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## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## MCE::Queue - Hybrid queues (normal including priority) for Many-core Engine.

package MCE::Queue;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Fcntl qw( :flock O_RDONLY );
use Socket qw( :crlf PF_UNIX PF_UNSPEC SOCK_STREAM );
use Scalar::Util qw( looks_like_number );
use bytes;

our $VERSION = '1.515'; $VERSION = eval $VERSION;

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Import routine.

our ($HIGHEST, $LOWEST, $FIFO, $LILO, $LIFO, $FILO) = (1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0);

our $TYPE    = $FIFO;

my $_loaded;

sub import {

   my $class = shift; return if ($_loaded++);

   ## Process module arguments.
   while (my $_arg = shift) {

      if ( $_arg =~ /^porder$/i ) {
         _croak("MCE::Queue::import: 'PORDER' must be 1 or 0")
            if (!defined $_[0] || ($_[0] ne '1' && $_[0] ne '0'));

         $MCE::Queue::PORDER = shift;
      if ( $_arg =~ /^type$/i ) {
         _croak("MCE::Queue::import: 'TYPE' must be 1 or 0")
            if (!defined $_[0] || ($_[0] ne '1' && $_[0] ne '0'));

         $MCE::Queue::TYPE = shift;

      _croak("MCE::Queue::import: '$_arg' is not a valid module argument");

   ## Define public methods to internal methods.
   no strict 'refs'; no warnings 'redefine';

   if (defined $MCE::VERSION && MCE->wid == 0) {
   else {
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::clear'      } = \&MCE::Queue::_clear;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::enqueue'    } = \&MCE::Queue::_enqueue;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::enqueuep'   } = \&MCE::Queue::_enqueuep;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::dequeue'    } = \&MCE::Queue::_dequeue;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::dequeue_nb' } = \&MCE::Queue::_dequeue;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::pending'    } = \&MCE::Queue::_pending;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::insert'     } = \&MCE::Queue::_insert;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::insertp'    } = \&MCE::Queue::_insertp;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::peek'       } = \&MCE::Queue::_peek;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::peekp'      } = \&MCE::Queue::_peekp;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::peekh'      } = \&MCE::Queue::_peekh;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::heap'       } = \&MCE::Queue::_heap;


## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Define constants & variables.

use constant {

   OUTPUT_C_QUE => 'C~QUE',           ## Clear the queue

   OUTPUT_A_QUE => 'A~QUE',           ## Enqueue into queue (array)
   OUTPUT_A_QUP => 'A~QUP',           ## Enqueue into queue (array (p))
   OUTPUT_R_QUE => 'R~QUE',           ## Enqueue into queue (reference)
   OUTPUT_R_QUP => 'R~QUP',           ## Enqueue into queue (reference (p))
   OUTPUT_S_QUE => 'S~QUE',           ## Enqueue into queue (scalar)
   OUTPUT_S_QUP => 'S~QUP',           ## Enqueue into queue (scalar (p))

   OUTPUT_D_QUE => 'D~QUE',           ## Dequeue from queue (blocking)
   OUTPUT_D_QUN => 'D~QUN',           ## Dequeue from queue (non-blocking)

   OUTPUT_N_QUE => 'N~QUE',           ## Return the number of items

   OUTPUT_I_QUE => 'I~QUE',           ## Insert into queue
   OUTPUT_I_QUP => 'I~QUP',           ## Insert into queue (p)

   OUTPUT_P_QUE => 'P~QUE',           ## Peek into queue
   OUTPUT_P_QUP => 'P~QUP',           ## Peek into queue (p)
   OUTPUT_P_QUH => 'P~QUH',           ## Peek into heap

   OUTPUT_H_QUE => 'H~QUE'            ## Return the heap

## ** Attributes used internally and listed here.
## _datp _datq _heap _id _nb_flag _qr_sock _qw_sock _standalone _porder _type

my %_valid_fields_new = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
   gather porder queue type

my $_queues = {};
my $_id = 0;


   my $_queue = $_[0];

   undef $_queue->{_datp}; undef $_queue->{_datq}; undef $_queue->{_heap};
   delete $_queues->{ $_queue->{_id} } if (exists $_queue->{_id});

   return if (defined $MCE::MCE && $MCE::MCE->wid);

   if (defined $_queue->{_qr_sock}) {
      close $_queue->{_qw_sock}; undef $_queue->{_qw_sock};
      close $_queue->{_qr_sock}; undef $_queue->{_qr_sock};


## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## New instance instantiation.

sub new {

   my ($class, %argv) = @_;

   @_ = ();

   my $_queue = {}; bless($_queue, ref($class) || $class);

   for (keys %argv) {
      _croak("MCE::Queue::new: '$_' is not a valid constructor argument")
         unless (exists $_valid_fields_new{$_});

   $_queue->{_datp} = {};  ## Priority data { p1 => [ ], p2 => [ ], pN => [ ] }
   $_queue->{_heap} = [];  ## Priority heap [ pN, p2, p1 ] ## in heap order
                           ## fyi, _datp will always dequeue before _datq

   $_queue->{_porder} = (exists $argv{porder} && defined $argv{porder})
      ? $argv{porder} : $MCE::Queue::PORDER;

   $_queue->{_type} = (exists $argv{type} && defined $argv{type})
      ? $argv{type} : $MCE::Queue::TYPE;

   ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------

   _croak("MCE::Queue::new: 'porder' must be 1 or 0")
      if ($_queue->{_porder} ne '1' && $_queue->{_porder} ne '0');

   _croak("MCE::Queue::new: 'type' must be 1 or 0")
      if ($_queue->{_type} ne '1' && $_queue->{_type} ne '0');

   if (exists $argv{queue}) {
      _croak("MCE::Queue::new: 'queue' is not an ARRAY reference")
         if (ref $argv{queue} ne 'ARRAY');

      $_queue->{_datq} = $argv{queue};
   else {
      $_queue->{_datq} = [];

   if (exists $argv{gather}) {
      _croak("MCE::Queue::new: 'gather' is not a CODE reference")
         if (ref $argv{gather} ne 'CODE');

      $_queue->{gather} = $argv{gather};

   ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------

   if (defined $MCE::VERSION) {
      if (MCE->wid == 0) {
         $_queue->{_id} = ++$_id; $_queues->{$_id} = $_queue;

         socketpair( $_queue->{_qr_sock}, $_queue->{_qw_sock},
            PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC ) or die "socketpair: $!\n";

         binmode $_queue->{_qr_sock};
         binmode $_queue->{_qw_sock};

         CORE::shutdown $_queue->{_qr_sock}, 1;      ## No more writing
         CORE::shutdown $_queue->{_qw_sock}, 0;      ## No more reading

         my $_old_hndl = select $_queue->{_qr_sock}; $| = 1;
                         select $_queue->{_qw_sock}; $| = 1;

         select $_old_hndl;

         syswrite $_queue->{_qw_sock}, $LF
            if (exists $argv{queue} && scalar @{ $argv{queue} });
      else {
         $_queue->{_standalone} = 1;

   return $_queue;

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Clear method.

sub _clear {

   my $_queue = shift;

   %{ $_queue->{_datp} } = ();
   @{ $_queue->{_datq} } = ();
   @{ $_queue->{_heap} } = ();


## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Enqueue methods.

## Add items to the tail of the queue.

sub _enqueue {

   my $_queue = shift;

   ## Append item(s) into the queue.
   push @{ $_queue->{_datq} }, @_;


## Add items to the tail of the queue with priority level.

sub _enqueuep {

   my $_queue = shift; my $_p = shift;

   _croak("MCE::Queue::enqueuep: 'priority' is not an integer")
      if (!looks_like_number($_p) || int($_p) != $_p);

   return unless (scalar @_);

   ## Enlist priority into the heap.
   if (!exists $_queue->{_datp}->{$_p} || @{ $_queue->{_datp}->{$_p} } == 0) {

      unless (scalar @{ $_queue->{_heap} }) {
         push @{ $_queue->{_heap} }, $_p;
      elsif ($_queue->{_porder}) {
      else {

   ## Append item(s) into the queue.
   push @{ $_queue->{_datp}->{$_p} }, @_;


## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Dequeue and pending methods.

## Return item(s) from the queue.

sub _dequeue {

   my $_queue = $_[0];

   if (defined $_[1] && $_[1] ne '1') {
      my @_items; my $_c = $_[1];

      _croak("MCE::Queue::dequeue: 'count argument' is not valid")
         if (!looks_like_number($_c) || int($_c) != $_c || $_c < 1);

      push(@_items, $_queue->_dequeue()) for (1 .. $_c);

      return @_items;

   ## Return item from the non-priority queue.
   unless (scalar @{ $_queue->{_heap} }) {
      return ($_queue->{_type})
         ? shift @{ $_queue->{_datq} } : pop @{ $_queue->{_datq} };

   my $_p = $_queue->{_heap}->[0];

   ## Delist priority from the heap when 1 item remains.
   shift @{ $_queue->{_heap} }
      if (@{ $_queue->{_datp}->{$_p} } == 1);

   ## Return item from the priority queue.
   return ($_queue->{_type})
      ? shift @{ $_queue->{_datp}->{$_p} } : pop @{ $_queue->{_datp}->{$_p} };

## Return the number of items in the queue.

sub _pending {

   my $_pending = 0; my $_queue = shift;

   $_pending += @{ $_queue->{_datp}->{$_} } for (@{ $_queue->{_heap} });
   $_pending += @{ $_queue->{_datq} };

   return $_pending;

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Insert methods.

## Insert items anywhere into the queue.

sub _insert {

   my $_queue = shift; my $_i = shift;

   _croak("MCE::Queue::insert: 'index' is not an integer")
      if (!looks_like_number($_i) || int($_i) != $_i);

   return unless (scalar @_);

   if ($_i > @{ $_queue->{_datq} }) {
      push @{ $_queue->{_datq} }, @_;
   else {
      $_i = 0 if (abs($_i) > @{ $_queue->{_datq} });
      splice @{ $_queue->{_datq} }, $_i, 0, @_;


## Insert items anywhere into the queue with priority level.

sub _insertp {

   my $_queue = shift; my $_p = shift; my $_i = shift;

   _croak("MCE::Queue::insertp: 'priority' is not an integer")
      if (!looks_like_number($_p) || int($_p) != $_p);

   _croak("MCE::Queue::insertp: 'index' is not an integer")
      if (!looks_like_number($_i) || int($_i) != $_i);

   return unless (scalar @_);

   if (exists $_queue->{_datp}->{$_p} && scalar @{ $_queue->{_datp}->{$_p} }) {
      if ($_i > @{ $_queue->{_datp}->{$_p} }) {
         push @{ $_queue->{_datp}->{$_p} }, @_;
      else {
         $_i = 0 if (abs($_i) > @{ $_queue->{_datp}->{$_p} });
         splice @{ $_queue->{_datp}->{$_p} }, $_i, 0, @_;
   else {
      $_queue->_enqueuep($_p, @_);


## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Peek and heap methods.

## Return an item without removing it from the queue.

sub _peek {

   my $_queue = shift; my $_i = shift || 0;

   _croak("MCE::Queue::peek: 'index' is not an integer")
      if (!looks_like_number($_i) || int($_i) != $_i);

   return $_queue->{_datq}->[$_i];

## Return an item without removing it from the queue with priority level.

sub _peekp {

   my $_queue = shift; my $_p = shift; my $_i = shift || 0;

   _croak("MCE::Queue::peekp: 'priority' is not an integer")
      if (!looks_like_number($_p) || int($_p) != $_p);

   _croak("MCE::Queue::peekp: 'index' is not an integer")
      if (!looks_like_number($_i) || int($_i) != $_i);

   return undef unless (exists $_queue->{_datp}->{$_p});
   return $_queue->{_datp}->{$_p}->[$_i];

## Return a priority level without removing it from the heap.

sub _peekh {

   my $_queue = shift; my $_i = shift || 0;

   _croak("MCE::Queue::peekh: 'index' is not an integer")
      if (!looks_like_number($_i) || int($_i) != $_i);

   return $_queue->{_heap}->[$_i];

## Return a list of priority levels in the heap.

sub _heap {

   return @{ shift->{_heap} };

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Internal methods.

sub _croak {

   unless (defined $MCE::VERSION) {
      $\ = undef; require Carp; goto &Carp::croak;
   } else {
      goto &MCE::_croak;


## A quick method for just wanting to know if the queue has pending data.

sub _has_data {

   return (
      scalar @{ $_[0]->{_datq} } || scalar @{ $_[0]->{_heap} }
   ) ? 1 : 0;

## Insert priority into the heap. A lower priority level comes first.

sub _heap_insert_low {

   my $_queue = $_[0]; my $_p = $_[1];

   ## Insert priority at the head of the heap.
   if ($_p < $_queue->{_heap}->[0]) {
      unshift @{ $_queue->{_heap} }, $_p;

   ## Insert priority at the end of the heap.
   elsif ($_p > $_queue->{_heap}->[-1]) {
      push @{ $_queue->{_heap} }, $_p;

   ## Insert priority through binary search.
   else {
      my $_lower = 0; my $_upper = @{ $_queue->{_heap} };

      while ($_lower < $_upper) {
         my $_midpoint = ($_upper + $_lower) >> 1;

         if ($_p > $_queue->{_heap}->[$_midpoint]) {
            $_lower = $_midpoint + 1;
         } else {
            $_upper = $_midpoint;

      ## Insert priority into heap.
      splice @{ $_queue->{_heap} }, $_lower, 0, $_p;


## Insert priority into the heap. A higher priority level comes first.

sub _heap_insert_high {

   my $_queue = $_[0]; my $_p = $_[1];

   ## Insert priority at the head of the heap.
   if ($_p > $_queue->{_heap}->[0]) {
      unshift @{ $_queue->{_heap} }, $_p;

   ## Insert priority at the end of the heap.
   elsif ($_p < $_queue->{_heap}->[-1]) {
      push @{ $_queue->{_heap} }, $_p;

   ## Insert priority through binary search.
   else {
      my $_lower = 0; my $_upper = @{ $_queue->{_heap} };

      while ($_lower < $_upper) {
         my $_midpoint = ($_upper + $_lower) >> 1;

         if ($_p < $_queue->{_heap}->[$_midpoint]) {
            $_lower = $_midpoint + 1;
         } else {
            $_upper = $_midpoint;

      ## Insert priority into heap.
      splice @{ $_queue->{_heap} }, $_lower, 0, $_p;


## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Output routines for the MCE manager process.

   my ($_MCE, $_DAU_R_SOCK_REF, $_DAU_R_SOCK, $_c, $_i, $_id);
   my ($_len, $_p, $_queue);

   my %_output_function = (

      OUTPUT_C_QUE.$LF => sub {                   ## Clear the queue

         $_DAU_R_SOCK = $$_DAU_R_SOCK_REF;
         my $_buffer;

         chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         $_queue = $_queues->{$_id};

         sysread $_queue->{_qr_sock}, $_buffer, 1
            if ($_queue->_has_data());


         print $_DAU_R_SOCK $LF;


      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

      OUTPUT_A_QUE.$LF => sub {                   ## Enqueue into queue (A)

         $_DAU_R_SOCK = $$_DAU_R_SOCK_REF;
         my $_buffer;

         chomp($_id  = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         read $_DAU_R_SOCK, $_buffer, $_len;

         $_queue = $_queues->{$_id};

         if ($_queue->{gather}) {
            local $_ = $_MCE->{thaw}($_buffer);
            $_queue->{gather}($_queue, @{ $_ });
         else {
            syswrite $_queue->{_qw_sock}, $LF
               if (!$_queue->{_nb_flag} && !$_queue->_has_data());

            push @{ $_queue->{_datq} }, @{ $_MCE->{thaw}($_buffer) };


      OUTPUT_A_QUP.$LF => sub {                   ## Enqueue into queue (A,p)

         $_DAU_R_SOCK = $$_DAU_R_SOCK_REF;
         my $_buffer;

         chomp($_p   = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_id  = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         read $_DAU_R_SOCK, $_buffer, $_len;

         $_queue = $_queues->{$_id};

         syswrite $_queue->{_qw_sock}, $LF
            if (!$_queue->{_nb_flag} && !$_queue->_has_data());

         $_queue->_enqueuep($_p, @{ $_MCE->{thaw}($_buffer) });


      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

      OUTPUT_R_QUE.$LF => sub {                   ## Enqueue into queue (R)

         $_DAU_R_SOCK = $$_DAU_R_SOCK_REF;
         my $_buffer;

         chomp($_id  = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         read $_DAU_R_SOCK, $_buffer, $_len;

         $_queue = $_queues->{$_id};

         if ($_queue->{gather}) {
            local $_ = $_MCE->{thaw}($_buffer);
            $_queue->{gather}($_queue, $_);
         else {
            syswrite $_queue->{_qw_sock}, $LF
               if (!$_queue->{_nb_flag} && !$_queue->_has_data());

            push @{ $_queue->{_datq} }, $_MCE->{thaw}($_buffer);


      OUTPUT_R_QUP.$LF => sub {                   ## Enqueue into queue (R,p)

         $_DAU_R_SOCK = $$_DAU_R_SOCK_REF;
         my $_buffer;

         chomp($_p   = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_id  = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         read $_DAU_R_SOCK, $_buffer, $_len;

         $_queue = $_queues->{$_id};

         syswrite $_queue->{_qw_sock}, $LF
            if (!$_queue->{_nb_flag} && !$_queue->_has_data());

         $_queue->_enqueuep($_p, $_MCE->{thaw}($_buffer));


      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

      OUTPUT_S_QUE.$LF => sub {                   ## Enqueue into queue (S)

         $_DAU_R_SOCK = $$_DAU_R_SOCK_REF;
         my $_buffer;

         chomp($_id  = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         read $_DAU_R_SOCK, $_buffer, $_len if ($_len >= 0);

         $_queue = $_queues->{$_id};

         if ($_queue->{gather}) {
            local $_ = $_buffer;
            $_queue->{gather}($_queue, $_);
         else {
            syswrite $_queue->{_qw_sock}, $LF
               if (!$_queue->{_nb_flag} && !$_queue->_has_data());

            push @{ $_queue->{_datq} }, $_buffer;


      OUTPUT_S_QUP.$LF => sub {                   ## Enqueue into queue (S,p)

         $_DAU_R_SOCK = $$_DAU_R_SOCK_REF;
         my $_buffer;

         chomp($_p   = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_id  = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         read $_DAU_R_SOCK, $_buffer, $_len if ($_len >= 0);

         $_queue = $_queues->{$_id};

         syswrite $_queue->{_qw_sock}, $LF
            if (!$_queue->{_nb_flag} && !$_queue->_has_data());

         $_queue->_enqueuep($_p, $_buffer);


      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

      OUTPUT_D_QUE.$LF => sub {                   ## Dequeue from queue (B)

         $_DAU_R_SOCK = $$_DAU_R_SOCK_REF;

         chomp($_c  = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);

         $_queue = $_queues->{$_id};

         if ($_c == 1) {
            my $_buffer = $_queue->_dequeue();

            syswrite $_queue->{_qw_sock}, $LF if ($_queue->_has_data());

            unless (defined $_buffer) {
               print $_DAU_R_SOCK -1 . $LF;
            else {
               if (ref $_buffer) {
                  $_buffer  = $_MCE->{freeze}($_buffer) . '1';
               } else {
                  $_buffer .= '0';
               print $_DAU_R_SOCK length($_buffer) . $LF . $_buffer;
         else {
            my @_items; push(@_items, $_queue->_dequeue()) for (1 .. $_c);

            syswrite $_queue->{_qw_sock}, $LF if ($_queue->_has_data());

            unless (defined $_items[0]) {
               print $_DAU_R_SOCK -1 . $LF;
            else {
               my $_buffer = $_MCE->{freeze}(\@_items);
               print $_DAU_R_SOCK length($_buffer) . $LF . $_buffer;

         $_queue->{_nb_flag} = 0;


      OUTPUT_D_QUN.$LF => sub {                   ## Dequeue from queue (NB)

         $_DAU_R_SOCK = $$_DAU_R_SOCK_REF;

         chomp($_c  = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);

         $_queue = $_queues->{$_id};

         if ($_c == 1) {
            my $_buffer = $_queue->_dequeue();

            unless (defined $_buffer) {
               print $_DAU_R_SOCK -1 . $LF;
            else {
               if (ref $_buffer) {
                  $_buffer  = $_MCE->{freeze}($_buffer) . '1';
               } else {
                  $_buffer .= '0';
               print $_DAU_R_SOCK length($_buffer) . $LF . $_buffer;
         else {
            my @_items; push(@_items, $_queue->_dequeue()) for (1 .. $_c);

            unless (defined $_items[0]) {
               print $_DAU_R_SOCK -1 . $LF;
            else {
               my $_buffer = $_MCE->{freeze}(\@_items);
               print $_DAU_R_SOCK length($_buffer) . $LF . $_buffer;

         $_queue->{_nb_flag} = 1;


      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

      OUTPUT_N_QUE.$LF => sub {                   ## Return number of items

         $_DAU_R_SOCK = $$_DAU_R_SOCK_REF;

         chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);

         print $_DAU_R_SOCK $_queues->{$_id}->_pending() . $LF;


      OUTPUT_I_QUE.$LF => sub {                   ## Insert into queue

         $_DAU_R_SOCK = $$_DAU_R_SOCK_REF;
         my $_buffer;

         chomp($_i   = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_id  = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         read $_DAU_R_SOCK, $_buffer, $_len;

         $_queue = $_queues->{$_id};

         syswrite $_queue->{_qw_sock}, $LF
            if (!$_queue->{_nb_flag} && !$_queue->_has_data());

         if (chop $_buffer) {
            $_queue->_insert($_i, @{ $_MCE->{thaw}($_buffer) });
         } else {
            $_queue->_insert($_i, $_buffer);


      OUTPUT_I_QUP.$LF => sub {                   ## Insert into queue (p)

         $_DAU_R_SOCK = $$_DAU_R_SOCK_REF;
         my $_buffer;

         chomp($_p   = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_i   = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_id  = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_len = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         read $_DAU_R_SOCK, $_buffer, $_len;

         $_queue = $_queues->{$_id};

         syswrite $_queue->{_qw_sock}, $LF
            if (!$_queue->{_nb_flag} && !$_queue->_has_data());

         if (chop $_buffer) {
            $_queue->_insertp($_p, $_i, @{ $_MCE->{thaw}($_buffer) });
         } else {
            $_queue->_insertp($_p, $_i, $_buffer);


      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

      OUTPUT_P_QUE.$LF => sub {                   ## Peek into queue

         $_DAU_R_SOCK = $$_DAU_R_SOCK_REF;
         my $_buffer;

         chomp($_i  = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);

         $_queue  = $_queues->{$_id};
         $_buffer = $_queue->_peek($_i);

         unless (defined $_buffer) {
            print $_DAU_R_SOCK -1 . $LF;
         else {
            if (ref $_buffer) {
               $_buffer  = $_MCE->{freeze}($_buffer) . '1';
            } else {
               $_buffer .= '0';
            print $_DAU_R_SOCK length($_buffer) . $LF . $_buffer;


      OUTPUT_P_QUP.$LF => sub {                   ## Peek into queue (p)

         $_DAU_R_SOCK = $$_DAU_R_SOCK_REF;
         my $_buffer;

         chomp($_p  = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_i  = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);

         $_queue  = $_queues->{$_id};
         $_buffer = $_queue->_peekp($_p, $_i);

         unless (defined $_buffer) {
            print $_DAU_R_SOCK -1 . $LF;
         else {
            if (ref $_buffer) {
               $_buffer  = $_MCE->{freeze}($_buffer) . '1';
            } else {
               $_buffer .= '0';
            print $_DAU_R_SOCK length($_buffer) . $LF . $_buffer;


      OUTPUT_P_QUH.$LF => sub {                   ## Peek into heap

         $_DAU_R_SOCK = $$_DAU_R_SOCK_REF;
         my $_buffer;

         chomp($_i  = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);
         chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);

         $_queue  = $_queues->{$_id};
         $_buffer = $_queue->_peekh($_i);

         unless (defined $_buffer) {
            print $_DAU_R_SOCK -1 . $LF;
         } else {
            print $_DAU_R_SOCK length($_buffer) . $LF . $_buffer;


      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

      OUTPUT_H_QUE.$LF => sub {                   ## Return the heap

         $_DAU_R_SOCK = $$_DAU_R_SOCK_REF;
         my $_buffer;

         chomp($_id = <$_DAU_R_SOCK>);

         $_queue  = $_queues->{$_id};
         $_buffer = $_MCE->{freeze}([ $_queue->_heap() ]);

         print $_DAU_R_SOCK length($_buffer) . $LF . $_buffer;



   ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------

   sub _mce_m_loop_begin {

      $_MCE = $_[0]; $_DAU_R_SOCK_REF = $_[1];


   sub _mce_m_loop_end {

      $_MCE = $_DAU_R_SOCK_REF = $_DAU_R_SOCK = $_c = $_i = $_id =
         $_len = $_p = $_queue = undef;


   sub _mce_m_init {

         \%_output_function, \&_mce_m_loop_begin, \&_mce_m_loop_end,

      no strict 'refs'; no warnings 'redefine';

      *{ 'MCE::Queue::clear'      } = \&MCE::Queue::_mce_m_clear;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::enqueue'    } = \&MCE::Queue::_mce_m_enqueue;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::enqueuep'   } = \&MCE::Queue::_mce_m_enqueuep;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::dequeue'    } = \&MCE::Queue::_mce_m_dequeue;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::dequeue_nb' } = \&MCE::Queue::_mce_m_dequeue_nb;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::insert'     } = \&MCE::Queue::_mce_m_insert;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::insertp'    } = \&MCE::Queue::_mce_m_insertp;

      *{ 'MCE::Queue::pending'    } = \&MCE::Queue::_pending;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::peek'       } = \&MCE::Queue::_peek;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::peekp'      } = \&MCE::Queue::_peekp;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::peekh'      } = \&MCE::Queue::_peekh;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::heap'       } = \&MCE::Queue::_heap;



## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Wrapper methods for the MCE manager process.

sub _mce_m_clear {

   my $_next; my $_queue = shift;

   sysread $_queue->{_qr_sock}, $_next, 1
      if ($_queue->_has_data());



sub _mce_m_enqueue {

   my $_queue = shift;

   return unless (scalar @_);

   syswrite $_queue->{_qw_sock}, $LF
      if (!$_queue->{_nb_flag} && !$_queue->_has_data());

   push @{ $_queue->{_datq} }, @_;


sub _mce_m_enqueuep {

   my $_queue = shift; my $_p = shift;

   _croak("MCE::Queue::enqueuep: 'priority' is not an integer")
      if (!looks_like_number($_p) || int($_p) != $_p);

   return unless (scalar @_);

   syswrite $_queue->{_qw_sock}, $LF
      if (!$_queue->{_nb_flag} && !$_queue->_has_data());

   $_queue->_enqueuep($_p, @_);


## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub _mce_m_dequeue {

   my $_next; my $_queue = $_[0];

   sysread $_queue->{_qr_sock}, $_next, 1;        ## Wait here

   if (defined $_[1] && $_[1] ne '1') {
      my @_items = $_queue->_dequeue($_[1]);

      syswrite $_queue->{_qw_sock}, $LF if ($_queue->_has_data());
      $_queue->{_nb_flag} = 0;

      return @_items;

   my $_buffer = $_queue->_dequeue();

   syswrite $_queue->{_qw_sock}, $LF if ($_queue->_has_data());
   $_queue->{_nb_flag} = 0;

   return $_buffer;

sub _mce_m_dequeue_nb {

   my $_queue = $_[0];

   $_queue->{_nb_flag} = 1;

   return (defined $_[1] && $_[1] ne '1')
      ? $_queue->_dequeue($_[1]) : $_queue->_dequeue();

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub _mce_m_insert {

   my $_queue = shift; my $_i = shift;

   _croak("MCE::Queue::insert: 'index' is not an integer")
      if (!looks_like_number($_i) || int($_i) != $_i);

   return unless (scalar @_);

   syswrite $_queue->{_qw_sock}, $LF
      if (!$_queue->{_nb_flag} && !$_queue->_has_data());

   $_queue->_insert($_i, @_);


sub _mce_m_insertp {

   my $_queue = shift; my $_p = shift; my $_i = shift;

   _croak("MCE::Queue::insertp: 'priority' is not an integer")
      if (!looks_like_number($_p) || int($_p) != $_p);

   _croak("MCE::Queue::insertp: 'index' is not an integer")
      if (!looks_like_number($_i) || int($_i) != $_i);

   return unless (scalar @_);

   syswrite $_queue->{_qw_sock}, $LF
      if (!$_queue->{_nb_flag} && !$_queue->_has_data());

   $_queue->_insertp($_p, $_i, @_);


## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Wrapper methods for the MCE worker process.

   my ($_c, $_chn, $_lock_chn, $_len, $_next, $_pending, $_tag);
   my ($_MCE, $_DAT_LOCK, $_DAT_W_SOCK, $_DAU_W_SOCK);

   sub _mce_w_init {

      $_MCE = $_[0];

      $_chn        = $_MCE->{_chn};
      $_DAT_LOCK   = $_MCE->{_dat_lock};
      $_DAT_W_SOCK = $_MCE->{_dat_w_sock}->[0];
      $_DAU_W_SOCK = $_MCE->{_dat_w_sock}->[$_chn];
      $_lock_chn   = $_MCE->{_lock_chn};

      for (keys %{ $_queues }) {
         undef $_queues->{$_}->{_datp}; delete $_queues->{$_}->{_datp};
         undef $_queues->{$_}->{_datq}; delete $_queues->{$_}->{_datq};
         undef $_queues->{$_}->{_heap}; delete $_queues->{$_}->{_heap};

      no strict 'refs'; no warnings 'redefine';

      *{ 'MCE::Queue::clear'      } = \&MCE::Queue::_mce_w_clear;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::enqueue'    } = \&MCE::Queue::_mce_w_enqueue;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::enqueuep'   } = \&MCE::Queue::_mce_w_enqueuep;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::dequeue'    } = \&MCE::Queue::_mce_w_dequeue;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::dequeue_nb' } = \&MCE::Queue::_mce_w_dequeue_nb;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::pending'    } = \&MCE::Queue::_mce_w_pending;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::insert'     } = \&MCE::Queue::_mce_w_insert;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::insertp'    } = \&MCE::Queue::_mce_w_insertp;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::peek'       } = \&MCE::Queue::_mce_w_peek;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::peekp'      } = \&MCE::Queue::_mce_w_peekp;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::peekh'      } = \&MCE::Queue::_mce_w_peekh;
      *{ 'MCE::Queue::heap'       } = \&MCE::Queue::_mce_w_heap;


   ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------

   sub _mce_w_clear {

      my $_queue = shift;

      return $_queue->_clear()
         if (exists $_queue->{_standalone});

      local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
      local $/ = $LF if (!$/ || $/ ne $LF);

      flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_EX if ($_lock_chn);
      print $_DAT_W_SOCK OUTPUT_C_QUE . $LF . $_chn . $LF;
      print $_DAU_W_SOCK $_queue->{_id} . $LF;

      flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_UN if ($_lock_chn);


   ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------

   sub _mce_w_enqueue {

      my $_buffer; my $_queue = shift;

      return $_queue->_enqueue(@_)
         if (exists $_queue->{_standalone});

      if (@_ > 1) {
         $_tag = OUTPUT_A_QUE;
         $_buffer = $_MCE->{freeze}(\@_);
         $_buffer = $_queue->{_id} . $LF . length($_buffer) . $LF . $_buffer;
      elsif (ref $_[0]) {
         $_tag = OUTPUT_R_QUE;
         $_buffer = $_MCE->{freeze}($_[0]);
         $_buffer = $_queue->{_id} . $LF . length($_buffer) . $LF . $_buffer;
      elsif (scalar @_) {
         $_tag = OUTPUT_S_QUE;
         if (defined $_[0]) {
            $_buffer = $_queue->{_id} . $LF . length($_[0]) . $LF . $_[0];
         } else {
            $_buffer = $_queue->{_id} . $LF . -1 . $LF;

      local $\ = undef if (defined $\);

      flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_EX if ($_lock_chn);
      print $_DAT_W_SOCK $_tag . $LF . $_chn . $LF;
      print $_DAU_W_SOCK $_buffer;
      flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_UN if ($_lock_chn);


   sub _mce_w_enqueuep {

      my $_buffer; my $_queue = shift; my $_p = shift;

      _croak("MCE::Queue::enqueuep: 'priority' is not an integer")
         if (!looks_like_number($_p) || int($_p) != $_p);

      return $_queue->_enqueuep($_p, @_)
         if (exists $_queue->{_standalone});

      if (@_ > 1) {
         $_tag = OUTPUT_A_QUP;
         $_buffer = $_MCE->{freeze}(\@_);
         $_buffer = $_p . $LF . $_queue->{_id} . $LF .
            length($_buffer) . $LF . $_buffer;
      elsif (ref $_[0]) {
         $_tag = OUTPUT_R_QUP;
         $_buffer = $_MCE->{freeze}($_[0]);
         $_buffer = $_p . $LF . $_queue->{_id} . $LF .
            length($_buffer) . $LF . $_buffer;
      elsif (scalar @_) {
         $_tag = OUTPUT_S_QUP;
         if (defined $_[0]) {
            $_buffer = $_p . $LF . $_queue->{_id} . $LF .
               length($_[0]) . $LF . $_[0];
         else {
            $_buffer = $_p . $LF . $_queue->{_id} . $LF .
               -1 . $LF;

      local $\ = undef if (defined $\);

      flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_EX if ($_lock_chn);
      print $_DAT_W_SOCK $_tag . $LF . $_chn . $LF;
      print $_DAU_W_SOCK $_buffer;
      flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_UN if ($_lock_chn);


   ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------

   sub _mce_w_dequeue {

      my $_buffer; my $_queue = shift;

      return $_queue->_dequeue(@_)
         if (exists $_queue->{_standalone});

      if (defined $_[0] && $_[0] ne '1') {
         $_c = $_[0];
         _croak("MCE::Queue::dequeue: 'count argument' is not valid")
            if (!looks_like_number($_c) || int($_c) != $_c || $_c < 1);
      else {
         $_c = 1;

         local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
         local $/ = $LF if (!$/ || $/ ne $LF);

         sysread $_queue->{_qr_sock}, $_next, 1;  ## Wait here

         flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_EX if ($_lock_chn);
         print $_DAT_W_SOCK OUTPUT_D_QUE . $LF . $_chn . $LF;
         print $_DAU_W_SOCK $_c . $LF . $_queue->{_id} . $LF;

         chomp($_len = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);

         if ($_len < 0) {
            flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_UN if ($_lock_chn);
            return undef;

         read  $_DAU_W_SOCK, $_buffer, $_len;
         flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_UN if ($_lock_chn);

      if ($_c == 1) {
         return (chop $_buffer) ? $_MCE->{thaw}($_buffer) : $_buffer;
      } else {
         return @{ $_MCE->{thaw}($_buffer) };

   sub _mce_w_dequeue_nb {

      my $_buffer; my $_queue = shift;

      return $_queue->_dequeue(@_)
         if (exists $_queue->{_standalone});

      if (defined $_[0] && $_[0] ne '1') {
         $_c = $_[0];
         _croak("MCE::Queue::dequeue: 'count argument' is not valid")
            if (!looks_like_number($_c) || int($_c) != $_c || $_c < 1);
      else {
         $_c = 1;

         local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
         local $/ = $LF if (!$/ || $/ ne $LF);

         flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_EX if ($_lock_chn);
         print $_DAT_W_SOCK OUTPUT_D_QUN . $LF . $_chn . $LF;
         print $_DAU_W_SOCK $_c . $LF . $_queue->{_id} . $LF;

         chomp($_len = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);

         if ($_len < 0) {
            flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_UN if ($_lock_chn);
            return undef;

         read  $_DAU_W_SOCK, $_buffer, $_len;
         flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_UN if ($_lock_chn);

      if ($_c == 1) {
         return (chop $_buffer) ? $_MCE->{thaw}($_buffer) : $_buffer;
      } else {
         return @{ $_MCE->{thaw}($_buffer) };

   ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------

   sub _mce_w_pending {

      my $_queue = shift;

      return $_queue->_pending(@_)
         if (exists $_queue->{_standalone});

      local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
      local $/ = $LF if (!$/ || $/ ne $LF);

      flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_EX if ($_lock_chn);
      print $_DAT_W_SOCK OUTPUT_N_QUE . $LF . $_chn . $LF;
      print $_DAU_W_SOCK $_queue->{_id} . $LF;

      chomp($_pending = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);
      flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_UN if ($_lock_chn);

      return $_pending;

   sub _mce_w_insert {

      my $_buffer; my $_queue = shift; my $_i = shift;

      _croak("MCE::Queue::insert: 'index' is not an integer")
         if (!looks_like_number($_i) || int($_i) != $_i);

      return $_queue->_insert($_i, @_)
         if (exists $_queue->{_standalone});

      if (@_ > 1 || ref $_[0]) {
         $_buffer = $_MCE->{freeze}(\@_) . '1';
         $_buffer = $_i . $LF . $_queue->{_id} . $LF .
            length($_buffer) . $LF . $_buffer;
      elsif (scalar @_) {
         $_buffer = $_i . $LF . $_queue->{_id} . $LF .
            (length($_[0]) + 1) . $LF . $_[0] . '0';

      local $\ = undef if (defined $\);

      flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_EX if ($_lock_chn);
      print $_DAT_W_SOCK OUTPUT_I_QUE . $LF . $_chn . $LF;
      print $_DAU_W_SOCK $_buffer;
      flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_UN if ($_lock_chn);


   sub _mce_w_insertp {

      my $_buffer; my $_queue = shift; my $_p = shift; my $_i = shift;

      _croak("MCE::Queue::insertp: 'priority' is not an integer")
         if (!looks_like_number($_p) || int($_p) != $_p);

      _croak("MCE::Queue::insertp: 'index' is not an integer")
         if (!looks_like_number($_i) || int($_i) != $_i);

      return $_queue->_insertp($_p, $_i, @_)
         if (exists $_queue->{_standalone});

      if (@_ > 1 || ref $_[0]) {
         $_buffer = $_MCE->{freeze}(\@_) . '1';
         $_buffer = $_p . $LF . $_i . $LF . $_queue->{_id} . $LF .
            length($_buffer) . $LF . $_buffer;
      elsif (scalar @_) {
         $_buffer = $_p . $LF . $_i . $LF . $_queue->{_id} . $LF .
            (length($_[0]) + 1) . $LF . $_[0] . '0';

      local $\ = undef if (defined $\);

      flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_EX if ($_lock_chn);
      print $_DAT_W_SOCK OUTPUT_I_QUP . $LF . $_chn . $LF;
      print $_DAU_W_SOCK $_buffer;
      flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_UN if ($_lock_chn);


   ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------

   sub _mce_w_peek {

      my $_buffer; my $_queue = shift; my $_i = shift || 0;

      _croak("MCE::Queue::peek: 'index' is not an integer")
         if (!looks_like_number($_i) || int($_i) != $_i);

      return $_queue->_peek($_i, @_)
         if (exists $_queue->{_standalone});

         local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
         local $/ = $LF if (!$/ || $/ ne $LF);

         flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_EX if ($_lock_chn);
         print $_DAT_W_SOCK OUTPUT_P_QUE . $LF . $_chn . $LF;
         print $_DAU_W_SOCK $_i . $LF . $_queue->{_id} . $LF;

         chomp($_len = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);

         if ($_len < 0) {
            flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_UN if ($_lock_chn);
            return undef;

         read  $_DAU_W_SOCK, $_buffer, $_len;
         flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_UN if ($_lock_chn);

      return (chop $_buffer) ? $_MCE->{thaw}($_buffer) : $_buffer;

   sub _mce_w_peekp {

      my $_buffer; my $_queue = shift; my $_p = shift; my $_i = shift || 0;

      _croak("MCE::Queue::peekp: 'priority' is not an integer")
         if (!looks_like_number($_p) || int($_p) != $_p);

      _croak("MCE::Queue::peekp: 'index' is not an integer")
         if (!looks_like_number($_i) || int($_i) != $_i);

      return $_queue->_peekp($_p, $_i, @_)
         if (exists $_queue->{_standalone});

         local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
         local $/ = $LF if (!$/ || $/ ne $LF);

         flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_EX if ($_lock_chn);
         print $_DAT_W_SOCK OUTPUT_P_QUP . $LF . $_chn . $LF;
         print $_DAU_W_SOCK $_p . $LF . $_i . $LF . $_queue->{_id} . $LF;

         chomp($_len = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);

         if ($_len < 0) {
            flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_UN if ($_lock_chn);
            return undef;

         read  $_DAU_W_SOCK, $_buffer, $_len;
         flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_UN if ($_lock_chn);

      return (chop $_buffer) ? $_MCE->{thaw}($_buffer) : $_buffer;

   sub _mce_w_peekh {

      my $_buffer; my $_queue = shift; my $_i = shift || 0;

      _croak("MCE::Queue::peekh: 'index' is not an integer")
         if (!looks_like_number($_i) || int($_i) != $_i);

      return $_queue->_peekh($_i, @_)
         if (exists $_queue->{_standalone});

         local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
         local $/ = $LF if (!$/ || $/ ne $LF);

         flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_EX if ($_lock_chn);
         print $_DAT_W_SOCK OUTPUT_P_QUH . $LF . $_chn . $LF;
         print $_DAU_W_SOCK $_i . $LF . $_queue->{_id} . $LF;

         chomp($_len = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);

         if ($_len < 0) {
            flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_UN if ($_lock_chn);
            return undef;

         read  $_DAU_W_SOCK, $_buffer, $_len;
         flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_UN if ($_lock_chn);

      return $_buffer;

   ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------

   sub _mce_w_heap {

      my $_buffer; my $_queue = shift;

      return $_queue->_heap(@_)
         if (exists $_queue->{_standalone});

         local $\ = undef if (defined $\);
         local $/ = $LF if (!$/ || $/ ne $LF);

         flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_EX if ($_lock_chn);
         print $_DAT_W_SOCK OUTPUT_H_QUE . $LF . $_chn . $LF;
         print $_DAU_W_SOCK $_queue->{_id} . $LF;

         chomp($_len = <$_DAU_W_SOCK>);

         read  $_DAU_W_SOCK, $_buffer, $_len;
         flock $_DAT_LOCK, LOCK_UN if ($_lock_chn);

      return @{ $_MCE->{thaw}($_buffer) };




## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Module usage.

=head1 NAME

MCE::Queue - Hybrid queues (normal including priority) for Many-core Engine

=head1 VERSION

This document describes MCE::Queue version 1.515


   use MCE;
   use MCE::Queue;

   my @dirs = (".");

   my $D = MCE::Queue->new( queue => \@dirs );
   my $F = MCE::Queue->new();

   ## Notice the use of dequeue_nb (non-blocking) for the initial
   ## task and dequeue for the task afterwards. The first task is
   ## recursive.

   my $mce = MCE->new(

      user_tasks => [{
         max_workers => 4,

         task_end => sub {

            ## Signal workers no more work remains. The number 4
            ## indicates the numbers of workers for the 2nd task
            ## performing the read.

            $F->enqueue((undef) x 4);

         user_func => sub {

            ## Pause briefly to allow time for wid 1 to add items.
            select(undef, undef, undef, 0.05) if (MCE->task_wid > 1);

            ## Worker will loop until no more directories.
            while (defined (local $_ = $D->dequeue_nb)) {
               my ($files, $dirs) = part { -d $_ ? 1 : 0 } glob("$_/*");

               $D->enqueue(@$dirs ) if defined $dirs;
               $F->enqueue(@$files) if defined $files;

            MCE->say("STDERR", "(D) worker has ended");


         max_workers => 4,

         user_func => sub {

            ## Worker will loop until no more files.
            while (defined (local $_ = $F->dequeue)) {

            MCE->say("STDERR", "(F) worker has ended");




This module provides a queue interface supporting normal and priority queues
and utilizing the IPC engine behind MCE. Data resides under the manager
process. MCE::Queue also allows for a worker to create any number of queues
locally not available to other workers including the manager process. Think
of a CPU having L3 (shared) and L1 (local) cache.

The structure for the MCE::Queue object is provided below. It allows for normal
queues to run as fast as an array. Data for priority queues are also nearly as
fast due to having a brief lookup if the priority exists in the hash including
adding/removal of the key. The heap array contains only priorities, not the
data itself. This makes the management of the heap order only as necessary
while running.

   ## Normal queue data
   $_queue->{_datq} = [];

   ## Priority data { p1 => [ ], p2 => [ ], pN => [ ] }
   $_queue->{_datp} = {};

   ## Priority heap [ pN, p2, p1 ] ## in heap order
   ## fyi, _datp will always dequeue before _datq
   $_queue->{_heap} = [];

   ## Priority order (default)
   $_queue->{_porder} = $MCE::Queue::HIGHEST;

   ## Priority type (default)
   $_queue->{_type} = $MCE::Queue::FIFO;

=head1 IMPORT

Two options are available for overriding the default value used when creating
new queues (porder applies to priority queues only).

   use MCE::Queue porder => $MCE::Queue::HIGHEST,
                  type   => $MCE::Queue::FIFO;

   use MCE::Queue;       ## same as above

       porder => $HIGHEST = Highest priority items are dequeued first
                 $LOWEST  = Lowest priority items are dequeued first

       type   => $FIFO    = First in, first out
                 $LILO    =    (Synonym for FIFO)
                 $LIFO    = Last in, first out
                 $FILO    =    (Synonym for LIFO)


MCE::Queue can be utilized under the following conditions:

    A) use MCE;           B) use MCE::Queue;    C) use MCE::Queue;
       use MCE::Queue;       use MCE;

=over 3

=item A) Loading MCE prior to inclusion of MCE::Queue

The dequeue method blocks for the manager process including workers. All data
resides under the manager process. Workers send/request data through IPC.

Creating a queue from the worker process will cause the queue to run in local
mode. The data resides under the worker process and not available to other
workers including the manager process.

=item B) Loading MCE::Queue prior to inclusion of MCE

Queues behave as if running in local mode for the manager including workers
for the duration of the script. I cannot think of a use-case for this, but
wanted to mention the behavior in the event MCE::Queue is loaded prior to

=item C) Loading MCE::Queue without MCE

The dequeue method is non-blocking in this fashion. This behaves like local
mode when MCE is not present. As with local queuing, this mode is speedy due
to minimum overhead and zero IPC.

Essentially, the MCE module is not a prerequisite for using MCE::Queue.



=over 3

=item ->new ( [ queue => \@array ] )

This creates a new queue. Available options are queue, porder, type, and
gather. The gather option is mainly for running with MCE and wanting to pass
item(s) to a callback function for adding to the queue.

   use MCE;
   use MCE::Queue;

   my $q1 = MCE::Queue->new();
   my $q2 = MCE::Queue->new( queue => [ 0, 1, 2 ] );

   my $q3 = MCE::Queue->new( porder => $MCE::Queue::HIGHEST );
   my $q4 = MCE::Queue->new( porder => $MCE::Queue::LOWEST  );

   my $q5 = MCE::Queue->new( type => $MCE::Queue::FIFO );
   my $q6 = MCE::Queue->new( type => $MCE::Queue::LIFO );

Multiple queues may point to the same callback function. Please note that the
first argument for the callback function is the queue object itself.

   sub _append {
      my ($Q, @items) = @_;

   my $q7 = MCE::Queue->new( gather => \&_append );
   my $q8 = MCE::Queue->new( gather => \&_append );

   ## Items are diverted to the gather callback function.
   $q7->enqueue( 'apple', 'orange' );

The gather option is useful when wanting to temporarily store items in a
holding area until output order can be obtained. Although a queue is not
required to gather data in MCE, this is simply a demonstration of the
gather option in the context of a queue.

   use MCE;
   use MCE::Queue;

   my ($_order_id, %_tmp);

   sub _preserve_order {
      my ($Q, $chunk_id, $result) = @_;

      $_tmp{$chunk_id} = $result;

      while (1) {
         last unless exists $_tmp{$_order_id};
         $Q->enqueue( $_tmp{$_order_id} );
         delete $_tmp{$_order_id++};


   my @squares; my $q = MCE::Queue->new(
      queue => \@squares, gather => \&_preserve_order

   $_order_id = 1;  ## The first chunk_id equals 1;

   my $mce = MCE->new(
      chunk_size => 1, input_data => [ 1 .. 100 ],
      user_func => sub {
         $q->enqueue( MCE->chunk_id, $_ * $_ );


   print "@squares\n";

=item ->clear ( void )

Clears the queue of any items. This has the effect of nulling the queue.
Each queue comes with a socket used for blocking behind the scene. Use
the clear method when wanting to clear the content of the array.

   my @a; my $q = MCE::Queue->new( queue => \@a );

   @a = ();     ## no, the block socket may become out of sync
   $q->clear;   ## ok

=item ->enqueue ( $item [, $item, ... ] )

Appends a list of items onto the end of the normal queue.

=item ->enqueuep ( $p, $item [, $item, ... ] )

Appends a list of items onto the end of the priority queue with priority.

=item ->dequeue ( [ $count ] )

Returns the requested number of items (default is 1) from the queue. Priority
data will always dequeue first from the priority queue before any data from
the normal queue.

The method will block if the queue contains zero items. If the queue contains
fewer than the requested number of items, the method will not block, but
return the remaining items and undef for up to the count requested.

The $count, used for requesting the number of items, is beneficial when workers
are passing parameters through the queue. For this release, always remember to
dequeue using the same multiple for the count. This is unlike Thread::Queue
which will block until the requested number of items are available.

=item ->dequeue_nb ( [ $count ] )

Returns the requested number of items (default is 1) from the queue. Like with
dequeue, priority data will always dequeue first. This method is non-blocking
and will return undef in the absence of data from the queue.

=item ->insert ( $index, $item [, $item, ... ] )

Adds the list of items to the queue at the specified index.

=item ->insertp ( $p, $index, $item [, $item, ... ] )

Adds the list of items to the queue at the specified index with priority.

=item ->pending ( void )

Returns the number of items in the queue. This includes both normal and
priority data.

=item ->peek ( [ $index ] )

Returns an item from the normal queue, at the specified index, without
dequeuing anything. It defaults to the head of the queue if index is not

=item ->peekp ( $p [, $index ] )

Returns an item from the queue with priority, at the specified index, without
dequeuing anything. It defaults to the head of the queue if index is not

=item ->peekh ( [ $index ] )

Returns an item from the heap, at the specified index.

=item ->heap ( void )

Returns an array containing the heap data. Heap data consists of priority
numbers, not the data.



The main reason for writing MCE::Queue was to have a Thread::Queue-like module
for workers spawned as children. I was pleasantly surprised at the number of
modules on CPAN for queuing. What stood out immediately were all the priority
queues, heap queues, and whether or not (FIFO/LIFO) or (highest/lowest first)
options were available. Hence the reason for MCE::Queue supporting both normal
and priority queues.

The following provides a list of resources I've read in helping me create
MCE::Queue for MCE.

=over 3

=item L<POE::Queue::Array>

Two if statements were adopted for checking if the item belongs at the end or
head of the queue.

=item L<List::Binary::Search>

After glancing over the bsearch_num_pos method for returning the best insert
position, a couple variations of that were in order for MCE::Queue to
accommodate the highest/lowest order routines.

=item L<Heap-Priority>, L<List::Priority>

At this point, I thought why not have both normal queues and priority queues
be efficient. And with that in mind, also provide options to allow folks to
choose LIFO/LILO, and highest/lowest order for the queue. The data structure
in MCE::Queue is described above.

MCE workers also benefit from being able to create local queues not available
to other workers including the manager process. Hence the reason for the 3
run modes described at the beginning of this document.

=item L<Thread::Queue>

Being that MCE supports both children and threads, Thread::Queue was used
as a template for identifying and documenting the methods in MCE::Queue.
Although not 100% compatible, pay close attention to the dequeue method
when requesting the number of items to dequeue.

   ->enqueuep( $p, $item [, $item, ... ] );    ## Extension (p)
   ->enqueue( $item [, $item, ... ] );

   ->dequeue( [ $count ] );      ## Priority data dequeues first
   ->dequeue_nb( [ $count ] );

   ->pending();                  ## Counts both normal/priority data
                                 ## in the queue

=item L<Parallel-DataPipe>

The idea for the recursive synopsis used in this document came from reading
the example listed in this module's documentation.


=head1 INDEX


=head1 AUTHOR

Mario E. Roy, S<E<lt>marioeroy AT gmail DOT comE<gt>>

=head1 LICENSE

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See L<> for more information.
