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package LaTeX::Table::Themes::ThemeI;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Moose::Role;

use version; our $VERSION = qv('1.0.6');

requires '_definition';

around '_definition' => sub {
    my $orig = shift;
    my $self = shift;
    my $ret  = $orig->( $self, @_ );
    for my $theme ( keys %{$ret} ) {
        if ( defined $ret->{$theme}->{BOOKTABS}
            && $ret->{$theme}->{BOOKTABS} )
                = [ '\toprule', '\midrule', '\midrule', '\bottomrule' ];
    return $ret;



=head1 NAME

LaTeX::Table::Themes::ThemeI - Interface for LaTeX table themes.


  package MyThemes::Custom;
  use Moose;
  with 'LaTeX::Table::Themes::ThemeI';
  sub _definition {
      return { CENTRALPARK =>
          'HEADER_FONT_STYLE'  => 'bf',
          'HEADER_FONT_COLOR'  => 'white',
          'HEADER_BG_COLOR'    => 'latextbl',
          'DATA_BG_COLOR_ODD'  => 'latextbl!25',
          'DATA_BG_COLOR_EVEN' => 'latextbl!10',
          'DEFINE_COLORS'      => '\definecolor{latextbl}{RGB}{93,127,114}',
          'HEADER_CENTERED'    => 1,
          'VERTICAL_RULES'     => [ 1, 0, 0 ],
          'HORIZONTAL_RULES'   => [ 1, 1, 0 ],
          'BOOKTABS'           => 0,
          'EXTRA_ROW_HEIGHT'   => '1pt',


This is the theme interface (or L<Moose> role), that all theme objects must use. 


A theme is defined as an hash reference containing all options:

  # a very ugly theme...
  my $theme = { 
              'Duisburg' => {
                  'HEADER_FONT_STYLE'  => 'sc',
                  'HEADER_FONT_COLOR'  => 'white',
                  'HEADER_BG_COLOR'    => 'blue',
                  'HEADER_CENTERED'    => 1,
                  'DATA_BG_COLOR_ODD'  => 'blue!30',
                  'DATA_BG_COLOR_EVEN' => 'blue!10',
                  'CAPTION_FONT_STYLE' => 'sc',
                  'VERTICAL_RULES'     => [ 1, 2, 1 ],
                  'HORIZONTAL_RULES'   => [ 1, 2, 0 ],
                  'EXTRA_ROW_HEIGHT'   => '2pt',
                  'BOOKTABS'           => 0,


=item Fonts

C<HEADER_FONT_STYLE>, C<CAPTION_FONT_STYLE>. Valid values are I<bf> (bold),
I<it> (italics), I<sc> (caps) and I<tt> (typewriter). When this option is
undef, then header (or caption, respectively) is written in normal font.

=item Colors

C<HEADER_FONT_COLOR> can be used to specify a different font color for the
header. Requires the C<xcolor> LaTeX package.

Set C<HEADER_BG_COLOR> to use a background color in the header,
C<DATA_BG_COLOR_EVEN> and C<DATA_BG_COLOR_ODD> for even and odd data rows. 
Requires the C<colortbl> and the C<xcolor> LaTeX package. 

You can define colors with C<DEFINE_COLORS>, for example:

  'DEFINE_COLORS'      => '\definecolor{latextbl}{RGB}{78,130,190}',

=item Rules



A reference to an array with three integers, e.g. C<[ 1, 2, 0 ]>. The first
integer defines the number of outer rules. The second the number of rules
after the header and after the first column. The third is the number of inner
rules. For example I<Dresden> is defined as:

  'Dresden' => {
      'VERTICAL_RULES'     => [ 1, 2, 1 ],
      'HORIZONTAL_RULES'   => [ 1, 2, 0 ],

The first integers define one outer rule - vertical and horizontal. So a box
is drawn around the table. The second integers define two rules between header
and table and two vertical rules between first and second column. And finally
the third integers define that columns are separated by a single vertical
rule whereas rows are not separated by horizontal lines.


If your theme uses the C<colortbl> LaTeX package, this command should handle
the coloring of the rules. See the C<colortbl> documentation.



Code that controls the width of the rules. See for example the C<colortbl>


=item C<RULES_CMD>

A reference to an array with four LaTeX commands for the top, mid (between header and
data), inner and bottom rules. 

  RULES_CMD => [ '\toprule', '\midrule', '\midrule', '\bottomrule' ];


Use the C<booktabs> LaTeX package for "Publication quality tables". Instead of
C<\hline>, C<LaTeX::Table> then uses C<\toprule>, C<\midrule> and
C<\bottomrule>.  0 (don't use this package) or 1 (use it). A shortcut for

  RULES_CMD => [ '\toprule', '\midrule', '\midrule', '\bottomrule' ];


=item Misc



Will set C<\extrarowheight> in the floating environment. Requires the C<array>
LaTeX package.

=item C<STUB_ALIGN> 

Defines how the left-hand column, the stub, is aligned. Default is 'l' (left


This controls the alignment of the header columns, excluding the stub when
C<STUB_ALIGN> is defined. Valid values are 0 (not centered) or 1 (centered).
Typically, it is recommended to center headers, but sometimes this does not
look right. In this case, (left) align the header manually.



You can either quickly add themes after initiation of an L<LaTeX::Table>:

Or, you can build a L<"THEME MODULE"> and extend the list of predefined themes. 


Now, to build a theme that you can easily load, take the L<"SYNOPSIS">
template, change it and then make it accessible in C<LaTeX::Table> by saving
it under the C<LaTeX::Table::Themes::*> namespace. 

Alternatively, you can use the search_path() method to add custom paths. For
example save the L<"SYNOPSIS"> module as C<./MyThemes/> and then add
C<MyThemes> in the script that uses the new theme:

  # in ./
  $table->search_path( add => 'MyThemes');

If your theme
looks nice, please contribute it.

=head1 SEE ALSO



Copyright (c) 2006-2010 C<< <> >> 

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>.


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