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#! perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config;
use ExtUtils::CBuilder;
use File::Spec::Functions 0 qw/catdir catfile/;
use IPC::Open2;
use Test::More 0.88;
use lib 't/lib';
use DistGen qw/undent/;
use XSLoader;

# fixtures

my $dist = DistGen->new(name => 'Foo::Bar');
$dist->add_file('share/file.txt', 'FooBarBaz');
$dist->add_file('script/simple', undent(<<'    ---'));
    use Foo::Bar;
    print Simple->VERSION . "\n";
my $has_compiler = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new->have_compiler();
$dist->add_file('lib/Simple.xs', undent(<<'    ---')) if $has_compiler;
    #include "EXTERN.h"
    #include "perl.h"
    #include "XSUB.h"

    MODULE = Simple                PACKAGE = Simple

    const char*
        RETVAL = "Hello World!\n";


my $interpreter = ($Config{startperl} eq $^X )
                ? qr/#!\Q$^X\E/
                : qr/(?:#!\Q$^X\E|\Q$Config{startperl}\E)/;
my ($guts, $ec);

sub _mod2pm   { (my $mod = shift) =~ s{::}{/}g; return "$" }
sub _path2mod { (my $pm  = shift) =~ s{/}{::}g; return substr $pm, 5, -3 }
sub _mod2dist { (my $mod = shift) =~ s{::}{-}g; return $mod; }
sub _slurp { do { local (@ARGV,$/)=$_[0]; <> } }

# configure

  is(system($^X, 'Build.PL', '--install_base=install'), 0, 'Ran Build.PL');
  ok( -f 'Build', "Build created" );
  if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
    ok( -f 'Build.bat', 'Build is executable');
  else {
    ok( -x 'Build', "Build is executable" );

  open my $fh, "<", "Build";
  my $line = <$fh>;

  like( $line, qr{\A$interpreter}, "Build has shebang line with \$^X" );
  ok( -f '_build_params', "_build_params created" );

# build

  ok( open2(my($in, $out), $^X, 'Build'), 'Could run Build' );
  my $output = do { local $/; <$in> };
  like( $output, qr{lib/Foo/Bar\.pm}, 'Build output looks correctly');
  ok( -d 'blib',        "created blib" );
  ok( -d 'blib/lib',    "created blib/lib" );
  ok( -d 'blib/script', "created blib/script" );

  # check pm
  my $pmfile = _mod2pm($dist->name);
  ok( -f 'blib/lib/' . $pmfile, "$dist->{name} copied to blib" );
  is( _slurp("lib/$pmfile"), _slurp("blib/lib/$pmfile"), "pm contents are correct" );
  is((stat "blib/lib/$pmfile")[2] & 0222, 0, "pm file in blib is readonly" );

  # check bin
  ok( -f 'blib/script/simple', "bin/simple copied to blib" );
  like( _slurp("blib/script/simple"), '/' .quotemeta(_slurp("blib/script/simple")) . "/", "blib/script/simple contents are correct" );
  if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
    ok( -f "blib/script/simple.bat", "blib/script/simple is executable");
  else {
    ok( -x "blib/script/simple", "blib/script/simple is executable" );
  is((stat "blib/script/simple")[2] & 0222, 0, "script in blib is readonly" );
  if ($^O ne 'MSWin32') {
    open my $fh, "<", "blib/script/simple";
    my $line = <$fh>;
    like( $line, qr{\A$interpreter}, "blib/script/simple has shebang line with \$^X" );

  require blib;
  if (eval { require File::ShareDir }) {
    ok( -d File::ShareDir::dist_dir('Foo-Bar'), 'sharedir has been made');
    ok( -f File::ShareDir::dist_file('Foo-Bar', 'file.txt'), 'sharedir file has been made');
  ok( -d catdir(qw/blib lib auto share dist Foo-Bar/), 'sharedir has been made');
  ok( -f catfile(qw/blib lib auto share dist Foo-Bar file.txt/), 'sharedir file has been made');

  if ($has_compiler) {
    is(Simple::foo(), "Hello World!\n", 'Can run XSub Simple::foo');

  ok( open2(my($in, $out), $^X, Build => 'install'), 'Could run Build install' );
  my $output = do { local $/; <$in> };
  my $filename = catfile(qw/install lib perl5/, ($has_compiler? $Config{archname} : () ), qw/Foo;
  like($output, qr/Installing \Q$filename/, 'Build install output looks correctly');

  ok( -f $filename, 'Module is installed');
  ok( -f 'install/bin/simple', 'Script is installed');
