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package JSON::PP;

# JSON-2.0

use 5.005;
use strict;
use base qw(Exporter);
use overload;

use Carp ();
use B ();
#use Devel::Peek;

$JSON::PP::VERSION = '0.97';

@JSON::PP::EXPORT = qw(from_json to_json jsonToObj objToJson);

*jsonToObj = *from_json; # will be obsoleted.
*objToJson = *to_json;   # will be obsoleted.

    my @properties = qw(
            utf8 allow_nonref indent space_before space_after canonical  max_depth shrink
            self_encode singlequote allow_bigint disable_UTF8 strict
            allow_barekey escape_slash literal_value
            allow_blessed convert_blessed relaxed

    # Perl version check, ascii() is enable?
    # Helper module may set @JSON::PP::_properties.
    if ($] >= 5.008) {
        require Encode;
        push @properties, 'ascii', 'latin1';

        *utf8::is_utf8 = *Encode::is_utf8 if ($] == 5.008);

        *JSON_encode_ascii   = *_encode_ascii;
        *JSON_encode_latin1  = *_encode_latin1;
        *JSON_decode_unicode = *_decode_unicode;
    else {
        my $helper = $] >= 5.006 ? 'JSON::PP56' : 'JSON::PP5005';
        eval qq| require $helper |;
        if ($@) { Carp::croak $@; }
        push @properties, @JSON::PP::_properties;

    for my $name (@properties) {
        eval qq|
            sub $name {
                \$_[0]->{$name} = defined \$_[1] ? \$_[1] : 1;


# Functions

my %encode_allow_method
     = map {($_ => 1)} qw/utf8 pretty allow_nonref latin1 allow_tied self_encode escape_slash
                          allow_blessed convert_blessed
my %decode_allow_method
     = map {($_ => 1)} qw/utf8 allow_nonref disable_UTF8 strict singlequote allow_bigint
                          allow_barekey literal_value max_size relaxed/;

sub to_json { # encode
    my ($obj, $opt) = @_;

    if ($opt) {
        my $json = JSON::PP->new->utf8;

        for my $method (keys %$opt) {
            Carp::croak("non acceptble option")
                unless (exists $encode_allow_method{$method});

        return $json->encode($obj);
    else {
        return __PACKAGE__->new->utf8->encode($obj);


sub from_json { # decode
    my ($obj, $opt) = @_;

    if ($opt) {
        my $json = JSON::PP->new->utf8;

        for my $method (keys %$opt) {
            Carp::croak("non acceptble option")
                unless (exists $decode_allow_method{$method});

        return $json->decode($obj);
    else {

# Methods

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self  = {
        max_depth => 512,
        unmap     => 1,
        indent    => 0,
        fallback  => sub { encode_error('Invalid value. JSON can only reference.') },

    bless $self, $class;

sub encode {
    return $_[0]->encode_json($_[1]);

sub decode {
    return $_[0]->decode_json($_[1], 0x00000000);

sub decode_prefix {
    return $_[0]->decode_json($_[1], 0x00000001);

# accessor

sub property {
    my ($self, $name, $value) = @_;

    if (@_ == 1) {
        Carp::croak('property() requires 1 or 2 arguments.');
    elsif (@_ == 2) {
    else {

# pretty printing

sub pretty {
    my ($self, $v) = @_;
    $self->{pretty} = defined $v ? $v : 1;

    if ($v) { # JSON::PP's indent(3) ... JSON::XS indent(1) compati
    else {


# etc

sub filter_json_object {
    $_[0]->{cb_object} = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : 0;
    $_[0]->{F_HOOK} = ($_[0]->{cb_object} or $_[0]->{cb_sk_object}) ? 1 : 0;

sub filter_json_single_key_object {
    if (@_ > 1) {
        $_[0]->{cb_sk_object}->{$_[1]} = $_[2];
    $_[0]->{F_HOOK} = ($_[0]->{cb_object} or $_[0]->{cb_sk_object}) ? 1 : 0;

sub max_size { # as default is 0, written here.
    $_[0]->{max_size} = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : 0;


### Perl => JSON

{ # Convert

    my $depth;
    my $max_depth;
    my $keysort;
    my $indent;
    my $indent_count;
    my $ascii;
    my $utf8;
    my $self_encode;
    my $disable_UTF8;
    my $escape_slash;

    my $latin1;
    my $allow_blessed;
    my $convert_blessed;

    sub encode_json {
        my $self = shift;
        my $obj  = shift;

        $indent_count = 0;
        $depth        = 0;

        ($indent, $ascii, $utf8, $self_encode, $max_depth, $disable_UTF8, $escape_slash, $latin1,
            $allow_blessed, $convert_blessed)
             = @{$self}{qw/indent ascii utf8 self_encode max_depth disable_UTF8 escape_slash latin1
                            allow_blessed convert_blessed

        $keysort = !$self->{canonical} ? undef
                                       : ref($self->{canonical}) eq 'CODE' ? $self->{canonical}
                                       : $self->{canonical} =~ /\D+/       ? $self->{canonical}
                                       : sub { $a cmp $b };

        my $str  = $self->toJson($obj);

        if (!defined $str and $self->{allow_nonref}){
            $str = $self->valueToJson($obj);

        encode_error("non ref") unless(defined $str);

        return $str;

    sub toJson {
        my ($self, $obj) = @_;
        my $type = ref($obj);

        if($type eq 'HASH'){
            return $self->hashToJson($obj);
        elsif($type eq 'ARRAY'){
            return $self->arrayToJson($obj);
        elsif ($type) { # blessed object?
            if (blessed($obj)) {

                if ($convert_blessed) {
                    if ( $obj->can('TO_JSON') ) {
                        return $self->toJson( $obj->TO_JSON() );

                if ($self->{self_encode} and $obj->can('toJson')) {
                    return $self->selfToJson($obj);
                elsif (!$obj->isa('JSON::PP::Boolean')) { # handling in valueToJson

                    encode_error("allow_blessed") unless ($allow_blessed);

                    return 'null' unless ($convert_blessed);

                    return 'null';
            else {
                return $self->valueToJson($obj);

    sub hashToJson {
        my ($self, $obj) = @_;
        my ($k,$v);
        my %res;

        encode_error("data structure too deep (hit recursion limit)")
                                         if (++$depth > $max_depth);

        my ($pre, $post) = $indent ? $self->_upIndent() : ('', '');
        my $del = ($self->{space_before} ? ' ' : '') . ':' . ($self->{space_after} ? ' ' : '');

        for my $k (keys %$obj) {
            my $v = $obj->{$k};
            $res{$k} = $self->toJson($v) || $self->valueToJson($v);

        $self->_downIndent() if ($indent);

        return '{' . $pre
                   . join(",$pre", map { utf8::decode($_) if ($] < 5.008);
                     _stringfy($self, $_)
                   . $del . $res{$_} } _sort($self, \%res))
                   . $post
                   . '}';

    sub arrayToJson {
        my ($self, $obj) = @_;
        my @res;

        encode_error("data structure too deep (hit recursion limit)")
                                         if (++$depth > $max_depth);

        my ($pre, $post) = $indent ? $self->_upIndent() : ('', '');

        for my $v (@$obj){
            push @res, $self->toJson($v) || $self->valueToJson($v);

        $self->_downIndent() if ($indent);

        return '[' . $pre . join(",$pre" ,@res) . $post . ']';

    sub valueToJson {
        my ($self, $value) = @_;

        return 'null' if(!defined $value);

        my $b_obj = B::svref_2object(\$value);  # for round trip problem
        # SvTYPE is IV or NV?

        return $value # as is 
            if ( ($b_obj->FLAGS & B::SVf_IOK or  $b_obj->FLAGS & B::SVp_IOK
                        or $b_obj->FLAGS & B::SVf_NOK or $b_obj->FLAGS & B::SVp_NOK
                   ) and !($b_obj->FLAGS & B::SVf_POK )

        my $type = ref($value);

            return _stringfy($self, $value);
        elsif( blessed($value) and  $value->isa('JSON::PP::Boolean') ){
            return $$value == 1 ? 'true' : 'false';
        elsif ($type) {
            if ((overload::StrVal($value) =~ /=(\w+)/)[0]) {
                return $self->valueToJson("$value");

            if ($type eq 'SCALAR' and defined $$value) {
                return   $$value eq '1' ? 'true'
                       : $$value eq '0' ? 'false' : encode_error("cannot encode reference.");

            if ($type eq 'CODE') {
                encode_error("JSON can only reference.");
            else {
                encode_error("cannot encode reference.");

        else {
            return $self->{fallback}->($value)
                 if ($self->{fallback} and ref($self->{fallback}) eq 'CODE');
            return 'null';


    my %esc = (
        "\n" => '\n',
        "\r" => '\r',
        "\t" => '\t',
        "\f" => '\f',
        "\b" => '\b',
        "\"" => '\"',
        "\\" => '\\\\',
        "\'" => '\\\'',

    sub _stringfy {
        my ($self, $arg) = @_;

        $arg =~ s/([\x22\x5c\n\r\t\f\b])/$esc{$1}/eg;
        $arg =~ s/\//\\\//g if ($escape_slash);
        $arg =~ s/([\x00-\x08\x0b\x0e-\x1f])/'\\u00' . unpack('H2', $1)/eg;

        if ($ascii) {
            $arg = JSON_encode_ascii($arg);

        if ($latin1) {
            $arg = JSON_encode_latin1($arg);

        if ($utf8 or $disable_UTF8) {

        return '"' . $arg . '"';

    sub selfToJson {
        my ($self, $obj) = @_;
        return $obj->toJson($self);

    sub encode_error {
        my $error  = shift;
        Carp::croak "$error";

    sub _sort {
        my ($self, $res) = @_;
        defined $keysort ? (sort $keysort (keys %$res)) : keys %$res;

    sub _upIndent {
        my $self  = shift;
        my $space = ' ' x $indent;

        my ($pre,$post) = ('','');

        $post = "\n" . $space x $indent_count;


        $pre = "\n" . $space x $indent_count;

        return ($pre,$post);

    sub _downIndent { $_[0]->{indent_count}--; }

} # Convert

sub _encode_ascii {
        map {
            $_ <= 127 ?
                chr($_) :
            $_ <= 65535 ?
                sprintf('\u%04x', $_) :
                join("", map { '\u' . $_ }
                        unpack("H4H4", Encode::encode('UTF-16BE', pack("U", $_))));
        } unpack('U*', $_[0])

sub _encode_latin1 {
        map {
            $_ <= 255 ?
                chr($_) :
            $_ <= 65535 ?
                sprintf('\u%04x', $_) :
                join("", map { '\u' . $_ }
                        unpack("H4H4", Encode::encode('UTF-16BE', pack("U", $_))));
        } unpack('U*', $_[0])

# JSON => Perl

# from Adam Sussman
use Config;
my $max_intsize = length(((1 << (8 * $Config{intsize} - 2))-1)*2 + 1) - 1;
#my $max_intsize = length(2 ** ($Config{intsize} * 8)) - 1;

{ # PARSE 

    my %escapes = ( #  by Jeremy Muhlich <jmuhlich [at]>
        b    => "\x8",
        t    => "\x9",
        n    => "\xA",
        f    => "\xC",
        r    => "\xD",
        '\\' => '\\',
        '"'  => '"',
        '/'  => '/',

    my $text; # json data
    my $at;   # offset
    my $ch;   # 1chracter
    my $len;  # text length (changed according to UTF8 or NON UTF8)

    my $is_utf8;
    my $depth;
    my $encoding;

    my $literal_value;  # unmmaping
    my $utf8;           # 
    my $max_depth;      # max nest nubmer of objects and arrays
    my $allow_bigint;   # using Math::BigInt
    my $disable_UTF8;   # don't flag UTF8 on
    my $singlequote;    # loosely quoting
    my $strict;         # 
    my $allow_barekey;  # bareKey

    my $max_size;
    my $relaxed;
    my $cb_object;
    my $cb_sk_object;

    my $F_HOOK;

    # $opt flag
    # 0x00000001 .... decode_prefix

    sub decode_json {
        my ($self, $opt); # $opt is an effective flag during this decode_json.

        ($self, $text, $opt) = @_;

        ($at, $ch, $depth) = (0, '', 0);

        if (!defined $text or ref $text) {
            decode_error("malformed text data.");

        $is_utf8 = 1 if (utf8::is_utf8($text));

        $len  = length $text;

        ($utf8, $literal_value, $max_depth, $allow_bigint, $disable_UTF8, $strict, $singlequote, $allow_barekey,
            $max_size, $relaxed, $cb_object, $cb_sk_object, $F_HOOK)
             = @{$self}{qw/utf8 literal_value max_depth allow_bigint disable_UTF8 strict singlequote allow_barekey
                            max_size relaxed cb_object cb_sk_object F_HOOK/};

        if ($max_size and $len > $max_size) { # this lines must be up.

        unless ($self->{allow_nonref}) {
            unless (defined $ch and ($ch eq '{' or $ch eq '[')) {
                decode_error('JSON text must be an object or array'
                       . ' (but found number, string, true, false or null,'
                       . ' use allow_nonref to allow this)', 1);

        # Currently no effective
        my @octets = unpack('C4', $text);
        $encoding =   ( $octets[0] and  $octets[1]) ? 'UTF-8'
                    : (!$octets[0] and  $octets[1]) ? 'UTF-16BE'
                    : (!$octets[0] and !$octets[1]) ? 'UTF-32BE'
                    : ( $octets[2]                ) ? 'UTF-16LE'
                    : (!$octets[2]                ) ? 'UTF-32LE'
                    : 'unknown';

        my $result = value();

        if ($len >= $at) {
            my $consumed = $at - 1;
            if ($ch) {
                decode_error("garbage after JSON object") unless ($opt & 0x00000001);
                return ($result, $consumed);


    sub next_chr {
        return $ch = undef if($at >= $len);
        $ch = substr($text, $at++, 1);

    sub value {
        return          if(!defined $ch);
        return object() if($ch eq '{');
        return array()  if($ch eq '[');
        return string() if($ch eq '"' or ($singlequote and $ch eq "'"));
        return number() if($ch eq '-');
        return $ch =~ /\d/ ? number() : word();

    sub string {
        my ($i,$s,$t,$u);
        my @utf16;

        $s = ''; # basically UTF8 flag on

        if($ch eq '"' or ($singlequote and $ch eq "'")){
            my $boundChar = $ch if ($singlequote);

            OUTER: while( defined(next_chr()) ){

                if((!$singlequote and $ch eq '"') or ($singlequote and $ch eq $boundChar)){

                    if (@utf16) {
                        decode_error("missing low surrogate character in surrogate pair");

                    if($disable_UTF8) {
                        utf8::encode($s) if (utf8::is_utf8($s));
                    else {

                    return $s;
                elsif($ch eq '\\'){
                    if(exists $escapes{$ch}){
                        $s .= $escapes{$ch};
                    elsif($ch eq 'u'){ # UNICODE handling
                        my $u = '';

                            $ch = next_chr();
                            last OUTER if($ch !~ /[0-9a-fA-F]/);
                            $u .= $ch;

                        $s .= JSON_decode_unicode($u, \@utf16) || next;

                        if ($strict) {
                            decode_error('invalid escaped character');
                        $s .= $ch;
                    if ($utf8 and $is_utf8) {
                        if( hex(unpack('H*', $ch))  > 255 ) {
                            decode_error("malformed UTF-8 character in JSON string");
                    elsif ($strict) {
                        if ($ch =~ /[\x00-\x1f\x22\x5c]/)  { # / ok
                            decode_error('invalid character');

                    $s .= $ch;

        if ($relaxed) { # from object(), relaxed
            if ((( caller(1) )[3]) =~ /object$/ and $ch eq '}') {

        decode_error("Bad string (unexpected end)");

    sub white {
        while( defined $ch  ){
            if($ch le ' '){
            elsif($ch eq '/'){
                if($ch eq '/'){
                    1 while(defined(next_chr()) and $ch ne "\n" and $ch ne "\r");
                elsif($ch eq '*'){
                        if(defined $ch){
                            if($ch eq '*'){
                                if(defined(next_chr()) and $ch eq '/'){
                            decode_error("Unterminated comment");
                    decode_error("Syntax decode_error (whitespace)");

                if ($relaxed and $ch eq '#') {
                    pos($text) = $at;
                    $text =~ /\G([^\n]*(?:\r\n|\r|\n))/g;
                    $at = pos($text);


    sub object {
        my $o = {};
        my $k;

        if($ch eq '{'){
            decode_error('json datastructure exceeds maximum nesting level (set a higher max_depth)')
                                                    if (++$depth > $max_depth);
            if(defined $ch and $ch eq '}'){
                if ($F_HOOK) {
                    return _json_object_hook($o);
                return $o;
            while(defined $ch){
                $k = ($allow_barekey and $ch ne '"' and $ch ne "'") ? bareKey() : string();

                if(!defined $ch or $ch ne ':'){

                    if ($relaxed and $ch eq '}') { # not beautiful...
                        if ($F_HOOK) {
                            return _json_object_hook($o);
                        return $o;

                    decode_error("Bad object ; ':' expected");

                $o->{$k} = value();

                last if (!defined $ch);

                if($ch eq '}'){
                    if ($F_HOOK) {
                        return _json_object_hook($o);
                    return $o;
                elsif($ch ne ','){


            decode_error("Bad object ; ,or } expected while parsing object/hash");

    sub bareKey { # doesn't strictly follow Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition
        my $key;
        while($ch =~ /[^\x00-\x23\x25-\x2F\x3A-\x40\x5B-\x5E\x60\x7B-\x7F]/){
            $key .= $ch;
        return $key;

    sub word {
        my $word =  substr($text,$at-1,4);

        if($word eq 'true'){
            $at += 3;
            return $JSON::PP::true;
        elsif($word eq 'null'){
            $at += 3;
            return undef;
        elsif($word eq 'fals'){
            $at += 3;
            if(substr($text,$at,1) eq 'e'){
                return $JSON::PP::false;

        if ($relaxed) { # from array(), relaxed
            if ((( caller(2) )[3]) =~ /array$/ and $ch eq ']') {

        $at--; # for decode_error report

        decode_error("Syntax decode_error (word) 'null' expected")  if ($word =~ /^n/);
        decode_error("Syntax decode_error (word) 'true' expected")  if ($word =~ /^t/);
        decode_error("Syntax decode_error (word) 'false' expected") if ($word =~ /^f/);
        decode_error("Syntax decode_error (word)" .
                        " malformed json string, neither array, object, number, string or atom");

    sub number {
        my $n    = '';
        my $v;

        # According to RFC4627, hex or oct digts are invalid.
        if($ch eq '0'){
            my $peek = substr($text,$at,1);
            my $hex  = $peek =~ /[xX]/; # 0 or 1

                decode_error("malformed number (leading zero must not be followed by another digit)");
                ($n) = ( substr($text, $at+1) =~ /^([0-9a-fA-F]+)/);
            else{ # oct
                ($n) = ( substr($text, $at) =~ /^([0-7]+)/);
                if (defined $n and length $n > 1) {
                    decode_error("malformed number (leading zero must not be followed by another digit)");

            if(defined $n and length($n)){
                if (!$hex and length($n) == 1) {
                   decode_error("malformed number (leading zero must not be followed by another digit)");
                $at += length($n) + $hex;
                return $hex ? hex($n) : oct($n);

        if($ch eq '-'){
            $n = '-';
            if (!defined $ch or $ch !~ /\d/) {
                decode_error("malformed number (no digits after initial minus)");

        while(defined $ch and $ch =~ /\d/){
            $n .= $ch;

        if(defined $ch and $ch eq '.'){
            $n .= '.';

            if (!defined $ch or $ch !~ /\d/) {
                decode_error("malformed number (no digits after decimal point)");
            else {
                $n .= $ch;

            while(defined(next_chr) and $ch =~ /\d/){
                $n .= $ch;

        if(defined $ch and ($ch eq 'e' or $ch eq 'E')){
            $n .= $ch;

            if(defined($ch) and ($ch eq '+' or $ch eq '-')){
                $n .= $ch;
                if (!defined $ch or $ch =~ /\D/) {
                    decode_error("malformed number (no digits after exp sign)");
                $n .= $ch;
            elsif(defined($ch) and $ch =~ /\d/){
                $n .= $ch;
            else {
                decode_error("malformed number (no digits after exp sign)");

            while(defined(next_chr) and $ch =~ /\d/){
                $n .= $ch;


        $v .= $n;

        if ($allow_bigint) { # from Adam Sussman
            require Math::BigInt;
            return Math::BigInt->new($v) if ($v !~ /[.eE]/ and length $v > $max_intsize);

        return 0+$v;

    sub array {
        my $a  = [];

        if ($ch eq '[') {
            decode_error('json datastructure exceeds maximum nesting level (set a higher max_depth)')
                                                        if (++$depth > $max_depth);
            if(defined $ch and $ch eq ']'){
                return $a;

                push @$a, value();


                if (!defined $ch) {

                if($ch eq ']'){
                    return $a;
                elsif($ch ne ','){



        decode_error(", or ] expected while parsing array");

    sub decode_error {
        my $error  = shift;
        my $no_rep = shift;
        my $str    = defined $text ? substr($text, $at) : '';

        unless (length $str) { $str = '(end of string)'; }

        if ($no_rep) {
            Carp::croak "$error";
        else {
            Carp::croak "$error, at character offset $at [\"$str\"]";

    sub _json_object_hook {
        my $o    = $_[0];
        my @ks = keys %{$o};

        if ( $cb_sk_object and @ks == 1 and exists $cb_sk_object->{ $ks[0] } and ref $cb_sk_object->{ $ks[0] } ) {
            my @val = $cb_sk_object->{ $ks[0] }->( $o->{$ks[0]} );
            if (@val == 1) {
                return $val[0];

        my @val = $cb_object->($o) if ($cb_object);
        if (@val == 0 or @val > 1) {
            return $o;
        else {
            return $val[0];


sub _decode_unicode {
    my $u     = $_[0];
    my $utf16 = $_[1];

    # U+10000 - U+10FFFF

    # U+D800 - U+DBFF
    if ($u =~ /^[dD][89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{2}/) { # UTF-16 high surrogate?
        push @$utf16, $u;
    # U+DC00 - U+DFFF
    elsif ($u =~ /^[dD][c-fC-F][0-9a-fA-F]{2}/) { # UTF-16 low surrogate?
        unless (scalar(@$utf16)) {
            decode_error("missing high surrogate character in surrogate pair");
        my $str = pack('H4H4', @$utf16, $u);
        @$utf16 = ();
        return Encode::decode('UTF-16BE', $str); # UTF-8 flag on
    else {
        if (scalar(@$utf16)) {
            decode_error("surrogate pair expected");

        return chr(hex($u));


# Utilities

    eval 'require Scalar::Util';
        *JSON::PP::blessed = \&Scalar::Util::blessed;
    else{ # This code is from Sclar::Util.
        # warn $@;
        eval 'sub UNIVERSAL::a_sub_not_likely_to_be_here { ref($_[0]) }';
        *JSON::PP::blessed = sub {
            local($@, $SIG{__DIE__}, $SIG{__WARN__});
            ref($_[0]) ? eval { $_[0]->a_sub_not_likely_to_be_here } : undef;

# shamely copied and modified from JSON::XS code.

$JSON::PP::true  = do { bless \(my $dummy = 1), "JSON::PP::Boolean" };
$JSON::PP::false = do { bless \(my $dummy = 0), "JSON::PP::Boolean" };

sub is_bool { defined $_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "JSON::PP::Boolean"); }

sub true  { $JSON::PP::true  }
sub false { $JSON::PP::false }
sub null  { undef; }


# must be removed

sub JSON::true  () { $JSON::PP::true; }

sub JSON::false () { $JSON::PP::false; }

sub JSON::null  () { undef; }


package JSON::PP::Boolean;

use overload
   "0+"     => sub { ${$_[0]} },
   "++"     => sub { $_[0] = ${$_[0]} + 1 },
   "--"     => sub { $_[0] = ${$_[0]} - 1 },
   '""'     => sub { ${$_[0]} == 1 ? 'true' : 'false' },

    'eq'    => \&comp,

   fallback => 1;

sub comp {
    my ($obj, $op) = ref ($_[0]) ? ($_[0], $_[1]) : ($_[1], $_[0]);
    if ($op eq 'true' or $op eq 'false') {
        return "$obj" eq 'true' ? 'true' eq $op : 'false' eq $op;
    else {
        return $obj ? 1 == $op : 0 == $op;



=head1 NAME

JSON::PP - An experimental JSON::XS compatible Pure Perl module.


 use JSON::PP;

 $obj       = from_json($json_text);
 $json_text = to_json($obj);

 # or

 $obj       = jsonToObj($json_text);
 $json_text = objToJson($obj);

 $json = new JSON;
 $json_text = $json->ascii->pretty($obj);

 # you can set options to functions.

 $json_text = to_json($obj, {ascii => 1, intend => 2});
 $obj       = from_json($json_text, {utf8 => 0});


This module is L<JSON::XS> compatible Pure Perl module.
( Perl better than 5.008 is recommended)

Module variables ($JSON::*) were abolished.

JSON::PP will be renamed JSON (JSON-2.0).

Many things including error handling are learned from L<JSON::XS>.
For t/02_error.t compatible, error messages was copied partially from JSON::XS.



=item * perhaps correct unicode handling

This module knows how to handle Unicode (perhaps),
but not yet documents how and when it does so.

In Perl5.6x, Unicode handling requires L<Unicode::String> module.

Perl 5.005_xx, Unicode handling is disable currenlty.

=item * round-trip integrity

This module solved the problem pointed out by JSON::XS
using L<B> module.

=item * strict checking of JSON correctness

I want to bring close to XS.
How do you want to carry out?

you can set C<strict> decoding method.

=item * slow

Compared to other JSON modules, this module does not compare
favourably in terms of speed. Very slowly!

=item * simple to use

This module became very simple.
Since its interface were anyway made the same as JSON::XS.

=item * reasonably versatile output formats

See to L<JSON::XS>.




=item to_json

See to JSON::XS.
C<objToJson> is an alias.

=item from_json

See to JSON::XS.
C<jsonToObj> is an alias.

=item JSON::PP::true

Returns JSON true value which is blessed object.
It C<isa> JSON::PP::Boolean object.

=item JSON::PP::false

Returns JSON false value which is blessed object.
It C<isa> JSON::PP::Boolean object.

=item JSON::PP::null

Returns C<undef>.


=head1 METHODS


=item new

Returns JSON::PP object.

=item ascii

See to JSON::XS.

In Perl 5.6, this method requires L<Unicode::String>.
If you don't have Unicode::String,
the method is always set to false and warns.

In Perl 5.005, this option is currently disable.

=item latin1

See to JSON::XS.

In Perl 5.6, this method requires L<Unicode::String>.
If you don't have Unicode::String,
the method is always set to false and warns.

In Perl 5.005, this option is currently disable.

=item utf8

See to JSON::XS.

Currently this module always handles UTF-16 as UTF-16BE.

=item pretty

See to JSON::XS.

=item indent

See to JSON::XS.
Strictly, this module does not carry out equivalent to XS.


is not the same as this:


=item space_before

See to JSON::XS.

=item space_after


=item canonical

See to JSON::XS.
Strictly, this module does not carry out equivalent to XS.
This method can take a subref for sorting (see to L<JSON>).

=item allow_nonref

See to JSON::XS.

=item shrink

Not yet implemented.

=item max_depth

See to JSON::XS. 
Strictly, this module does not carry out equivalent to XS.
By default, 512.

When a large value is set, it may raise a warning 'Deep recursion on subroutin'.

=item max_size

=item relaxed

=item allow_blessed

=item convert_blessed

=item filter_json_object 

=item filter_json_single_key_object 

=item encode

See to JSON::XS.

=item decode

See to JSON::XS.
In Perl 5.6, if you don't have Unicode::String,
the method can't handle UTF-16(BE) char and returns as is.

=item property


 $json->property(utf8 => 1); # $json->utf8(1);

 $value = $json->property('utf8'); # returns 1.

=item self_encode

See L<JSON/BLESSED OBJECT>'s I<self convert> function.

Will be obsoleted.

=item disable_UTF8

If this option is set, UTF8 flag in strings generated
by C<encode>/C<decode> is off.

=item allow_tied

Now disable.

=item singlequote

Allows to decode single quoted strings.

Unlike L<JSON> module, this module does not encode
Perl string into single quoted string any longer.

=item allow_barekey

Allows to decode bare key of member.

=item allow_bigint

When json text has any integer in decoding more than Perl can't handle,
If this option is on, they are converted into L<Math::BigInt> objects.

=item strict

For JSON format, unescaped [\x00-\x1f\x22\x2f\x5c] strings are invalid and
JSON::XS decodes just like that (except for \x2f). While this module can deocde thoese.
But if this option is set, the module strictly decodes.

This option will be obsoleted and 'un-strict' will be added insted.

=item escape_slash

By default, JSON::PP encodes strings without escaping slash (U+002F).
Setting the option to escape slash.


=head1 MAPPING

Now same as JSON::XS.


Using a benchmark program in the JSON::XS (v1.11) distribution.

 module     |     encode |     decode |
 JSON::PP   |  11092.260 |   4482.033 |
 JSON::XS   | 341513.380 | 226138.509 |

In case t/12_binary.t (JSON::XS distribution).
(shrink of JSON::PP has no effect.)

JSON::PP takes 147 (sec).

JSON::XS takes 4.

=head1 TODO


=item Document!

It is troublesome.

=item clean up

Under the cleaning.


=head1 SEE ALSO



=head1 AUTHOR

Makamaka Hannyaharamitu, E<lt>makamaka[at]cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright 2007 by Makamaka Hannyaharamitu

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. 
