abs);
      if ($opt_n){


      my @f = lsfa($d);
      my $out = $f[0];
      my $to = sprintf "%s/%s_%s.jpg", $opt_o, $name, $ss;
      debug("ran:\n$cmd\nfiles: @f");
      my $cmd2 = sprintf 'mv %s %s',shell_quote($out),shell_quote($to);
      $opt_n and warn($cmd2);
      print "$to\n";


sub sys;
sub sysd;
sub sysx;
sub sys  { (system(@_) == 0) ? 1 : ( warn("Failed system(@_), $!") and 0 ) }
sub sysd { (system(@_) == 0) ? 1 :   die("Failed system(@_), $!") }
sub sysx { (system(@_) == 0) ? 1 : ( warn("Failed system(@_), $!") and exit 1 ) }



=head1 NAME

moviecap - get a screenshots within a movie file


Helps to get a movie screenshot.
Creates a tempdir to make caps in, and renames the files like the movie.

=head1 USAGE

moviecap [OPTIONS].. MOVIEFILE..

   -f number      frame count, default 1
   -s number      seconds to skip per frame, default 5
   -o dir         path to output directory, default is cwd
   -S number      seconds in to start
   -X             disable -forceidx
   -h             help
   -v             version


Five frames, 25 secs inbetween each, output to current dir:

   moviecap -f 5 -s 25 ./movie.avi

=head1 AUTHOR

Leo Charre leocharre at cpan dot org

=head1 LICENSE

This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, i.e., under the terms of the "Artistic License" or the "GNU General Public License".


This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

See the "GNU General Public License" for more details.
