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#$Id: 17 2012-11-14 01:01:52Z maj $
package REST::Neo4p::Query;
use REST::Neo4p::Path;
use REST::Neo4p::Exceptions;
use JSON::Streaming::Reader;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use Carp qw(croak carp);
use strict;
use warnings;
  $REST::Neo4p::Query::VERSION = '0.1283';

my $BUFSIZE = 4096;

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my ($q_string, $params) = @_;
  unless (defined $q_string and !ref $q_string) {
    REST::Neo4p::LocalException->throw( "First argument must be the query string\n");
  unless (!defined $params || ref($params) eq 'HASH') {
    REST::Neo4p::LocalException->throw( "Second argment must be a hashref of query parameters\n" );
  bless { '_query' => $q_string,
	  '_params' => $params || {},
	  'Statement' => $q_string,
	  'NUM_OF_PARAMS' => $params ? scalar keys %$params : 0,
	  'ParamValues' => $params,
	  '_tempfile' => ''
	}, $class;

sub execute {
  my $self = shift;
  my $agent = $REST::Neo4p::AGENT;
  REST::Neo4p::CommException->throw("Not connected\n") unless $agent;
  if ($agent->batch_mode) {
    REST::Neo4p::NotSuppException->throw("Query execution not supported in batch mode (yet)\n");
  $self->{_error} = undef;
  $self->{_decoded_resp} = undef;
  $self->{NAME} = undef;
  my $temp_fh;
  ($temp_fh, $self->{_tempfile}) = tempfile();
  unless ($temp_fh) {
    REST::Neo4p::LocalException->throw("Can't create query result tempfile : $!");
  my $resp;
  eval {
    $agent->post_cypher([], { query => $self->query, params => $self->params },
		       {':content_file' => $self->{_tempfile}});
  my $e;
  if ($e = Exception::Class->caught('REST::Neo4p::Neo4jException') ) {
    $self->{_error} = $e;
    $e->rethrow if ($self->{RaiseError});
  elsif ($@) {
    ref $@ ? $@->rethrow : die $e;

  # set up iterator
  my $columns_elt;
  my $buf;
  my $jsonr = JSON::Streaming::Reader->for_stream($temp_fh);
  # count items and reset
  while ( my $ret = $jsonr->get_token ) {
    if ($$ret[0] eq 'start_property' && $$ret[1] eq 'columns') {
      $columns_elt = $jsonr->slurp;
  unless ($columns_elt) {
    REST::Neo4p::LocalException->throw("Can't parse query reponse json (missing 'columns' element)\n");
  my $row_count = 0;
  my $in_data;
  while ( my $ret = $jsonr->get_token ) {
    my ($token_type, @data) = @$ret;
    for ($token_type) {
      /start_property/ && do {
        if ($data[0] && $data[0] eq 'data') {
	  $in_data = 1;
	else {
	  REST::Neo4p::LocalException->throw("Can't parse query response (data token not found)\n");
      /start_array/ && do {
	if ($in_data) {
	  # count rows
	  while ( $ret = $jsonr->get_token ) {
	    ($token_type, @data) = @$ret;
	    if ($token_type eq 'start_array') {
	    elsif ( $token_type eq 'end_array' ) { # end of the data array
	      # we're done
	    else {
#	      REST::Neo4p::LocalException->throw("Can't parse query response (array representing data row expected and not found)\n");
	else {
	  REST::Neo4p::LocalException->throw("Can't parse query response (start of data array not found)\n");
      do {
	die "Why am I here?";
  seek $temp_fh, 0, 0;
  $jsonr = JSON::Streaming::Reader->for_stream($temp_fh);
  while ( my $ret = $jsonr->get_token ) {
    if ($$ret[0] eq 'start_property' && $$ret[1] eq 'columns') {
  $self->{NAME} = $columns_elt;
  $self->{NUM_OF_FIELDS} = scalar @$columns_elt;
  # position parser cursor
  undef $in_data;
  my $cursor_set;
      while ( my ($token_type, @data) = @{$jsonr->get_token} ) {
	    for ($token_type) {
	      /start_property/ && do {
		$in_data = 1 if ($data[0] && $data[0] eq 'data');
		last TOKEN_TYPE;
	      /start_array/ && do {
		if ($in_data) {
		  $cursor_set = 1;
		  last CURSOR;
		last TOKEN_TYPE;
  unless ($cursor_set) {
    REST::Neo4p::LocalException->throw("Can't parse query response (start of data array not found)\n");
  $self->{_iterator} = 
    sub {
      return unless defined $temp_fh;
      my @ret;
      my $row;
      my ($token_type, @data) = @{$jsonr->get_token};
      for ($token_type) {
	/start_array/ && do {
	  $row = $jsonr->slurp;
	/end_array/ && do { # finished
	  unlink $self->{_tempfile};
	  undef $self->{_tempfile};
	  undef $temp_fh;
	do { # fail
	  REST::Neo4p::LocalException->throw("Can't parse query response (unexpected token looking for next row)\n");
      foreach my $elt (@$row) {
	for (ref($elt)) {
	  !$_ && do {
	    push @ret, $elt;
	  /HASH/ && do {
	    my $entity_type;
	    eval {
	      $entity_type = _response_entity($elt);
	    my $e;
	    if ($e = Exception::Class->caught()) {
	      ref $e ? $e->rethrow : die $e;
	    my $entity_class = 'REST::Neo4p::'.$entity_type;
	    push @ret, $entity_class->new_from_json_response($elt);
	  /ARRAY/ && do {
	    REST::Neo4p::LocalException->throw("Don't know what to do with arrays yet\n");
	  do {
	    REST::Neo4p::QueryResponseException->throw("Can't parse query response (row doesn't make sense)\n");
      return \@ret;
  return $row_count;

sub fetchrow_arrayref { shift->{_iterator}->() }

sub fetch { shift->fetchrow_arrayref(@_) }

sub column_names {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{_column_names} && @{$self->{_column_names}};

sub err { 
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{_error} && $self->{_error}->code;

sub errstr { 
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{_error} && ( $self->{_error}->message || $self->{_error}->neo4j_message );

sub query { shift->{_query} }
sub params { shift->{_params} }

sub _response_entity {
  my ($resp) = @_;
  if (defined $resp->{self}) {
    for ($resp->{self}) {
      m|data/node| && do {
	return 'Node';
      m|data/relationship| && do {
	return 'Relationship';
      do {
	REST::Neo4p::QueryResponseException->throw("Can't identify object type by JSON response\n");
  elsif (defined $resp->{start} && defined $resp->{end}
	   && defined $resp->{nodes}) {
    return 'Path';
  else {
    REST::Neo4p::QueryResponseException->throw("Can't identify object type by JSON response (2)\n");

  my $self = shift;
  $self->{_tempfile} && unlink $self->{_tempfile};

=head1 NAME

REST::Neo4p::Query - Execute Neo4j Cypher queries


 $query = REST::Neo4p::Query->new('START n=node(0) RETURN n');
 $node = $query->fetch->[0];
 $node->relate_to($other_node, 'link');


C<REST::Neo4p::Query> encapsulates Neo4j Cypher language queries,
executing them via C<REST::Neo4p::Agent> and returning an iterator
over the rows, in the spirit of L<DBI|DBI>.

=head2 Streaming

C<execute()> captures the Neo4j query response in a temp
file. C<fetch()> iterates over the JSON in the response using
L<JSON::Streaming::Reader|JSON::Streaming::Reader>. So go ahead and
make those 100 meg queries. The tempfile is unlinked after the
iterator runs out of rows, or upon object destruction, which ever
comes first.

=head1 METHODS


=item new()

 $stmt = 'START n=node({node_id}) RETURN n';
 $query = REST::Neo4p::Query->new($stmt,{node_id => 1});

Create a new query object. First argument is the Cypher query
(required). Second argument is a hashref of parameters (optional).

=item execute()

 $numrows = $query->execute;

Execute the query on the server. Not supported in batch mode.

=item fetch(), fetchrow_arrayref()

 $query = REST::Neo4p::Query->new('START n=node(0) RETURN n,');
 while ($row = $query->fetch) { 
   print 'It works!' if ($row->[0]->get_property('name') == $row->[1]);

Fetch the next row of returned data (as an arrayref). Nodes are
returned as L<REST::Neo4p::Node|REST::Neo4p::Node> objects,
relationships are returned as
L<REST::Neo4p::Relationship|REST::Neo4p::Relationship> objects,
scalars are returned as-is.

=item err(), errstr()

  if ($query->err) {
    printf "status code: %d\n", $query->err;
    printf "error message: %s\n", $query->errstr;

Returns the HTTP error code and Neo4j server error message if an error
was encountered on execution. Set C<$query-E<gt>{RaiseError}> to die
immediately (e.g., to catch the exception in an C<eval> block).


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<REST::Neo4p>, L<REST::Neo4p::Path>,L<REST::Neo4p::Agent>.

=head1 AUTHOR

   Mark A. Jensen
   majensen -at- cpan -dot- org

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (c) 2012 Mark A. Jensen. This program is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
