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use strict;
use warnings;

# $Id: maps-gather,v 1.6 2004/09/12 01:35:02 lem Exp $

use URI::URL;
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Std;
use NetAddr::IP;
use Mail::Mailer;
use LWP::RobotUA;
use HTML::Entities;
use HTML::LinkExtor;

our $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 1.6 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf " %d."."%03d" x $#r, @r };


=head1 NAME

maps-gather - Gather evidence associated to a MAPS complaint


    maps-gather [-h] [-v] [-r relay] -s report-email


This script is used to request the evidence that MAPS keeps associated
with a listing of an open relay, spam source, etc. The evidence is
formatted so as to keep the original complaint and all the evidence in
a single message and then it is forwarded to the designated contact

Normally, C<abuso> would let the MAPS compalints in the directory
where B<empty> reports are sent. You could then use C<maps-gather> to
re-feed a more documented report to your C<abuso> engine.

=head2 Do not abuse this script

In general, it is not polite to send large numbers of queries to a
host, as this might be interpreted as an attack. Use this scipt
judiciously and avoid long and repeated queries.

Note that / has a limit on the number of
queries allowed per hour. If you need to scan an address block using
this tool, you should probably use a delay of a few minutes between
queries, using the B<-d> option.

The following options are recognized:


=item B<-h>

Outputs this documentation.

=item B<-v>

Be verbose about progress.

=item B<-r relay>

The relay server to use in order to send the email message with the
complaint and the evidence. Defaults to 'mail'.

=item B<-s report-email>

Specify the RFC-822 address that the email is going to be sent to.


use vars qw/ $opt_r $opt_s $opt_h $opt_v /;


pod2usage(verbose => 1) unless $opt_s;
pod2usage(verbose => 2) if $opt_h;

$opt_r = 'mail' unless $opt_r;

my $ua = LWP::RobotUA->new("maps-gather/$VERSION", 

sub _maps_query ($$$$)
    my $ua	= shift;
    my $type	= shift;
    my $ip	= shift;
    my $r_cont	= shift;

    print "# MAPS-$type lookup of ", $ip->addr, "\n" if $opt_v;

    my $r	= undef;
    $$r_cont	.= <<EOF;

The following evidence has been provided by MAPS to back its complaint.


    if ($type =~ /OPS/i)
	$r = $ua->get('' 
		      . $ip->addr);
	if ($r->is_success)
	    my $cont = decode_entities($r->content);
	    $cont =~ s/^\s*([\w\-]+:)/$1/gm;
	    $cont =~ s/^\s+/ /gm;
	    $$r_cont .= $cont;
	    warn "# Failed MAPS-$type HTTP query for ", $ip->addr, 
	    ": ", $r->code, "/", $r->message, "\n";
	    return 5;
    elsif ($type =~ /RSS/)
	$r = $ua->get('' 
		      . $ip->addr);
	if ($r->is_success)
	    my $cont = decode_entities($r->content);
	    $cont =~ s/^\s*([\w\-]+:)/$1/gm;
	    $cont =~ s/^\s+/ /gm;
	    $$r_cont .= $cont;
	    warn "# Failed MAPS-$type HTTP query for ", $ip->addr, 
	    ": ", $r->code, "/", $r->message, "\n";
	    return 5;
    elsif ($type =~ /RBL/)
	$r = $ua->get('' 
		      . $ip->addr);
	if ($r->is_success)
	    my @links;
	    my $p = HTML::LinkExtor->new(undef, $r->base);
	    my $res = $p->parse($r->content);
	    for my $link ($p->links)
		my $uri		= $link->[2];
		next unless $uri =~ /show_listing\.cgi\?(\d+)/;
		my $case	= $1;

		warn "# Fecthing case id $case\n" if $opt_v;

		$$r_cont .= <<EOF;
*** Begin evidence for case $case

		my $r2 = $ua->get($uri);
		if ($r2->is_success)
		    my $c = decode_entities($r2->content);
		    $c =~ s/^\s*([\w\-]+:)/$1/gm;
		    $c =~ s/^\s+/ /gm;
		    $$r_cont .= $c;
		    $$r_cont .= 'Failed to fetch: ' . $r2->code 
			. '/' . $r2->message . "\n";
		    $$r_cont .= "See $uri for case $case details\n";
		    warn "# Failed MAPS-$type (case) HTTP query for ", 
		    $ip->addr, " / $case : ", $r->code, "/", $r->message, 

		$$r_cont .= <<EOF;
*** End evidence for case $case
	    warn "# Failed MAPS-$type HTTP query for ", $ip->addr, 
	    ": ", $r->code, "/", $r->message, "\n";
	    return 5;
	warn "Unknown type of query '$type' for ", $ip->addr, "\n";
	return 4;

    return 0;

my $msg;

    local $/ = undef;
    $msg = <>;
				# We parse the Subject: header, as it
				# contains all the info we need.

my $cont = <<EOF;
The following is an almost intact complaint from MAPS


$cont .= $msg;

unless ($msg =~ /^From: .*\@mail-abuse\.(org|com)/m
	and $msg =~ /has been added to the MAPS/m)
    warn "# Report not recognized as coming from MAPS\n";
    exit 3;

if ($msg =~ /^Subject: (\w+) [Ll]isting of (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/m)
    my ($type, $ip) = ($1, new NetAddr::IP $2);
    unless (defined $ip and defined $type)
	warn "# Failed to extract MAPS information from the report\n";
	exit 1;

    warn "# Found ($type, $ip) in report\n" if ($opt_v);

    my $e_val = _maps_query $ua, $type, $ip, \$cont;
    if ($e_val)
	warn "# Exiting with $e_val\n" if $opt_v;
	exit $e_val;
	warn "# Sending mail report to $opt_s\n" if $opt_v;
	my $m;
	eval {
	    $m = new Mail::Mailer 'smtp', Server => $opt_r;
			   'X-Mailer'	=> "maps-gather/$VERSION",
			   'To'		=> $opt_s,
			   'From'	=> 'maps-gather',
			   'Subject'	=> "MAPS Report for $ip + samples"

	if ($@)
	    warn "# Failed to send mail report (check parameters): $@\n";
	    exit 1;

	print $m $cont, "\n";
	warn "# Message sent to $opt_s\n" if $opt_v;
    warn "# Could not find MAPS information from the report\n";
    exit 2;




The complaint should be fed through C<STDIN>, as the output of C<acat>

=head1 HISTORY


=item B<Jan, 2004>

First version of this code.



This code and all accompanying software comes with NO WARRANTY. You
use it at your own risk.

This code and all accompanying software can be used freely under the
same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 AUTHOR

Luis E. Muñoz <>

=head1 SEE ALSO

perl(1), C<acat(1)>, C<LWP::RobotUA(3)>
