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test file for Haskell syntax highlighting in KDE's Kate

The test file for literate Haskell can be easily created like this:
 cat highlight.hs | sed -e "s|^|> |" -e "s|> -- ||" -e "s|^> $||" > highlight.lhs
You only have to manually edit the multi-line comment below.

this is a single-line comment

{- this is a multi-line comment

Things like "a string" or a 'c' character shouldn't be highlighted in here.

I could even start a new
one-line comment.


a data definition

> data Tree a = Br (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a | Nil deriving (Show, Eq)

function definition, "funnyfunction::", "Integer", "Int", "Bool" should be highlighted

> funnyfunction::(Tree a)=>[a]->Integer->Int->Bool

strings and chars
first line of function definitions (type declaration) should be highlighted

> strangefunction::Int->String
> strangefunction 1 = "hello"
> strangefunction 2 = "what's up"
> strangefunction 3 = (strangefunction 1) ++ ", " ++ (strangefunction 2)
> strangefunction 4 = 'a':'b':'c':'"':[] -- will return "abc"
> strangefunction 5 = '\n':[]
> strangefunction 6 = '\invalidhaskell':[]

function name including the single quote character
and infix operator (`div`)

> justtesting'::Int->Int
> justtesting' 2 = 2+1
> justtesting' 9 = 7 `div` 2

same definition as above, slightly different function name and a couple more whitespaces

> justtesting''	::	Int -> Int
> justtesting''   2 = 3
> justtesting''	9	=   3 + 9 - 9

the following lines are copied out of Haskell's "Prelude.hs"

> infixl 7  *, /, `quot`, `rem`, `div`, `mod`, :%, %

everything highlighted except the "a"

> class Bounded a where
>     minBound, maxBound :: a

> class (Num a, Ord a) => Real a where
>     toRational     :: a -> Rational

finally, some keyword lists


> case, class, data, deriving, do, else, if, in, infixl, infixr, instance, let, module, of, primitive,
> then, type, where

infix operators

> quot, rem, div, mod, elem, notElem, seq

this stuff is not handled yet

> !!, %, &&, $!, $, *, **, -,., /=, <, <=, =<<, ==, >, >=, >>, >>=, ^, ^^, ++, ||


> FilePath, IOError, abs, acos, acosh, all, and, any, appendFile,
> approxRational, asTypeOf, asin, asinh, atan, atan2, atanh, basicIORun,
> break, catch, ceiling, chr, compare, concat, concatMap, const, cos, cosh,
> curry, cycle, decodeFloat, denominator, digitToInt, div, divMod, drop,
> dropWhile, either, elem, encodeFloat, enumFrom, enumFromThen,
> enumFromThenTo, enumFromTo, error, even, exp, exponent, fail, filter, flip,
> floatDigits, floatRadix, floatRange, floor, fmap, foldl, foldl1, foldr,
> foldr1, fromDouble, fromEnum, fromInt, fromInteger, fromIntegral,
> fromRational, fst, gcd, getChar, getContents, getLine, head, id, inRange,
> index, init, intToDigit, interact, ioError, isAlpha, isAlphaNum, isAscii,
> isControl, isDenormalized, isDigit, isHexDigit, isIEEE, isInfinite, isLower,
> isNaN, isNegativeZero, isOctDigit, isPrint, isSpace, isUpper, iterate, last,
> lcm, length, lex, lexDigits, lexLitChar, lines, log, logBase, lookup, map,
> mapM, mapM_, max, maxBound, maximum, maybe, min, minBound, minimum, mod,
> negate, not, notElem, null, numerator, odd, or, ord, otherwise, pi, pred,
> primExitWith, print, product, properFraction, putChar, putStr, putStrLn,
> quot, quotRem, range, rangeSize, read, readDec, readFile, readFloat,
> readHex, readIO, readInt, readList, readLitChar, readLn, readOct, readParen,
> readSigned, reads, readsPrec, realToFrac, recip, rem, repeat, replicate,
> return, reverse, round, scaleFloat, scanl, scanl1, scanr, scanr1, seq,
> sequence, sequence_, show, showChar, showInt, showList, showLitChar,
> showParen, showSigned, showString, shows, showsPrec, significand, signum,
> sin, sinh, snd, span, splitAt, sqrt, subtract, succ, sum, tail, take,
> either, elem, encodeFloat, enumFrom, enumFromThen, enumFromThenTo,
> enumFromTo, error, even, exp, exponent, fail, filter, flip, floatDigits,
> floatRadix, floatRange, floor, fmap, takeWhile, tan, tanh, threadToIOResult,
> toEnum, toInt, toInteger, toLower, toRational, toUpper, truncate, uncurry,
> undefined, unlines, until, unwords, unzip, unzip3, userError, words,
> writeFile, zip, zip3, zipWith, zipWith3

type constructors

> Bool, Char, Double, Either, Float, IO, Integer, Int, Maybe, Ordering, Rational, Ratio, ReadS,
> ShowS, String


> Bounded, Enum, Eq, Floating, Fractional, Functor, Integral, Ix, Monad, Num, Ord, Read, RealFloat,
> RealFrac, Real, Show

data constructors

> EQ, False, GT, Just, LT, Left, Nothing, Right, True