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package IPC::Open3::Callback::CommandRunner;
  $IPC::Open3::Callback::CommandRunner::VERSION = '1.01';

use strict;
use warnings;

use IPC::Open3::Callback;

sub new {
    my $prototype = shift;
    my $class = ref( $prototype ) || $prototype;
    my $self = {};
    bless( $self, $class );

    $self->{command_runner} = IPC::Open3::Callback->new();

    return $self

sub build_callback {
    my $self = shift;
    my $out_or_err = shift;
    my $options = shift;

    if ( defined( $options->{$out_or_err . '_callback'} ) ) {
        return $options->{$out_or_err . '_callback'};
    elsif ( $options->{$out_or_err . '_buffer'} ) {
        $self->{$out_or_err . '_buffer'} = ();
        return sub {
            push( @{$self->{$out_or_err . '_buffer'}}, shift );
    return undef;

sub clear_buffers {
    my $self = shift;
    delete( $self->{out_buffer} );
    delete( $self->{err_buffer} );

sub err_buffer {
    return join( '', @{shift->{err_buffer}} );

sub options {
    my $self = shift;
    my %options = @_;

    $options{out_callback} = $self->build_callback( 'out', \%options );
    $options{err_callback} = $self->build_callback( 'err', \%options );

    return %options;

sub out_buffer {
    return join( '', @{shift->{out_buffer}} );

sub run {
    my $self = shift;
    my @command = @_;
    my %options = ();
    # if last arg is hashref, its command options not arg...
    if ( ref( $command[-1] ) eq 'HASH' ) {
        %options = $self->options( %{pop(@command)} );

    return $self->{command_runner}->run_command( @command, \%options );

sub run_or_die {
    my $self = shift;
    my @command = @_;
    my %options = ();
    # if last arg is hashref, its command options not arg...
    if ( ref( $command[-1] ) eq 'HASH' ) {
        %options = $self->options( %{pop(@command)} );


    my $exit_code = $self->{command_runner}->run_command( @command, \%options );
    if ( $exit_code ) {
        my $message = "FAILED ($exit_code): @command";
        $message .= " out_buffer=($self->{out_buffer})" if ( $options{out_buffer} );
        $message .= " err_buffer=($self->{err_buffer})" if ( $options{err_buffer} );
        die( $message );

=head1 NAME

IPC::Open3::Callback::CommandRunner - A utility class that wraps IPC::Open3::Callback with available output buffers and an option to die on failure instead of returning exit code.

=head1 VERSION

version 1.01


  use IPC::Open3::Callback::CommandRunner;

  my $command_runner = IPC::Open3::Callback::CommandRunner->new();
  my $exit_code = $command_runner->run( 'echo Hello, World!' );

  eval {
      $command_runner->run_or_die( $command_that_might_die );
  if ( $@ ) {
      print( "command died: $@\n" );


Adds more convenience to IPC::Open3::Callback by buffering output and error
if needed and dieing on failure if wanted.


=head2 new()

The constructor creates a new CommandRunner.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 err_buffer()

Returns the contents of the err_buffer from the last call to 
L<run|/"run( $command, $arg1, ..., $argN, \%options )"> or 
L<run_or_die|/"run_or_die( $command, $arg1, ..., $argN, \%options )">.

=head2 out_buffer()

Returns the contents of the err_buffer from the last call to 
L<run|/"run( $command, $arg1, ..., $argN, \%options )"> or 
L<run_or_die|/"run_or_die( $command, $arg1, ..., $argN, \%options )">.

=head2 run( $command, $arg1, ..., $argN, \%options )

Will run the specified command with the supplied arguments by passing them on to 
L<run_command|IPC::Open3::Callback/"run_command( $command, $arg1, ..., $argN, \%options )">.  
Arguments can be embedded in the command string and are thus optional.

If the last argument to this method is a hashref (C<ref(@_[-1]) eq 'HASH'>), then
it is treated as an options hash.  The supported allowed options are the same as 
L<run_command|IPC::Open3::Callback/"run_command( $command, $arg1, ..., $argN, \%options )"> 

=over 4

=item out_buffer

If true, a callback will be generated for C<STDOUT> that buffers all data 
and can be accessed via L<out_buffer()|/"out_buffer()">

=item err_buffer

If true, a callback will be generated for C<STDERR> that buffers all data 
and can be accessed via L<err_buffer()|/"err_buffer()">


Returns the exit code from the command.

=head2 run_or_die( $command, $arg1, ..., $argN, \%options )

The same as L<run|/"run( $command, $arg1, ..., $argN, \%options )"> exept that it
will C<die> on a non-zero exit code instead of returning the exit code.

=head1 AUTHOR

Lucas Theisen (


Copyright 2013  All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.