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package dip;
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.10.0;
use Aspect 1.02;
use Aspect::Point::Functions;
use Data::Dumper;
use Carp;
use File::Slurp qw(read_file);
use autodie;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);  # so they're available to aspects
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
our $VERSION = '1.17';
our %opt;
$dip::dip = sub { _instrument(); undef $dip::dip; };

sub import {
    while ($_[0] =~ /^-(\w+)$/) {
    our $advice = read_file($opt{_filename} = $_[0]);
    die "dip: no instrumentation found\n" unless length $advice;

sub _eval_code {
    my $code = shift;
    ## no critic
    no strict;
    eval <<EOCODE;
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.10.0;

    die $@ if $@;

sub _instrument {
    our $did_instrument;
    warn "warning: dip::instrument() run more than once\n" if $did_instrument++;
    _eval_code our $advice;

sub run {
    my $file = shift;
    $file =~ s!~/!$ENV{HOME}/!;
    _eval_code scalar read_file($file);

sub define ($$) {
    $opt{ $_[0] } = $_[1];

sub ustack {
    my $depth     = shift || 20;
    my $trace     = '';
    my $min_level = -1;
    while (1) {
        my ($pkg, $sub) = (caller(++$min_level))[ 0, 3 ];
        last unless [ $pkg, $sub ] ~~ /^(Aspect::|dip\b)/o;
    for my $level ($min_level .. $min_level + $depth - 1) {
        my $sub = (caller($level))[3];
        next unless $sub;
        $trace .= $sub . "\n";

sub cluck {
    local %Carp::CarpInternal = %Carp::CarpInternal;
    $Carp::CarpInternal{$_}++ for qw(dip Aspect::Hook);
    Carp::cluck @_;

sub longmess {
    local %Carp::CarpInternal = %Carp::CarpInternal;
    $Carp::CarpInternal{$_}++ for qw(dip Aspect::Hook);
    Carp::longmess @_;

sub count ($@) {
    my ($type, @value) = @_;
    our %counter;
    my $value = join "\n" => @value;

sub _dump_counters {
    while (my ($type, $hash) = each our %counter) {
        print "Counter '$type':\n";

sub _dump_counter_hash {
    my $hash = shift;
    my ($max_length_key, $max_length_value) = (0, 0);
    my $seen_newline = 0;
    while (my ($key, $value) = each %$hash) {
        if (index($key, "\n") != -1) {
            $max_length_key = 0;
        if (!$seen_newline && length($key) > $max_length_key) {
            $max_length_key = length($key);
        $max_length_value = length($value)
          if length($value) > $max_length_value;
    for my $key (sort { $hash->{$a} <=> $hash->{$b} } keys %$hash) {
        print "\n" if index($key, "\n") != -1;
        printf "  %-${max_length_key}s %${max_length_value}d\n", $key,

# helpers for direct use in command-line aspects
sub dump_var {
    no warnings 'once';
    local $Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = 0;
    local $Data::Dumper::Indent    = 1;
    print Dumper \@_;

sub rtrim {
    local $_ = shift;
    1 while chomp;
sub rref ($) { ref $_[0] || $_[0] }

# In advice, $_->{args} contains a reference to the wrapped sub's @_.
# Use this like ARGS(2,1) === $_->{args}[2] . ' ' . $_->{args}[1]
sub ARGS {
    return $_->{args}[ $_[0] ] if @_ == 1;
    join ' ' => (@{ $_->{args} })[@_];
# quantize                                                           #
sub quantize ($$) {
    my ($names, $value) = @_;
    $names = [$names] unless ref $names eq 'ARRAY';
    for my $name (@$names) {
        $name = "@$name" if ref $name eq 'ARRAY';
        our %quantize;
        $quantize{$name} //= [];
        my $index = int(log($value) / log(2));
        $index = 0 if $index < 0;

sub _dump_quantize (;$$) {
    my ($width, $char) = @_;
    for my $name (sort keys our %quantize) {
        _dump_one_quantize($name, $width, $char);

sub _dump_one_quantize ($;$$) {
    my ($name, $width, $char) = @_;
    $width //= 50;
    $char  //= '@';
    our %quantize;

    # extend by one so we see the next-higher value on an empty last line
    my @q = (@{ $quantize{$name} || [] }, 0);
    $_ //= 0 for @q;
    my $lhs_length = 12;
    my $max_value  = 0;
    for (@q) { $max_value = $_ if $_ > $max_value }
    my $scale = 1 + int($max_value / $width);
    print "$name\n";
    my $title  = ' Distribution ';
    my $dashes = ($width - length($title)) / 2;
    printf "%${lhs_length}s  %${width}s count\n", 'value',
      ('-' x $dashes) . $title . ('-' x $dashes);

    # FIXME use tests to check for off-by-one errors
    my $saw_nonempty_line = 0;
    for (0 .. $#q) {

        # There's at least one bucket so if we didn't see a nonempty line so
        # far, $_+1 will still be in range.
        next if !$saw_nonempty_line && $q[$_] == 0 && $q[ $_ + 1 ] == 0;
        my $plot_length = $q[$_] / $scale;
        $plot_length = 1 if $q[$_] && $plot_length < 1;
        printf "%${lhs_length}d |%-${width}s %d\n", 2**$_,
          $char x $plot_length, $q[$_];
    print "\n";
    $dip::dip->() unless $opt{delay};

    ## no critic
    no strict;
    my $namespace = __PACKAGE__ . '::';

    # taken from Package::Stash::PP->list_all_symbols
    my @hash_symbols = grep {
        ref(\$namespace->{$_}) eq 'GLOB'
          && defined(*{ $namespace->{$_} }{HASH})
    } keys %{$namespace};
    for my $hash_symbol (@hash_symbols) {
        next if $hash_symbol ~~ [qw(counter quantize opt)];
        my $hash = *{ $namespace . $hash_symbol }{HASH};
        no warnings 'once';
        local $Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = 0;
        local $Data::Dumper::Indent    = 1;
        print Data::Dumper->Dump([$hash], [$hash_symbol]);


=for stopwords DTrace rref rtrim ustack longmess

=for test_synopsis 1;

=head1 NAME

dip - Dynamic instrumentation like DTrace, using aspects


    # run a dip script from a file; pass perl switches after the '--'
    $ dip -s toolkit/count-new.dip -- -S

    # run an inline dip script
    $ dip -e 'our %c; before {
        count("constructor", ARGS(1), ustack(5)); $c{total}++ } call "URI::new"'

    # a more complex dip script
    $ cat quant-requests.dip
    # quantize request handling time, separated by request method/URI
    around {
        my $ts_start = [gettimeofday];
        quantize [ 'all', [ ARGS(1)->method,  ARGS(1)->request_uri ] ] =>
    } call 'Dancer::Handler::handle_request';
    $ dip -s request-quant.dip
    GET /
           value  ------------------ Distribution ------------------ count
            1024 |                                                   0
            2048 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    95
            4096 |@@                                                 4
            8192 |                                                   0
           16384 |@                                                  1
           32768 |                                                   0

    GET /login
           value  ------------------ Distribution ------------------ count
             512 |                                                   0
            1024 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                70
            2048 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                    30
            4096 |                                                   0

    # The next example relies on Aspect::Library::Profiler, so
    # if something goes wrong, you need to look in the Aspect modules.
    $ dip -e 'aspect Profiler => call qr/^Person::set_/'

=head1 NOTE

This is the documentation for the C<dip> module. If you are looking
for the documentation on the C<dip> program, use C<perldoc dip> or
C<man 1 dip>.


C<dip> is a dynamic instrumentation framework for troubleshooting Perl
programs in real time. C<dip> can provide fine-grained information,
such as a log of the arguments with which a specific function is being

Conceptually, C<dip> sits on top of L<Aspect> and uses pointcuts and
advice - to use Aspect-oriented programming jargon - to define dynamic
instrumentation. These instruments are applied to the program from the
outside, without having to change the program code at all. While most
C<dip> scripts will consist of aspect-oriented instrumentation, they
can also use the full power of Perl.

C<dip> aims to bring some of the power of DTrace to perl. Therefore it
is useful to stick to DTrace terminology. C<dip> pointcuts resemble
DTrace "probes"; C<dip> advice resembles DTrace "actions".

Whenever the condition for a probe is met, the associated action
is executed; the probe "fires". A typical probe might fire when
a certain function is entered or exited. The probe's action may
analyze the run-time situation by accessing the call stack and context
variables and evaluating expressions; it can then print out or log
some information, record it in a database, or modify variables - an
action is, after all, pure Perl code. Using variables allows probes to
pass information to each other, allowing them to cooperatively analyze
the correlation of different events. For example, a probe that fires
when a function is entered could record the current time; another
probe that fires when that function is exited could record how much
time the function took.

Because of the nature of Aspect-oriented programming in Perl, you only
pay for what you use. When probes are defined, all existing possible
locations for running the action are examined, and the probe is only
activated for those locations that match the probe's condition.

=head2 Output

At the end of your program run, during C<END> time, all aggregators -
see below - will dump their results. Also any other hashes you have
written to in your dip scripts will be dumped if they are declared as
C<our> variables.

For example, if you simply wanted to know which kinds of objects have
been instantiated at least once, you could use:

    our %c;
    before { $c{total}++ } call qr/::new$/

and then C<%c> will be dumped.

=head2 Aggregating functions

C<dip> provides aggregating functions that help in understanding a set
of data. You can keep counts of occurrences, or quantize data, much
like with DTrace.

The C<quantize> aggregating function generates a power-of-two
distribution - see its documentation.


=head2 import

Remembers the dip script given on the command-line so we can run it in
C<instrument()>. Complains if there was no dip script. The C<--delay>
option is passed in this way as well.

=head2 _instrument

Evaluates the dip script we remembered in C<import()> using
C<_eval_code()>. Dies if there was a problem evaluating it.

Normally this function will be called automatically during C<INIT>
time, but you can delay by giving the C<--delay> option to C<dip>; you
would use this if your program loads other code at runtime - using
C<do()>, for example - that needs to be instrumented as well. In that
case you have manually activate the instrumentation using:

    $dip::dip && $dip::dip->();

=head2 run

Convenience function that takes a filename and evaluates the contents
of the file using C<_eval_code()>. This is what C<dip -s> uses. For

    dip -s myscript.dip

is more or less turned into:

    dip -e 'run q!$file!'

=head2 ustack

Returns a concise stack trace. Takes an argument of how many levels
deep the stack trace should be; the default is 20 levels. Stack frames
that point to a package name in the C<Aspect::> or C<dip> namespace
are omitted.

Example: count how many times a C<XML::LibXML::NodeList> object is
created, and keep a separate counter for each place it is created
from, remembering three stack frames for each place:

    before { count "constructor", ARGS(0), ustack(3) }
        call 'XML::LibXML::NodeList::new'

=head2 cluck

Returns what L<Carp>'s C<cluck()> would return, again with C<Aspect::>
and C<dip> namespaces omitted.

=head2 longmess

Returns what L<Carp>'s C<longmess()> would return, again with
C<Aspect::> and C<dip> namespaces omitted.

=head2 count

This aggregator function takes a counter name and a value and keeps a
count of how often this value was seen for this counter.

You can pass several values; they will be concatenated using newlines.
See the example for C<ustack()>.

Example: For each class, count how many objects are created. Also keep
a total count.

    before { count("constructor", ARGS(0)); $c{total}++ }
        call qr/::new$/

=head2 dump_var

Convenience method to dump a variable like L<Data::Dumper> does.

Example: Show all requests a L<Dancer> web application handles:

    before { dump_var ARGS(1) }
        call 'Dancer::Handler::handle_request'

=head2 rtrim

Convenience function to right-trim a string.

=head2 rref

Convenience function that, if given a string - for example, a package
name -, just returns the string, but if given an object, it returns
that object's class.

Useful if objects you want to instrument are sometimes created by
calling C<new()> on existing objects:

    before { count("constructor", rref ARGS(0)) } call qr/::new$/

=head2 ARGS

Convenience function to access the arguments of a function that
you are instrumenting. C<ARGS(0)>, for example, returns the first
argument. You can use several argument indices; in this case the
indicated function arguments will be stringified and concatenated with
a space.

C<ARGS(0)> is equivalent to C<< $_->{args}[0] >>; C<ARGS(1,2)> is
equivalent to C<< join ' ' => ARGS(0), ARGS(1) >> - see L<Aspect> for
the kind of context information that is passed to advice code.

For example:

    # print SQL statements as they are prepared by DBI
    before { print ARGS(1) } call qr/DBI::.*::prepare/

=head2 quantize

This aggregator function takes a name, or an reference to a list of
names, and a value. For each name, it keeps track of a power-of-two
frequency distribution of the values of the specified expressions.
Increments the value in the highest power-of-two bucket that is less
than the specified expression.

If a name is an array reference itself, the array elements are joined
by single spaces. So you can write:

    quantize [ 'all', [ ARGS(1)->method,  ARGS(1)->request_uri ] ] => ...

Suppose C<ARGS(1)> is an HTTP requst, then this builds two
distributions, one called C<all>, and another that consists of the
method and URI of the request, for example C<GET /login>.

=head2 gettimeofday

The C<gettimeofday()> function from L<Time::HiRes> is available to dip

=head2 tv_interval

The C<tv_interval()> function from L<Time::HiRes> is available to dip

=head2 Color constants

Color constants from L<Term::ANSIColor> are available to dip scripts.
For example:

    before { say RED, ARGS(1), RESET } call qr/DBI::.*::prepare/

prints each DBI query in red text as it is prepared.

=head2 _eval_code

Is called for advice given on the command line and dip scripts
evaluated by C<run()>.

The following code is prepended to the code:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use 5.10.0;

so that dip scripts are properly checked and C<say()> is available.

=head2 define

This is a helper function used by the C<dip> program to pass options
to dip scripts.


When calling the C<dip> program, you can pass values to the
instrumentation code using the C<--define> command-line option. This
option can be given several times and each time expects an argument
of the form C<key=value>. These arguments are available to the
instrumentation code in C<%opt>.


    $ dip count-uri-new-with-ustack.dip --define depth=5

Would work with this instrumentation code:

    my $depth = $opt{depth} // 5;
    before { count constructor => ustack($depth) }
        call 'URI::new' & cflow qr/Dancer/;

If the C<--verbose> option was given in the C<dip> program invocation,
that option will be in C<%opt> as well.


dip scripts are just Perl code and as such can use any helper module.
For example, you might use the following code at the beginning of your
dip scripts:

    use strict;
    use warnings;

=head2 p

The C<p()> function from L<Data::Printer> can be useful to dip scripts.


    # Print a stack trace every time the name is changed,
    # except when reading from the database.
    use DDP;
    before { print longmess(p $_->{args}[1]) if $_->{args}[1] }
        call "MyObj::name" & !cflow("MyObj::read")

=head2 ONCE

The C<ONCE()> function provided by L<once> can be used to run advice
only the first time the relevant join point is encountered. For

    # Print Dancer's route registry, but only once, since it's
    # not going to change.
    use once;
    use DDP;
    before { ONCE { p(Dancer::App->current->registry) } }
        call "Dancer::Handler::handle_request"

=head1 AUTHOR

The following person is the author of all the files provided in
this distribution unless explicitly noted otherwise.

Marcel Gruenauer <>, L<>


The following copyright notice applies to all the files provided in
this distribution, including binary files, unless explicitly noted

This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Marcel Gruenauer.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.