#!/usr/local/bin/perl5 -w
#  This Perl/Tk X11 GUI wrapper for program `woevap' created by version 2.3.5
#  of generate_PerlTk_program.
#  Wed Jul 29 20:28:35 EDT 1998
#  Stephen.O.lidie@Lehigh.EDU

require 5.002;
use English;			# legible Perl special vriable names
require 'shellwords.pl';	# parse quoted strings
use strict qw(subs refs);	# be as pure as possible!
use Tk;				# Tk objects and methods
use Tk::Dialog;			# Dialog widget
use Tk::ErrorDialog;		# ErrorDialog widget
use Tk::FileSelect;		# FileSelect widget
require '/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Getopt/DisU.pl';

$genPerlTk_mw = MainWindow->new;# main window

# Subroutine prototypes (someday).

use subs qw(sub execute_command flash_widget kill_stdout pipe_window
	    read_stdout reset_doit_button reset_parameters save_window
	    see_view update_command);

# Subroutines.

sub execute_command {

    # Create a toplevel output window, exec the Unix command and capture 
    # stdout/stderr.  If no stdout/stderr then don't bother to deiconify
    # the toplevel, and, if only doing-it-once, exit.

    my($doit, $doit_bg) = @_;


    my $execute = 1;
    $execute = ($genPerlTk_stdin_dialog->Show eq 'OK') if 
        defined $trailing_file_list and $trailing_file_list eq '';

    if (not $execute) {
	reset_doit_button $doit, $doit_bg;

    # Special case $required parameters.

    foreach (qw(millisecond_update_interval)) {
        no strict qw(refs);
        if ($$_ eq '$REQUIRED' or $$_ eq '$required' or $$_ eq '') {
            $genPerlTk_required_dialog->configure(-text => "Parameter \"$_\" requires a value.");
            reset_doit_button $doit, $doit_bg;
    if (Exists($genPerlTk_runme)) {
	$t = $genPerlTk_text;
    } else{
	$genPerlTk_runme = $genPerlTk_mw->Toplevel;
	my $e = $genPerlTk_runme;
	$e->title('xwoevap output');

	# Forward declaration of the Text widget.

	$tf = $e->Frame;
	$t = $tf->Text(qw(-relief raised -bd 2 -setgrid true -font fixed));
	$genPerlTk_text = $t;
	$t->pack(qw(-expand yes -fill both));
        $tf->configure(-scrollbars => 'se');

	my $m = $e->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief raised));
	$m->pack(qw(-side top -fill x -expand yes));
	my $mf = $m->Menubutton(qw(-text File -underline 0 -relief raised));
	$mf->pack(-side => 'left');
	my $fs = $genPerlTk_mw->FileSelect;
            -label   => 'Save as ...',
            -command => [sub {save_window @_}, $fs, $t],
            -label   => 'Pipe to ...',
            -command => [sub {pipe_window @_}, $t],
            -label   => 'Close',
            -command => [$e => 'iconify'],


    } # ifend not Exists
    # Open the pipe.  The Do It button has been disabled until now to
    # prevent a race condition.
	no strict qw(subs);
	$genPerlTk_pid = open H, "$genPerlTk_command 2>&1 |";
	warn $OS_ERROR if not defined $genPerlTk_pid;
        select H; $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH = 1; select STDOUT;
	$genPerlTk_mw->fileevent(H, 'readable' => [sub {
            read_stdout @_;
        }, $t, $doit, $doit_bg]);
        -text    => 'Cancel',
        -relief  => 'raised',
        -state   => 'normal',
        -command => [sub {
            kill_stdout @_;
        }, $t, $doit, $doit_bg],
    flash_widget $doit, '-background' => $genPerlTk_highlight, $doit_bg, 500;
} # end execute_command

sub flash_widget {

    # Flash a widget by alternating its foreground and background colors.

    my($w, $option, $val1, $val2, $interval) = @_;

    if ($genPerlTk_fini == 0) {
	$w->configure($option => $val1);
	$genPerlTk_mw->after($interval, [\&flash_widget, $w, $option, $val2,
            $val1, $interval]);

} # end flash_widget

sub kill_stdout {
    # A click on the blinking Cancel button resumes normal operations.

    my($t, $doit, $doit_bg) = @_;

    $genPerlTk_fini = 1;
	no strict qw(subs);
	$genPerlTk_mw->fileevent(H, 'readable' => ''); # clear handler
    kill 'KILL', $genPerlTk_pid;
    close H;
    exit if $genPerlTk_doit_once and ($t->index('end') eq '2.0');
    $genPerlTk_runme->withdraw if $t->index('end') eq '2.0';
    reset_doit_button $doit, $doit_bg;

} # end kill_stdout

sub ldifference {		# @d = ldifference(\@l1, \@l2)

    my($l1, $l2) = @_;
    my %d;
    @d{@$l2} = (1) x @$l2;
    return grep(! $d{$_}, @$l1);

} # end ldifference

sub lintersection {		# @i = lintersection(\@l1, \@l2)

    my($l1, $l2) = @_;
    my %i;
    @i{@$l1} = (1) x @$l1;
    return grep($i{$_}, @$l2);

} # end lintersection

sub lsearch {			# $o = lsearch($regexp, @list)

    # Search the list using the supplied regular expression and return it's 
    # ordinal, or -1 if not found.

    my($regexp, @list) = @_;

    for ($i=0; $i<=$#list; $i++) {
        return $i if $list[$i] =~ /$regexp/;
    return -1;

} # end lsearch

sub lunion {			# @u = lunion(\@l1, \@l2)

    my($l1, $l2) = @_;
    my %u;
    @u{@$l1,  @$l2} = 1;
    return keys %u;

} # end lunion

sub pipe_window {

    # Create a modal dialog entry toplevel window divided into an upper 
    # message widget, a middle entry widget and a lower frame with OK and 
    # Cancel button widgets. Make a local grab, wait for the pipeline string
    # to be entered, withdraw the window and perform the exec.

    my($w) = @_;

    my($answer) = '';
    if (Exists($genPerlTk_pipe)) {
    } else {
        $genPerlTk_pipe = $genPerlTk_mw->Toplevel(-class => 'dialog');
	my $f1 = $genPerlTk_pipe->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief raised));
	my $f2 = $genPerlTk_pipe->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief raised));
	my $f3 = $genPerlTk_pipe->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief raised));
	$f1->pack($f2, $f3, qw(-side top -fill both -expand yes));

	my $process_pipe_input =  [sub {
	    shift if ref($_[0]) eq 'Tk::Entry';
	    my($answer, $w, $genPerlTk_pipe) = @_;
	    open(P, "| $$answer") or warn $OS_ERROR;
	    print P $w->get('1.0', 'end');
	    close P;
        }, \$answer, $w, $genPerlTk_pipe];

	my $msg = $f1->Message(
            -aspect => 400,
            -text   => 'Enter command pipeline:',
	$msg->pack(qw(-side top -expand yes -fill both));

	my $e = $f2->Entry(
            -relief => 'sunken',
            -width  => 40,
            -textvariable => \$answer,
	$e->bind('<KeyPress-Return>' => $process_pipe_input);
	$e->pack(qw(-side top -expand yes -fill both));

	my $ok = $f3->Button(
            -text    => 'OK',
            -command => $process_pipe_input,
	$ok->pack(qw(-side left -expand yes -fill x));

	my $can = $f3->Button(
            -text    => 'Cancel',
            -command => [$genPerlTk_pipe => 'withdraw'],
            qw(-side right -expand yes -fill x),
} # end pipe_window

sub read_stdout {

    # Called when input is available for the output window.  Also checks
    # the global genPerlTk_fini to see if the user has clicked Cancel.

    my($t, $doit, $doit_bg) = @_;

    if ($genPerlTk_fini) {
	kill_stdout $t, $doit, $doit_bg;
    } else {
	if ((not eof H) and ($_ = <H>)) {
	    $t->insert('end', $_);
	} else {
	    $genPerlTk_fini = 1;
} # end read_stdout

sub reset_doit_button {

    # Establish normal Do It button parameters.

    my($doit, $doit_bg) = @_;

        -text       => 'Do It',
        -relief     => 'raised',
        -background => $doit_bg,
        -state      => 'normal',
        -command    => [sub {
	    my($doit, $doit_bg) = @_;
            $genPerlTk_fini = 0;
                -text   => 'Working ...',
                -relief => 'sunken',
                -state  => 'disabled'
            execute_command $doit, $doit_bg;
        }, $doit, $doit_bg],

} # end reset_doit_button

sub reset_parameters {

    # Restore all command line parameter values to their default values.

    $number = join ' ', @$number0;
    $verbose = $verbose0;
    $command = join ' ', @$command0;
    $scale_factor = join ' ', @$scale_factor0;
    $millisecond_update_interval = join ' ', @$millisecond_update_interval0;
    $ignore_output_file_column_one = join ' ', @$ignore_output_file_column_one0;
    $output = join ' ', @$output0;
    $queue = join ' ', @$queue0;
    $destination = join ' ', @$destination0;
    $tty = join ' ', @$tty0;
    $trailing_file_list = join ' ', @$trailing_file_list0;

} # end reset_parameters

sub save_window {

    # Open a file selection window and save text widget $w.

    my($fs, $w) = @_;

    my $o = 'xwoevap.out';
    $o = $fs->Show;
    my $replace = 1;
    if ($o ne '') {
	if (-s $o) {
                -text => "Replace existing $o?",
	    my $answer = $genPerlTk_replace->Show;
	    $replace = $answer eq 'Yes';
    if ($replace == 1) {
	open(S, ">$o") or warn $OS_ERROR;
	print S $w->get('1.0', 'end');
	close S;

} # end save_window

sub see_view {

    # Position view of the command widget to this command line parameter.
    # Position help window so help information for this parameter is visible
    # and highlighted for a few seconds.

    my ($p, $ce, $help, $index) = @_;

    if ($p =~ /^end$/) {
    } else {
        $ce->xview(index($genPerlTk_command, $p) - 10);

    $help->yview(-pickplace, 'mark_' . $index);
    $help->tag('configure', 'tag_' . $index, 
        -background => $genPerlTk_highlight,
    $help->after(4000, [$help => 'tag', 'configure', 'tag_' . $index,
        -background => ($help->configure(-background))[3]],

} # end see_view

sub update_command {

    # Create the command to execute.

    # BEGIN application specific command line processing.
    # END   application specific command line processing.

    $genPerlTk_command = 'woevap';

    # Build all non-switch parameters that have been specified.

    my($parameter, @l0, @l1, @udi);
    foreach $parameter (qw( number command scale_factor millisecond_update_interval ignore_output_file_column_one output queue destination tty)) {
	no strict qw(refs);
        @l0 = &shellwords($$parameter);
	next if join(' ', @l0) eq '';
	@l1 = @${"${parameter}0"};
        next if $$parameter eq join ' ', @l1;
        @udi = lunion [ldifference \@l0, \@l1], [lintersection \@l0, \@l1];
        $genPerlTk_command .=
            " -$parameter '" . join("' -$parameter '", @udi) . "'";

    # Build all switch parameters that have been specified.

    foreach $parameter (qw( verbose)) {
	no strict qw(refs);
        next if $$parameter eq "NOT_${parameter}";
	$genPerlTk_command .= " -${parameter}";

    $genPerlTk_command .= ' ' . $trailing_file_list if
        defined $trailing_file_list;

    return $genPerlTk_command;

} # end update_command

sub update_checkbutton_list {

    # Toggle $val in $var.

    my($var, $val) = @_;

    my @l = split ' ', $$var;
    my $i = lsearch $val, @l;
    if ($i >= 0) {
	splice @l, $i, 1;
    } else {
	push @l, $val;
    $$var = join ' ', @l;

} # end update_check_button_list

# Signal handlers.


# Initialize global Evaluate Parameters variables.

$number0 = ['123'];
$verbose0 = 'NOT_verbose';
$command0 = ['"ps -el"'];
$scale_factor0 = ['1.2340896e-1'];
$millisecond_update_interval0 = ['$required'];
$ignore_output_file_column_one0 = ['TRUE'];
$output0 = ['stdout'];
$queue0 = ['printer'];
$destination0 = ['`hostname`'];
$tty0 = ['/dev/console', '/dev/tty0', '/dev/tty1'];
$trailing_file_list0 = [''];

# Initialize global generate_PerlTk_program variables.

$genPerlTk_doit_once = 0;
$genPerlTk_required_dialog = $genPerlTk_mw->Dialog(
    -title   => 'Alert',
    -text    => 'Parameter "_" required a value.',
    -bitmap  => 'error',
    -buttons => [qw(Cancel)],
    -wraplength => '6i',
$genPerlTk_stdin_dialog = $genPerlTk_mw->Dialog(
    -title   => 'Alert',
    -text    => 'Is standard input really the file you want to process?',
    -bitmap  => 'warning',
    -buttons => [qw(Cancel OK)],
$genPerlTk_fini = 0;

$genPerlTk_highlight = $genPerlTk_mw->optionGet(qw(highlight Highlight));
if (not defined $genPerlTk_highlight) {
    if ($genPerlTk_mw->depth > 1) {
	$genPerlTk_highlight = 'yellow';
    } else {
	$genPerlTk_highlight = 'white';
$genPerlTk_replace = $genPerlTk_mw->Dialog(
    -title   => 'Replace?',
    -buttons => ['Yes', 'No'],				 
$genPerlTk_undo_all = 'Undo All';

$genPerlTk_command = update_command;

# BEGIN application specific command line processing.
# END   application specific command line processing.


# File, Edit and Help menubuttons, with the Do It button stuffed in between.

my $mb = $genPerlTk_mw->Frame(-borderwidth => 1, -relief => 'raised');
$mb->pack(qw(-side top -fill both -expand yes));

my $mbf = $mb->Menubutton(qw(-text File -underline 0 -relief raised));
my $fs = $genPerlTk_mw->FileSelect;
    -label     => 'Open ...', 
    -underline => 0,
    -state     => 'normal',
    -command   => [sub {
	my($fs) = @_;
	$trailing_file_list = $fs->Show;
    }, $fs],
    -label     => 'Close',
    -underline => 0,
    -command   => [$genPerlTk_mw => 'iconify'],
    -label     => 'Quit',
    -underline => 0,
    -command   => sub {exit},
$mbf->pack(-side => 'left');

my $mbe = $mb->Menubutton(qw(-text Edit -underline 0 -relief raised));
     -label     => $genPerlTk_undo_all,
     -underline => 0,
$mbe->pack(-side => 'left');

my $doit = $mb->Button;
$doit->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 'yes');
my $doit_bg = ($doit->configure(-background))[4];
reset_doit_button($doit, $doit_bg);

my $filler = $mb->Menubutton(-text => '          ', -state => 'disabled');
$filler->pack(-side => 'left');

my $mbh = $mb->Menubutton(qw(-text Help -underline 0 -relief raised));
$mbh->pack(-side => 'left');

my $about = $genPerlTk_mw->Dialog(
    -title  => 'About',
    -text   => "This Perl/Tk X11 GUI wrapper for program `woevap' created by version 2.3.5 of generate_PerlTk_program.\n\nWed Jul 29 20:28:35 EDT 1998\n\nStephen.O.Lidie\@Lehigh.EDU",
#    -bitmap => "\@${genPerlTk_aux_files}/SOL.xbm",
     -wraplength => '4i',
    -label     => 'About', 
    -underline => 0, 
    -command   => [$about => 'Show'],
    -label     => 'Usage', 
    -underline => 0, 
    -command   => [\&display_usage, '2.3.5'],

# Full command help from Evaluate Parameters Message Module.

my $h = $genPerlTk_mw->Frame;
$h->pack(qw(-fill x -expand 1));
my $help = $h->Text(
    qw(-relief raised -bd 1 -setgrid 1 -height 10 -font fixed -width 100),
$help->pack(qw(-expand yes -fill both));
$h->configure(-scrollbars => 'e');

# Configure Undo All now that $help has been defined.

$mbe->entryconfigure($genPerlTk_undo_all, -command => [sub {
    }, $help],

# Scrollable text widget to contain command line parameter widgets.

my $wf = $genPerlTk_mw->Frame;
$wf->pack(qw(-fill x -expand yes));
my $widgets = $wf->Text(qw(-relief raised -bd 1 -setgrid true -height 11));
$widgets->pack(qw(-fill x -expand yes));
$wf->configure(-scrollbars => 'se');

# Populate help window with Evaluate Parameters -full_help.

foreach (<DATA>) {
    $help->insert('end', $_);
$help->configure(-state => 'disabled');

# Establish marks and tags for quickly positioning the help information.

$help->mark('set', 'mark_woevap_number', '29.0');
$help->tag('add', 'tag_woevap_number', '30.0', '33.0');

$help->mark('set', 'mark_woevap_verbose', '33.0');
$help->tag('add', 'tag_woevap_verbose', '34.0', '39.0');

$help->mark('set', 'mark_woevap_command', '39.0');
$help->tag('add', 'tag_woevap_command', '40.0', '49.0');

$help->mark('set', 'mark_woevap_scale_factor', '49.0');
$help->tag('add', 'tag_woevap_scale_factor', '50.0', '54.0');

$help->mark('set', 'mark_woevap_millisecond_update_interval', '54.0');
$help->tag('add', 'tag_woevap_millisecond_update_interval', '55.0', '63.0');

$help->mark('set', 'mark_woevap_ignore_output_file_column_one', '63.0');
$help->tag('add', 'tag_woevap_ignore_output_file_column_one', '64.0', '69.0');

$help->mark('set', 'mark_woevap_output', '69.0');
$help->tag('add', 'tag_woevap_output', '70.0', '76.0');

$help->mark('set', 'mark_woevap_queue', '76.0');
$help->tag('add', 'tag_woevap_queue', '77.0', '81.0');

$help->mark('set', 'mark_woevap_destination', '81.0');
$help->tag('add', 'tag_woevap_destination', '82.0', '90.0');

$help->mark('set', 'mark_woevap_tty', '90.0');
$help->tag('add', 'tag_woevap_tty', '91.0', '100.0');

$help->mark('set', 'mark_woevap_end', '100.0');
$help->tag('add', 'tag_woevap_end', '101.0', 'end - 2 lines');

# Forward declaration of the entry widget.

my $c = $genPerlTk_mw->Frame;
my $ce = $c->Entry(-relief => 'ridge', -textvariable => \$genPerlTk_command);

# Entry widget showing command to execute.

my $spacer = $genPerlTk_mw->Frame(-height => 15);
my $l = $genPerlTk_mw->Label(-text => 'Command to Execute');
$c->pack(qw(-fill x -expand yes));
$ce->pack(qw(-fill x -expand yes));
$c->configure(-scrollbars => 's');

# -number, n: integer = 123

my $w_number = $widgets->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief flat));
my $w_number_b = $w_number->Button(
    -text        => 'number                                 (i ) ',
    -borderwidth => 0,
    -font        => 'fixed',
    -command     => [sub {
        my($help, $index, $ce) = @_;
        see_view '-number', $ce, $help, $index;
    }, $help, 'woevap_number', $ce],
$w_number_b->pack(qw(-side left));
my $w_number_e = $w_number->Entry(
    -relief       => 'sunken',
    -width        => 40,
    -textvariable => \$number,
$w_number_e->pack(qw(-side left));
$w_number_e->bind('<KeyPress-Return>' => \&update_command);
$widgets->window('create', 'end', -window => $w_number);

# -verbose, v: switch

$w_verbose = $widgets->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief flat));
$w_verbose_b = $w_verbose->Button(
    -text        => 'verbose                                (sw) ',
    -borderwidth => 0,
    -font        => 'fixed',
    -command     => [sub {
        my($help, $index, $ce) = @_;
        see_view '-verbose', $ce, $help, $index;
    }, $help, 'woevap_verbose', $ce],
$w_verbose_b->pack(qw(-side left));
my $w_verbose_yes = $w_verbose->Radiobutton(
    -text     => 'Yes',
    -variable => \$verbose,
    -relief   => 'flat',
    -value    => 'verbose',
    -command  => \&update_command,
$w_verbose_yes->pack(-side => 'left');
my $w_verbose_no = $w_verbose->Radiobutton(
    -text     => 'No',
    -variable => \$verbose,
    -relief   => 'flat',
    -value    => 'NOT_verbose',
    -command  => \&update_command,
$w_verbose_no->pack(-side => 'left');
$widgets->window('create', 'end', -window => $w_verbose);

# -command, c: string = D_SAMPLE_COMMAND, "ps -el"

my $w_command = $widgets->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief flat));
my $w_command_b = $w_command->Button(
    -text        => 'command                                (s ) ',
    -borderwidth => 0,
    -font        => 'fixed',
    -command     => [sub {
        my($help, $index, $ce) = @_;
        see_view '-command', $ce, $help, $index;
    }, $help, 'woevap_command', $ce],
$w_command_b->pack(qw(-side left));
my $w_command_e = $w_command->Entry(
    -relief       => 'sunken',
    -width        => 40,
    -textvariable => \$command,
$w_command_e->pack(qw(-side left));
$w_command_e->bind('<KeyPress-Return>' => \&update_command);
$widgets->window('create', 'end', -window => $w_command);

# -scale_factor, sf: real = 1.2340896e-1

my $w_scale_factor = $widgets->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief flat));
my $w_scale_factor_b = $w_scale_factor->Button(
    -text        => 'scale_factor                           (r ) ',
    -borderwidth => 0,
    -font        => 'fixed',
    -command     => [sub {
        my($help, $index, $ce) = @_;
        see_view '-scale_factor', $ce, $help, $index;
    }, $help, 'woevap_scale_factor', $ce],
$w_scale_factor_b->pack(qw(-side left));
my $w_scale_factor_e = $w_scale_factor->Entry(
    -relief       => 'sunken',
    -width        => 40,
    -textvariable => \$scale_factor,
$w_scale_factor_e->pack(qw(-side left));
$w_scale_factor_e->bind('<KeyPress-Return>' => \&update_command);
$widgets->window('create', 'end', -window => $w_scale_factor);

# -millisecond_update_interval, mui: integer = $required

my $w_millisecond_update_interval = $widgets->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief flat));
my $w_millisecond_update_interval_b = $w_millisecond_update_interval->Button(
    -text        => 'millisecond_update_interval            (i ) ',
    -borderwidth => 0,
    -font        => 'fixed',
    -command     => [sub {
        my($help, $index, $ce) = @_;
        see_view '-millisecond_update_interval', $ce, $help, $index;
    }, $help, 'woevap_millisecond_update_interval', $ce],
$w_millisecond_update_interval_b->pack(qw(-side left));
my $w_millisecond_update_interval_e = $w_millisecond_update_interval->Entry(
    -relief       => 'sunken',
    -width        => 40,
    -textvariable => \$millisecond_update_interval,
    -background   => $genPerlTk_highlight,
$w_millisecond_update_interval_e->pack(qw(-side left));
$w_millisecond_update_interval_e->bind('<KeyPress-Return>' => \&update_command);
$widgets->window('create', 'end', -window => $w_millisecond_update_interval);

# -ignore_output_file_column_one, iofco: boolean = TRUE

$w_ignore_output_file_column_one = $widgets->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief flat));
$w_ignore_output_file_column_one_b = $w_ignore_output_file_column_one->Button(
    -text        => 'ignore_output_file_column_one          (b ) ',
    -borderwidth => 0,
    -font        => 'fixed',
    -command     => [sub {
        my($help, $index, $ce) = @_;
        see_view '-ignore_output_file_column_one', $ce, $help, $index;
    }, $help, 'woevap_ignore_output_file_column_one', $ce],
$w_ignore_output_file_column_one_b->pack(qw(-side left));
my $w_ignore_output_file_column_one_yes = $w_ignore_output_file_column_one->Radiobutton(
    -text     => 'Yes',
    -variable => \$ignore_output_file_column_one,
    -relief   => 'flat',
    -value    => 'TRUE',
    -command  => \&update_command,
$w_ignore_output_file_column_one_yes->pack(-side => 'left');
my $w_ignore_output_file_column_one_no = $w_ignore_output_file_column_one->Radiobutton(
    -text     => 'No',
    -variable => \$ignore_output_file_column_one,
    -relief   => 'flat',
    -value    => 'FALSE',
    -command  => \&update_command,
$w_ignore_output_file_column_one_no->pack(-side => 'left');
$widgets->window('create', 'end', -window => $w_ignore_output_file_column_one);

# -output, o: file = stdout

my $w_output = $widgets->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief flat));
my $w_output_b = $w_output->Button(
    -text        => 'output                                 (f ) ',
    -borderwidth => 0,
    -font        => 'fixed',
    -command     => [sub {
        my($help, $index, $ce) = @_;
        see_view '-output', $ce, $help, $index;
    }, $help, 'woevap_output', $ce],
$w_output_b->pack(qw(-side left));
my $w_output_e = $w_output->Entry(
    -relief       => 'sunken',
    -width        => 40,
    -textvariable => \$output,
$w_output_e->pack(qw(-side left));
$w_output_e->bind('<KeyPress-Return>' => \&update_command);
$widgets->window('create', 'end', -window => $w_output);

# -queue, q: key plotter, postscript, text, printer, keyend = printer

$w_queue = $widgets->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief flat));
$w_queue_b = $w_queue->Button(
    -text        => 'queue                                  (k ) ',
    -borderwidth => 0,
    -font        => 'fixed',
    -command     => [sub {
        my($help, $index, $ce) = @_;
        see_view '-queue', $ce, $help, $index;
    }, $help, 'woevap_queue', $ce],
$w_queue_b->pack(qw(-side left));
$w_queue_plotter = $w_queue->Radiobutton(
    -text     => 'plotter',
    -variable => \$queue,
    -relief   => 'flat',
    -value    => 'plotter',
    -command  => \&update_command,
$w_queue_plotter->pack(qw(-side left));
$w_queue_postscript = $w_queue->Radiobutton(
    -text     => 'postscript',
    -variable => \$queue,
    -relief   => 'flat',
    -value    => 'postscript',
    -command  => \&update_command,
$w_queue_postscript->pack(qw(-side left));
$w_queue_text = $w_queue->Radiobutton(
    -text     => 'text',
    -variable => \$queue,
    -relief   => 'flat',
    -value    => 'text',
    -command  => \&update_command,
$w_queue_text->pack(qw(-side left));
$w_queue_printer = $w_queue->Radiobutton(
    -text     => 'printer',
    -variable => \$queue,
    -relief   => 'flat',
    -value    => 'printer',
    -command  => \&update_command,
$w_queue_printer->pack(qw(-side left));
$widgets->window('create', 'end', -window => $w_queue);

# -destination, d: application = `hostname`

my $w_destination = $widgets->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief flat));
my $w_destination_b = $w_destination->Button(
    -text        => 'destination                            (a ) ',
    -borderwidth => 0,
    -font        => 'fixed',
    -command     => [sub {
        my($help, $index, $ce) = @_;
        see_view '-destination', $ce, $help, $index;
    }, $help, 'woevap_destination', $ce],
$w_destination_b->pack(qw(-side left));
my $w_destination_e = $w_destination->Entry(
    -relief       => 'sunken',
    -width        => 40,
    -textvariable => \$destination,
$w_destination_e->pack(qw(-side left));
$w_destination_e->bind('<KeyPress-Return>' => \&update_command);
$widgets->window('create', 'end', -window => $w_destination);

# -tty, t: list of name = (/dev/console, /dev/tty0, /dev/tty1)

my $w_tty = $widgets->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief flat));
my $w_tty_b = $w_tty->Button(
    -text        => 'tty                                    (nl) ',
    -borderwidth => 0,
    -font        => 'fixed',
    -command     => [sub {
        my($help, $index, $ce) = @_;
        see_view '-tty', $ce, $help, $index;
    }, $help, 'woevap_tty', $ce],
$w_tty_b->pack(qw(-side left));
my $w_tty_e = $w_tty->Entry(
    -relief       => 'sunken',
    -width        => 40,
    -textvariable => \$tty,
$w_tty_e->pack(qw(-side left));
$w_tty_e->bind('<KeyPress-Return>' => \&update_command);
$widgets->window('create', 'end', -window => $w_tty);

# file(s) required by this command

$w_trailing_file_list = $widgets->Frame(qw(-bd 1 -relief flat));
$w_trailing_file_list_b = $w_trailing_file_list->Button(
    -text        => 'Required File Name(s)                       ',
    -borderwidth => 0,
    -font        => 'fixed',
    -command     => [sub {
	my($help, $index, $ce) = @_;
	see_view 'end', $ce, $help, $index;
    }, $help, 'woevap_end', $ce],
$w_trailing_file_list_b->pack(-side => 'left');
$w_trailing_file_list_e = $w_trailing_file_list->Entry(
    -relief       => 'sunken',
    -width        => 40,
    -textvariable => \$trailing_file_list,
    -background  => $genPerlTk_highlight,
$w_trailing_file_list_e->pack(-side => 'left');
$w_trailing_file_list_e->bind('<KeyPress-Return>' => \&update_command);
$widgets->window('create', 'end', -window => $w_trailing_file_list);

Command Source:  ../genpTk

frog_program, frop

	Hi there.

	A sample program demonstrating typical Evaluate Parameters


	  sample -usage_help
	  sample -h
	  sample -full_help
          sample -mui 1234


-help, h, usage_help, full_help: Display Command Information

	Display information about this command, which includes
	a command description with examples, plus a synopsis of
	the command line parameters.  If you specify -full_help
	rather than -help complete parameter help is displayed
	if it's available.

-number, n: integer = 123

	An integer.

-verbose, v: switch

        A 'switch' type parameter emulates a typical standalone
        switch. If the switch is specified Evaluate Parameters
        returns a '1'.

-command, c: string = D_SAMPLE_COMMAND, "ps -el"

        A 'string' type parameter is just a list of characters,
        which must be quoted if it contains whitespace. 
        NOTE:  for this parameter you can also create and
        initialize the environment variable D_SAMPLE_COMMAND to
        override the standard default value for this command
        line parameter.  All types except 'switch' may have a
        default environment variable for easy user customization.

-scale_factor, sf: real = 1.2340896e-1

        A 'real' type parameter must be a real number that may
        contain a leading sign, a decimal point and an exponent.

-millisecond_update_interval, mui: integer = $required

        An 'integer' type parameter must consist of all digits
        with an optional leading sign.  NOTE: this parameter's
        default value is '$required', meaning that
        Evaluate Parameters ensures that this parameter is
        specified and given a valid value.  All types except
        'switch' may have a default value of '$required'.

-ignore_output_file_column_one, iofco: boolean = TRUE

        A 'boolean' type parameter may be TRUE/YES/ON/1 or
        FALSE/NO/OFF/0, either upper or lower case.  If TRUE,
        Evaluate Parameters returns a value of '1', else '0'.

-output, o: file = stdout

        A 'file' type parameter expects a filename.  For Unix
        $HOME and ~ are expanded.  For evap/Perl 'stdin' and
	'stdout' are converted to '-' and '>-' so they can be
	used in a Perl 'open' function.

-queue, q: key plotter, postscript, text, printer, keyend = printer

        A 'key' type parameter enumerates valid values.  Only the
        specified keywords can be entered on the command line.

-destination, d: application = `hostname`

	An 'application' type parameter is not type-checked in
	any - the treatment of this type of parameter is
	application specific.  NOTE:  this parameter' default
	value is enclosed in grave accents (or "backticks").
	Evaluate Parameters executes the command and uses it's
	standard output as the default value for the parameter.

-tty, t: list of name = (/dev/console, /dev/tty0, /dev/tty1)

	A 'name' type parameter is similar to a string except
	that embedded white-space is not allowed.  NOTE: this
	parameter is also a LIST, meaning that it can be
	specified multiple times and that each value is pushed
        onto a Perl LIST variable.  In general you should quote
        all list elements.  All types except 'switch' may be
	'list of'.

file(s) required by this command