package Tk::Wizard::FileSystem;

use strict;
use warnings;
use warnings::register;

use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = do { my @r = ( q$Revision: 2.77 $ =~ /\d+/g ); sprintf "%d." . "%03d" x $#r, @r };

use Carp ();
use Tk::LabFrame;
use Tk::DirTree;
use Tk::Wizard::Image;

my $WINDOZE = ($^O =~ m/MSWin32/i);
my $dir_term 	 = $WINDOZE ? 'folder' : 'directory';
my $dir_term_ucf = ucfirst $dir_term;

=head1 NAME

Tk::Wizard::FileSystem - C<Tk::Wizard> pages to allow end-user filesystem access


Currently automatically loaded by C<Tk::Wizard>, though this
behaviour is deprecated and is expected to change in 2008.


Adds a number of methods to C<Tk::Wizard>, to allow the end-user to access
the filesystem.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 addDirSelectPage

  $wizard->addDirSelectPage ( -variable => \$chosen_dir )

Adds a page (C<Tk::Frame>) that contains a scrollable tree list of all
directories including, on Win32, logical drives.

Supply in C<-variable> a reference to a variable to set the initial
directory, and to have set with the chosen path.

Supply C<-nowarnings> with a value of C<1> to list only drives which are
accessible, thus avoiding C<Tk::DirTree> warnings on Win32 where removable
drives have no media.

Supply in C<-nowarnings> a value other than C<1> to avoid listing drives
which are both inaccessible and - on Win32 - are
either fixed drives, network drives, or RAM drives (that is types 3, 4, and
6, according to L<Win32API::File/GetDriveType>).

You may also specify the C<-title>, C<-subtitle> and C<-text> parameters, as
in L</blank_frame>.

An optional C<-background> argument is used as the background of the Entry and DirTree widgets
(default is white).

Also see L</callback_dirSelect>.


sub Tk::Wizard::addDirSelectPage {
    my $self = shift;
    my $args = {@_};
    # $self->addPage( sub { $self->_page_dirSelect($args) } );
	my %btn_args =
		map { my $x = delete $args->{$_}; $_ => $x }
		grep { /ButtonAction$/ }
		keys %$args;
	return $self->addPage( sub { $self->_page_dirSelect($args) }, %btn_args );

# PRIVATE METHOD _page_dirSelect
# It'd be nice to use FBox here, but it doesn't seem to support dir selection
# and DirSelect is broken and ugly
# As blank_frame plus:
# -variable => Reference to a variable to set.
# -nowarnings => 1 : chdir to each drive first and only list if accessible
#             => !1: as 1, plus on types 3,4 and 6.
sub Tk::Wizard::_page_dirSelect {
    my $self = shift;
    my $args = shift;

    if ( not $args->{-variable} ) {
        Carp::croak "You must supply a -variable parameter";

    elsif ( not ref $args->{-variable} ) {
        Carp::croak "The -variable parameter must be a reference";

    ${ $args->{-variable} } ||= '';

    # The DirTree can take a long time to read all the disk drives when
    # populating itself:
    my $_drives = sub {
        return '/' if not $WINDOZE;
        eval('require Win32API::File');
        return Win32API::File::getLogicalDrives();

    my ( $frame, @pl ) = $self->blank_frame(
        -title    => $args->{-title}    || "Please choose a $dir_term",
        -subtitle => $args->{-subtitle} || "After you have made your choice, press Next to continue.",
        -text     => $args->{-text}     || "",
        -wait     => $args->{ -wait },

    # DEBUG_FRAME && $frame->configure( -background => 'light blue' );

    my $entry = $frame->Entry(
        -justify      => 'left',
        -font         => 'FIXED',
        -textvariable => $args->{-variable},
        -background => ( $args->{ -background } || 'white' ),
        -side   => 'top',
        -anchor => 'w',
        -fill   => "x",
        -padx   => 15,
        -pady   => 4,

    # $entry->configure( -background => $self->cget("-background") ) if $self->cget("-background");
    my $s = shift @Tk::DirTree::ISA;
    unshift @Tk::DirTree::ISA, $s if ( $s ne 'Tk::Widget' );
    my $dirsParent = $frame->Scrolled(
        -background => ( $args->{ -background } || 'white' ),
        -scrollbars => 'osoe',
        -selectbackground => "navy",
        -selectforeground => "white",
        -selectmode       => 'browse',
        -height           => 7,
        -browsecmd        => sub { ${ $args->{-variable} } = shift },
        -fill   => "both",
        -padx   => 5,
        -pady   => 4,
        -expand => 1,

    # $dirsParent->configure( -background => $self->cget("-background") ) if $self->cget("-background");
    my $dirs = $dirsParent->Subwidget('scrolled');

    # Add a little margin between the tree and the buttons underneath:
        -background => $self->{background},
        -height     => 5,
    )->pack( -side => 'top' );

    my $mkdir = $frame->Button(
        -font    => $self->{defaultFont},
        -text    => "New ".$dir_term_ucf,
        -command => sub {

            my $new_name = $self->prompt(
                -title => "Create New ".$dir_term_ucf,
                -text  => "Enter name for new $dir_term to be created in ${$args->{-variable}}"
            if ($new_name) {
                $new_name =~ s/[\/\\]//g;
                $new_name = ${ $args->{-variable} } . "/$new_name";
                if ( $self->_cb_try_create_dir($new_name) ) {
                    ${ $args->{-variable} } = $new_name;
                    # Thanks, Martin Thurn
                    eval { $dirs->add_to_tree($new_name, $new_name) }; #$dirs->configure( -directory => $new_name );

        -side   => 'right',
        -anchor => 'w',
        -padx   => 10,
        -ipadx  => 5,


    if ( $self->{desktop_dir} ) {    # Thanks, Slaven Rezic.
            -font    => $self->{defaultFont},
            -text    => "Desktop",
            -command => sub {
                ${ $args->{-variable} } = $self->{desktop_dir};

                # $dirs->configure( -directory => $self->{desktop_dir} );
                eval { $dirs->add_to_tree($self->{desktop_dir}, $self->{desktop_dir}) };
                $dirs->chdir( $self->{desktop_dir} );
            -side   => 'right',
            -anchor => 'w',
            -padx   => 10,
            -ipadx  => 5,

    foreach my $d (&$_drives) {
        # Try to prevent GUI freeze:
        $d = $1 if ($d =~ /^(\w+:)/); # ($d) =~ /^(\w+:)/;

        if ( $args->{-nowarnings}
            and (  $args->{-nowarnings} eq "1" or not $WINDOZE )
        ) {
            eval { $dirs->add_to_tree($d, $d) } if -d $d; # $dirs->configure( -directory => $d ) if -d $d;

        elsif ( $args->{-nowarnings} ) {    # Fixed drives only
            #$dirs->configure( -directory => $d )
            eval { $dirs->add_to_tree($d, $d) }
              if ( ( Win32API::File::GetDriveType($d) == 3 ) and -d $d );

        else {
		   # $dirs->configure( -directory => $d );
        	eval { $dirs->add_to_tree($d, $d) };

    # Make the user's requested directory appear as the default (?):
    $dirs->chdir( ${ $args->{-variable} } ) if ( ${ $args->{-variable} } ne '' );

    return $frame;

sub Tk::Wizard::_cb_try_create_dir {
    my $self          = shift;
    my $dir_to_create = shift;
    my $rasError;

    File::Path::mkpath( $dir_to_create, { error => \$rasError } );

    if (@$rasError) {
        my $rh = shift @$rasError;

        # Only report the first error encountered:
        my ($sDirEntered) = keys %$rh;
        my ($sError)      = values %$rh;
        my $sMsg =
          "The $dir_term you entered ($sDirEntered) could not be created ($sError)\nPlease choose a different $dir_term.";
            -icon    => 'warning',
            -type    => 'ok',
            -title   => $dir_term_ucf.' Could Not Be Created',
            -message => $sMsg,
        return 0;

    return 1;

# Tk::DirTree sorts its folder list case-sensitively, but on Windows
# we want case-INsensitive search.  We roll our own until/unless the
# author of Tk::DirTree implements a fix (bug report submitted, see
    no warnings 'redefine';

    sub Tk::DirTree::add_to_tree {
        my ( $w, $dir, $name, $parent ) = @_;
        my $dirSortable = $WINDOZE? uc $dir : $dir;
        my $image = $w->cget('-image');

        if ( !UNIVERSAL::isa( $image, 'Tk::Image' ) ) {
            $image = $w->Getimage($image);

        my $mode = 'none';
        $mode = 'open' if $w->has_subdir($dir);

        my @args = ( -image => $image, -text => $name );
        if ($parent) {                                 # Add in alphabetical order.
            foreach my $sib ( $w->infoChildren($parent) ) {
                my $sibSortable = $WINDOZE? uc $sib : $sib;
                if ( $sibSortable gt $dirSortable ) {    # added by Martin Thurn
                    push @args, ( -before => $sib );

        $w->add( $dir, @args );
        $w->setmode( $dir, $mode );

=head2 callback_dirSelect

A callback to check that the directory, passed as a reference in the sole
argument, exists, or can and should be created.

Will not allow the Wizard to continue unless a directory has been chosen.
If the chosen directory does not exist, a messageBox will ask if it should be created.
If the user affirms, it is created; otherwise the user is again asked to
choose a directory.

Returns a Boolean value.


sub Tk::Wizard::callback_dirSelect {
    my $self = shift;
    my $var  = shift;
    if ( not $$var ) {
            '-icon'  => 'info',
            -type    => 'ok',
            -title   => 'Form Incomplete',
            -message => "Please select a $dir_term to continue."
        return 0;

    if ( !-d $$var ) {
        $$var =~ s|[\\]+|/|g;
        $$var =~ s|/$||g;
        my $button = $self->messageBox(
            -icon    => 'info',
            -type    => 'yesno',
            -title   => $dir_term_ucf.' does not exist',
            -message => "The $dir_term you selected does not exist.\n\n" . "Shall I create " . $$var . " ?"

        if ( lc $button eq 'yes' ) {
            return $self->_cb_try_create_dir($$var);

            -icon    => 'info',
            -type    => 'ok',
            -title   => $dir_term_ucf.' Required',
            -message => "Please select a $dir_term so that the Wizard can install the software on your machine.",
        return 0;

    return 1;

=head2 addFileSelectPage

                             -directory => 'C:/Windows/System32',
                             -variable => \$chosen_file,

Adds a page (C<Tk::Frame>) that contains a "Browse" button which pops
up a file-select dialog box.  The selected file will be displayed in a
read-only Entry widget.

Supply in C<-directory> the full path of an existing folder where the
user's search shall begin.

Supply in C<-variable> a reference to a variable to have set with the
chosen file name.

You may also specify the C<-title>, C<-subtitle> and C<-text>
parameters, as in L</blank_frame>.

An optional C<-background> argument is used as the background of the Entry widget
(default is white).


sub Tk::Wizard::addFileSelectPage {
    my $self = shift;
    my $args = {@_};
    # $self->addPage( sub { $self->_page_fileSelect($args) } );
	my %btn_args =
		map { my $x = delete $args->{$_}; $_ => $x }
		grep { /ButtonAction$/ }
		keys %$args;
	return $self->addPage( sub { $self->_page_fileSelect($args) }, %btn_args );

# PRIVATE _page_fileSelect
# As blank_frame plus:
# -variable => Reference to a variable to set.
# -directory  => start dir
sub Tk::Wizard::_page_fileSelect {
    my $self = shift;
    my $args = shift;

    # Verify arguments:
    if ( not $args->{-variable} ) {
        Carp::croak "You must supply a -variable parameter";
    elsif ( not ref $args->{-variable} ) {
        Carp::croak "The -variable parameter must be a reference";
    $args->{-directory} ||= '.';
    $args->{-title}     ||= "Please choose an existing file";
    $args->{-subtitle}  ||= "After you have made your choice, click 'Next' to continue.";
    $args->{-text}      ||= '';

    # Create the mother frame:
    my ( $frame, @pl ) = $self->blank_frame(
        -title    => $args->{-title},
        -subtitle => $args->{-subtitle},
        -text     => $args->{-text},
        -wait     => $args->{ -wait },

    # Put some space around the embedded elements:
        -background => $frame->cget("-background"),
        -width      => 10,
    )->pack(qw( -side left ));
        -background => $frame->cget("-background"),
        -width      => 10,
    )->pack(qw( -side right ));

	# For now (i.e. because we're lazy), don't
	# let the user type in.  They must click
	# the Browse button:
    my $entry = $frame->Entry(
        -justify      => 'right',
        -textvariable => $args->{-variable},
        -state => 'disabled',
        -background => ( $args->{ -background } || 'white' ),
        -side   => 'left',
        -anchor => 'w',
        -fill   => "x",
        -expand => 1,
        -padx   => 3,

    my $bBrowse = $frame->Button(
        -font    => $self->{defaultFont},
        -text    => 'Browse...',
        -command => sub {
            # getOpenFile will croak if the
            # -initialdir we give it does not
            # exist:
            my $sDirInit = $args->{-directory};
            if ( not -d $sDirInit ) {
                $sDirInit = &File::Spec::rootdir;
            my $sFname = $frame->getOpenFile(
                -initialdir => $sDirInit,
                -title      => $args->{-title},
            ${ $args->{-variable} } = $sFname if $sFname;
    )->pack(qw( -side left -padx 3));

    return $frame;


=head1 AUTHOR

Lee Goddard (


Copyright (C) Lee Goddard, 11/2002 - 01/2008 ff.

Made available under the same terms as Perl itself.