The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
use strict;
use warnings;

use lib 't/lib';

use Config::Entities;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use File::Spec;
use Footprintless::Localhost;
use Footprintless::Util qw(
use Footprintless::Test::Util qw(
use Test::More tests => 33;

BEGIN { use_ok('Footprintless::Deployment') }

eval {
    require Getopt::Long;
    Getopt::Long::Configure( 'pass_through', 'bundling' );
    my $level = 'error';
    Getopt::Long::GetOptions( 'log:s' => \$level );

    require Log::Any::Adapter;
    Log::Any::Adapter->set( 'Stdout',
        log_level => Log::Any::Adapter::Util::numeric_level($level) );

my $logger   = Log::Any->get_logger();
my $test_dir = dirname( File::Spec->rel2abs($0) );

sub factory {
    my ( $name, $to_dir, $resource_dir, %resources ) = @_;

    return Footprintless::Util::factory(
        {   $name => {
                deployment => {
                    clean    => ["$to_dir/"],
                    hostname => 'localhost',
                    ( $resource_dir ? ( resource_dir => $resource_dir ) : () ),
                    resources => \%resources,
                    to_dir    => $to_dir,

sub temp_dirs {

    my $temp_dir = File::Temp->newdir();
    my $to_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $temp_dir, 'to' );

    return $temp_dir, $to_dir;

    my ( $temp_dir, $to_dir ) = temp_dirs();

    my $barwar    = File::Spec->catfile( $test_dir, 'data', 'resources', 'bar.war' );
    my $to_barwar = File::Spec->catfile( $to_dir,   'bar.war' );
    my $bazwar    = File::Spec->catfile( $test_dir, 'data', 'resources', 'baz.war' );
    my $to_bazwar = File::Spec->catfile( $to_dir,   'baz.war' );

    my $deployment = Footprintless::Deployment->new(
        factory( 'foo', $to_dir, undef, bar => $barwar, baz => $bazwar ),
        'foo.deployment' );

    ok( -f $to_barwar, 'bar deployed' );
    is( slurp($to_barwar), slurp($barwar), 'bar is bar' );
    ok( -f $to_bazwar, 'baz deployed' );
    is( slurp($to_bazwar), slurp($bazwar), 'baz is baz' );

    ok( -d $to_dir,            'to is dir' );
    ok( is_empty_dir($to_dir), 'to is clean' );

    my $command_runner = default_command_runner();
    eval {
        $command_runner->run_or_die( 'ssh -q -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=yes" localhost echo hello',
            { timeout => 2 } );
    if ($@) {
        skip( "cannot ssh to localhost: $@", 6 );

    my ( $temp_dir, $to_dir ) = temp_dirs();

    my $barwar    = File::Spec->catfile( $test_dir, 'data', 'resources', 'bar.war' );
    my $to_barwar = File::Spec->catfile( $to_dir,   'bar.war' );
    my $bazwar    = File::Spec->catfile( $test_dir, 'data', 'resources', 'baz.war' );
    my $to_bazwar = File::Spec->catfile( $to_dir,   'baz.war' );

    my $deployment = Footprintless::Deployment->new(
        factory( 'foo', $to_dir, undef, bar => $barwar, baz => $bazwar ),
        'foo.deployment', localhost => Footprintless::Localhost->new( none => 1 ) );

    ok( -f $to_barwar, 'remote bar deployed' );
    is( slurp($to_barwar), slurp($barwar), 'remote bar is bar' );
    ok( -f $to_bazwar, 'remote baz deployed' );
    is( slurp($to_bazwar), slurp($bazwar), 'remote baz is baz' );

    ok( -d $to_dir,            'remote to is dir' );
    ok( is_empty_dir($to_dir), 'remote to is clean' );

    my ( $temp_dir, $to_dir ) = temp_dirs();
    my $to_local_dir = File::Temp->newdir();

    my $barwar    = File::Spec->catfile( $test_dir,     'data', 'resources', 'bar.war' );
    my $to_barwar = File::Spec->catfile( $to_local_dir, 'bar.war' );
    my $bazwar    = File::Spec->catfile( $test_dir,     'data', 'resources', 'baz.war' );
    my $to_bazwar = File::Spec->catfile( $to_local_dir, 'baz.war' );

    my $deployment = Footprintless::Deployment->new(
        factory( 'foo', $to_dir, undef, bar => $barwar, baz => $bazwar ),
        'foo.deployment' );
    $deployment->deploy( rebase => { 'from' => $to_dir, to => $to_local_dir } );
    ok( is_empty_dir($to_dir), 'to_local_dir to is clean' );

    ok( -f $to_barwar, 'to_local_dir bar deployed' );
    is( slurp($to_barwar), slurp($barwar), 'to_local_dir bar is bar' );
    ok( -f $to_bazwar, 'to_local_dir baz deployed' );
    is( slurp($to_bazwar), slurp($bazwar), 'to_local_dir baz is baz' );

    my ( $temp_dir, $to_dir ) = temp_dirs();

    my $barwar       = File::Spec->catfile( $test_dir, 'data', 'resources', 'bar.war' );
    my $to_foobarwar = File::Spec->catfile( $to_dir,   'foobar.war' );
    my $bazwar       = File::Spec->catfile( $test_dir, 'data', 'resources', 'baz.war' );
    my $to_foobazwar = File::Spec->catfile( $to_dir,   'foobaz.war' );

    my $deployment = Footprintless::Deployment->new(
            'foo', $to_dir, undef,
            bar => {
                url  => $barwar,
                'as' => 'foobar.war'
            baz => {
                url  => $bazwar,
                'as' => 'foobaz.war'

    ok( -f $to_foobarwar, 'foobar deployed' );
    is( slurp($to_foobarwar), slurp($barwar), 'foobar is bar' );
    ok( -f $to_foobazwar, 'foobaz deployed' );
    is( slurp($to_foobazwar), slurp($bazwar), 'foobaz is baz' );

    $logger->info("test resource_dir");
    my ( $temp_dir, $to_dir ) = temp_dirs();
    my $resource_dir = 'foo/bar';

    my $barwar = File::Spec->catfile( $test_dir, 'data', 'resources', 'bar.war' );
    my $to_foobarwar = File::Spec->catfile( $to_dir, $resource_dir, 'foobar.war' );
    my $bazwar = File::Spec->catfile( $test_dir, 'data', 'resources', 'baz.war' );
    my $to_foobazwar = File::Spec->catfile( $to_dir, $resource_dir, 'foobaz.war' );

    my $deployment = Footprintless::Deployment->new(
            'foo', $to_dir,
            bar => {
                url  => $barwar,
                'as' => 'foobar.war'
            baz => {
                url  => $bazwar,
                'as' => 'foobaz.war'

    ok( -f $to_foobarwar, 'resource_dir foobar deployed' );
    is( slurp($to_foobarwar), slurp($barwar), 'resource_dir foobar is bar' );
    ok( -f $to_foobazwar, 'resource_dir foobaz deployed' );
    is( slurp($to_foobazwar), slurp($bazwar), 'resource_dir foobaz is baz' );

    my ( $temp_dir, $to_dir ) = temp_dirs();
    my $alternate_to_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $temp_dir, 'alternate' );

    my $barwar = File::Spec->catfile( $test_dir, 'data', 'resources', 'bar.war' );
    my $to_foobarwar = File::Spec->catfile( $to_dir, 'foobar.war' );
    my $alternate_to_foobarwar = File::Spec->catfile( $alternate_to_dir, 'foobar.war' );
    my $bazwar       = File::Spec->catfile( $test_dir, 'data', 'resources', 'baz.war' );
    my $to_foobazwar = File::Spec->catfile( $to_dir,   'foobaz.war' );
    my $alternate_to_foobazwar = File::Spec->catfile( $alternate_to_dir, 'foobaz.war' );

    my $deployment = Footprintless::Deployment->new(
            'foo', $to_dir, undef,
            bar => {
                url  => $barwar,
                'as' => 'foobar.war'
            baz => {
                url  => $bazwar,
                'as' => 'foobaz.war'
    $deployment->deploy( to_dir => $alternate_to_dir );

    ok( !-e $to_foobarwar,          'configured foobar not deployed' );
    ok( -f $alternate_to_foobarwar, 'alternate foobar deployed' );
    is( slurp($alternate_to_foobarwar), slurp($barwar), 'alternate foobar is bar' );
    ok( !-e $to_foobazwar,          'configured foobaz not deployed' );
    ok( -f $alternate_to_foobazwar, 'alternate foobaz deployed' );
    is( slurp($alternate_to_foobazwar), slurp($bazwar), 'alternate foobaz is baz' );

    $logger->info("test extract_to");
    my ( $temp_dir, $to_dir ) = temp_dirs();

    my $bazwar = File::Spec->catfile( $test_dir, 'data', 'resources', 'baz.war' );
    my $to_baz = File::Spec->catfile( $to_dir, 'foo', 'baz' );

    my $deployment = Footprintless::Deployment->new(
            'foo', $to_dir, undef,
            baz => {
                url        => $bazwar,
                extract_to => 'foo/baz'

    ok( -f File::Spec->catfile( $to_baz, 'META-INF', 'maven', 'com.pastdev', 'baz', 'pom.xml' ),
        'baz pom.xml exists' );