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use strict;
use warnings;

use IO::File;
use Pod::Usage;
use File::Find;
use File::Path;
use File::Spec;
use Getopt::Std;
use NetAddr::IP;
use PerlIO::gzip;

use Storable qw/fd_retrieve/;

our $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 1.1 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf " %d."."%03d" x $#r, @r };


=head1 NAME

serial2plain - Convert abuse reports from serialized to plain format


    serial2plain [-h] [-o path] path ...


use vars qw/ 
    $opt_h $opt_o


pod2usage(verbose => 1,
	  message => 'Missing required option -o',
	 ) unless $opt_o;



C<serial2plain> recurses through the paths given in the command line,
looking for abuse reports stored by L<Mail::Abuse::Processor::Store>
in B<serialized> mode. Any reports found, will be "stripped", that is,
all the data structures accompaining the abuse reports will be
removed, leaving only the text of the abuse report and its original

The resulting stripped report will be placed in an equivalent location
under the path specified in the mandatory B<-o> option. Access times
and file ownership will be preserved, so as not to break existing
expiration schemes.

As is, this tool is helpful for migrating from a scenario employing
the B<serialized> storage mode, to the B<plain> storage mode, thus
saving space.

Note that this process losses information. All the recovered incidents
and other meta-data accompanying the abuse report will be discarded in
the process. Usually, you'll want to insure that this information is
being kept elsewhere, such as in a database through the use of modules
such as L<Mail::Abuse::Processor::ArchiveDBI>.


=item B<-h>

Causes this documentation to be produced.


pod2usage(verbose => 2) if $opt_h;


=item B<-o path>

Specifies where to place the stripped abuse reports. The required
paths will be created if they does not exist.


				# All modules under Mail::Abuse will be
				# use()d automagically

our @used = ();

	 follow		=> 1,
	 follow_skip	=> 2,
	 no_chdir	=> 1,
	 wanted		=> sub
	     return unless $File::Find::name =~ m!/Mail/Abuse\W!;
	     return unless $File::Find::name =~ s!\.pm$!!;

	     my $ext = substr($File::Find::name, index($File::Find::name, 
	     $ext =~ s!/!::!g;
	     return if grep { $_ eq $ext } @used;

	     eval "use $ext";
	     push @used, $ext unless $@;
     }, @INC

# Perform the file conversion
sub convert
    my $s = $File::Find::name;

    return unless -f $s;
    my ($atime, $mtime) = (stat($s))[8,9];

    my $d = File::Spec->catfile($opt_o, $s);
    my $p = (File::Spec->splitpath($d))[1];

    # warn "$s -> $p\n";

    if ($p)
	eval { mkpath($p) };
	if ($@)
	    warn "Failed to create path $p for $d: $@\n";
	warn "Bad path for $d. Skipping.\n";

    if (-f $d)
	warn "Skipping $s: $d already exists and won't overwrite\n";

    my $fh = new IO::File $s, "<:gzip(autopop)";
    unless ($fh)
	warn "Failed to open $s: $!\n";

    my $rep;
    eval { $rep = fd_retrieve($fh) };

    if ($@)
	warn "Failed to retrieve report $s: $@\n";

    unless ($rep)
	warn "Failed to read report $s: $!\n";


    $fh = new IO::File $d, ">:gzip";
    unless ($fh)
	warn "Failed to create $d: $!\n";

    print $fh ${$rep->text};

    utime $atime, $mtime, $d;

	 follow		=> 1,
	 follow_skip	=> 2,
	 no_chdir	=> 1,
	 wanted		=> \&convert,
     }, @ARGV




=head1 HISTORY

  $Log: serial2plain,v $
  Revision 1.1  2005/12/02 21:31:52  lem
  Added initial version of serial2plain. This version is useful for
  migrating existing abuse report repositories. You can invoke it as in

    $ cd old-rep
    $ serial2plain -o new-rep .

  And the abuse reports will be happily transferred. Some preliminary
  benchmarks suggest very significant space savings by using the
  plain-gz format instead of the serialized format, although this will
  change from installation to installation.


This code and all accompanying software comes with NO WARRANTY. You
use it at your own risk.

This code and all accompanying software can be used freely under the
same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 AUTHOR

Luis E. Muñoz <>

=head1 SEE ALSO

perl(1), C<Mail::Abuse>.
