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package SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Pattern;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Params::Validate qw(:types);

use SVG::Rasterize::Regexes qw(:attributes);

# $Id: 6636 2011-04-30 00:17:34Z powergnom $

=head1 NAME

C<SVG::Rasterize::Specification::Pattern> - specification for class Pattern

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.003007


our $VERSION = '0.003007';

our %CHILDREN = ('pattern' => {'a'                => 1,
                               'altGlyphDef'      => 1,
                               'animate'          => 1,
                               'animateColor'     => 1,
                               'animateMotion'    => 1,
                               'animateTransform' => 1,
                               'circle'           => 1,
                               'clipPath'         => 1,
                               'color-profile'    => 1,
                               'cursor'           => 1,
                               'defs'             => 1,
                               'desc'             => 1,
                               'ellipse'          => 1,
                               'filter'           => 1,
                               'font'             => 1,
                               'font-face'        => 1,
                               'g'                => 1,
                               'image'            => 1,
                               'line'             => 1,
                               'linearGradient'   => 1,
                               'marker'           => 1,
                               'mask'             => 1,
                               'metadata'         => 1,
                               'path'             => 1,
                               'pattern'          => 1,
                               'polygon'          => 1,
                               'polyline'         => 1,
                               'radialGradient'   => 1,
                               'rect'             => 1,
                               'script'           => 1,
                               'set'              => 1,
                               'style'            => 1,
                               'svg'              => 1,
                               'switch'           => 1,
                               'symbol'           => 1,
                               'text'             => 1,
                               'title'            => 1,
                               'use'              => 1,
                               'view'             => 1});

our %ATTR_VAL = ('pattern' => {'alignment-baseline'           => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:auto|baseline|before\-edge|text\-before\-edge|middle|central|after\-edge|text\-after\-edge|ideographic|alphabetic|hanging|mathematical|inherit)$/},
                               'baseline-shift'               => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'class'                        => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'clip'                         => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'clip-path'                    => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'clip-rule'                    => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:nonzero|evenodd|inherit)$/},
                               'color'                        => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => $RE_PAINT{p_COLOR}},
                               'color-interpolation'          => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:auto|sRGB|linearRGB|inherit)$/},
                               'color-interpolation-filters'  => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:auto|sRGB|linearRGB|inherit)$/},
                               'color-profile'                => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'color-rendering'              => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:auto|optimizeSpeed|optimizeQuality|inherit)$/},
                               'cursor'                       => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'direction'                    => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:ltr|rtl|inherit)$/},
                               'display'                      => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:inline|block|list\-item|run\-in|compact|marker|table|inline\-table|table\-row\-group|table\-header\-group|table\-footer\-group|table\-row|table\-column\-group|table\-column|table\-cell|table\-caption|none|inherit)$/},
                               'dominant-baseline'            => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:auto|use\-script|no\-change|reset\-size|ideographic|alphabetic|hanging|mathematical|central|middle|text\-after\-edge|text\-before\-edge|inherit)$/},
                               'enable-background'            => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'externalResourcesRequired'    => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:false|true)$/},
                               'fill'                         => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => $RE_PAINT{p_PAINT}},
                               'fill-opacity'                 => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/$RE_NUMBER{p_A_NUMBER}|^inherit$/},
                               'fill-rule'                    => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:nonzero|evenodd|inherit)$/},
                               'filter'                       => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'flood-color'                  => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'flood-opacity'                => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/$RE_NUMBER{p_A_NUMBER}|^inherit$/},
                               'font-family'                  => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'font-size'                    => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => $RE_TEXT{p_FONT_SIZE}},
                               'font-size-adjust'             => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'font-stretch'                 => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:normal|wider|narrower|ultra\-condensed|extra\-condensed|condensed|semi\-condensed|semi\-expanded|expanded|extra\-expanded|ultra\-expanded|inherit)$/},
                               'font-style'                   => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:normal|italic|oblique|inherit)$/},
                               'font-variant'                 => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:normal|small\-caps|inherit)$/},
                               'font-weight'                  => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:normal|bold|bolder|lighter|100|200|300|400|500|600|700|800|900|inherit)$/},
                               'glyph-orientation-horizontal' => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'glyph-orientation-vertical'   => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'height'                       => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => $RE_LENGTH{p_A_LENGTH}},
                               'id'                           => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => $RE_XML{p_NAME}},
                               'image-rendering'              => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:auto|optimizeSpeed|optimizeQuality|inherit)$/},
                               'kerning'                      => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'letter-spacing'               => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'lighting-color'               => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'marker-end'                   => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'marker-mid'                   => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'marker-start'                 => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'mask'                         => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'opacity'                      => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/$RE_NUMBER{p_A_NUMBER}|^inherit$/},
                               'overflow'                     => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:visible|hidden|scroll|auto|inherit)$/},
                               'patternContentUnits'          => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:userSpaceOnUse|objectBoundingBox)$/},
                               'patternTransform'             => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => $RE_TRANSFORM{p_TRANSFORM_LIST}},
                               'patternUnits'                 => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:userSpaceOnUse|objectBoundingBox)$/},
                               'pointer-events'               => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:visiblePainted|visibleFill|visibleStroke|visible|painted|fill|stroke|all|none|inherit)$/},
                               'preserveAspectRatio'          => {'default'  => 'xMidYMid meet',
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => $RE_VIEW_BOX{p_PAR}},
                               'requiredExtensions'           => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'requiredFeatures'             => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'shape-rendering'              => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:auto|optimizeSpeed|crispEdges|geometricPrecision|inherit)$/},
                               'stop-color'                   => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'stop-opacity'                 => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/$RE_NUMBER{p_A_NUMBER}|^inherit$/},
                               'stroke'                       => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => $RE_PAINT{p_PAINT}},
                               'stroke-dasharray'             => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/$RE_DASHARRAY{p_DASHARRAY}|^inherit$|^none$/},
                               'stroke-dashoffset'            => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/$RE_LENGTH{p_A_LENGTH}|^inherit$/},
                               'stroke-linecap'               => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:butt|round|square|inherit)$/},
                               'stroke-linejoin'              => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:miter|round|bevel|inherit)$/},
                               'stroke-miterlimit'            => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/$RE_NUMBER{p_A_NNNUMBER}|^inherit$/},
                               'stroke-opacity'               => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/$RE_NUMBER{p_A_NUMBER}|^inherit$/},
                               'stroke-width'                 => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/$RE_LENGTH{p_A_LENGTH}|^inherit$/},
                               'style'                        => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'systemLanguage'               => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'text-anchor'                  => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:start|middle|end|inherit)$/},
                               'text-decoration'              => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'text-rendering'               => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:auto|optimizeSpeed|optimizeLegibility|geometricPrecision|inherit)$/},
                               'unicode-bidi'                 => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:normal|embed|bidi\-override|inherit)$/},
                               'viewBox'                      => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => $RE_VIEW_BOX{p_VIEW_BOX}},
                               'visibility'                   => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:visible|hidden|inherit)$/},
                               'width'                        => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => $RE_LENGTH{p_A_LENGTH}},
                               'word-spacing'                 => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'writing-mode'                 => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:lr\-tb|rl\-tb|tb\-rl|lr|rl|tb|inherit)$/},
                               'x'                            => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => $RE_LENGTH{p_A_LENGTH}},
                               'xlink:actuate'                => {'default'  => 'onLoad',
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:onLoad)$/},
                               'xlink:arcrole'                => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'xlink:href'                   => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'xlink:role'                   => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'xlink:show'                   => {'default'  => 'other',
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:other)$/},
                               'xlink:title'                  => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'xlink:type'                   => {'default'  => 'simple',
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:simple)$/},
                               'xml:base'                     => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'xml:lang'                     => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => $RE_XML{p_NMTOKEN}},
                               'xml:space'                    => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/^(?:default|preserve)$/},
                               'xmlns:xlink'                  => {'default'  => '',
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => qr/.?/},
                               'y'                            => {'optional' => 1,
                                                                  'type'     => SCALAR,
                                                                  'regex'    => $RE_LENGTH{p_A_LENGTH}}});

our %ATTR_HINTS = ('pattern' => {'color'        => {'color'  => 1},
                                 'fill'         => {'color'  => 1},
                                 'height'       => {'length' => 1},
                                 'stroke'       => {'color'  => 1},
                                 'stroke-width' => {'length' => 1},
                                 'width'        => {'length' => 1},
                                 'x'            => {'length' => 1},
                                 'y'            => {'length' => 1}});





This file was automatically generated using the SVG DTD available

See L<SVG::Rasterize::Specification|SVG::Rasterize::Specification>
for more details.

=head1 AUTHOR

Lutz Gehlen, C<< <perl at> >>


Copyright 2010-2011 Lutz Gehlen.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.
