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use warnings;
use strict;

=head1 NAME

TAP::Harness::JUnit - Generate JUnit compatible output from TAP results


    use TAP::Harness::JUnit;
    my $harness = TAP::Harness::JUnit->new({
    	xmlfile => 'output.xml',


The only difference between this module and I<TAP::Harness> is that
this adds mandatory 'xmlfile' argument, that causes the output to
be formatted into XML in format similar to one that is produced by
JUnit testing framework.

=head1 METHODS

This modules inherits all functions from I<TAP::Harness>.


package TAP::Harness::JUnit;
use base 'TAP::Harness';

use File::Temp;
use TAP::Parser;
use XML::Simple;
use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/;

our $VERSION = '0.23';

=head2 new

These options are added (compared to I<TAP::Harness>):


=item xmlfile

Name of the file XML output will be saved to.



sub new {
	my ($class, $args) = @_;
	$args ||= {};

	# Process arguments
	my $xmlfile = $args->{xmlfile} or
		$class->_croak("'xmlfile' argument is mandatory");

	defined $args->{merge} or
		warn 'You should consider using "merge" parameter. See BUGS section of TAP::Harness::JUnit manual';

	# Get the name of raw perl dump directory
	my $rawtapdir = $ENV{PERL_TEST_HARNESS_DUMP_TAP};
	$rawtapdir = $args->{rawtapdir} unless $rawtapdir;
	$rawtapdir = File::Temp::tempdir() unless $rawtapdir;

	# Don't pass these to TAP::Harness
	delete $args->{rawtapdir};
	delete $args->{xmlfile};

	my $self = $class->SUPER::new($args);
	$self->{__xmlfile} = $xmlfile;
	$self->{__xml} = {testsuite => []};
	$self->{__rawtapdir} = $rawtapdir;
	$self->{__cleantap} = not defined $ENV{PERL_TEST_HARNESS_DUMP_TAP};

	return $self;

sub parsetest {
	my $self = shift;
	my $file = shift;
	my $name = shift;

	my $xml = {
		name => $name,
		failures => 0,
		errors => 0,
		tests => undef,
		'time' => 0,
		testcase => [],
		'system-out' => [''],

	my $parser = new TAP::Parser ({'exec' => ['/bin/cat', $self->{__rawtapdir}.'/'.$file]});

	my $tests_run = 0;
	my $comment = ''; # Comment agreggator
	while ( my $result = $parser->next ) {

		# Counters
		if ($result->type eq 'plan') {
			$xml->{tests} = $result->tests_planned;

		# Comments
		if ($result->type eq 'comment') {
			# See BUGS
			if ($result->comment =~ /Looks like your test died/) {
				push @{$xml->{testcase}}, {
					'time' => 0,
					name => $result->comment,
					classname => $name,
					failure => {
						type => 'Died',
						message => $result->comment,
						content => $result->raw,

			#$comment .= $result->comment."\n";
			# ->comment has leading whitespace stripped
			$result->raw =~ /^# (.*)/ and $comment .= $1."\n";

		# Errors
		if ($result->type eq 'unknown') {
			$comment .= $result->raw."\n";

		# Test case
		if ($result->type eq 'test') {

			# JUnit can't express these -- pretend they do not exist
			$result->directive eq 'TODO' and next;
			$result->directive eq 'SKIP' and next;

			my $test = {
				'time' => 0,
				name => $result->description,
				classname => $name,

			# Beautify a bit -- strip leading "- "
			# (that is added by Test::More)
			$test->{name} =~ s/^[\s-]*//;

			if ($result->ok eq 'not ok') {
				$test->{failure} = [{
					type => blessed ($result),
					message => $result->raw,
					content => $comment,

			push @{$xml->{testcase}}, $test;
			$comment = '';

		# Log
		$xml->{'system-out'}->[0] .= $result->raw."\n";

	# Detect no plan
	unless (defined $xml->{tests}) {
		# Fake a failed test
		push @{$xml->{testcase}}, {
			'time' => 0,
			name => 'Test died too soon, even before plan.',
			classname => $name,
			failure => {
				type => 'Plan',
				message => 'The test suite died before a plan was produced. You need to have a plan.',
				content => 'No plan',

	# Detect bad plan
	if ($xml->{failures} = $xml->{tests} - $tests_run) {
		# Fake a failed test
		push @{$xml->{testcase}}, {
			'time' => 0,
			name => 'Test died too soon, some test did not execute.',
			classname => $name,
			failure => {
				type => 'Plan',
				message => 'Some test were not executed. The test died prematurely.',
				content => 'Bad plan',

	# Add this suite to XML
	push @{$self->{__xml}->{testsuite}}, $xml;

sub runtests {
	my ($self, @files) = @_;

	$ENV{PERL_TEST_HARNESS_DUMP_TAP} = $self->{__rawtapdir};
	my $aggregator = $self->SUPER::runtests(@files);

	foreach my $test (@files) {
		my $file;
		my $comment;

		if (ref $test eq 'ARRAY') {
			($file, $comment) = @{$test};
		} else {
			$file = $test;
		$comment = $file unless defined $comment;

		# Hudson crafts an URL of the test results using the comment verbatim.
		# Unfortunatelly, they don't escape special characters.
		# '/'-s and family will result in incorrect URLs.
		# Filed here:
		$comment =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/_/g;

		$self->parsetest ($file, $comment);

	# Format XML output
	my $xs = new XML::Simple;
	my $xml = $xs->XMLout ($self->{__xml}, RootName => 'testsuites');

	open (XMLFILE, '>'.$self->{__xmlfile})
		or die $self->{__xmlfile}.': '.$!;
	print XMLFILE "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n";
	print XMLFILE $xml;
	close (XMLFILE);

	# If we caused the dumps to be preserved, clean them
	File::Path::rmtree($self->{__rawtapdir}) if $self->{__cleantap};

	return $aggregator;

=head1 SEE ALSO

JUnit XML schema was obtained from L<>.


This module was partly inspired by Michael Peters' I<TAP::Harness::Archive>.

=head1 BUGS

Test return value is ignored. This is actually not a bug, I<TAP::Parser> doesn't present
the fact and TAP specification does not require that anyway.

Note that this may be a problem when running I<Test::More> tests with C<no_plan>,
since it will add a plan matching the number of tests actually run even in case
the test dies. No not do that -- always write a plan! In case it's not possible,
pass C<merge> argument when creating a I<TAP::Harness::JUnit> instance, and the
harness will detect such failures by matching certain comments.

Test durations are always set to 0 seconds.

The comments that are above the C<ok> or C<not ok> are considered the output
of the test. This, though being more logical, is against TAP specification.

L<XML::Simple> is used to generate the output. It is suboptimal and involves
some hacks.

=head1 AUTHOR

Lubomir Rintel (Good Data) C<< <> >>


Copyright 2008 Good Data, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

