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=head1 NAME

Bio::Polloc::LociGroup - A group of loci

=head1 AUTHOR - Luis M. Rodriguez-R

Email lmrodriguezr at gmail dot com



=item *




package Bio::Polloc::LociGroup;
use strict;
use base qw(Bio::Polloc::Polloc::Root);
use Bio::Polloc::Polloc::IO;
our $VERSION = 1.0503; # [a-version] from Bio::Polloc::Polloc::Version


Methods provided by the package


=head2 new

The basic initialization method


sub new {
   my($caller,@args) = @_;
   my $self = $caller->SUPER::new(@args);
   return $self;

=head2 add_locus

Alias of C<add_loci()>


sub add_locus { return shift->add_loci(@_) }

=head2 add_loci

Adds loci to the collection on the specified
genome's space


A L<Bio::Polloc::Polloc::Error> if an argument is not
a L<Bio::Polloc::LocusI> object.


The first argument B<can> be the identifier of
the genome's space (int).  All the following are
expected to be L<Bio::Polloc::LocusI> objects.


sub add_loci {
   my ($self,@l) = @_;
   my $space;
   if(defined $l[0] and not ref $l[0]){
      $space = 0 + shift @l;
   $self->{'_loci'} = [] unless defined $self->{'_loci'};
   for my $locus (@l){
      $self->debug("Saving locus (".($#l+1)." loci, cur:".($#{$self->{'_loci'}}+1).")");
      $self->throw('Expecting a Bio::Polloc::LocusI object', $locus)
      	unless UNIVERSAL::can($locus, 'isa') and $locus->isa('Bio::Polloc::LocusI');
      $locus->genome($self->genomes->[$space]) if defined $space;
      push @{ $self->{'_loci'} }, $locus;

=head2 loci

Gets the loci


sub loci {
   my $self = shift;
   $self->{'_loci'} = [] unless defined $self->{'_loci'};
   return $self->{'_loci'};

=head2 structured_loci

Returns a two-dimensional array where the first key corresponds
to the number of the genome space and the second key is an
incremental for each locus.


This function is provided for convenience in some output formating,
but its use should be avoided as it causes a huge processing time


Loci without defined genome will not be included in the output.


sub structured_loci {
   my $self = shift;
   return unless defined $self->genomes;
   my $struct = [];
   for my $locus (@{$self->loci}){
      next unless defined $locus->genome;
      my $space = 0;
      for my $genome (@{$self->genomes}){
	 $struct->[$space] = [] unless defined $struct->[$space];
	 if($genome->name eq $locus->genome->name){
	    push @{ $struct->[$space] }, $locus;
   return $struct;

=head2 locus

Get a locus by ID


The ID of the locus (str).


sub locus {
   my ($self, $id) = @_;
   for my $locus (@{$self->loci}){ return $locus if $locus->id eq $id }

=head2 name

Gets/sets the name of the group.  This is supposed
to be unique!


Future implementations could assume unique naming
for getting/setting/initializing groups of loci
by name.


sub name {
   my ($self, $value) = @_;
   $self->{'_name'} = $value if defined $value;
   return $self->{'_name'};

=head2 genomes

Gets/sets the genomes to be used as analysis base.


A reference to an array of L<Bio::Polloc::Genome> objects.


sub genomes {
   my($self, $value) = @_;
   $self->{'_genomes'} = $value if defined $value;
   return unless defined $self->{'_genomes'};
   $self->throw("Unexpected type of genomes collection", $self->{'_genomes'})
   	unless ref($self->{'_genomes'}) and ref($self->{'_genomes'})=~m/ARRAY/i;
   return $self->{'_genomes'};

=head2 featurename

Gets/Sets the name of the feature common to all the
loci in the group.


sub featurename {
   my ($self, $value) = @_;
   $self->{'_featurename'} = $value if defined $value;
   return $self->{'_featurename'};

=head2 avg_length

Gets the average length of the stored loci.


The average length (float) or an array containing the
average length (float) and the standard deviation (float),
depending on the expected output.


    my $len = $locigroup->length;


    my($len, $sd) = $locigroup->length;


sub avg_length {
   my $self = shift;
   my $len_avg = 0;
   my $len_sd = 0;
   if($#{$self->loci} >= 1){
      # AVG
      $len_avg+= abs($_->from - $_->to) for @{$self->loci};
      $len_avg = $len_avg/($#{$self->loci}+1);
      return $len_avg unless wantarray;
      # SD
      $len_sd+= (abs($_->from - $_->to) - $len_avg)**2 for @{$self->loci};
      $len_sd = sqrt($len_sd/$#{$self->loci}); # n-1, not n (unbiased SD)
      $len_avg = abs($self->loci->[0]->from - $self->loci->[0]->to);
   return wantarray ? ($len_avg, $len_sd) : $len_avg;

=head2 align_context


Arguments work in the same way L<Bio::Polloc::LocusI-E<gt>context_seq()>
arguments do.


=item 1

Ref: Int, reference position.

=item 2

From: Int, the I<from> position.

=item 3

To: Int, the I<to> position.



sub align_context {
   my ($self, $ref, $from, $to) = @_;
   $from+=0; $to+=0; $ref+=0;
   return if $from == $to and $ref!=0;
   my $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Muscle->new();
   my @seqs = ();
   LOCUS: for my $locus (@{$self->loci}){
      # Get the sequence
      my $seq = $locus->context_seq($ref, $from, $to);
      next LOCUS unless defined $seq;
      $seq->display_id($locus->id) if defined $locus->id;
      push @seqs, $seq;
   } #LOCUS
   return unless $#seqs>-1; # Impossible without sequences
   # small trick to build an alignment, even if there is only one sequence:
   push @seqs, Bio::Seq->new(-seq=>$seqs[0]->seq, -id=>'dup-seq') unless $#seqs>0;
   $self->debug("Aligning context sequences");
   return $factory->align(\@seqs);

=head2 fix_strands

Fixes the strand of the loci based on the flanking regions, to have all the
loci in the group with the same orientation.



=item -size I<int>

Context size (500 by default)

=item -force I<bool (int)>

Force the detection, even if it was previously detected.



sub fix_strands {
   my ($self, @args) = @_;
   my ($size, $force) = $self->_rearrange([qw(SIZE FORCE)], @args);
   return if not $force and defined $self->{'_fixed_strands'} and $self->{'_fixed_strands'} == $#{$self->loci};
   $self->{'_fixed_strands'} = $#{$self->loci};
   return unless $#{$self->loci}>0; # No need to check
   $size ||= 500;
   my $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Muscle->new();
   # Find a suitable reference
   my $ref = [undef, undef];
   LOCUS: for my $lk (1 .. $#{$self->loci}){
      my $ref_test = [
				$self->loci->[$lk]->from - $size,
				$self->loci->[$lk]->to + $size)
      if(defined $ref->[0] and defined $ref->[1]){
         # Longer pair:
	 $ref = $ref_test
	 	if  defined $ref_test->[0] and defined $ref_test->[1]
		and $ref_test->[0]->length >= $ref->[0]->length
		and $ref_test->[1]->length >= $ref->[1]->length;
      }elsif(defined $ref->[0] or defined $ref->[1]){
         # Both sequences defined:
	 $ref = $ref_test if defined $ref_test->[0] and defined $ref_test->[1];
         # At least one sequence defined:
	 $ref = $ref_test if defined $ref_test->[0] or defined $ref_test->[1];
   unless(defined $ref->[0] or defined $ref->[1]){
      $self->debug('Impossible to find a suitable reference');
   $ref = defined $ref->[0] ?
   		( defined $ref->[1] ?
			Bio::Seq->new(-seq=>$ref->[0]->seq . ("N"x20) . $ref->[1]->seq)
			: $ref->[0]
		) : $ref->[1];
   # Compare
   LOCUS: for my $k (0 .. $#{$self->loci}){
      my $tgt = Bio::Polloc::GroupCriteria->_build_subseq(
      next LOCUS unless $tgt; # <- This may be way too paranoic!
      my $tgtrc = $tgt->revcom;
      $self->debug("Setting strand for ".$self->loci->[$k]->id) if defined $self->loci->[$k]->id;
      my $eval_fun = 'average_percentage_identity';
      #$eval_fun = 'overall_percentage_identity';
      if($factory->align([$ref, $tgt])->$eval_fun
      		< $factory->align([$ref,$tgtrc])->$eval_fun){
         $self->debug("Assuming negative strand, setting locus orientation");
         $self->debug("Assuming positive strand, setting locus orientation");
   } # LOCUS


Methods intended to be used only within the scope of Bio::Polloc::*

=head2 _initialize


sub _initialize {
   my ($self, @args) = @_;
   my($name, $featurename, $genomes) = $self->_rearrange([qw(NAME FEATURENAME GENOMES)], @args);
