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package Acme::AsciiArtFarts;

use warnings;
use strict;
use LWP;

=head1 NAME

Acme::AsciiArtFarts - Simple Object Interface to AsciiArtFarts

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.01


our $VERSION = '0.03';


This package provides a simple object orientated interface to AsciiArtFarts - a
website focussed on Ascii Art humour.

	use Acme::AsciiArtFarts;

	my $aaf = Acme::AsciiArtFarts->new();

	my $current = $aaf->current();
	print $current;

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

Constructor - creates a new Acme:AsciiArtFarts object.  This method takes no arguments.


sub new {
	my $class	= shift;
	my $self	= {};
	bless $self, $class;
	$self->{ua}	= LWP::UserAgent->new();
	$self->{uri}	= '';
	$self->{req}	= HTTP::Request->new(GET => $self->{uri});
	$self->{cur_key}= '';
	$self->{cur_num}= 0;
	$self->{key_arr}= ();
	return $self

=head2 current

	print $aaf->current();

Returns the current strip.


sub current {
	return $_[0]->__request('/today.txt')

=head2 random

	print $aaf->random();

Returns a random strip.


sub random {
	return __parse($_[0]->__request('/random.cgi'));

=head2 list_keywords

	print join " ", $aaf->list_keywords();

Returns a list of all keywords by which strips are sorted.


sub list_keywords {
	return sort keys %{$_[0]->{keywords}}

=head2 list_by_keyword

	my @art = $aaf->list_by_keyword('matrix');

Returns a list of strip numbers for the given keyword.


sub list_by_keyword {
	my ($self,$keyword)= @_;
	exists $self->{keywords}->{$keyword} or return 0;
	return @{$self->{keywords}{$keyword}{strips}};

=head2 get_by_num

	print $aaf->get_by_num($art[0]);

	print $aaf->get_by_num(int rand 1000);

Given a strip number as returned by other methods, return the requested strip.

Alternately, given an integer value that is a valid strip number, return the requested strip.


sub get_by_num {
	my ($self,$num)	=@_;
	$num	=~ /^#/	or $num = '#'.$num;
	return __parse($self->__request("/$self->{strips}{$num}{page}"))

sub __get_keywords {
	my $self= shift;
	my $itr	= 0;
	my @html= split /\n/, $self->__request('/keyword.html');

	for ($itr=0;$itr<@html;$itr++) {
		$_ = $html[$itr];
		next unless /^<li><a name="keyword/;
		my($key,$page,$count) = /^<li.*?:(.*?)".*ref="(.*)".*a> \((.*)\)/;
		$self->{keywords}{$key}{count}	= $count;
		$self->{keywords}{$key}{page}	= $page;
		while ($itr++) {
			$_	= $html[$itr];
			next if /^<ul>/;
			last if /^<\/ul>/;
			last if $itr > 1_000_000;
			my($num,$page,$name,$date) = /^<li>(.*?):.*ref="(.*?)">(.*?)<.*l>(.*)</;
			push @{$self->{keywords}{$key}{strips}}, $num;
			$self->{strips}{$num}{name}		= $name;
			$self->{strips}{$num}{page}		= $page; 
			$self->{strips}{$num}{date}		= $date; 
			$self->{strips}{$num}{keyword}	= $key;

sub __request {
	my($self,$rl)	= @_;
	$rl 		|= '';
	my $res		= $self->{ua}->get($self->{uri}.$rl);
	$res->is_success and return $res->content;
	$self->{error}	= 'Unable to retrieve content: ' . $res->status_line;
	return 0

sub __parse {
	my @html	= split /\n/, $_[0];
	my $found	= 0;
	my $res;

	foreach (@html) {
		next unless /^<table cell.*pre>/ or $found;
		$found	= 1;
		next if /^<table cell/;
		return $res if /^<\/pre>/ and $found;
		$res	.= "$_\n";

=head1 AUTHOR

Luke Poskitt, C<< <ltp at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-acme-asciiartfarts at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Acme::AsciiArtFarts

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN





Copyright 2011 Luke Poskitt.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.

