The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package App::DuckPAN::Help;
  $App::DuckPAN::Help::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:GETTY';
  $App::DuckPAN::Help::VERSION = '0.064';
# ABSTRACT: Contains the main help page

use Moo;

has version => ( is => 'ro', required => 1 );

sub header { my $version = shift->version; return <<"__EOT__"; }

 ____   V$version    _    ____   _    _   _
|  _ \\ _   _  ___| | _|  _ \\ / \\  | \\ | |
| | | | | | |/ __| |/ / |_) / _ \\ |  \\| |
| |_| | |_| | (__|   <|  __/ ___ \\| |\\  |
|____/ \\__,_|\\___|_|\\_\\_| /_/   \\_\\_| \\_|

 Contributing to


sub help { return shift->header().<<'__EOT__'; }

- duckpan check
    Check if you fulfill all requirements for the development
    environment (this is run automatically during setup)

duckpan installdeps
 Install all requirements of the specific DuckDuckHack project (if
 possible), like zeroclickinfo-spice, zeroclickinfo-goodie, duckduckgo
 or community-platform

duckpan query
 Test goodies and spice interactively on the command line

duckpan server
 Test spice on a local web server

duckpan env <name> <value>
 Add an environment variable that duckpan will remember. Useful for
 spice API keys. Variables are stored in ~/.duckpan/env.ini

duckpan env rm <name>
 Remove an environment variable from duckpan

duckpan release
 Release the project of the current directory to DuckPAN [TODO]

duckpan test
 Test your release (this will run automatically before a release)

duckpan release
 Release the project of the current directory to DuckPAN

