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use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;

package Pod::Markdown;
  $Pod::Markdown::VERSION = '1.110730';
# ABSTRACT: Convert POD to Markdown
use parent qw(Pod::Parser);

sub initialize {
    my $self = shift;

sub _private {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{_MyParser} ||= {
        Text      => [],       # final text
        Indent    => 0,        # list indent levels counter
        ListType  => '-',      # character on every item
        searching => ''   ,    # what are we searching for? (title, author etc.)
        Title     => undef,    # page title
        Author    => undef,    # page author

sub as_markdown {
    my ($parser, %args) = @_;
    my $data  = $parser->_private;
    my $lines = $data->{Text};
    my @header;
    if ($args{with_meta}) {
        @header = $parser->_build_markdown_head;
    join("\n" x 2, @header, @{$lines});

sub _build_markdown_head {
    my $parser    = shift;
    my $data      = $parser->_private;
    my $paragraph = '';
    if (defined $data->{Title}) {
        $paragraph .= sprintf '[[meta title="%s"]]', $data->{Title};
    if (defined $data->{Author}) {
        $paragraph .= "\n" . sprintf '[[meta author="%s"]]', $data->{Author};
    return $paragraph;

sub _save {
    my ($parser, $text) = @_;
    my $data = $parser->_private;
    $text = $parser->_indent_text($text);
    push @{ $data->{Text} }, $text;

sub _unsave {
    my $parser = shift;
    my $data = $parser->_private;
    return pop @{ $data->{Text} };

sub _indent_text {
    my ($parser, $text) = @_;
    my $data   = $parser->_private;
    my $level  = $data->{Indent};
    my $indent = undef;
    if ($level > 0) {
    $indent = ' ' x ($level * 4);
    my @lines = map { $indent . $_; } split(/\n/, $text);
    return wantarray ? @lines : join("\n", @lines);

sub _clean_text {
    my $text    = $_[1];
    my @trimmed = grep { $_; } split(/\n/, $text);
    return wantarray ? @trimmed : join("\n", @trimmed);

sub command {
    my ($parser, $command, $paragraph, $line_num) = @_;
    my $data = $parser->_private;

    # cleaning the text
    $paragraph = $parser->_clean_text($paragraph);

    # is it a header ?
    if ($command =~ m{head(\d)}xms) {
        my $level = $1;

        $paragraph = $parser->interpolate($paragraph, $line_num);

        # the headers never are indented
        $parser->_save($parser->format_header($level, $paragraph));
        if ($level == 1) {
            if ($paragraph =~ m{NAME}xmsi) {
                $data->{searching} = 'title';
            } elsif ($paragraph =~ m{AUTHOR}xmsi) {
                $data->{searching} = 'author';
            } else {
                $data->{searching} = '';

    # opening a list ?
    elsif ($command =~ m{over}xms) {

        # update indent level

        # closing a list ?
    } elsif ($command =~ m{back}xms) {

        # decrement indent level
        $data->{searching} = '';
    } elsif ($command =~ m{item}xms) {
        $paragraph = $parser->interpolate($paragraph, $line_num);
        $paragraph =~ s{^\h* \* \h*}{}xms;

        if ($data->{searching} eq 'listpara') {
            $data->{searching} = 'listheadhuddled';
        else {
            $data->{searching} = 'listhead';

        if (length $paragraph) {
            $parser->textblock($paragraph, $line_num);

    # ignore other commands

sub verbatim {
    my ($parser, $paragraph) = @_;

sub textblock {
    my ($parser, $paragraph, $line_num) = @_;
    my $data = $parser->_private;

    # interpolate the paragraph for embebed sequences
    $paragraph = $parser->interpolate($paragraph, $line_num);

    # clean the empty lines
    $paragraph = $parser->_clean_text($paragraph);

    # searching ?
    if ($data->{searching} =~ m{title|author}xms) {
        $data->{ ucfirst $data->{searching} } = $paragraph;
        $data->{searching} = '';
    } elsif ($data->{searching} =~ m{listhead(huddled)?$}xms) {
        my $is_huddled = $1;
        $paragraph = sprintf '%s %s', $data->{ListType}, $paragraph;
        if ($is_huddled) {
            $paragraph = $parser->_unsave() . "\n" . $paragraph;
        $data->{searching} = 'listpara';
    } elsif ($data->{searching} eq 'listpara') {
        $data->{searching} = '';

    # save the text

sub interior_sequence {
    my ($seq_command, $seq_argument, $pod_seq) = @_[1..3];
    my %interiors = (
        'I' => sub { return '_' . $_[1] . '_' },      # italic
        'B' => sub { return '__' . $_[1] . '__' },    # bold
        'C' => sub { return '`' . $_[1] . '`' },      # monospace
        'F' => sub { return '`' . $_[1] . '`' },      # system path
        'S' => sub { return '`' . $_[1] . '`' },      # code
        'E' => sub {
            my $charname = $_[1];
            return '<' if $charname eq 'lt';
            return '>' if $charname eq 'gt';
            return '|' if $charname eq 'verbar';
            return '/' if $charname eq 'sol';
            return "&$charname;";
        'L' => \&_resolv_link,
    if (exists $interiors{$seq_command}) {
        my $code = $interiors{$seq_command};
        return $code->($seq_command, $seq_argument, $pod_seq);
    } else {
        return sprintf '%s<%s>', $seq_command, $seq_argument;

sub _resolv_link {
    my ($cmd, $arg) = @_;
    my $text = $arg =~ s"^(.+?)\|"" ? $1 : '';

    if ($arg =~ m{^http|ftp}xms) { # direct link to a URL
        $text ||= $arg;
        return sprintf '[%s](%s)', $text, $arg;
    } elsif ($arg =~ m{^/(.*)$}) {
        $text ||= $1;
        $text = $1;
        return "[$text](\#pod_$1)";
    } elsif ($arg =~ m{^(\w+(?:::\w+)*)$}) {
        $text ||= $1;
        return "[$text]($1)";
    } else {
        return sprintf '%s<%s>', $cmd, $arg;

sub format_header {
    my ($level, $paragraph) = @_[1,2];
    sprintf '%s %s', '#' x $level, $paragraph;



=for stopwords textblock thompsonclan Pagaltzis

=head1 NAME

Pod::Markdown - Convert POD to Markdown

=head1 VERSION

version 1.110730


    my $parser = Pod::Markdown->new;
    print $parser->as_markdown;


This module subclasses L<Pod::Parser> and converts POD to Markdown.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 initialize

Initializes a newly constructed object.

=head2 as_markdown

Returns the parsed POD as Markdown. Takes named arguments. If the C<with_meta>
argument is given a positive value, meta tags are generated as well.

=head2 command

Handles POD command paragraphs, denoted by a line beginning with C<=>.

=head2 verbatim

Handles verbatim text.

=head2 textblock

Handles normal blocks of POD.

=head2 interior_sequence

Handles interior sequences in POD. An interior sequence is an embedded command
within a block of text which appears as a command name - usually a single
uppercase character - followed immediately by a string of text which is
enclosed in angle brackets.

=head2 format_header

Formats a header according to the given level.


See perlmodinstall for information and options on installing Perl modules.


No bugs have been reported.

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at


The latest version of this module is available from the Comprehensive Perl
Archive Network (CPAN). Visit L<> to find a CPAN
site near you, or see L<>.

The development version lives at L<>
and may be cloned from L<git://>.
Instead of sending patches, please fork this project using the standard
git and github infrastructure.

=head1 AUTHORS

=over 4

=item *

Marcel Gruenauer <>

=item *

Victor Moral <>

=item *

Ryan C. Thompson <rct at thompsonclan d0t org>

=item *

Aristotle Pagaltzis <>



This software is copyright (c) 2004 by Marcel Gruenauer.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
