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package Cisco::UCS::Interconnect;

use warnings;
use strict;

use Cisco::UCS::Common::SwitchCard;
use Cisco::UCS::Common::PSU;
use Cisco::UCS::Common::Fan;
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
use Carp qw(croak);

our $VERSION	= '0.16';

our @ATTRIBUTES	= qw(dn id model operability serial vendor);

			memory		=> 'totalMemory',
			mgmt_ip		=> 'oobIfIp',
			mgmt_gw		=> 'oobIfGw',
			mgmt_net	=> 'oobIfMask',

my %MMAP	= (	
			card	=> {
					type	=> 'equipmentSwitchCard',
					class	=> 'Cisco::UCS::Common::SwitchCard', 
			fan	=> {
					type	=> 'equipmentFan',
					class	=> 'Cisco::UCS::Common::Fan'
			psu	=> {
					type	=> 'equipmentPsu',
					class	=> 'Cisco::UCS::Common::PSU'

sub new {
	my ( $class, %args ) = @_;
	my $self = {};
	bless $self, $class;
	defined $args{dn}	? $self->{dn}		= $args{dn}	: croak 'dn not defined';
	defined $args{ucs} 	? weaken( $self->{ucs} 	= $args{ucs} )	: croak 'ucs not defined';
	my %attr = %{ $self->{ucs}->resolve_dn( dn => $self->{dn} )->{outConfig}->{networkElement} };

	while (my( $k, $v ) = each %attr) { $self->{$k} = $v }

	my ($v) = $self->{ucs}->version =~ /\((.*)\)/;
	$MMAP{fan}{type} = 'equipmentFanModule' if( $v =~ /^4/);

        return $self;

	no strict 'refs';

	while ( my( $pseudo, $attribute ) = each %ATTRIBUTES ) { *{ __PACKAGE__ .'::'. $pseudo } = sub { return $_[0]->{$attribute} } }

        foreach my $attribute ( @ATTRIBUTES ) { *{ __PACKAGE__ .'::'. $attribute } = sub { return $_[0]->{$attribute} } }

	foreach my $m ( keys %MMAP ) {  # i.e. object
		my $gm 	= "get_$m";	# i.e. get_object
		my $gms	= "get_$m".'s'; # i.e. get_objects
		*{ __PACKAGE__ .'::'. $m	} = sub { my( $self, $id ) = @_; return ( defined $self->{$m}->{$id} ? $self->{$m}->{$id} : $self->$gm( $id ) ) };
		*{ __PACKAGE__ .'::'. $gm 	} = sub { my( $self, $id ) = @_; return ( $id ? $self->$gms( $id ) : undef ) };
		*{ __PACKAGE__ .'::'. $gms	} = sub { my( $self, $id ) = @_; return $self->{ucs}->_get_child_objects( id => $id, type => $MMAP{$m}{type}, class => $MMAP{$m}{class}, attr => $m, self => $self ) };

=head1 NAME

Cisco::UCS::Interconnect - Class for operations with a Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnect


	print 'Memory: ' . $ucs->interconnect(A)->serial . " Mb\n";

	print map { 'Interconnect ' . $_->id . ' serial: ' . $_->serial . "\n" } $ucs->get_interconnects;


Cisco::UCS::Interconnect is a class used to represent an abstracted interface to a Cisco Fabric Interconnect
object in a Cisco::UCS system.  This class provides functionality to retrieve information, statistics and
child objects (like Cisco::UCS::Common::EthernetPorts).

Please note that you should not need to call the constructor directly as Cisco::UCS::Interconnect objects 
are created for you by the methods in the Cisco::UCS package parent class.

Because of the inexorible relationship of a Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnect as a hardware platform and the
concept of a Cisco UCS management entity as a logical instance of the Cisco USCM running on the hardware
platform of a Cisco UCS Interconnect, some boundaries between the two become blurred within this package.

This class can be used for monitoring load and retrieving physical interface and component states and statistics,
however before employing it to do so, consider that SNMP provides similar interface statistic access with less
complexity without requiring session management.

=head2 METHODS

=head2 dn 

Returns the distinguished name of the fabric interconnect in the UCSM management informantion model.

=head2 id

Returns the identifier (either A or B) of the fabric interconnect.

=head2 model

Returns the vendor model code of the fabric interconnect.

=head2 operability

Returns the operability status of the fabric interconnect.

=head2 serial

Returns the serial number of the fabric interconnect.

=head2 vendor

Returns the vendor identification of the fabric interconnect.

=head2 memory

Returns the total installed memory in Mb.

=head2 mgmt_ip

Returns the configured management interface IP address.

=head2 mgmt_gw

Returns the configured management interface gateway IP address.

=head2 mgmt_net

Returns the configured management interface netmask.

=head2 get_fans
        my @fans = $ucs->interconnect(A)->get_fans;
        foreach my $fan (@fans) {
                print "Fan " . $fan->id . " thermal : " . $fan->thermal . "\n";
Returns an array of Cisco::UCS::Common::Fan objects representing the fans installed in
the fabric interconnect.


Fan objects for Interconnects in the Cisco UCSM management information heirarchy changed 
from using the object identifier/description 'equipmentFan' to 'equipmentFanModule' somewhere
between versions 2.0(1w) and 2.0(4a).  Consequently if you find that the B<fan> methods do not
work or return no output for your installation, then please use the comparitive B<fanmodule>
methods instead.

=head2 get_fans
        my @fans = $ucs->interconnect(A)->get_fans;
        foreach my $fan (@fans) {
                print "Fan " . $fan->id . " thermal : " . $fan->thermal . "\n";
Returns an array of Cisco::UCS::Common::Fan objects representing the fans installed in
the fabric interconnect.

=head2 get_fan ( $id )

	print "Fan 1 operability: " . $ucs->interconnect(A)->fan(1)->operability . "\n";       
Returns a Cisco::UCS::Common::Fan object corresponding to the fans specified by the numerical
identifier.  Note that this is a non-caching method and when invoked will always query the UCSM.
Consequently this method may be more expensive than the functionally equivalent caching B<fan>

=head2 fan ( $id )
Returns a Cisco::UCS::Common::Fan object corresponding to the fans specified by the numerical
identifier.  Note that this is a caching method and when invoked will return an object retrieved
in a previous query if one is available.

=head2 get_fanmodules ( $id )
Returns an array of Cisco::UCS::Common::Fan objects representing the fans installed in
the fabric interconnect.

B<PLEASE NOTE> : This method behaves identically to the aforementioned B<get_fans> method but due
to USCM object naming changes between later versions, this method is to be used as an alternative
to the B<get_fans> method only when the B<get_fans> method fails to work.

=head2 get_fanmodule ( $id )

Returns a Cisco::UCS::Common::Fan object corresponding to the fans specified by the numerical

B<PLEASE NOTE> : This method behaves identically to the aforementioned B<get_fan> method but due to 
USCM object naming changes between later versions, this method is to be used as an alternative to
the B<get_fan> method only when the B<get_fan> method fails to work.

=head2 fanmodule ( $id )
Returns a Cisco::UCS::Common::Fan object corresponding to the fans specified by the numerical

B<PLEASE NOTE> : This method behaves identically to the aforementioned B<fan> method but due to 
USCM object naming changes between later versions, this method is to be used as an alternative
to the B<fan> method only when the B<fan> method fails to work.

=head2 get_psus
        my @psus = $ucs->interconnect(A)->get_psus;
        foreach my $psu (@psus) {
                print "PSU " . $psu->id . " thermal : " . $psu->thermal . "\n";
Returns an array of Cisco::UCS::Common::PSU objects representing the PSUs installed in
the fabric interconnect.

=head2 get_psus
        my @psus = $ucs->interconnect(A)->get_psus;
        foreach my $psu (@psus) {
                print "PSU " . $psu->id . " thermal : " . $psu->thermal . "\n";
Returns an array of Cisco::UCS::Common::PSU objects representing the PSUs installed in
the fabric interconnect.

=head2 get_psu ( $id )

	print "PSU 1 operability: " . $ucs->interconnect(A)->psu(1)->operability . "\n";
Returns a Cisco::UCS::Common::PSU object corresponding to the PSUs specified by the numerical
identifier.  Note that this is a non-caching method and when invoked will always query the UCSM.
Consequently this method may be more expensive than the functionally equivalent caching B<psu>

=head2 psu ( $id )
Returns a Cisco::UCS::Common::PSU object corresponding to the PSUs specified by the numerical
identifier.  Note that this is a caching method and when invoked will return an object retrieved
in a previous query if one is available.

=head2 get_cards
        my @cards = $ucs->interconnect(A)->get_cards;
        foreach my $card (@cards) {
                print "Switchcard " . $card->id . " description : " . $card->description . "\n";
Returns an array of Cisco::UCS::Common::SwitchCard objects representing the interface cards 
installed in the fabric interconnect.

=head2 get_card ( $id )

	print "Switchcard 1 operability: " . $ucs->interconnect(A)->card(1)->operability . "\n";
Returns a Cisco::UCS::Common::SwitchCard object corresponding to the interface card specified by 
the numerical identifier.  Note that this is a non-caching method and when invoked will always 
query the UCSM. Consequently this method may be more expensive than the functionally equivalent 
caching B<card> method.

=head2 card ( $id )
Returns a Cisco::UCS::Common::SwitchCard object corresponding to the interface card specified by the 
numerical identifier.  Note that this is a caching method and when invoked will return an object 
retrieved in a previous query if one is available.


=head1 AUTHOR

Luke Poskitt, C<< <ltp at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-cisco-ucs-interconnect at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Cisco::UCS::Interconnect

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




Copyright 2012 Luke Poskitt.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.

