The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;

package Term::Shell::Enhanced;
  $Term::Shell::Enhanced::VERSION = '1.101420';

# ABSTRACT: More functionality for Term::Shell
use Sys::Hostname;
use Getopt::Long;
use Cwd;
use parent qw(
      num hostname log name longname prompt_spec history_filename

# These aren't the constructor()'s DEFAULTS()!  Because new() comes from
# Term::Shell, we don't have the convenience of the the 'constructor'
# MethodMaker-generated constructor. Therefore, Term::Shell::Enhanced defines
# its own mechanism.
    my $self = shift;
    (   num         => 0,
        name        => 'mysh',
        longname    => 'My Custom Shell',
        prompt_spec => ': \n:\#; ',
        hostname    => ((split(/\./, hostname))[0]),

sub get_history_filename {
    my $self     = shift;
    my $filename = $self->history_filename;
    return $filename if defined $filename;

    # Per default, the history file name is derived from the shell name, with
    # non-word characters suitably changed to make a sane filename.
    (my $name = $self->name) =~ s/\W/_/g;

sub init {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @{ $self->{API}{args} };
    $self->log($args{log}) unless defined $self->log;
    $self->opt($args{opt}) unless defined $self->opt;
    my %defaults = $self->every_hash('DEFAULTS');
    while (my ($key, $value) = each %defaults) {
        $self->$key($value) unless defined $self->$key;

    # Only now can we try to read the history file, because the
    # 'history_filename' might have been defined in the DEFAULTS().
    if ($self->{term}->Features->{setHistory}) {
        my $filename = $self->get_history_filename;
        if (-r $filename) {
            open(my $fh, '<', $filename)
              or die "can't open history file $filename: $!\n";
            chomp(my @history = <$fh>);
            close $fh or die "can't close history file $filename: $!\n";

sub print_greeting {
    my $self = shift;
    printf <<EOINTRO, $self->name, $self->longname, our $VERSION;

%s -- %s (v%s)

Type 'help' for help, 'help <command>' for more detailed help on a command.


sub precmd {
    my ($self, $args) = @_[0,3];
    @$args = $self->expand(@$args);

sub expand {
    my $self = shift;
    for (@_) {

        # it's easier to do this here instead of in cmd() because the input
        # will already have been split into words, so we can use '^' in
        # regexes to do what we mean.
        s[\$([_A-Za-z0-9]+)][$ENV{$1} || '']eg;

sub cmd {
    my $self = shift;
    my $line = shift;
    if ($line =~ /^(\w+)/) {
        my $word = $1;
        if (exists $self->{SHELL}{alias}{$word}) {
            $line =~ s/^$word/ $self->{SHELL}{alias}{$word} /g;

    my $self = shift;
    (   h    => $self->hostname,
        n    => $self->name,
        '#'  => $self->num,
        '\\' => '\\',

# Can't use every_hash, because that caches and we might need dynamic values,
# such as the prompt number ($self->num)
sub prompt_str {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->num($self->num + 1);
    my %prompt_vars = $self->every_hash('PROMPT_VARS', 1);    # no caching
    (my $prompt = $self->prompt_spec) =~ s/\\(.)/$prompt_vars{$1} || ''/ge;

# The empty command; this sub needs to be there or the shell would exit
sub run_ {
    my $self = shift;

    # don't let the empty command count
    $self->num($self->num - 1);

sub postloop {
    my $self = shift;
    print "\n";
    if ($self->{term}->Features->{getHistory}) {
        my $filename = $self->get_history_filename;
        open(my $fh, '>', $filename)
          or die "can't open history file $filename for writing: $!\n";
        print $fh "$_\n" for grep { length } $self->{term}->GetHistory;
        close $fh or die "can't close history file $filename: $!\n";

# ========================================================================
# External commands
# ========================================================================
sub smry_eval { "how to evaluate Perl code" }

sub help_eval {
    <<'END' }
You can evaluate snippets of Perl code just by putting them on a line
beginning with !:

  psh:~> ! print "$_\n" for keys %ENV

    my $eval_num = "000001";

    sub catch_run {
        my ($o, $command, @args) = @_;

        # Evaluate perl code if it's a ! line.
        if ($command =~ s/^!//) {
            (my $code = $o->line) =~ s/^!//;
            my $really_long_string = <<END;
package Term::Shell::Enhanced::namespace_$eval_num;
    no strict;
    eval "no warnings";
    local \$^W = 0;
                local *_;
                my ($eval_num, $o, $command, @args, $code);
                eval $really_long_string;
            print "$@\n" if $@;
        } elsif ($command =~ s/^@//) {

            # Real external commands.
            system($command, @args);
        } elsif ($command =~ s/^://) {

            # The noop; ignore it
        } else {
            print "unknown command\n";

# ========================================================================
# set
# ========================================================================
sub smry_set { 'set environment variables' }

sub help_set {
    <<'END' }
set: set [ name[=value] ... ]
    set lets you manipulate environment variables. You can view environment
    variables using 'set'. To view specific variables, use 'set name'. To set
    environment variables, use 'set foo=bar'.


sub run_set {
    if (@_) {
        for my $arg (@_) {
            my ($key, $val) = split /=/, $arg;
            if (defined $val) {
                $ENV{$key} = $val;
            } else {
                $val = $ENV{$key} || '';
                print "$key=$val\n";
    } else {
        my ($key, $val);
        while (($key, $val) = each %ENV) {
            print "$key=$val\n";

# ========================================================================
# cd
# ========================================================================
sub smry_cd { 'change working directory' }

sub help_cd {
    <<'END' }
cd: cd [dir]
    Change the current directory to the given directory. If no directory is
    given, the current value of $HOME is used.


sub run_cd {
    my $dir = $_[1];
    $dir = $ENV{HOME} unless defined $dir;
    chdir $dir or do {
        print "$0: $dir: $!\n";
    $ENV{PWD} = $dir;

# ========================================================================
# pwd
# ========================================================================
sub smry_pwd { 'print working directory' }

sub help_pwd {
    <<'END' }
pwd: cwd
    Prints the current working directory.


sub run_pwd {
    print getcwd;

# ========================================================================
# alias
# ========================================================================
sub smry_alias { 'view or set command aliases' }

sub help_alias {
    <<'END' }
alias: [ name[=value] ... ]
    'alias' with no arguments prints the list of aliases in the form
    NAME=VALUE on standard output. An alias is defined for each NAME whose
    VALUE is given.


sub run_alias {
    my $o = shift;
    if (@_) {
        for my $a (@_) {
            my ($key, $val) = split /=/, $a;
            if (defined $val) {
                $o->{SHELL}{alias}{$key} = $val;
            } else {
                $val = $o->{SHELL}{alias}{$key};
                print "alias $key=$val\n" if defined $val;
                print "alias: '$key' not found\n" if not defined $val;
    } else {
        my %alias = %{ $o->{SHELL}{alias} || {} };
        for my $alias (sort keys %alias) {
            printf "alias %s=%s\n", $alias, $alias{$alias};

# ========================================================================
# echo
# ========================================================================
sub smry_echo { 'output the args' }

sub help_echo {
    <<END }
echo [arg ...]
  Output the args.


sub run_echo {
    my ($self, @args) = @_;
    my @exp = $self->expand(@args);
    defined $_ or $_ = '' for @exp;
    print "@exp\n" if @exp;

# ========================================================================
# quit
# ========================================================================
sub smry_quit { 'exits the program' }

sub help_quit {
    <<END }
  Exits the program.


sub run_quit {
    my $self = shift;

# ========================================================================
# apropos
# ========================================================================
sub smry_apropos { 'like "help", but limited to a topic' }

sub help_apropos {
    <<END }
apropos <word>
  Like the "help" command, but limits the information to commands that contain
  the given word in the command name or the summary.


# The implementation is taken directly from the run_help() method.
sub run_apropos {
    my $self = shift;
    my $word = shift;
    $word = '' unless defined $word;
    print "Type 'help command' for more detailed help on a command.\n";
    my (%cmds, %docs);
    for my $h (keys %{ $self->{handlers} }) {
        next unless length($h);
          unless grep { defined $self->{handlers}{$h}{$_} } qw(run smry help);
        my $dest = exists $self->{handlers}{$h}{run} ? \%cmds : \%docs;
        my $smry =
          exists $self->{handlers}{$h}{smry}
          ? $self->summary($h)
          : "undocumented";
        my $help =
          exists $self->{handlers}{$h}{help}
          ? (
            exists $self->{handlers}{$h}{smry}
            ? ""
            : " - but help available"
          : " - no help available";
        $dest->{"    $h"} = "$smry$help";
    my (%apropos_cmds, %apropos_docs);

    # retain only matching commands and docs descriptions
    for my $cmd (keys %cmds) {
        next if index("$cmd$cmds{$cmd}", $word) == -1;
        $apropos_cmds{$cmd} = $cmds{$cmd};
    for my $doc (keys %docs) {
        next if index("$doc$docs{$doc}", $word) == -1;
        $apropos_docs{$doc} = $docs{$doc};
    print "  Commands:\n" if %apropos_cmds;
        [ sort keys %apropos_cmds ],
        [ map { $apropos_cmds{$_} } sort keys %apropos_cmds ],
        ' - ', 1
    print "  Extra Help Topics: (not commands)\n" if %apropos_docs;
        [ sort keys %apropos_docs ],
        [ map { $apropos_docs{$_} } sort keys %apropos_docs ],
        ' - ', 1


=for stopwords cmd fini getopt postloop precmd

=head1 NAME

Term::Shell::Enhanced - More functionality for Term::Shell

=head1 VERSION

version 1.101420


    package MyShell;
    use parent qw(Term::Shell::Enhanced);
    sub run_date { print scalar localtime, "\n" }
    sub smry_date { 'prints the current date and time' }

    sub help_date {
        'This command prints the current date and time as returned
         by the localtime() function.'

    package main;
    my $shell = MyShell->new;


This class subclasses L<Term::Shell> and adds some functionality.

=head1 METHODS


This method returns a hash of default attribute mappings. Among these, the
shell's name is set to C<mysh>; the prompt is set and the hostname is set per
L<Sys::Hostname>. You can override these attributes when subclassing this
class or when instantiating the shell.


Defines variables that can be used in prompt strings. See L</"FEATURES"> for

=head2 catch_run

This is a fallback handler used by L<Term::Shell> when the C<run> command is
invoked on an unimplemented command. It checks whether the command line
entered starts with a C<!> and if so, evaluates it as a perl command. If the
command line starts with a C<@>, it is executed as a C<system()> command. If
the command line starts with a C<:>, it is ignored.

=head2 cmd

Extends L<Term::Shell>'s C<cmd()> by adding aliases. See L</"FEATURES"> for

=head2 expand

When the command line has been split into words, this method is called. It
performs tilde and environment variable expansion.

=head2 get_history_filename

Returns the name of the file in which the shell's command line history is
being stored. If the C<history_filename> attribute is defined, that value will
be returned. Otherwise C<%s_history> where C<%s> is replaced by the shell's

=head2 help_alias

Returns a help string for the C<alias> command.

=head2 help_apropos

Returns a help string for the C<apropos> command.

=head2 help_cd

Returns a help string for the C<cd> command.

=head2 help_echo

Returns a help string for the C<cd> command.

=head2 help_eval

Returns a help string for the C<eval> command.

=head2 help_pwd

Returns a help string for the C<pwd> command.

=head2 help_quit

Returns a help string for the C<quit> command.

=head2 help_set

Returns a help string for the C<set> command.

=head2 init


=head2 postloop


=head2 precmd


=head2 print_greeting


=head2 prompt_str


=head2 run_


=head2 run_alias

Runs the C<alias> command.

=head2 run_apropos

Runs the C<apropos> command.

=head2 run_cd

Runs the C<cd> command.

=head2 run_echo

Runs the C<cd> command.

=head2 run_pwd

Runs the C<pwd> command.

=head2 run_quit

Runs the C<quit> command.

=head2 run_set

Runs the C<set> command.

=head2 smry_alias

Returns a summary string for the C<alias> command.

=head2 smry_apropos

Returns a summary string for the C<apropos> command.

=head2 smry_cd

Returns a summary string for the C<cd> command.

=head2 smry_echo

Returns a summary string for the C<cd> command.

=head2 smry_eval

Returns a summary string for the C<eval> command.

=head2 smry_pwd

Returns a summary string for the C<pwd> command.

=head2 smry_quit

Returns a summary string for the C<quit> command.

=head2 smry_set

Returns a summary string for the C<set> command.


The following features are added:

=over 4

=item C<history>

When the shell starts up, it tries to read the command history from the
history file. Before quitting, it writes the command history to the history
file - it does not append to it, it overwrites the file.

The default history file name is the shell name - with non-word characters
replaced by underscores -, followed by C<_history>, as a dotfile in
C<$ENV{HOME}>. For example, if you shell's name is C<mysh>, the default
history file name will be C<~/.mysh_history>.

You can override the history file name in the C<DEFAULTS()>, like this:

    use constant DEFAULTS => (
        history_filename => ...,

=item C<alias replacement>

See the C<alias> command below.

=item C<prompt strings>

When subclassing Term::Shell::Enhanced, you can define how you want your
prompt to look like. Use C<DEFAULTS()> to override this.

    use constant DEFAULTS => (
        prompt_spec => ...,

You can use the following prompt variables:

    h    the hostname
    n    the shell name
    '#'  the command number (increased after each command)
    \\   a literal backslash

You can extend the list of available prompt variables by defining your own
PROMPT_VARS() - they are cumulative over the class hierarchy.

    use constant PROMPT_VARS => (
        key => value,

Since more elaborate prompt variables will have some interaction with the
shell object, you might need a more elaborate C<PROMPT_VARS()> definition:

    sub PROMPT_VARS {
        my $self = shift;
            key => $self->some_method,

The prompt variables are interpolated anew for every prompt.

The default prompt string is:

    ': \n:\#; ',

so if your shell is called C<mysh>, the default prompt looks somewhat like

   : mysh:1; 



The following commands are added:

=over 4

=item C<eval>

You can evaluate snippets of Perl code just by putting them on a line
beginning with C<!>:

  psh:~> ! print "$_\n" for keys %ENV

=item C<set [name[=value] ... ]>

C<set> lets you manipulate environment variables. You can view environment
variables using C<set>. To view specific variables, use C<set name>. To set
environment variables, use C<set foo=bar>.

=item C<cd [dir]>

  cd foo/bar/baz

Change the current directory to the given directory. If no directory is given,
the current value of C<$HOME> is used.

=item C<pwd>

Prints the current working directory.

=item C<alias [ name[=value] ... ]>

C<alias> with no arguments prints the list of aliases in the form
C<NAME=VALUE> on standard output. An alias is defined for each C<NAME> whose
C<VALUE> is given.

When you enter any command, it is checked against aliases and replaced if
there is an alias defined for it. Only the command name - that is, the first
word of the input line - undergoes alias replacement.

=item C<echo [arg ...]>

Output the args.

=item C<quit>

Exits the program.

=item C<apropos <word>>

Like the C<help> command, but limits the information to commands that contain
the given word in the command name or the summary.



See perlmodinstall for information and options on installing Perl modules.


No bugs have been reported.

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at


The latest version of this module is available from the Comprehensive Perl
Archive Network (CPAN). Visit L<> to find a CPAN
site near you, or see

The development version lives at
Instead of sending patches, please fork this project using the standard git
and github infrastructure.

=head1 AUTHOR

  Marcel Gruenauer <>


This software is copyright (c) 2005 by Marcel Gruenauer.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
