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Create a tree using Mash distances.

For simple usage, see For advanced options, look at

Examples --numcpus 12 *.fastq.gz [*.fasta] > mashtree.dnd

Note: fastq files are interpreted as raw read files. Fasta, GenBank, and EMBL files are interpreted as genome assemblies.

Note: Compressed files are also accepted of any of the above file types. You can compress with gz, bz2, or zip.

Advanced --reps 100 -- --numcpus 12 *.fastq.gz > mashtree.dnd

Usage use distances from Mash (min-hash algorithm) to make a NJ tree
  Usage: [options] *.fastq *.fasta *.gbk > tree.dnd
  NOTE: fastq files are read as raw reads;
        fasta, gbk, and embl files are read as assemblies;
        Input files can be gzipped.
  --tempdir                 If not specified, one will be made for you
                            and then deleted at the end of this script.
  --numcpus            1    This script uses Perl threads.
  --outmatrix          ''   If specified, will write a distance matrix
                            in tab-delimited format
  --version                 Display the version and exit

  --truncLength        250  How many characters to keep in a filename
  --sort-order         ABC  For neighbor-joining, the sort order can
                            make a difference. Options include:
                            ABC (alphabetical), random, input-order

  --genomesize         5000000
  --mindepth           5    If mindepth is zero, then it will be
                            chosen in a smart but slower method,
                            to discard lower-abundance kmers.
  --kmerlength         21
  --sketch-size        10000

Also see for advanced usage. Run either script with --help for additional information.



Installation from Git

After downloading the latest release, go into the directory and run make

$ cd mashtree
$ perl Makefile.PL 
$ make test

Add mashtree/bin to PATH and you're good to go!

Installation from CPAN

Installing from CPAN installs the latest stable version of Mashtree. This method should add the Mashtree perl modules to the correct place in your home directory and should add the executables to your local bin directory. However, I am new to CPAN, so please give me feedback via the issues tab if this is not correct.

$ cpanm -L ~ Mashtree
$ export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:$HOME/lib/perl5
$ --help # verify it shows usage and not an error

Alternate method of installing from CPAN

$ cpan # initiates the CPAN command line prompt
cpan[1]> install Mashtree
cpan[2]> exit
$ export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:$HOME/lib/perl5
$ --help # verify it shows usage and not an error

Uninstallation from CPAN

I'm not sure why you'd want to uninstall Mashtree but here is how you would clean it up.

$ cpanm --uninstall Mashtree --local-lib=$HOME


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