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package App::ModuleBuildTiny;

use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '0.013';

use Exporter 5.57 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw/modulebuildtiny/;

use Carp qw/croak/;
use Config;
use CPAN::Meta;
use ExtUtils::Manifest qw/manifind maniskip maniread/;
use File::Basename qw/basename dirname/;
use File::Copy qw/copy/;
use File::Path qw/mkpath rmtree/;
use File::Slurper qw/write_text/;
use File::Spec::Functions qw/catfile catdir rel2abs/;
use Getopt::Long 2.36 'GetOptionsFromArray';


sub prereqs_for {
	my ($meta, $phase, $type, $module, $default) = @_;
	return $meta->effective_prereqs->requirements_for($phase, $type)->requirements_for_module($module) || $default || 0;

sub get_files {
	my %opts = @_;
	my $files;
	if (not $opts{regenerate}{MANIFEST} and -r 'MANIFEST') {
		$files = maniread;
	else {
		my $maniskip = maniskip;
		$files = manifind();
		delete $files->{$_} for keys %{ $opts{regenerate} }, grep { $maniskip->($_) } keys %$files;
	$files->{'Build.PL'} //= do {
		my $minimum_mbt  = prereqs_for($opts{meta}, qw/configure requires Module::Build::Tiny/);
		my $minimum_perl = prereqs_for($opts{meta}, qw/runtime requires perl 5.006/);
		my $dist_name = $opts{meta}->name;
		"# This Build.PL for $dist_name was generated by mbtiny $VERSION.\nuse $minimum_perl;\nuse Module::Build::Tiny $minimum_mbt;\nBuild_PL();\n";
	$files->{'META.json'} //= $opts{meta}->as_string;
	$files->{'META.yml'} //= $opts{meta}->as_string({ version => 1.4 });
	$files->{MANIFEST} //= join "\n", sort keys %$files;

	return $files;

sub uptodate {
	my ($destination, @source) = @_;
	return if not -e $destination;
	for my $source (grep { defined && -e } @source) {
		return if -M $destination < -M $source;
	return 1;

sub find {
	my ($re, @dir) = @_;
	my $ret;
	File::Find::find(sub { $ret++ if /$re/ }, @dir);
	return $ret;

sub mbt_version {
	if (find(qr/\.PL$/, 'lib')) {
		return '0.039';
	elsif (find(qr/\.xs$/, 'lib')) {
		return '0.036';
	return '0.034';

sub load_mergedata {
	my $mergefile = shift;
	if (defined $mergefile and -r $mergefile) {
		require Parse::CPAN::Meta;
		return Parse::CPAN::Meta->load_file($mergefile);

sub distname {
	my $extra = shift;
	return delete $extra->{name} if defined $extra->{name};
	my $distname = basename(rel2abs('.'));
	$distname =~ s/(?:^(?:perl|p5)-|[\-\.]pm$)//x;
	return $distname;

sub get_meta {
	my %opts = @_;
	my $mergefile = $opts{mergefile} || (grep { -f } qw/metamerge.json metamerge.yml/)[0];
	if (not $opts{regenerate}{'META.json'} and uptodate('META.json', 'cpanfile', $mergefile)) {
		return CPAN::Meta->load_file('META.json', { lazy_validation => 0 });
	else {
		my $mergedata = load_mergedata($mergefile) || {};
		my $distname = distname($mergedata);
		my $filename = catfile('lib', split /-/, $distname) . '.pm';

		require Module::Metadata;
		my $data = Module::Metadata->new_from_file($filename, collect_pod => 1) or die "Couldn't analyse $filename: $!";
		my ($abstract) = $data->pod('NAME') =~ / \A \s+ \S+ \s? - \s? (.+?) \s* \z /x;
		my $authors = [ map { / \A \s* (.+?) \s* \z /x } grep { /\S/ } split /\n/, $data->pod('AUTHOR') ];
		my $version = $data->version($data->name) or die "Cannot parse \$VERSION from $filename";
		my (@license_sections) = grep { /licen[cs]e|licensing|copyright|legal|authors?\b/i } $data->pod_inside;

		my $license;
		for my $license_section (@license_sections) {
			require Software::LicenseUtils;
			my $content = "=head1 LICENSE\n" . $data->pod($license_section);
			my @guess = Software::LicenseUtils->guess_license_from_pod($content);
			next if not @guess;
			croak "Couldn't parse license from $license_section: @guess" if @guess != 1;
			my $class = $guess[0];
			my ($year) = $data->pod($license_section) =~ /.*? copyright .*? ([\d\-]+)/;
			require Module::Runtime;
			$license = $class->new({holder => $authors, year => $year});
		croak 'No license found' if not $license;

		my $prereqs = -f 'cpanfile' ? do { require Module::CPANfile; Module::CPANfile->load('cpanfile')->prereq_specs } : {};
		$prereqs->{configure}{requires}{'Module::Build::Tiny'} //= mbt_version();
		$prereqs->{develop}{requires}{'App::ModuleBuildTiny'} //= $VERSION;

		my $metahash = {
			name           => $distname,
			version        => $version->stringify,
			author         => $authors,
			abstract       => $abstract,
			dynamic_config => 0,
			license        => [ $license->meta2_name ],
			prereqs        => $prereqs,
			release_status => $version =~ /_|-TRIAL$/ ? 'testing' : 'stable',
			generated_by   => "App::ModuleBuildTiny version $VERSION",
			'meta-spec'    => {
				version    => '2',
				url        => ''
		if (%{$mergedata}) {
			require CPAN::Meta::Merge;
			$metahash = CPAN::Meta::Merge->new(default_version => '2')->merge($metahash, $mergedata);
		$metahash->{provides} ||= Module::Metadata->provides(version => 2, dir => 'lib') if not $metahash->{no_index};
		return CPAN::Meta->create($metahash, { lazy_validation => 0 });

my @generatable = qw/Build.PL META.json META.yml MANIFEST/;
Getopt::Long::Configure(qw/require_order pass_through gnu_compat/);

sub distdir {
	my %opts    = @_;
	my $meta    = get_meta();
	my $dir     = $opts{dir} || $meta->name . '-' . $meta->version;
	mkpath($dir, $opts{verbose}, oct '755');
	my $content = get_files(%opts, meta => $meta);
	for my $filename (keys %{$content}) {
		my $target = catfile($dir, $filename);
		mkpath(dirname($target)) if not -d dirname($target);
		if ($content->{$filename}) {
			write_text($target, $content->{$filename});
		else {
			copy($filename, $target);

sub checkchanges {
	my $version = quotemeta shift;
	open my $changes, '<:raw', 'Changes' or die "Couldn't open Changes file";
	my (undef, @content) = grep { / ^ $version (?:-TRIAL)? (?:\s+|$) /x ... /^\S/ } <$changes>;
	pop @content while @content && $content[-1] =~ / ^ (?: \S | \s* $ ) /x;
	warn "Changes appears to be empty\n" if not @content

my $Build = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 'Build' : './Build';

sub run {
	my %opts = @_;
	require File::Temp;
	my $dir  = File::Temp::tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
	distdir(%opts, dir => $dir);
	chdir $dir;
	if ($opts{build}) {
		system $Config{perlpath}, 'Build.PL';
		system $Build, 'build';
		unshift @PERL5LIB, map { rel2abs(catdir('blib', $_)) } 'arch', 'lib';
		unshift @PATH, rel2abs(catdir('blib', 'script'));
	return system @{ $opts{command} };

my %actions = (
	dist => sub {
		my @arguments = @_;
		GetOptionsFromArray(\@arguments, 'verbose!' => \my $verbose);
		require Archive::Tar;
		my $arch    = Archive::Tar->new;
		my $meta    = get_meta();
		my $name    = $meta->name . '-' . $meta->version;
		my $content = get_files(meta => $meta);
		for my $filename (keys %{$content}) {
			if ($content->{$filename}) {
				$arch->add_data($filename, $content->{$filename});
			else {
		$_->mode($_->mode & ~oct 22) for $arch->get_files;
		printf "tar czf $name.tar.gz %s\n", join ' ', keys %{$content} if ($verbose || 0) > 0;
		$arch->write("$name.tar.gz", &Archive::Tar::COMPRESS_GZIP, $name);
		return 0;
	distdir => sub {
		my @arguments = @_;
		GetOptionsFromArray(\@arguments, 'verbose!' => \my $verbose);
		distdir(verbose => $verbose);
		return 0;
	test => sub {
		my @arguments = @_;
		GetOptionsFromArray(\@arguments, 'release!' => \$RELEASE_TESTING, 'author!' => \$AUTHOR_TESTING, 'automated!' => \$AUTOMATED_TESTING);
		return run(command => [ $Build, 'test' ], build => 1);
	run => sub {
		my @arguments = @_;
		croak "No arguments given to run" if not @arguments;
		GetOptionsFromArray(\@arguments, 'build!' => \(my $build = 1));
		return run(command => \@arguments, build => $build);
	shell => sub {
		my @arguments = @_;
		GetOptionsFromArray(\@arguments, 'build!' => \my $build);
		return run(command => [ $SHELL ], build => $build);
	listdeps => sub {
		my @arguments = @_;
		GetOptionsFromArray(\@arguments, \my %opts, qw/json only_missing|only-missing|missing omit_core|omit-core=s author versions/);
		my $meta = get_meta();

		require CPAN::Meta::Prereqs::Filter;
		my $prereqs = CPAN::Meta::Prereqs::Filter::filter_prereqs($meta->effective_prereqs, %opts, sanitize => 1);

		if (!$opts{json}) {
			my @phases = qw/build test configure runtime/;
			push @phases, 'develop' if $opts{author};

			my $reqs = $prereqs->merged_requirements(\@phases);

			my @modules = sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } $reqs->required_modules;
			if ($opts{versions}) {
				say "$_ = ", $reqs->requirements_for_module($_) for @modules;
			else {
				say for @modules;
		else {
			require JSON::PP;
			print JSON::PP->new->ascii->pretty->encode($prereqs->as_string_hash);
		return 0;
	regenerate => sub {
		my @arguments = @_;
		my %files = map { $_ => 1 } @arguments ? @arguments : qw/Build.PL META.json META.yml MANIFEST/;

		my $meta = get_meta(regenerate => \%files);
		my $content = get_files(meta => $meta, regenerate => \%files);
		for my $filename (keys %files) {
			mkpath(dirname($filename)) if not -d dirname($filename);
			write_text($filename, $content->{$filename}) if $content->{$filename};
		return 0;

sub modulebuildtiny {
	my ($action, @arguments) = @_;
	croak 'No action given' unless defined $action;
	my $call = $actions{$action};
	croak "No such action '$action' known\n" if not $call;
	return $call->(@arguments);


=head1 NAME

App::ModuleBuildTiny - A standalone authoring tool for Module::Build::Tiny

=head1 VERSION

version 0.013


App::ModuleBuildTiny contains the implementation of the L<mbtiny> tool.


=over 4

=item * modulebuildtiny($action, @arguments)

This function runs a modulebuildtiny command. It expects at least one argument: the action. It may receive additional ARGV style options dependent on the command.

The actions are documented in the L<mbtiny> documentation.


=head1 SEE ALSO

=head2 Helpers

=over 4

=item * L<scan-prereqs-cpanfile|scan-prereqs-cpanfile>

A tool to automatically generate a L<cpanfile> for you.

=item * L<cpan-upload|cpan-upload>

A program that facilitates upload the tarball as produced by C<mbtiny>.

=item * L<perl-reversion|perl-reversion>

A tool to bump the version in your modules.

=item * L<perl-bump-version|perl-bump-version>

An alternative tool to bump the version in your modules


=head2 Similar programs

=over 4

=item * L<Dist::Zilla|Dist::Zilla>

An extremely powerful but somewhat heavy authoring tool.

=item * L<Minilla|Minilla>

A more minimalistic but still somewhat customizable authoring tool.


=head1 AUTHOR

Leon Timmermans <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Leon Timmermans.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


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