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package HTML::Window;
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
use utf8;
use vars qw($DefaultClass @EXPORT  @ISA $class $server $hidden $template);
our $m_sStyle = 'lze';
our $m_sTitle = '';
our $id       = 'a';
our ( $collapse, $resizeable, $closeable, $moveable ) = (0) x 4;

@ISA = qw(Exporter);
use Template::Quick;
@HTML::Window::ISA = qw(Template::Quick);
    = qw( set_title set_class set_style set_closeable set_resizeable set_collapse set_moveable initWindow windowHeader windowFooter);
%HTML::Window::EXPORT_TAGS = (
    'all' => [
        qw(set_title set_class set_style set_closeable set_resizeable set_collapse set_moveable initWindow windowHeader windowFooter)
$HTML::Window::VERSION = '0.62';

$DefaultClass = 'HTML::Window' unless defined $HTML::Window::DefaultClass;

%HTML::Window::EXPORT_TAGS = (
    'all' => [
        qw(set_title set_class set_style set_closeable set_resizeable set_collapse set_moveable initWindow windowHeader windowFooter)

=head1 NAME - move-,resize-,collapse- and closeable Html Window.


use HTML::Window qw(:all);

       my %parameter =(

              path   => "path to cgi-bin",

              style    => "style to use",

              title    => "title",

              server   => "http://servername",

              id       => $id,

              class    => min or max,

      $m_bMod_perl = ($ENV{MOD_PERL}) ? 1 : 0;

      initWindow(\%parameter) unless($m_bMod_perl);


      print 'this is the content';



Produce a move-,resize-,collapse- and closeable Html Window.

This Module is mainly written for MySQL::Admin::GUI.

But there is no reason to use it not standalone. Also it is much more easier

to update, test and distribute it  standalone.


=head2 new()

       my %parameter =(

              path    => "path to template",

              style    => "style to use",

              title    => "title

              server   => "http://servername",

              id       => $id,

              class    => min or max,


       my $window = new  window(\%parameter);


sub new {
    my ( $class, @initializer ) = @_;
    my $self = {
        closeable  => 0,
        resizeable => 0,
        collapse   => 1,
        moveable   => 0,
    bless $self, ref $class || $class || $DefaultClass;
    $self->initWindow(@initializer) if(@initializer);
    return $self;

=head2 set_style()

default: lze;


sub set_style {
    my ( $self, @p ) = getSelf(@_);
    if( defined $p[0] && $p[0] =~ /(\w+)/ ) {
        $m_sStyle = $1;
    } else {
        return $m_sStyle;

=head2 set_closeable()

default: 0;


sub set_closeable {
    my ( $self, @p ) = getSelf(@_);
    if( defined $p[0] && $p[0] =~ /(0|1)/ ) {
        $closeable = $1;
    } else {
        return $closeable;

=head2 set_resizeable()

default = 0;


sub set_resizeable {
    my ( $self, @p ) = getSelf(@_);
    if( defined $p[0] && $p[0] =~ /(0|1)/ ) {
        $resizeable = $1;
    } else {
        return $resizeable;

=head2 set_collapse()

default = 0;


sub set_collapse {
    my ( $self, @p ) = getSelf(@_);
    if( defined $p[0] && $p[0] =~ /(0|1)/ ) {
        $collapse = $1;
    } else {
        return $collapse;

=head2 set_moveable()

default = 0;


sub set_moveable {
    my ( $self, @p ) = getSelf(@_);
    if( defined $p[0] && $p[0] =~ /(0|1)/ ) {
        $moveable = $1;
    } else {
        return $moveable;

=head2 set_title()

default = 0;


sub set_title {
    my ( $self, @p ) = getSelf(@_);
    if( defined $p[0] && $p[0] =~ /(\w+)/ ) {
        $m_sTitle = $1;
    } else {
        return $m_sTitle;

=head2 set_class()

default = 0;


sub set_class {
    my ( $self, @p ) = getSelf(@_);
    if( defined $p[0] && $p[0] =~ /(\w+)/ ) {
        $class = $1;
    } else {
        return $class;

=head2 initWindow()

       my %parameter =(

                path   => "path to templates",

                style    => "style to use",

                title    => "title

                server   => "http://servername",

                id       => $id,

                class    => min or max,

                hidden   => '', #set the window hidden




sub initWindow {
    my ( $self, @p ) = getSelf(@_);
    my $hash = $p[0];
    $server   = $hash->{server};
    $m_sStyle = defined $hash->{style} ? $hash->{style} : 'lze';
    $m_sTitle = defined $hash->{title} ? $hash->{title} : $m_sTitle;
    $id       = defined $hash->{id} ? $hash->{id} : $id;
    $class    = defined $hash->{class} ? $hash->{class} : 'min';
        = defined $hash->{hidden}
        ? 'style="visibility:hidden;position:absolute;'
        : '';
    $template = defined $hash->{template} ? $hash->{template} : "window.htm";
    my %template = (
        path     => $hash->{path},
        style    => $m_sStyle,
        template => $template,
    $self->SUPER::initTemplate( \%template );

=head2 windowHeader()


sub windowHeader {
    my ( $self, @p ) = getSelf(@_);
    eval 'use CGI qw(cookie)';
    unless ($@) {
        my $co
            = cookie( -name => 'windowStatus' )
            ? cookie( -name => 'windowStatus' )
            : '';
        my @wins = split /:/, $co;
        for( my $i = 0; $i <= $#wins; $i++ ) {
            $hidden = 'style="visibility:hidden;position:absolute;"'
                if( $id eq $wins[$i] );
    my $menu = " ";
    unless ( $moveable eq 0
        && $collapse   eq 0
        && $resizeable eq 0
        && $closeable  eq 0 )

            .= qq(<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">menu('$id','$moveable','$collapse','$resizeable','$closeable');</script>);
    my %header = (
        name   => 'windowheader',
        server => $server,
        style  => $m_sStyle,
        title  => $m_sTitle,
        menu   => $menu,
        id     => $id,
        class  => $class,
        hidden => $hidden,

    $self->SUPER::appendHash( \%header );

=head2 windowFooter()


sub windowFooter {
    my ( $self, @p ) = getSelf(@_);
    my %footer = (
        name  => 'windowfooter',
        style => $m_sStyle,
        id    => $id,
    $self->SUPER::appendHash( \%footer );

=head2 getSelf()


sub getSelf {
    return @_
        if defined( $_[0] )
            && ( !ref( $_[0] ) )
            && ( $_[0] eq 'HTML::Window' );
    return (
        defined( $_[0] )
            && ( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HTML::Window'
            || UNIVERSAL::isa( $_[0], 'HTML::Window' ) )
    ) ? @_ : ( $HTML::Window::DefaultClass->new, @_ );

=head2 see Also

L<MySQL::Admin::GUI> L<CGI> L<MySQL::Admin> L<Template::Quick>

=head1 AUTHOR

Dirk Lindner <>

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (C) 2005 - 2009 by Hr. Dirk Lindner

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation;
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

