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#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# 07 Jul 2003 JCE Add e-i filesystems
# 07 Jan 2003 JCE Rmv "--atime-preserve" from tar command
# 2006/03/07, SOL Make the backup multi-DTE, multi-file aware.
#                 It's already multi-volume aware, just clean
#                 up the code some.

use Carp;
use Getopt::EvaP;
use strict;
use subs qw/fini init main sys/;
use strict;

our( @PDT, @MM, %OPT );		# evaluate parameters
     $bc,			# barcode
     $dte,			# data transfer element
     $dt,			# date
     $err,			# tar error pathname
     @fs,			# list of filesystems
     $juke,			# juke pathname
     $mt,			# mt rewind pathname
     $mtnr,			# mt norewind pathname
     $nrtape,			# norewind device, DTE specific
     $out,			# tar output pathname
     $rep,			# repquota output pathname
     $rt,			# backup listing root pathname
     $tape,			# rewind device, DTE specific
     $sum,			# backup summary pathname


sub fini {

    my @ttb;			# total tape bytes
    foreach ( 1 .. $#fs ) {
        my $DB = "$rt/db/" . uc( $bc ) . ":" . ( $_ + 1 ) . ".gz";
	sys "/bin/echo -e \"\n\n\" >> $sum";
        sys "/bin/zcat $DB | /usr/bin/head -10 >>  $sum";
	sys "/bin/echo -e \" ...\" >> $sum";
        sys "/bin/zcat $DB | /usr/bin/tail -10 >> $sum";
        push @ttb, `/bin/zcat $DB | /bin/egrep '^Total bytes written'`;
    sys "/bin/egrep 'tar: $nrtape' $err >> $sum", 'warn';
    sys "/root/bin/wait-tape-ready $dte", 'warn';
    chomp( my $next_vsn = `$juke loaded $dte` );
    open S, ">>$sum" or warn "Cannot open summary file: $!";

    my $ttb = 0;
    foreach ( @ttb ) {
	my( $tb ) = /Total bytes written:\s+(\d+)/;
	$ttb += $tb;
    $_ = $ttb;
    1 while s/^([-+]?\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/;
    print S "\n\n$_ total tape bytes written.\n";

    if ( $next_vsn ne "''" ) {
	print S "\nThe starting VSN for tomorrow's backup appears to be $next_vsn.\n";
    } else {
	print S "\n*** There seems to be no tape available for tomorrow's " .
	    "backup. Reload the magazine, please. ***\n";
    close S;

    sys "/usr/bin/Mail -s 'Rain backup summary $dt, tape \'$bc\'' sol0\ < $sum";
    sys "/usr/bin/Mail -s 'Rain backup summary $dt, tape \'$bc\'' luops\ < $sum";

} # end fini

sub init {

    @MM = split /\n/, <<'end-of-MM';
full-tar-backup2, fultb2

        Mail server backup program using multiple tape drives (DTEs).

            full-tar-backup2 -data_transfer_element 0 -backup_list backup_list_0
            fultb2 -dte 1 -bl bl1
            fultb2 -dte 1 -bl bl0
        A keyword identifier specifying which backup list of files to backup.
        There is a backup list for each DTE, so we can do simultaneous backups.
        The union of all the backup lists should describe exactly what you want
        backed up.
        The backup list for DTE 0, nominally. Of course, any DTE can backup any
        backup list. A backup list is a list of strings: each element becomes a
        separate tape file.  Tape file one is the tape's VSN, the first backup
        list entry is tape file 2, the second list entry tape file 3, etc.
        The backup list for DTE 1, nominally. Of course, any DTE can backup any
        backup list. A backup list is a list of strings: each element becomes a
        separate tape file.  Tape file one is the tape's VSN, the first backup
        list entry is tape file 2, the second list entry tape file 3, etc.
        An integer identifying the DTE to use for this backup.
        Debug does stuff dependant upon what I'm doing.

    @PDT = split /\n/, <<'end-of-pdt';
PDT full-tar-backup2
    backup_list, bl: key backup_list_0, bl0, backup_list_1, bl1, keyend = $required
    backup_list_0, bl0: list of string = ( '. ./boot ./var ./local ./home', './e', './f', './g', './h', './i' )
    backup_list_1, bl1: list of string = ( './var/spool/mail', './j', './k', './l', './m', './n' )
    data_transfer_element, dte: key 0, 1, keyend = $required
    debug, d: boolean = false
PDTEND no_file_list

    EvaP \@PDT, \@MM, \%OPT;    # evaluate parameters
    $OPT{bl0} = $OPT{backup_list_0};
    $OPT{bl1} = $OPT{backup_list_1};

    chomp($dt = `date +%Y%m%d`);# YYYYMMDD

    @fs = ( 'skip-VSN-skip' );	# first tape file is the VSN
    push @fs, @{ $OPT{ $OPT{backup_list} } }; # each list element is a separate tar file

    $dte = $OPT{data_transfer_element};
    $tape = '/dev/st' . $dte;
    $nrtape = '/dev/nst' . $dte;
    $mt = "/bin/mt -f $tape";
    $mtnr = "/bin/mt -f $nrtape";
    $juke = '/root/bin/juke';
    $rt = '/root/admin/backup';

    chomp( $bc = `$juke loaded $dte` );
    $bc =~ s/'//g;

    $out = "$rt/output/bs-$dt-$dte"; # e.g. bs-20060312-0
    $err = "$out.err";
    $rep = "$out.rep";
    $sum = "$out.sum";
    $out .= ".out";
    unlink $err;
    unlink $out;
    unlink $rep;
    unlink $sum;

    my $label = `/root/bin/tlabelr $nrtape`;
    chomp $label;
    die "Backup tape missing label." unless $label ne '';
    die "Backup tape label '$label' not equal to tape barcode '$bc'." if uc( $label ) ne uc( $bc );

    # Delete the DB files, we're just about to recreate them.

    my $db = uc $bc;
    sys "/bin/rm $rt/db/$db:*.gz > /dev/null 2>&1", 'warn';

} # end init

sub main {

    sys "/usr/sbin/repquota -a > $rep" unless $OPT{debug};

    sys "$mtnr rewind";
    sys "$mtnr fsf 1";
    foreach ( 1 .. $#fs ) {	# skip file 1, the VSN
	my $fs = $fs[ $_ ];
	my $file = $_ + 1;
	sys "cd /; tar -f $nrtape -cvp --one-file-system --totals -b 512 -M --new-volume-script '/root/bin/media-change $dte' --exclude ./proc --exclude /proc $fs 2>&1 | /usr/bin/tee --append $out | /root/bin/build-tar-db2 $err $bc:$file '$fs' $dte", 1;

    sys "/root/bin/media-change $dte", 1 unless $OPT{debug};
    sys "/bin/kill -HUP `/bin/cat /tmp/`";

} # end main

sub sys {

    my $cmd = shift;
    my $no_die = shift;
    system $cmd;
    if (defined $no_die) {
	carp "Failed (warn) : '$cmd' : $?" if $?;
    croak "Failed (die) : '$cmd' : $?" if $?;

} # end sys