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package vCard::AddressBook;
$vCard::AddressBook::VERSION = '3.09';
use Moo;

use vCard;
use Carp;
use Text::vCard;
use Text::vCard::Addressbook;

=head1 NAME

vCard::AddressBook - Read, write, and edit vCard address books


    use vCard::AddressBook;

    # create the object
    my $address_book = vCard::AddressBook->new();

    # these methods load vCard formatted data

    my $vcard = $address_book->add_vcard; # returns a vCard object
    $vcard->full_name('Bruce Banner, PhD');
        { type => ['work'], address => '' },
        { type => ['home'], address => ''      },

    # $address_book->vcards() returns an arrayref of vCard objects
    foreach my $vcard (@{ $address_book->vcards() }) {
        print $vcard->full_name() . "\n";
        print $vcard->email_addresses->[0]->{address} . "\n";

    # these methods output data in vCard format
    my $file   = $address_book->as_file('/path/file.vcf'); # write to a file
    my $string = $address_book->as_string();


A vCard is a digital business card.  L<vCard> and vCard::AddressBook provide an
API for parsing, editing, and creating vCards.

This module is built on top of L<Text::vCard> and L<Text::vCard::AddressBook>
and provides a more intuitive user interface.


=head2 Constructor Arguments

The 'encoding_in' and 'encoding_out' constructor parameters allow you to read
and write vCard files with any encoding.  Examples of valid values are
'UTF-8', 'Latin1', and 'none'.

Both parameters default to 'UTF-8' and this should just work for the vast
majority of people.  The latest vCard RFC 6350 only allows UTF-8 as an encoding
so most people should not need to use either parameter.

=head2 MIME encodings

vCard RFC 6350 only allows UTF-8 but it still permits 8bit MIME encoding
schemes such as Quoted-Printable and Base64 which are supported by this module.

=head2 Getting and setting values on a vCard object

If you set values on a vCard object they must be decoded values.  The
only exception to this rule is if you are messing around with the
'encoding_out' constructor arg.

When you get values from a vCard object they will be decoded values.

=head1 METHODS


has encoding_in  => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {'UTF-8'} );
has encoding_out => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {'UTF-8'} );
has vcards       => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { [] } );

with 'vCard::Role::FileIO';

=head2 add_vcard()

Creates a new vCard object and adds it to the address book.  Returns a L<vCard>


sub add_vcard {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $vcard = vCard->new(
        {   encoding_in  => $self->encoding_in,
            encoding_out => $self->encoding_out,
    push @{ $self->vcards }, $vcard;
    return $vcard;

=head2 load_file($filename)

Load and parse the contents of $filename.  Returns $self so the method can be


sub load_file {
    my ( $self, $filename ) = @_;

    my $file   = $self->_path($filename);
    my $string = $file->slurp( $self->_iomode_in );


    return $self;

=head2 load_string($string)

Load and parse the contents of $string.  This method assumes that $string is
decoded (but not MIME decoded).  Returns $self so the method can be chained.


sub load_string {
    my ( $self, $string ) = @_;

    die <<EOS
ERROR: Either there is no END in this vCard or there is a problem with the line
endings.  Note that the vCard RFC requires line endings delimited by \\r\\n
regardless of your operating system.  Windows :crlf mode will strip out the \\r
so don't use that.
        unless $string =~ m/\r\n/m;


    return $self;

sub _create_vcards {
    my ( $self, $string ) = @_;

    my $vcards_data = Text::vCard::Addressbook->new(
        {   encoding_in  => $self->encoding_in,
            encoding_out => $self->encoding_out,

    foreach my $vcard_data (@$vcards_data) {
        carp "This file has $vcard_data->{type} data that was not parsed"
            unless $vcard_data->{type} =~ /VCARD/i;

        my $vcard = vCard->new(
            {   encoding_in  => $self->encoding_in,
                encoding_out => $self->encoding_out,
        my $text_vcard = Text::vCard->new(
            {   asData_node  => $vcard_data->{properties},
                encoding_out => $self->encoding_out,

        $self->_copy_simple_nodes( $text_vcard => $vcard );
        $self->_copy_name( $text_vcard => $vcard );
        $self->_copy_photo( $text_vcard => $vcard );
        $self->_copy_phones( $text_vcard => $vcard );
        $self->_copy_addresses( $text_vcard => $vcard );
        $self->_copy_email_addresses( $text_vcard => $vcard );

        push @{ $self->vcards }, $vcard;

sub _copy_simple_nodes {
    my ( $self, $text_vcard, $vcard ) = @_;

    foreach my $node_type ( vCard->_simple_node_types ) {
        if ( $node_type eq 'full_name' ) {
            next unless $text_vcard->fullname;
            $vcard->full_name( $text_vcard->fullname );
        } else {
            next unless $text_vcard->$node_type;
            $vcard->$node_type( $text_vcard->$node_type );

sub _copy_photo {
    my ( $self, $text_vcard, $vcard ) = @_;
    $vcard->photo( URI->new( $text_vcard->photo ) );

sub _copy_name {
    my ( $self, $text_vcard, $vcard ) = @_;

    my ($node) = $text_vcard->get('n');

    $vcard->family_names(       [ $node->family   || () ] );
    $vcard->given_names(        [ $node->given    || () ] );
    $vcard->other_names(        [ $node->middle   || () ] );
    $vcard->honorific_prefixes( [ $node->prefixes || () ] );
    $vcard->honorific_suffixes( [ $node->suffixes || () ] );

sub _copy_phones {
    my ( $self, $text_vcard, $vcard ) = @_;

    my @phones;
    my $nodes = $text_vcard->get('tel') || [];

    foreach my $node (@$nodes) {
        my $phone;
        $phone->{type}      = scalar $node->types;
        $phone->{preferred} = $node->is_pref ? 1 : 0;
        $phone->{number}    = $node->value;
        push @phones, $phone;

    $vcard->phones( \@phones );

sub _copy_addresses {
    my ( $self, $text_vcard, $vcard ) = @_;

    my @addresses;
    my $nodes = $text_vcard->get('adr') || [];

    foreach my $node (@$nodes) {
        my $address;
        $address->{type}      = scalar $node->types;
        $address->{preferred} = $node->is_pref ? 1 : 0;
        $address->{po_box}    = $node->po_box || undef;
        $address->{street}    = $node->street || undef;
        $address->{city}      = $node->city || undef;
        $address->{post_code} = $node->post_code || undef;
        $address->{region}    = $node->region || undef;
        $address->{country}   = $node->country || undef;
        $address->{extended}  = $node->extended || undef;
        push @addresses, $address;

    $vcard->addresses( \@addresses );

sub _copy_email_addresses {
    my ( $self, $text_vcard, $vcard ) = @_;

    my @email_addresses;
    my $nodes = $text_vcard->get('email') || [];

    foreach my $node (@$nodes) {
        my $email_address;
        $email_address->{type}      = scalar $node->types;
        $email_address->{preferred} = $node->is_pref ? 1 : 0;
        $email_address->{address}   = $node->value;
        push @email_addresses, $email_address;

    $vcard->email_addresses( \@email_addresses );

=head2 as_file($filename)

Write all the vCards to $filename.  Files are written as UTF-8 by default.
Dies if not successful.


sub as_file {
    my ( $self, $filename ) = @_;
    my $file = $self->_path($filename);
    $file->spew( $self->_iomode_out, $self->as_string );
    return $file;

=head2 as_string()

Returns all the vCards as a single string.


sub as_string {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $string = '';
    $string .= $_->as_string for @{ $self->vcards };
    return $string;

=head1 AUTHOR

Eric Johnson (kablamo), github ~!at!~ iijo dot org


Thanks to L<Foxtons|> for making this module possible by
donating a significant amount of developer time.

