The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

=head1 NAME

gdc - Client utility for GoodData on-demand Business Intelligence platform


gdc [global options] <command> [command options]


B<gdc> is the command-line and interactive client for GoodData REST-ful
service API built on top of L<WWW::GoodData> client library.


use WWW::GoodData;
use WWW::GoodData::Agent;
use Getopt::Long 2.36 qw/GetOptionsFromArray/;
use Pod::Usage;
use Text::ParseWords;
use Term::ReadLine;

use strict;
use warnings;

# Global context
my $gdc = new WWW::GoodData;
my $command = 'shell';
my $user;
my $password;
my $project;
my $root;

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<-h>, B<--help>

Print a brief help message and exits.

=item B<-H>, B<--man>

Prints the manual page and exits.

=item B<-u>, B<--user> B<< <email> >>

Use the identity of specified user.
See also the B<login> command.

=item B<-p>, B<--password>

Log in on start, provided B<--user> option was set as well.

=item B<-P>, B<--project>

Project URI. It is used as a default value for commands that
accept project URI option (such as B<rmproject> and B<lsreports>)
and can be changed from within the shell (see B<project>
and B<mkproject> commands).

No checking is done with the project URI util a command that
acts upon the project is issued.

=item B<-r>, B<--root>

URL of the service API root.
Defaults to L<>.



new Getopt::Long::Parser (
	config => [qw/require_order/]
)->getoptions (
	'u|user=s' => \$user,
	'p|password=s' => \$password,
	'P|project=s' => \$project,
	'r|root=s' => sub { $gdc->{agent} =
		new WWW::GoodData::Agent ($_[1]) },
) or pod2usage (2);
$command = shift if @ARGV;

sub password
	my $prompt = shift;
	my $password;

	return undef unless -t STDIN;

	# stty might not be portable to NT and such
	system 'stty -echo'
		and die 'Can not ask for password securely';
	print "$prompt: ";
	chomp ($password = <STDIN>);
	print "\n";
	system 'stty echo';

	return $password;



my %actions = (
	login => \&login,
	logout => \&logout,
	lsprojects => \&lsprojects,
	rmproject => \&rmproject,
	mkproject => \&mkproject,
	mkuser => \&mkuser,
	lsroles => \&lsroles,
	project => \&project,
	lsreports => \&lsreports,
	export => \&export,
	model => \&model,
	chmodel => \&chmodel,
	upload => \&upload,
	mkobject => \&mkobject,
	mkreportdef => \&mkreportdef,
	help => \&help,
	shell => \&shell,

=head2 shell

Launch an interactive client session.

This is the default action that is taken unless another
command is specified.


sub shell
	my $readline = new Term::ReadLine ('WWW::GoodData shell');
	while (1) {
		my $line = $readline->readline ("> ");
		return unless defined $line;
		$readline->addhistory ($line) if $line;
		my ($command, @args) = shellwords ($line);
		next unless defined $command;
		if (exists $actions{$command}) {
			eval { $actions{$command}->(@args) };
			warn $@ if $@;
		} else {
			warn 'No such command';

=head2 login [user] [password]

Verify user identity and obtain an authorization token.
If no credentials are supplied, global ones are used.

If the password is not specified, it is requested
from terminal provided terminal echo can be turned off.

This action is taken implicitly if user name has been specified.

=over 4

=item B<-u>, B<--user> B<< <email> >>

Alternative way to specifiy user login.

=item B<-p>, B<--password>

Alternative way to specifiy user password.



sub login
	undef $password;
	GetOptionsFromArray (\@_,
		'u|user=s' => \$user,
		'p|password=s' => \$password,
	) or die 'Bad arguments to login';
	$user = shift if @_;
	$password = shift if @_;
	die 'Extra arguments' if @_;
	die 'No user name given' unless defined $user;
	$password = password ('Password') unless defined $password;

	$gdc->login ($user, $password);

=head2 logout

Drop credentials if user is logged in, otherwise do nothing.
Automatically done upon utility exit.


sub logout

=head2 project [uri]

Change or print the default project URI. Default project is used
by various commands involving projects, including B<mkproject> and

=over 4

=item B<-P>, B<--project>

Project URI.
No checking is done with the project URI.



sub project
	my $this_project;
	GetOptionsFromArray (\@_,
		'P|project=s' => \$this_project,
	) or die 'Bad arguments to lsprojects';
	$this_project = shift if @_;
	die 'Extra arguments' if @_;

	if ($this_project) {
		$project = $this_project;
	} else {
		print $project ? "$project\n" : "No project selected.\n";

=head2 lsprojects

Print a list of available projects.

=over 4

=item B<-v>, B<--long>

Add unnecessary details.



sub lsprojects
	my $long;

	GetOptionsFromArray (\@_,
		'v|long' => \$long,
	) or die 'Bad arguments to lsprojects';
	die 'Extra arguments' if @_;

	foreach my $project ($gdc->projects) {
		if ($long) {
			print "Link: ".$project->{link}."\n";
			print "\tTitle: ".$project->{title}."\n";
			print "\tSummary: ".$project->{summary}."\n";
			print "\tCreated: ".$project->{created}."\n";
			print "\tUpdated: ".$project->{updated}."\n";
		} else {
			print $project->{link}.' ';
			print $project->{title}."\n";

=head2 lsroles

Print a list of available roles in project.

=over 4

=item B<-P>, B<--project>

Set or override the project to act on.
See global B<--project> option for the detailed description.



sub lsroles
	my $this_project = $project;

	GetOptionsFromArray (\@_,
		'P|project=s' => \$this_project,
	) or die 'Bad arguments to lsroles';
	die 'Extra arguments' if @_;

	die "No project selected" unless $this_project;

	foreach my $role (@{$gdc->get_roles($this_project)}) {
		print $role."\n";

=head2 rmproject

Delete a project.

=over 4

=item B<-P>, B<--project>

Set or override the project to act on.
See global B<--project> option for the detailed description.



sub rmproject
	my $project = $project;
	GetOptionsFromArray (\@_,
		'P|project=s' => \$project,
	) or die 'Bad arguments to rmproject';
	$project = shift if @_;
	die 'Extra arguments' if @_;
	die 'No project name given' unless defined $project;

	$gdc->delete_project ($project);

=head2 mkuser <email> <firstname> <lastname>

Create user.

=over 4

=item B<-d>, B<--domain>

URI of an user domain in which will be user created.

Defaults to C</gdc/account/domains/default>, which is almost definitely useless to you.
Get a proper domain URI from your support representative.

=item B<-e>, B<--email>

User email.

=item B<-l>, B<--login>

User login. Same as email if no login is provided

=item B<-p>, B<--password>

User password. Will be asked for if not provided.

=item B<-f>, B<--firstname>

User first name.

=item B<-l>, B<--lastname>

User last name.

=item B<-t>, B<--phone>

User phone number.

=item B<-c>, B<--company>

User company.

=item B<-o>, B<--sso>

User company's DNS suffix, if SSO is used.



sub mkuser
	my $domain = '/gdc/account/domains/default';
	my $email;
	my $login;
	my $passwd;
	my $firstname;
	my $lastname;
	my $phone;
	my $company;
	my $sso_provider;

	GetOptionsFromArray (\@_,
		'd|domain=s' => \$domain,
		'e|email=s' => \$email,
		'l|login=s' => \$login,
		'p|password=s' => \$passwd,
		'f|firstname=s' => \$firstname,
		'l|lastname=s' => \$lastname,
		't|phone=s' => \$phone,
		'c|company=s' => \$company,
		'o|sso=s' => \$sso_provider,
	) or die 'Bad arguments to mkuser';
	$email = shift if @_;
	$firstname = shift if @_;
	$lastname = shift if @_;
	die 'Extra arguments' if @_;
	die 'No user e-mail given' unless defined $email;
	die 'No first name given' unless defined $firstname;
	die 'No last name given' unless defined $lastname;
	$passwd = password ("New user's Password") unless defined $passwd;

	$user = $gdc->create_user ($domain, $email, $login, $passwd, $firstname,
		$lastname, $phone, $company, $sso_provider);

=head2 mkproject <title> [summary]

Create a project.

=over 4

=item B<-t>, B<--title>

Title of the project.

=item B<-s>, B<--summary>

Descriptive summary of the project.

=item B<-e>, B<--template>

Project template. The list of valid project templates is available from
the template server: L<>.

=item B<-d>, B<--driver>

Valid db engine drivers are 'Pg' (default) and 'mysql'.

=item B<-k>, B<--token>

Authorization token.



sub mkproject
	my $title;
	my $summary = '';
	my $template;
	my $driver;
	my $token;

	GetOptionsFromArray (\@_,
		't|title=s' => \$title,
		's|summary=s' => \$summary,
		'e|template=s' => \$template,
		'd|driver=s' => \$driver,
		'k|token=s' => \$token,
	) or die 'Bad arguments to mkproject';
	$title = shift if @_;
	$summary = shift if @_;
	$template = shift if @_;
	$driver = shift if @_;
	$token = shift if @_;
	die 'Extra arguments' if @_;
	die 'No project title given' unless defined $title;

	$project = $gdc->create_project ($title, $summary, $template, $driver, $token);

=head2 lsreports

Print a list of reports in a project.

=over 4

=item B<-P>, B<--project>

Set or override the project to act on.
See global B<--project> option for the detailed description.

=item B<-v>, B<--long>

Add unnecessary details.



sub lsreports
	my $long;
	my $project = $project;

	GetOptionsFromArray (\@_,
		'v|long' => \$long,
		'P|project=s' => \$project,
	) or die 'Bad arguments to lsprojects';
	die 'Extra arguments' if @_;
	die 'No project URI given' unless defined $project;

	foreach my $report ($gdc->reports ($project)) {
		if ($long) {
			print "Link: ".$report->{link}."\n";
			print "\tTitle: ".$report->{title}."\n";
			print "\tSummary: ".$report->{summary}."\n";
			print "\tCreated: ".$report->{created}."\n";
			print "\tUpdated: ".$report->{updated}."\n";
		} else {
			print $report->{link}.' ';
			print $report->{title}."\n";

=head2 export

Export a report computation result into file.

=over 4

=item B<-P>, B<--project>

Set or override the project to act on.
See global B<--project> option for the detailed description.

=item B<-r>, B<--report>

Set report URI (see B<lsreports>).

=item B<-f>, B<--file>

File to place the result into.

=item B<-F>, B<--format>

One of B<pdf>, B<xls>, B<png> (latter only valid for chart reports),
Can be unspecified if file name ends with a dot and format name



sub export
	my $report;
	my $file;
	my $format;

	GetOptionsFromArray (\@_,
		'r|report' => \$report,
		'f|file=s' => \$file,
		'F|format=s' => \$format,
	) or die 'Bad arguments to export';
	$report = shift if @_;
	$file = shift if @_;
	$file =~ /\.([^\.]+)$/ and $format = $1
		if $file and not $format;
	$format = shift if @_;
	die 'Extra arguments' if @_;
	die 'No report URI given' unless defined $report;
	die 'No output file given' unless defined $file;
	die 'No output format given' unless defined $format;

	my $document = $gdc->export_report ($report, $format);
	open (my $dump, '>', $file) or die $!;
	print $dump $document;
	close ($dump) or die $!;

=head2 model

Export a Logical Data Model (LDM) picture in PNG format into file.

=over 4

=item B<-P>, B<--project>

Set or override the project to act on.
See global B<--project> option for the detailed description.

=item B<-f>, B<--file>

File to place the result into.



sub model
	my $long;
	my $project = $project;
	my $file;

	GetOptionsFromArray (\@_,
		'P|project=s' => \$project,
		'f|file=s' => \$file,
	) or die 'Bad arguments to model';
	$file = shift if @_;
	die 'Extra arguments' if @_;
	die 'No project URI given' unless defined $project;
	die 'No output file given' unless defined $file;

	my $document = $gdc->ldm_picture ($project);
	open (my $dump, '>', $file) or die $!;
	print $dump $document;
	close ($dump) or die $!;

=head2 chmodel

Change a Logical Data Model (LDM) with MAQL DDL script.

The MAQL script can be either specified inline as argument
to B<chmodel>, or read from file specified with B<--file>
option (see below).

=over 4

=item B<-P>, B<--project>

Set or override the project to act on.
See global B<--project> option for the detailed description.

=item B<-f>, B<--file>

Read MAQL script from specified file.



sub chmodel
	my $long;
	my $project = $project;
	my $maql;
	my $file;

	GetOptionsFromArray (\@_,
		'P|project' => \$project,
		'f|file=s' => \$file,
	) or die 'Bad arguments to model';
	$maql = shift if @_;
	die 'Extra arguments' if @_;
	die 'No project URI given' unless defined $project;
	if ($file) {
		open (my $script, '<', $file) or die $!;
		$maql = join '', <$script>;
		close ($script) or die $!;
	die 'No MAQL script given' unless defined $maql;
	$gdc->ldm_manage ($project, $maql);

=head2 upload

Update data set with new data.

=over 4

=item B<-P>, B<--project>

Set or override the project to act on.
See global B<--project> option for the detailed description.

=item B<-f>, B<--file>

SLI Manifest of the upload.



sub upload
	my $long;
	my $project = $project;
	my $file;

	GetOptionsFromArray (\@_,
		'P|project' => \$project,
		'f|file=s' => \$file,
	) or die 'Bad arguments to model';
	$file = shift if @_;
	die 'Extra arguments' if @_;
	die 'No project URI given' unless defined $project;
	die 'No SLI manifest given' unless defined $file;
	$gdc->upload ($project, $file)

=head2 mkobject <type> <title> <expression>

Create a new metadata object of a given type with expression as the only

=over 4

=item B<-T>, B<--type>

Type of the object.

=item B<-t>, B<--title>

Title of the object.

=item B<-s>, B<--summary>

Descriptive summary of the object.

=item B<-e>, B<--expr>

Expression (typically MAQL).

=item B<-u>, B<--uri>

Instead of creating a new object, rewrite an old one with a given URI.

=item B<-P>, B<--project>

Set or override the project to act on.
See global B<--project> option for the detailed description.



sub mkobject
	my $project = $project;
	my $uri;
	my $type;
	my $title;
	my $summary = '';
	my $expression;

	GetOptionsFromArray (\@_,
		'T|type=s' => \$type,
		't|title=s' => \$title,
		's|summary=s' => \$summary,
		'e|expr=s' => \$expression,
		'P|project=s' => \$project,
		'u|uri=s' => \$uri,
	) or die 'Bad arguments to mkobject';
	$type = shift if @_;
	$title = shift if @_;
	$expression = shift if @_;
	die 'Extra arguments' if @_;
	die 'No project URI given' unless defined $project;

	print $gdc->create_object_with_expression ($project, $uri, $type, $title,
		$summary, $expression) . "\n";

=head2 mkreportdef <title> [summary]

Create a new reportDefinition in metadata.

=over 4

=item B<-t>, B<--title>

Title of the object.

=item B<-s>, B<--summary>

Descriptive summary of the object.

=item B<-m>, B<--metric>

Add a metric by its URL.

=item B<-d>, B<--dim>

Add an attribute to dimensionality by its URL.

=item B<-f>, B<--filter>

Add a filter by its expression.

=item B<-u>, B<--uri>

Instead of creating a new object, rewrite an old one with a given URI.

=item B<-P>, B<--project>

Set or override the project to act on.
See global B<--project> option for the detailed description.



sub mkreportdef
	my $project = $project;
	my $uri;
	my $title;
	my $summary = '';
	my $metrics;
	my $dim;
	my $filters;

	GetOptionsFromArray (\@_,
		't|title=s' => \$title,
		's|summary=s' => \$summary,
		'P|project=s' => \$project,
		'm|metric=s@' => \$metrics,
		'd|dim=s@' => \$dim,
		'f|filter=s@' => \$filters,
		'u|uri=s' => \$uri,
	) or die 'Bad arguments to mkreportdef';
	$title = shift if @_;
	$summary = shift if @_;
	die 'Extra arguments' if @_;
	die 'No project URI given' unless defined $project;

	print $gdc->create_report_definition ($project, $uri, $title, $summary,
		$metrics, $dim, $filters ) . "\n";

=head2 help

Print list of available commands.


sub help
	GetOptionsFromArray (\@_)
		or die 'Bad arguments to help';
	die 'Extra arguments' if @_;

	print map { "$_\n" } 'Valid commands: ',
		map { "\t$_" } sort keys %actions ;

login ($user, $password ? "$password" : undef) if defined $user;
pod2usage ("No such command exists: '$command'")
	unless exists $actions{$command};

=head1 SEE ALSO


=item *

L<> -- Browsable GoodData API

=item *

L<> -- MAQL DDL language documentation

=item *

L<WWW::GoodData> -- Client library for GoodData

=item *

L<LWP::UserAgent> -- Perl HTTP client



Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013 Lubomir Rintel

Copyright 2012, 2013 Adam Stulpa, Tomas Janousek

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 AUTHOR

Lubomir Rintel C<>
