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#!./perl -w
# generate_PerlTk_program: create a Perl/Tk 8.x X11 GUI wrapper program for any
# command line application.  
# A re-write of generate_tk_program (now called generate_TclTk_program), for
# Perl/Tk 4.x.
# SOL, 98/07/26.  LUCC
# Stephen.O.Lidie@Lehigh.EDU
# Copyright (C) 1995 - 2013.  Stephen O. Lidie.

use Config;
use Getopt::EvaP;		# Evaluate Parameters
use subs qw/exit/;
use strict qw(subs refs);	# be as pure as possible!

sub evap_PDT_error;
sub evap_set_value;
sub exit {print "my exit\n";};
sub finish;
sub genPerlTk;
sub initialize;
sub initialize_global_variables;
sub process_command_line_widget;

$genPerlTk_aux_files = "$Config{installsitelib}/Getopt"; # other files
chop($genPerlTk_date = `date`);	# creation date
$genPerlTk_version = '2.6';	# version (same as Evaluate Parameters)

sub evap_PDT_error {

    my($msg) = @_;

    print STDERR "$msg";

} # end evap_PDT_error

sub evap_set_value {
    # Store a parameter's value; some parameter types require special type
    # conversion.
    # Handle list syntax (item1, item2, ...) for 'list of' types.
    # Lists are a little weird as they may already have default values from the
    # PDT declaration. The first time a list parameter is specified on the
    # command line we must first empty the list of its default values.  The
    # P_INFO list flag thus can be in one of three states: 1 = the list has
    # possible default values from the PDT, 2 = first time for this command
    # line parameter so empty the list and THEN push the parameter's value, and
    # 3 = from now just keep pushing new command line values on the list.
    local( $type, $list, $v, *parameter ) = @_;
    local( $value, @values );
    local( $pdt_reg_exp2 ) = '^TRUE$|^YES$|^1$';
    local( $pdt_reg_exp3 ) = '^FALSE$|^NO$|^0$';

    @parameter = () if $list =~ /^2$/; # empty list of default values

    if ( $list && $v =~ /^\(+[^\)]*\)+$/ ) { # check for list
        # If a string type then values are already quoted and eval can
	# handle the situation.  Otherwise just split on whitespace after
	# removing the comma list separators and the left/right parens.

	if ( $type =~ /^s$/ ) {
	    @values = eval "$v"; # let Perl do the walking
        } else {
	    $v =~ s/(,)//g;
	    $v =~ s/([()])//g;
	    @values = split( ' ', $v );
    } else {
	@values = $v;		# a simple scalar	
    } # ifend initialize list of values

    foreach $value (@values) {

        if ( $type =~ /^b$/ ) {
            $value =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
	    $value = 'TRUE' if $value =~ /$pdt_reg_exp2/;
	    $value = 'FALSE' if $value =~ /$pdt_reg_exp3/;
        } # ifend boolean type

        if ( $list ) {
	    push( @parameter, $value );
        } else {
	    $parameter = $value;

    } # forend
} # end evap_set_value

sub finish {

    close( IN );
    close( OUT );

} # end finish

sub genPerlTk {

    # Process a Parameter Description Table (PDT).  Some lines are command 
    # line parameter information, one may be trailing file name information; 
    # all lines are help information for the user.  When all the input has 
    # been read then create the Perl/Tk X11 GUI wrapper program.
    while (($line = <IN>)) {

	push @command_help, $line; # save for tk help window
	$help_index++;		# keep track of Text widget mark position

	&process_command_line_widget if substr( $line, 0, 1 ) eq '-';
	if ( $line =~ / required by this command/ ) {
	    push( @P_ENTRY, 'files' ); # update list of entry widgets
	    push @help_index, "\$help->mark('set', 'mark_${my_command}_end', '${help_index}.0');\n";
	    $optional_files = ($line =~/ optionally required by this command/);
	    $enable_file_menu = 1;
	    print W <<"end_of_trailing_file_list";
\n# $line
\$w_trailing_file_list = \$widgets->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief flat));
	    if ( $optional_files ) {
		$text = 'File Name(s)' . ' ' x (44 - 12);
	    } else {
		$text = 'Required File Name(s)' . ' ' x (44 - 21);
	    print W <<"end_of_trailing_file_list";
\$w_trailing_file_list_b = \$w_trailing_file_list->Button(
    -text        => '$text',
    -borderwidth => 0,
    -font        => 'fixed',
    -command     => [sub {
	my(\$help, \$index, \$ce) = \@_;
	see_view 'end', \$ce, \$help, \$index;
    }, \$help, '${my_command}_end', \$ce],
\$w_trailing_file_list_b->pack(-side => 'left');
\$w_trailing_file_list_e = \$w_trailing_file_list->Entry(
    -relief       => 'sunken',
    -width        => 40,
    -textvariable => \\\$trailing_file_list,
    -background  => \$genPerlTk_highlight,
\$w_trailing_file_list_e->pack(-side => 'left');
\$w_trailing_file_list_e->bind('<KeyPress-Return>' => \\&update_command);
\$widgets->window('create', 'end', -window => \$w_trailing_file_list);
	} # ifend trailing file list

    } # whilend next input line

    close( W );			# close widget file so we can read it later

    # Now generate the Perl/Tk program.

    print OUT <<"end_of_template";
#!/usr/local/bin/perl5 -w
#  This Perl/Tk X11 GUI wrapper for program `$my_command' created by version $genPerlTk_version
#  of generate_PerlTk_program.
#  $genPerlTk_date
    print OUT <<'end_of_template';
#  Stephen.O.lidie@Lehigh.EDU

require 5.002;
use English;			# legible Perl special vriable names
require '';	# parse quoted strings
use strict qw(subs refs);	# be as pure as possible!
use Tk;				# Tk objects and methods
use Tk::Dialog;			# Dialog widget
use Tk::ErrorDialog;		# ErrorDialog widget
use Tk::FileSelect;		# FileSelect widget
    print OUT "require '$genPerlTk_aux_files/';\n";
    print OUT <<'end_of_template';

$genPerlTk_mw = MainWindow->new;# main window

# Subroutine prototypes (someday).

use subs qw(sub execute_command flash_widget kill_stdout pipe_window
	    read_stdout reset_doit_button reset_parameters save_window
	    see_view update_command);

# Subroutines.

sub execute_command {

    # Create a toplevel output window, exec the Unix command and capture 
    # stdout/stderr.  If no stdout/stderr then don't bother to deiconify
    # the toplevel, and, if only doing-it-once, exit.

    my($doit, $doit_bg) = @_;


    my $execute = 1;
    $execute = ($genPerlTk_stdin_dialog->Show eq 'OK') if 
        defined $trailing_file_list and $trailing_file_list eq '';

    if (not $execute) {
	reset_doit_button $doit, $doit_bg;

    # Special case $required parameters.

    print OUT "    foreach (qw(", join(' ', @P_REQUIRED), ")) {\n";
    print OUT "        no strict qw(refs);\n";
    print OUT "        if (\$\$_ eq '\$REQUIRED' or \$\$_ eq '\$required' or \$\$_ eq '') {\n";
    print OUT "            \$genPerlTk_required_dialog->configure(-text => \"Parameter \\\"\$_\\\" requires a value.\");\n";

    print OUT "            \$genPerlTk_required_dialog->Show;\n";
    print OUT "            reset_doit_button \$doit, \$doit_bg;\n";
    print OUT "            return;\n";
    print OUT "        }\n";
    print OUT "    }\n";
    print OUT <<'end_of_template';
    if (Exists($genPerlTk_runme)) {
	$t = $genPerlTk_text;
    } else{
	$genPerlTk_runme = $genPerlTk_mw->Toplevel;
	my $e = $genPerlTk_runme;
    my $my_xcommand = 'x' . $my_command;
    print OUT <<"end_of_template";
	\$e->title('$my_xcommand output');
    print OUT <<'end_of_template';

	# Forward declaration of the Text widget.

	$tf = $e->Frame;
	$t = $tf->Text(qw(-relief raised -bd 2 -setgrid true -font fixed));
	$genPerlTk_text = $t;
	$t->pack(qw(-expand yes -fill both));
        $tf->configure(-scrollbars => 'se');

	my $m = $e->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief raised));
	$m->pack(qw(-side top -fill x -expand yes));
	my $mf = $m->Menubutton(qw(-text File -underline 0 -relief raised));
	$mf->pack(-side => 'left');
	my $fs = $genPerlTk_mw->FileSelect;
            -label   => 'Save as ...',
            -command => [sub {save_window @_}, $fs, $t],
            -label   => 'Pipe to ...',
            -command => [sub {pipe_window @_}, $t],
            -label   => 'Close',
            -command => [$e => 'iconify'],


    } # ifend not Exists
    # Open the pipe.  The Do It button has been disabled until now to
    # prevent a race condition.
	no strict qw(subs);
	$genPerlTk_pid = open H, "$genPerlTk_command 2>&1 |";
	warn $OS_ERROR if not defined $genPerlTk_pid;
        select H; $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH = 1; select STDOUT;
	$genPerlTk_mw->fileevent(H, 'readable' => [sub {
            read_stdout @_;
        }, $t, $doit, $doit_bg]);
        -text    => 'Cancel',
        -relief  => 'raised',
        -state   => 'normal',
        -command => [sub {
            kill_stdout @_;
        }, $t, $doit, $doit_bg],
    flash_widget $doit, '-background' => $genPerlTk_highlight, $doit_bg, 500;
} # end execute_command

sub flash_widget {

    # Flash a widget by alternating its foreground and background colors.

    my($w, $option, $val1, $val2, $interval) = @_;

    if ($genPerlTk_fini == 0) {
	$w->configure($option => $val1);
	$genPerlTk_mw->after($interval, [\&flash_widget, $w, $option, $val2,
            $val1, $interval]);

} # end flash_widget

sub kill_stdout {
    # A click on the blinking Cancel button resumes normal operations.

    my($t, $doit, $doit_bg) = @_;

    $genPerlTk_fini = 1;
	no strict qw(subs);
	$genPerlTk_mw->fileevent(H, 'readable' => ''); # clear handler
    kill 'KILL', $genPerlTk_pid;
    close H;
    exit if $genPerlTk_doit_once and ($t->index('end') eq '2.0');
    $genPerlTk_runme->withdraw if $t->index('end') eq '2.0';
    reset_doit_button $doit, $doit_bg;

} # end kill_stdout

sub ldifference {		# @d = ldifference(\@l1, \@l2)

    my($l1, $l2) = @_;
    my %d;
    @d{@$l2} = (1) x @$l2;
    return grep(! $d{$_}, @$l1);

} # end ldifference

sub lintersection {		# @i = lintersection(\@l1, \@l2)

    my($l1, $l2) = @_;
    my %i;
    @i{@$l1} = (1) x @$l1;
    return grep($i{$_}, @$l2);

} # end lintersection

sub lsearch {			# $o = lsearch($regexp, @list)

    # Search the list using the supplied regular expression and return it's 
    # ordinal, or -1 if not found.

    my($regexp, @list) = @_;

    for ($i=0; $i<=$#list; $i++) {
        return $i if $list[$i] =~ /$regexp/;
    return -1;

} # end lsearch

sub lunion {			# @u = lunion(\@l1, \@l2)

    my($l1, $l2) = @_;
    my %u;
    @u{@$l1,  @$l2} = 1;
    return keys %u;

} # end lunion

sub pipe_window {

    # Create a modal dialog entry toplevel window divided into an upper 
    # message widget, a middle entry widget and a lower frame with OK and 
    # Cancel button widgets. Make a local grab, wait for the pipeline string
    # to be entered, withdraw the window and perform the exec.

    my($w) = @_;

    my($answer) = '';
    if (Exists($genPerlTk_pipe)) {
    } else {
        $genPerlTk_pipe = $genPerlTk_mw->Toplevel(-class => 'dialog');
	my $f1 = $genPerlTk_pipe->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief raised));
	my $f2 = $genPerlTk_pipe->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief raised));
	my $f3 = $genPerlTk_pipe->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief raised));
	$f1->pack($f2, $f3, qw(-side top -fill both -expand yes));

	my $process_pipe_input =  [sub {
	    shift if ref($_[0]) eq 'Tk::Entry';
	    my($answer, $w, $genPerlTk_pipe) = @_;
	    open(P, "| $$answer") or warn $OS_ERROR;
	    print P $w->get('1.0', 'end');
	    close P;
        }, \$answer, $w, $genPerlTk_pipe];

	my $msg = $f1->Message(
            -aspect => 400,
            -text   => 'Enter command pipeline:',
	$msg->pack(qw(-side top -expand yes -fill both));

	my $e = $f2->Entry(
            -relief => 'sunken',
            -width  => 40,
            -textvariable => \$answer,
	$e->bind('<KeyPress-Return>' => $process_pipe_input);
	$e->pack(qw(-side top -expand yes -fill both));

	my $ok = $f3->Button(
            -text    => 'OK',
            -command => $process_pipe_input,
	$ok->pack(qw(-side left -expand yes -fill x));

	my $can = $f3->Button(
            -text    => 'Cancel',
            -command => [$genPerlTk_pipe => 'withdraw'],
            qw(-side right -expand yes -fill x),
} # end pipe_window

sub read_stdout {

    # Called when input is available for the output window.  Also checks
    # the global genPerlTk_fini to see if the user has clicked Cancel.

    my($t, $doit, $doit_bg) = @_;

    if ($genPerlTk_fini) {
	kill_stdout $t, $doit, $doit_bg;
    } else {
	if ((not eof H) and ($_ = <H>)) {
	    $t->insert('end', $_);
	} else {
	    $genPerlTk_fini = 1;
} # end read_stdout

sub reset_doit_button {

    # Establish normal Do It button parameters.

    my($doit, $doit_bg) = @_;

        -text       => 'Do It',
        -relief     => 'raised',
        -background => $doit_bg,
        -state      => 'normal',
        -command    => [sub {
	    my($doit, $doit_bg) = @_;
            $genPerlTk_fini = 0;
                -text   => 'Working ...',
                -relief => 'sunken',
                -state  => 'disabled'
            execute_command $doit, $doit_bg;
        }, $doit, $doit_bg],

} # end reset_doit_button

sub reset_parameters {

    # Restore all command line parameter values to their default values.

    initialize_global_variables 1;
    print OUT <<'end_of_template';

} # end reset_parameters

sub save_window {

    # Open a file selection window and save text widget $w.

    my($fs, $w) = @_;

    $my_xcommand = 'x' . $my_command;
    print OUT "    my \$o = '${my_xcommand}.out';\n";
print OUT <<'end_of_template';
    $o = $fs->Show;
    my $replace = 1;
    if ($o ne '') {
	if (-s $o) {
                -text => "Replace existing $o?",
	    my $answer = $genPerlTk_replace->Show;
	    $replace = $answer eq 'Yes';
    if ($replace == 1) {
	open(S, ">$o") or warn $OS_ERROR;
	print S $w->get('1.0', 'end');
	close S;

} # end save_window

sub see_view {

    # Position view of the command widget to this command line parameter.
    # Position help window so help information for this parameter is visible
    # and highlighted for a few seconds.

    my ($p, $ce, $help, $index) = @_;

    if ($p =~ /^end$/) {
    } else {
        $ce->xview(index($genPerlTk_command, $p) - 10);

    $help->yview(-pickplace, 'mark_' . $index);
    $help->tag('configure', 'tag_' . $index, 
        -background => $genPerlTk_highlight,
    $help->after(4000, [$help => 'tag', 'configure', 'tag_' . $index,
        -background => ($help->configure(-background))[3]],

} # end see_view

sub update_command {

    # Create the command to execute.

    # BEGIN application specific command line processing.
    # END   application specific command line processing.

    print OUT "    \$genPerlTk_command = '$my_command';\n";
    print OUT <<'end_of_template';

    # Build all non-switch parameters that have been specified.

    my($parameter, @l0, @l1, @udi);
    print OUT '    foreach $parameter (qw(';
    my $parameter;
    foreach $parameter (@P_PARAMETER) {
	my($required, $type, $list) = ($P_INFO{$parameter} =~ /(.)(.)(.?)/);
	print OUT " $parameter" if $type !~ /w/;
    print OUT ")) {\n";
print OUT <<'end_of_template';
	no strict qw(refs);
        @l0 = &shellwords($$parameter);
	next if join(' ', @l0) eq '';
	@l1 = @${"${parameter}0"};
        next if $$parameter eq join ' ', @l1;
        @udi = lunion [ldifference \@l0, \@l1], [lintersection \@l0, \@l1];
        $genPerlTk_command .=
            " -$parameter '" . join("' -$parameter '", @udi) . "'";

    # Build all switch parameters that have been specified.

    print OUT '    foreach $parameter (qw(';
    foreach $parameter (@P_SWITCH) {
        print OUT " $parameter";
    print OUT ")) {\n";
    print OUT <<'end_of_template';
	no strict qw(refs);
        next if $$parameter eq "NOT_${parameter}";
	$genPerlTk_command .= " -${parameter}";

    $genPerlTk_command .= ' ' . $trailing_file_list if
        defined $trailing_file_list;

    return $genPerlTk_command;

} # end update_command

sub update_checkbutton_list {

    # Toggle $val in $var.

    my($var, $val) = @_;

    my @l = split ' ', $$var;
    my $i = lsearch $val, @l;
    if ($i >= 0) {
	splice @l, $i, 1;
    } else {
	push @l, $val;
    $$var = join ' ', @l;

} # end update_check_button_list

# Signal handlers.


# Initialize global Evaluate Parameters variables.

    initialize_global_variables 0;
    print OUT <<'end_of_template';

# Initialize global generate_PerlTk_program variables.

#    print OUT "\$genPerlTk_aux_files = '$genPerlTk_aux_files';\n";
    print OUT "\$genPerlTk_doit_once = $my_dio;\n";
    print OUT <<'end_of_template';
$genPerlTk_required_dialog = $genPerlTk_mw->Dialog(
    -title   => 'Alert',
    -text    => 'Parameter "_" required a value.',
    -bitmap  => 'error',
    -buttons => [qw(Cancel)],
    -wraplength => '6i',
$genPerlTk_stdin_dialog = $genPerlTk_mw->Dialog(
    -title   => 'Alert',
    -text    => 'Is standard input really the file you want to process?',
    -bitmap  => 'warning',
    -buttons => [qw(Cancel OK)],
$genPerlTk_fini = 0;

$genPerlTk_highlight = $genPerlTk_mw->optionGet(qw(highlight Highlight));
if (not defined $genPerlTk_highlight) {
    if ($genPerlTk_mw->depth > 1) {
	$genPerlTk_highlight = 'yellow';
    } else {
	$genPerlTk_highlight = 'white';
$genPerlTk_replace = $genPerlTk_mw->Dialog(
    -title   => 'Replace?',
    -buttons => ['Yes', 'No'],				 
$genPerlTk_undo_all = 'Undo All';

$genPerlTk_command = update_command;

# BEGIN application specific command line processing.
# END   application specific command line processing.

    $my_xcommand = 'x' . $my_command;
    print OUT <<"end_of_template";
    print OUT <<'end_of_template';

# File, Edit and Help menubuttons, with the Do It button stuffed in between.

my $mb = $genPerlTk_mw->Frame(-borderwidth => 1, -relief => 'raised');
$mb->pack(qw(-side top -fill both -expand yes));

my $mbf = $mb->Menubutton(qw(-text File -underline 0 -relief raised));
my $fs = $genPerlTk_mw->FileSelect;
    -label     => 'Open ...', 
    -underline => 0,
    my $state = $enable_file_menu ? 'normal' : 'disabled';
    print OUT "    -state     => '$state',\n";
    print OUT <<'end_of_template';
    -command   => [sub {
	my($fs) = @_;
	$trailing_file_list = $fs->Show;
    }, $fs],
    -label     => 'Close',
    -underline => 0,
    -command   => [$genPerlTk_mw => 'iconify'],
    -label     => 'Quit',
    -underline => 0,
    -command   => sub {exit},
$mbf->pack(-side => 'left');

my $mbe = $mb->Menubutton(qw(-text Edit -underline 0 -relief raised));
     -label     => $genPerlTk_undo_all,
     -underline => 0,
$mbe->pack(-side => 'left');

my $doit = $mb->Button;
$doit->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 'yes');
my $doit_bg = ($doit->configure(-background))[4];
reset_doit_button($doit, $doit_bg);

my $filler = $mb->Menubutton(-text => '          ', -state => 'disabled');
$filler->pack(-side => 'left');

my $mbh = $mb->Menubutton(qw(-text Help -underline 0 -relief raised));
$mbh->pack(-side => 'left');

my $about = $genPerlTk_mw->Dialog(
    -title  => 'About',
    print OUT "    -text   => \"This Perl/Tk X11 GUI wrapper for program `$my_command' created by version $genPerlTk_version of generate_PerlTk_program.\\n\\n$genPerlTk_date\\n\\nStephen.O.Lidie\\\@Lehigh.EDU\",\n";
    print OUT <<'end_of_template';
#    -bitmap => "\@${genPerlTk_aux_files}/SOL.xbm",
     -wraplength => '4i',
    -label     => 'About', 
    -underline => 0, 
    -command   => [$about => 'Show'],
    -label     => 'Usage', 
    -underline => 0, 
    print OUT "    -command   => [\\&display_usage, '$genPerlTk_version'],\n";
    print OUT <<'end_of_template';

# Full command help from Evaluate Parameters Message Module.

my $h = $genPerlTk_mw->Frame;
$h->pack(qw(-fill x -expand 1));
my $help = $h->Text(
    qw(-relief raised -bd 1 -setgrid 1 -height 10 -font fixed -width 100),
$help->pack(qw(-expand yes -fill both));
$h->configure(-scrollbars => 'e');

# Configure Undo All now that $help has been defined.

$mbe->entryconfigure($genPerlTk_undo_all, -command => [sub {
    }, $help],

# Scrollable text widget to contain command line parameter widgets.

my $wf = $genPerlTk_mw->Frame;
$wf->pack(qw(-fill x -expand yes));
my $widgets = $wf->Text(qw(-relief raised -bd 1 -setgrid true -height 11));
$widgets->pack(qw(-fill x -expand yes));
$wf->configure(-scrollbars => 'se');

# Populate help window with Evaluate Parameters -full_help.

foreach (<DATA>) {
    $help->insert('end', $_);
$help->configure(-state => 'disabled');

# Establish marks and tags for quickly positioning the help information.
    my($i, $last);
    for($i=0; $i <= $#help_index; $i++) {
	$_ = $help_index[$i];
	print OUT "\n";
	print OUT;
	($l) = /, '(\d+)\.0'/;
        s/, '(\d+)\.0'/, '$l\.0'/;
	if ($i < $#help_index) {
	    ($l) = ($help_index[$i+1] =~ /(, '\d+\.0')/);
	} else {
	    $l = ", 'end - 2 lines'";
	print OUT;
print OUT <<'end_of_template';

# Forward declaration of the entry widget.

my $c = $genPerlTk_mw->Frame;
my $ce = $c->Entry(-relief => 'ridge', -textvariable => \$genPerlTk_command);

# Entry widget showing command to execute.

my $spacer = $genPerlTk_mw->Frame(-height => 15);
my $l = $genPerlTk_mw->Label(-text => 'Command to Execute');
$c->pack(qw(-fill x -expand yes));
$ce->pack(qw(-fill x -expand yes));
$c->configure(-scrollbars => 's');

    # Append all the command line widget definitons.

    open( W, "<$widgets" ) || die( "Cannot open widget scracth file: $!" );
    print OUT <W>;
    close W;

    # Finally, start the event loop and supply full help information.

    print OUT "\nMainLoop;\n__END__\n";
    print OUT @command_help;

} # end genPerlTk

sub initialize {

    $PDT =<<'end_of_PDT';
        command, c: application = $required
	pdt, p: file = $optional
	mm, m: file = $optional
        key_widget_type, kwt: key radiobutton, optionmenu, keyend = radiobutton
        do_it_once, dio:  boolean = FALSE
	output, o: file = stdout

    $MM = <<'end_of_MM';
generate_PerlTk_program, genPerlTk

	Generates a Perl/Tk program to create an X11 GUI wrapper
        around any command line program.  Although primarily
        designed for programs that actually use EvaP to process
        arguments, by creating files containing a Parameter
        Description Table (PDT) and Message Module (MM), many
        other programs can be wrapped in a graphical interface.
	Interprets the command's Parameter Description Table and
        builds the necessary windows and widgets.  The resulting
        application can capture its standard output in a window; 
        the output can be saved to a file or directed to a pipeline.
        Complete help is also provided.

	General capabilities:

	 . Command line parameters are specified via a form packed
           inside a scrollable Text widget.  Most are Entry widgets,
           except for parameters of type switch and boolean which
           are Radiobutton widgets, and type key which can be either
           Radiobutton widgets or an Optionmenu.
	 . For 'list of' command line parameters we make these
	   widget distinctions:  key parameters use Checkbuttons
	   and other types use Entry widgets with multiple items.

	 . Complete command and parameter help (from the
	   Evaluate Parameters Message Module) displayed in a
	   scrollable Text widget.

	 . A scrollable Entry widget dynamically displays the
	   command to be executed.

	 . After execution the command's standard output is captured
	   in a separate Toplevel window.  This window can be saved
	   to file or directed to a command pipeline.

	 . Parameters are labelled with Button widgets rather than
	   Label widgets so clicking on a command line parameter
	   Button positions the help window automatically to the
	   help text for that parameter.  The scrollable Entry
	   widget is also repositioned to show the specified

	 . Important items that should be highlighted for the user
	   to see are displayed in a configurable background color
	   using the X11 resource name `name.highlight : color'.       	

	 . An Undo selection to reset all command line parameters to
	   their original values.

	 . Usage help explaining the characteristics of applications
	   generated by generate_PerlTk_program, and details of
	   Evaluate Parameters.


            genPerlTk -c op -o xop

            genPerlTk -c op -p op.pdt -m > xop

	In the last example note that since the genPerlTk output
	file defaults to stdout	normal I/O redirection can be
	Specifies the name of the command.  If this command uses
        EvaP to handle its command line parameters the -pdt and
        -mm options must not be specified (this information is
        already part of the command).
        Specifies the Parameter Description Table for the command.
        Only supply this parameter if your command does not use
        Evaluate Parameters.
        Specifies the Message Module for the command. Only supply
        this parameter if your command does not use Evaluate
        Specifies what kind of widget represents a parameter of
        type key, a Radiobutton or Optionmenu.
        If TRUE, exit program after 1 Do It if no stdout/stderr.
	Specifies the name of the generate_PerlTk_program output
    @PDT = split( /\n/, $PDT );
    @MM = split( /\n/, $MM );
    EvaP \@PDT, \@MM;		# Evaluate Parameters

    $my_command = $opt_command;	# save if command has identical parameter
    $my_kwt = $opt_key_widget_type;
    $my_dio = $opt_do_it_once;
    $my_output = $opt_output;

    open( OUT, ">$my_output" ) || die( "Cannot open output file: $!" );

if ($opt_pdt eq '$optional') {

    # Open a pipe to an executable so it can spit out its PDT data.

    open( IN, "$my_command -full_help |" ) || 
    die( "Cannot execute command: $!" );
} else {
    # Call EvaP with the PDT and MM and capture its -full_help output.

    open(PDT, $opt_pdt) or die "Cannot open $opt_pdt: $!";
    my(@tmp_pdt) = <PDT>;
    close PDT;
    open(MM, $opt_mm) or die "Cannot open $opt_mm: $!";
    my(@tmp_mm) = <MM>;
    close MM;
    chomp @tmp_mm;
    open(main::OLDOUT, ">&STDOUT") or die $!;
    open(STDOUT, ">$my_command-pdt.out") or die $!;
    $Getopt::EvaP::evap_embed = 1;
    my %OPT;
    @ARGV = (qw/-full_help/);
    EvaP \@tmp_pdt, \@tmp_mm, \%OPT;
    close STDOUT;
    open(STDOUT, ">&OLDOUT");
    open(IN, "$my_command-pdt.out") or die $!;
    close OLDOUT;

    $widgets = "/tmp/genPerlTk_widgets";
    open( W, ">$widgets" ) || die( "Cannot open widget scracth file: $!" );

    $enable_file_menu = 0;	# 1 IFF a toplevel "Select File" menu
    $error = 0;			# no PDT parsing errors
    $help_index = -1;		# for recording marks in the help Text widget
    $my_font = "fixed";
    $opt_command = "";		# no command
    $opt_key_widget_type = "";
    $opt_do_it_once = "";
    $opt_output = "";

    @P_PARAMETER = ();		# no parameter names
    %P_INFO = ();		# no encoded parameter information
    %P_ALIAS = ();		# no aliases
    @P_REQUIRED = ();		# no required parameters
    %P_VALID_VALUES = ();	# no keywords
    %P_ENV = ();		# no default environment variables
    @P_SWITCH = ();		# no switch type parameters
    @P_ENTRY = ();		# no entry widgets
} # end initialize

sub initialize_global_variables {

    my($indent) = @_;

    $tab = $indent ? "    " : "";

    foreach $parameter (@P_PARAMETER) {
        ($required, $type, $list) = ( $P_INFO{$parameter} =~ /(.)(.)(.?)/ );
	if ( $list eq '1' ) { # if 'list of'
	    @values = eval "\@opt_$parameter";
	    print OUT
                "${tab}\$${parameter}0 = ['", join("', '", @values), "'];\n"
                if not $indent;
	    if ( $type =~ /k/ ) {
		foreach $value0 (split( ' ', $P_VALID_VALUES{$parameter} )) {
		    $value = "";
		    foreach $v (eval "\@opt_$parameter") {
			if ( $v eq $value0 ) {
			    $value = $v;
		    print OUT "${tab}\$${parameter}_${value0} = '${value}';\n"
                        if $indent;
	    if ($indent) {
		print OUT "${tab}\$$parameter = join ' ', \@\$${parameter}0;\n"
                    if $indent;
	} else {
	    $value = eval "\$opt_$parameter";
	    if ($type =~ /w/) {
		print OUT "\$${parameter}0 = '$value';\n" if not $indent;
		print OUT "${tab}\$$parameter = \$${parameter}0;\n" if $indent;
	    } else {
		print OUT "\$${parameter}0 = ['$value'];\n" if not $indent;
		print OUT "${tab}\$$parameter = join ' ', \@\$${parameter}0;\n"
                    if $indent;
	} # ifend 'list of'
    } # forend all command line parameters

    if ($enable_file_menu) {
	print OUT "\$trailing_file_list0 = [''];\n" if not $indent;
	print OUT 
            "${tab}\$trailing_file_list = join ' ', \@\$trailing_file_list0;\n"
            if $indent;
} # end initialize_global_variables

sub process_command_line_widget {

    # Parse the psuedo-PDT line from Evaluate Parameters.

    return if substr( $line, 0, 5 ) eq '-help';

    $option = substr( $line, 1 );
    ($parameter, $alias, $_) =
      ($option =~ /^\s*(\S*)\s*,\s*(\S*)\s*:\s*(.*)$/);
    push @help_index, "\$help->mark('set', 'mark_${my_command}_${parameter}', '${help_index}.0');\n";
    evap_PDT_error("Error in an Evaluate Parameters 'parameter, alias: " .
        "type' option specification:  \"$option\".\n")
	unless defined $parameter && defined $alias && defined $_;
    evap_PDT_error("Duplicate parameter $parameter:  \"$option\".\n")
        if defined $P_INFO{$parameter};
    push @P_PARAMETER, $parameter; # update the ordered list of parameter names

    /(\bswitch\b|\binteger\b|\bstring\b|\breal\b|\bfile\b|\bboolean\b|\bkey\b|\bname\b|\bapplication\b)/; # type/list
    ($list, $type, $_)=($`, $1, $');
    evap_PDT_error("Parameter $parameter has an undefined type:  " .
        "\"$option\".\n") unless defined $type;
    evap_PDT_error("Expecting 'list of', found:  \"$list\".\n") 
        if $list ne '' && $list !~ /\s*list\s+of\s+/;
    $list = '1' if $list;	# list state = 1, possible default PDT values
    $type = 'w' if $type =~ /^switch$/;
    $type = substr( $type, 0, 1 );

    ($_, $default_value) = /\s*=\s*/ ? ($`, $') : ('', ''); # get default value
    if ( $default_value =~ /^([^\(]{1})(\w*)\s*,\s*(.*)/ ) { # if environment variable AND not a list
	$default_value = $3;
	$P_ENV{$parameter} = $1 . $2;
    $required = ($default_value eq '$required') ? 'R' : 'O';
    $P_INFO{$parameter} = defined $type ? $required . $type . $list : "";
    push( @P_REQUIRED, $parameter ) if $required =~ /^R$/; # update the list of $required parameters

    if ( $type =~ /^k$/ ) {
	$_ =~ s/,/ /g;
	@keys = split( ' ' );
	pop( @keys );	# remove 'keyend'
	$P_VALID_VALUES{$parameter} = join( ' ', @keys );
    } #ifend keyword type
    foreach $value (keys %P_ALIAS) {
	&evap_PDT_error( "Duplicate alias $alias:  \"$option\".\n" ) 
            if $alias eq $P_ALIAS{$value};
    $P_ALIAS{$parameter} = $alias; # remember alias
    &evap_PDT_error( "Cannot have 'list of switch':  \"$option\".\n" ) 
        if $P_INFO{$parameter} =~ /^.w\@$/;

    $default_value = "NOT_${parameter}" if $type =~ /w/;
    $default_value = "" if $type =~ /f/ && $default_value eq '-';	
    $default_value = "stdout" if $type =~ /f/ && $default_value eq '>-';	
    $default_value = "" if $default_value eq "\$optional" || $default_value 
        eq "";

    if ( $default_value ne '' ) {
	$default_value = $ENV{$P_ENV{$parameter}} if $P_ENV{$parameter} && 
	&evap_set_value( $type, $list, $default_value, 'opt_'."$parameter" ); # initialize with default value

    # Line parsed - create the widget based upon the parameter's type.

    $indicator = '(' . $type . ($list ? 'l' : ' ') . ') ';
    $indicator = '(sw) ' if $indicator eq '(w ) ';	

    if ( $type =~ /i|s|r|f|n|a/ ) { # integer, string, real, file, name and application

	push @P_ENTRY, $parameter; # update list of entry widgets
	$spaces = ' ' x (39 - length $parameter);
	print W <<"end_of_param";
\n# -$option
my \$w_$parameter = \$widgets->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief flat));
my \$w_${parameter}_b = \$w_$parameter->Button(
    -text        => '${parameter}${spaces}${indicator}',
    -borderwidth => 0,
    -font        => '$my_font',
    -command     => [sub {
        my(\$help, \$index, \$ce) = \@_;
        see_view '-${parameter}', \$ce, \$help, \$index;
    }, \$help, '${my_command}_${parameter}', \$ce],
\$w_${parameter}_b->pack(qw(-side left));
my \$w_${parameter}_e = \$w_$parameter->Entry(
    -relief       => 'sunken',
    -width        => 40,
    -textvariable => \\\$${parameter},
        print W "    -background   => \$genPerlTk_highlight,\n" if
            $default_value eq '$required';
        print W <<"end_of_param";
\$w_${parameter}_e->pack(qw(-side left));
\$w_${parameter}_e->bind('<KeyPress-Return>' => \\&update_command);
\$widgets->window('create', 'end', -window => \$w_$parameter);

    } elsif ( $type =~ /b/ ) {	# boolean

	$spaces = ' ' x (39 - length $parameter);
        print W <<"end_of_param";
\n# -$option
\$w_$parameter = \$widgets->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief flat));
\$w_${parameter}_b = \$w_$parameter->Button(
    -text        => '${parameter}${spaces}${indicator}',
    -borderwidth => 0,
    -font        => '$my_font',
    -command     => [sub {
        my(\$help, \$index, \$ce) = \@_;
        see_view '-${parameter}', \$ce, \$help, \$index;
    }, \$help, '${my_command}_${parameter}', \$ce],
\$w_${parameter}_b->pack(qw(-side left));
	if ( $list ) {
	    push @P_ENTRY, $parameter; # update list of entry widgets
            print W <<"end_of_param";
my \$w_${parameter}_e = \$w_$parameter->Entry(
    -relief       => 'sunken',
    -width        => 40,
    -textvariable => \\\$${parameter},
        print W "    -background   => \$genPerlTk_highlight,\n" if
            $default_value eq '$required';
        print W <<"end_of_param";
\$w_${parameter}_e->pack(qw(-side left));
\$w_${parameter}_e->bind('<KeyPress-Return>' => \\&update_command);
\$widgets->window('create', 'end', -window => \$w_$parameter);
	} else {
	    print W <<"end_of_param";
my \$w_${parameter}_yes = \$w_${parameter}->Radiobutton(
    -text     => 'Yes',
    -variable => \\\$${parameter},
    -relief   => 'flat',
    -value    => 'TRUE',
    -command  => \\&update_command,
\$w_${parameter}_yes->pack(-side => 'left');
my \$w_${parameter}_no = \$w_${parameter}->Radiobutton(
    -text     => 'No',
    -variable => \\\$${parameter},
    -relief   => 'flat',
    -value    => 'FALSE',
    -command  => \\&update_command,
\$w_${parameter}_no->pack(-side => 'left');
\$widgets->window('create', 'end', -window => \$w_$parameter);
        } # ifend 'list of' boolean

    } elsif ( $type =~ /w/ ) {	# switch

	push @P_SWITCH, $parameter; # update ordered list of switch parameters
	$spaces = ' ' x (39 - length $parameter);
        print W <<"end_of_param";
\n# -$option
\$w_$parameter = \$widgets->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief flat));
\$w_${parameter}_b = \$w_$parameter->Button(
    -text        => '${parameter}${spaces}${indicator}',
    -borderwidth => 0,
    -font        => '$my_font',
    -command     => [sub {
        my(\$help, \$index, \$ce) = \@_;
        see_view '-${parameter}', \$ce, \$help, \$index;
    }, \$help, '${my_command}_${parameter}', \$ce],
\$w_${parameter}_b->pack(qw(-side left));
my \$w_${parameter}_yes = \$w_${parameter}->Radiobutton(
    -text     => 'Yes',
    -variable => \\\$${parameter},
    -relief   => 'flat',
    -value    => '${parameter}',
    -command  => \\&update_command,
\$w_${parameter}_yes->pack(-side => 'left');
my \$w_${parameter}_no = \$w_${parameter}->Radiobutton(
    -text     => 'No',
    -variable => \\\$${parameter},
    -relief   => 'flat',
    -value    => 'NOT_${parameter}',
    -command  => \\&update_command,
\$w_${parameter}_no->pack(-side => 'left');
\$widgets->window('create', 'end', -window => \$w_$parameter);

    } elsif ( $type =~ /k/ ) {	# keyword

	$spaces = ' ' x (39 - length $parameter);
        print W <<"end_of_param";
\n# -$option
\$w_$parameter = \$widgets->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief flat));
\$w_${parameter}_b = \$w_$parameter->Button(
    -text        => '${parameter}${spaces}${indicator}',
    -borderwidth => 0,
    -font        => '$my_font',
    -command     => [sub {
        my(\$help, \$index, \$ce) = \@_;
        see_view '-${parameter}', \$ce, \$help, \$index;
    }, \$help, '${my_command}_${parameter}', \$ce],
\$w_${parameter}_b->pack(qw(-side left));
        if ($my_kwt eq 'radiobutton' or $list) {
            foreach $value (split ' ', $P_VALID_VALUES{$parameter}) {
                if ($list) {
                    print W <<"end_of_param";
\$w_${parameter}_${value} = \$w_$parameter->Checkbutton(
    -text         => '$value',
    -variable    => \\\$${parameter}_${value},
    -relief      => 'flat',
    -onvalue     => '$value',
    -command     => [\\&update_checkbutton_list, \\\$${parameter}, '$value'],
                } else {
                    print W <<"end_of_param";
\$w_${parameter}_${value} = \$w_$parameter->Radiobutton(
    -text     => '$value',
    -variable => \\\$${parameter},
    -relief   => 'flat',
    -value    => '$value',
    -command  => \\&update_command,
                print W "\$w_${parameter}_${value}->pack(qw(-side left));\n";
            } # forend all keywords
        } else { # Optionmenu
	    print W <<"end_of_param";
\$w_${parameter}_option = \$w_$parameter->Optionmenu(
    -textvariable => \\\$${parameter},
            print W '    -options => [qw(', $P_VALID_VALUES{$parameter},
	    print W <<"end_of_param";
    -command  => \\&update_command,
\$w_${parameter}_option->pack(qw(-side left));
        } # ifend Radiobutton
	print W "\$widgets->window('create', 'end', -window => \$w_$parameter);\n";

    } # ifend case type

} # end process_command_line_widget
