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package REST::Neo4p::Batch;
use REST::Neo4p::Exceptions;
use JSON::Streaming::Reader;
require REST::Neo4p;

use base qw(Exporter);
use strict;
use warnings;

  $REST::Neo4p::Batch::VERSION = '0.1282';

our @EXPORT = qw(batch);
our @BATCH_ACTIONS = qw(keep_objs discard_objs);

sub batch (&@) {
  my ($coderef,$action) = @_;
  my $agent = $REST::Neo4p::AGENT;
  my @errors;
  REST::Neo4p::CommException->throw("Not connected\n") unless $agent;
  warn 'Agent already in batch_mode on batch() call' if ($agent->batch_mode);
  for ($action) {
    /^discard_objs$/ && do {
      # do in eval to catch an agent error...
      while (my $tmpf = $agent->execute_batch_chunk) {
	@errors = _scan_for_errors($tmpf);
	unlink $tmpf;
    /^keep_objs$/ && do {
      while (my $tmpf = $agent->execute_batch_chunk) {
	@errors = _scan_for_errors($tmpf);
    do { # fallthru
      die "I shouldn't be here."
  return @errors;

sub _scan_for_errors {
  my $tmpf = shift;
  open my $fh, $tmpf or REST::Neo4p::LocalException->throw("Problem with temp file $tmpf : $!");
  my $jsonr = JSON::Streaming::Reader->for_stream($fh);
  my $in_response;
  my @errors;
      while (my $cursor = $jsonr->get_token) {
	for ($$cursor[0]) {
	  /start_array/ && do {
	    $in_response = 1;
	  /start_object/ && do {
	    unless ($in_response) {
	      REST::Neo4p::LocalException->throw("Unexpected token in server batch response\n");
	    my $obj = $jsonr->slurp;
	    if ($obj->{status} !~ m/^2../) {
	      warn "Error at id ".$obj->{id}." from ".$obj->{from}.": status ".$obj->{status} if $REST::Neo4p::VERBOSE;
	      push @errors, REST::Neo4p::Neo4jException->new(code=>$obj->{status},message => 'Server returned '.$obj->{status}.' at job id '.$obj->{id}.' from '.$obj->{from}, neo4j_message=>$obj->{message});
	  /end_array/ && do {
	    last PARSE;
  return @errors;

# right now, look for 'body' elts, and
# create new nodes, relationships as they are encountered
# TODO: handling indexes, queries? Prevent queries in batch mode?
# TODO: use JSON streaming from file

sub _process_objs {
  my $tmpf = shift;
  open my $fh, $tmpf or REST::Neo4p::LocalException->throw("Problem with temp file $tmpf : $!");
  my $jsonr = JSON::Streaming::Reader->for_stream($fh);
  my $in_response;
  PARSE : 
      while ( my $cursor = $jsonr->get_token ) {
	for ($$cursor[0]) {
	  /start_array/ && do {
	    $in_response = 1;
	  /start_object/ && do {
	    unless ($in_response) {
	      REST::Neo4p::LocalException->throw("Unexpected token in server batch response\n");
	  /end_array/ && do {
	    last PARSE;
  unlink $tmpf;

sub _register_object {
  my $decoded_batch_resp = shift;
  my ($id, $from, $body) = @{$decoded_batch_resp}{qw(id from body)};
  return unless $body;
  return if ($decoded_batch_resp->{status} !~ m/^2../); # ignore an error here
  my $obj;
  if ($body->{template}) {
    $obj = REST::Neo4p::Index->new_from_json_response($body);
  elsif ($body->{self} =~ m|node/[0-9]+$|) {
    $obj = REST::Neo4p::Node->new_from_json_response($body);
  elsif ($body->{self} =~ m|relationship/[0-9]+$|) {
    $obj = REST::Neo4p::Relationship->new_from_json_response($body);
  else {
    warn "Don't understand object in batch response: id ".$id;
  if ($obj) {
    my $batch_objs = $REST::Neo4p::Entity::ENTITY_TABLE->{batch_objs};
    if ( my $batch_obj = delete $batch_objs->{ "{$id}" } ) {
      $$batch_obj = $$obj;

sub _cleanup_batch_objs {

=head1 NAME

REST::Neo4p::Batch - Mixin for batch processing


 use REST::Neo4p;
 use REST::Neo4p::Batch;
 use List::MoreUtils qw(pairwise);

 my @bunch = map { "new_node_$_" } (1..100);
 my @nodes;
 batch {
  my $idx = REST::Neo4p::Index->new('node','bunch');
  @nodes = map { REST::Neo4p::Node->new({name => $_}) } @bunch;
  pairwise { $idx->add_entry($a, name => $b) } @nodes, @bunch;
  $nodes[$_]->relate_to($nodes[$_+1],'next_node') for (0..$#nodes-1);
 } 'keep_objs';

 $idx = REST::Neo4p->get_index_by_name('node','bunch');
 ($the_99th_node) = $nodes[98];
 ($points_to_100th_node) = $the_99th_node->get_outgoing_relationships;
 ($the_100th_node) = $idx->find_entries( name => 'new_node_100');


REST::Neo4p::Batch adds some syntactic sugar allowing ordinary
REST::Neo4p code to be processed through the Neo4j REST batch API.

=head1 batch {} ($action)

To execute server calls generated by REST::Neo4p code, 
wrap the code in a batch block:

 batch {
  # create and manipulate REST::Neo4p objects
 } $action;

The C<$action> parameter B<must be> (there is no default) one of 


=item * 'keep_objs'

If C<keep_objs> is specified, any nodes, relationships or indexes
returned in the server reponse will be created in memory as
REST::Neo4p objects.  This is more time-efficient if the program plans
to use the objects subsequently.

=item * 'discard_objs'

If C<discard_objs> is specified, Neo4j entities in the server response
will not be automatically registered as REST::Neo4p objects. Of
course, these objects can be retrieved from the server through object
creation and other methods, outside of the batch block. This is more
space efficient if the program does not plan to use the objects

 # loader...
 use REST::Neo4p;
 use REST::Neo4p::Batch;
 open $f, shift() or die $!;
 batch {
   while (<$f>) {
    ($name, $value) = split /\t/;
    REST::Neo4p::Node->new({name => $name, value => $value});
   } 'discard_objs';


=head2 Errors in batch jobs

C<batch{}()> returns returns an array of
L<REST::Neo4p::Exceptions|REST::Neo4p::Neo4jException> error objects for each job that returns
a server-generated error. If no errors were encountered, it returns

 foreach ( batch { _do_stuff() } 'discard_objs' ) {
   print STDERR $_->message, "(", $_->code, ")\n";

C<batch> will C<warn()> for each error immediately if
C<$REST::Neo4p::VERBOSE> is set.

=head1 CAVEATS


=item *

No call to the server is made until after the block is executed. There
is some magic provided, but not all object functionality is available
to REST::Neo4p entities obtained within the C<batch> block.

For example, this works:

 my $idx = REST::Neo4p::Index->new('node' => 'pals_of_bob');
 my $name = 'fred'
 batch {
  my $node = REST::Neo4p::Node->new({name => $name});
  $idx->add_entry($node, name => $name);
 } 'keep_objs';

but this does not:

 my $idx = REST::Neo4p::Index->new('node' => 'pals_of_bob');
 my $name = 'fred';
 batch {
  my $node = REST::Neo4p::Node->new({name => $name});
  $idx->add_entry($node, name => $node->get_property('name'));
 } 'keep_objs';

because $node has not been created on the server at the time that
add_entry() is executed.


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<REST::Neo4p>, L<REST::Neo4p::Agent>

=head1 AUTHOR

    Mark A. Jensen
    majensen -at- cpan -dot- org

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (c) 2012 Mark A. Jensen. This program is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl

