The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Process STDIN or FILE via an external command in parallel.
## This is by no means a complete script, but rather a "how-to" for folks
## wanting to create their own parallel script.
## For UNIX, the Perl interpretor does "not" sub-shell when running command.

use strict;
use warnings;

## no critic (InputOutput::ProhibitBarewordFileHandles)
## no critic (InputOutput::ProhibitTwoArgOpen)

use Cwd 'abs_path'; ## Insert lib-path at the head of @INC.
use lib abs_path($0 =~ m{^(.*)[\\/]} && $1 || abs_path) . '/../lib';

my ($prog_name, $prog_dir);

   $prog_name = $0;             $prog_name =~ s{^.*[\\/]}{}g;
   $prog_dir  = abs_path($0);   $prog_dir  =~ s{[\\/][^\\/]*$}{};

   $ENV{PATH} = $prog_dir .($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? ';' : ':'). $ENV{PATH};

use Getopt::Long qw(
   :config bundling pass_through no_ignore_case no_auto_abbrev

use Scalar::Util qw( looks_like_number );
use Fcntl qw( O_RDONLY );

use MCE::Signal qw( -use_dev_shm );
use MCE::Loop;

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Display usage and exit.

sub usage {

   print {*STDERR} <<"::_USAGE_BLOCK_END_::";

   $prog_name -- process STDIN or FILE via an external command in parallel

   $prog_name [script_options] command [command_options] [FILE]

   The $prog_name script processes STDIN or FILE in parallel. STDIN is read
   unless FILE is specified. Specifing more than 1 file will error.

   The following options are available:

          Input record separator              -- default: newline

          Notify MCE to abort if command exited with a non-zero exit status.
          Workers will stop taking new work causing MCE to terminate early.

   --chunk-size CHUNK_SIZE
          Specify chunk size for MCE          -- default: auto
          Can also take a suffix; K/k (kilobytes) or M/m (megabytes).

          Less than or equal to 8192 is the number of records.
          Greater than 8192 is the number of bytes. The maximum
          is 24m by MCE internally.

   --max-workers MAX_WORKERS
          Specify number of workers for MCE   -- default: 8

          Enable parallel IO for FILE. This is not recommended if running
          on several nodes simultaneously and reading from the same shared

   $prog_name exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

   The "command" receives data from STDIN. Notice the map and reduce idiom
   for wc -l below.

   Process STDIN (workers request the next chunk from the manager process).

      cat infile | $prog_name --chunk-size=2k cat >out 2>err
      $prog_name --chunk-size=2k cat < infile >out 2>err

      $prog_name --chunk-size=8m wc -l < largefile | \
         awk '{ lines = lines + \$1 } END { print lines }'

   Process FILE (workers communicate the next offset among themselves).

      $prog_name --chunk-size=2k cat infile >out 2>err

      $prog_name --parallel-io --chunk-size=8m wc -l largefile | \
         awk '{ lines = lines + \$1 } END { print lines }'

      $prog_name --chunk-size=8m wc -l largefile | \
         awk '{ lines = lines + \$1 } END { print lines }'


   exit 1;

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Define defaults and process command-line arguments.

my $RS           = $/;
my $abort_on_err = 0;
my $chunk_size   = 'auto';
my $max_workers  = 8;
my $parallel_io  = 0;

   local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { };

      'RS=s'                      => \$RS,
      'abort-on-err|abort_on_err' => \$abort_on_err,
      'chunk-size|chunk_size=s'   => \$chunk_size,
      'max-workers|max_workers=s' => \$max_workers,
      'parallel-io|parallel_io'   => \$parallel_io

   if ($max_workers !~ /^auto/) {
      unless (looks_like_number($max_workers) && $max_workers > 0) {
         print {*STDERR} "$prog_name: $max_workers: invalid max workers\n";
         exit 2;

   if ($chunk_size !~ /^auto/) {
      if ($chunk_size =~ /^(\d+)K/i) {
         $chunk_size = $1 * 1024;
      elsif ($chunk_size =~ /^(\d+)M/i) {
         $chunk_size = $1 * 1024 * 1024;

      if (!looks_like_number($chunk_size) || $chunk_size < 1) {
         print {*STDERR} "$prog_name: $chunk_size: invalid chunk size\n";
         exit 2;

usage() unless @ARGV;
usage() if $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/;

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Exit if "command" is not found. Determine input stream.

my $is_mswin32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
my ($cmd_name, $cmd_path);

$cmd_name = shift @ARGV;

   my $pth_sep = $is_mswin32 ? ";"  : ":";
   my $dir_sep = $is_mswin32 ? "\\" : "/";

   for ( split ${pth_sep}, $ENV{'PATH'} ) {
      if (-e "$_${dir_sep}${cmd_name}" || -e "$_${dir_sep}${cmd_name}.exe") {
         $cmd_path = "$_${dir_sep}${cmd_name}";

if (! defined $cmd_path) {
   print {*STDERR} "$prog_name: $cmd_name: command not found\n";
   exit 2;
if (! $is_mswin32 && ! -x $cmd_path) {
   print {*STDERR} "$prog_name: $cmd_name: command is not executable\n";
   exit 2;

my $input = \*STDIN;

if (defined $ARGV[-1] && $ARGV[-1] !~ /^-/) {
   usage() if (defined $ARGV[-2] && $ARGV[-2] !~ /^-/);
   $input = pop(@ARGV);

if (ref $input eq '') {
   if (! -e $input) {
      print {*STDERR} "$prog_name: $input: No such file or directory\n";
      exit 2;
   if (-d $input) {
      print {*STDERR} "$prog_name: $input: Is a directory\n";
      exit 2;

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Output function. Define the gather iterator for preserving output order.

my $buf = sprintf('%65536s', '');   ## Create a continuous buffer for the
my $exit_status = 0;                ## output routine.

sub output {

   my ($file, $sendto_fh) = @_;
   my ($fh, $n_read);

   if (-s $file) {
      sysopen($fh, $file, O_RDONLY);

      while (1) {
         $n_read = sysread($fh, $buf, 65536);
         last if $n_read == 0;

         syswrite($sendto_fh, $buf, $n_read);

      close $fh;

   unlink $file;


sub gather_iterator {

   my ($out_fh, $err_fh) = @_;
   my %tmp; my $order_id = 1;

   return sub {
      my ($chunk_id, $path, $status) = @_;

      $tmp{$chunk_id} = $path; 
      $exit_status = $status if ($status > $exit_status);

      MCE->abort if ($abort_on_err && $status);

      while (1) {
         last unless exists $tmp{$order_id};

         $path = delete $tmp{$order_id++};
         output("$path.err", $err_fh);
         output("$path.out", $out_fh);

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Configure MCE. Process STDIN in parallel afterwards. The mce_loop_f routine
## can take a GLOB reference or a scalar containing the path to the file.

MCE::Loop::init {

   RS => $RS, use_slurpio => 1, parallel_io => $parallel_io,
   chunk_size => $chunk_size, max_workers => $max_workers,

   gather => gather_iterator(\*STDOUT, \*STDERR)

mce_loop_f {

   my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
   my $path = MCE->tmp_dir .'/'. $chunk_id;
   local ($!, $?);

   if ($is_mswin32) {
      $path =~ s{/}{\\\\}g;

      open my $out_fh, "+>:raw", "$";
      print $out_fh $$chunk_ref;
      close $out_fh;

      system("$cmd_path @ARGV < $ > $path.out 2> $path.err");

      unlink "$";
   else {
      ## Borrowed bits from IPC::Run3 for STDOUT/ERR. For STDIN, went with
      ## open $cmd_fh, '|-', ... due to lesser overhead behind the scene.

      local (*STDOUT_SAVE, *STDERR_SAVE);
      my ($out_fh, $err_fh, $cmd_fh);

      open STDOUT_SAVE, '>&STDOUT';
      open $out_fh, '+>:raw', "$path.out";
      open STDOUT, '>&' . fileno $out_fh;

      open STDERR_SAVE, '>&STDERR';
      open $err_fh, '+>:raw', "$path.err";
      open STDERR, '>&' . fileno $err_fh;

      ## Seeing "maximal count of pending signals (NUM) exceeded" message.
      ## Therefore using syswrite instead of print below.

      open $cmd_fh, '|-', $cmd_path, @ARGV;    ## Spawn external command
      syswrite $cmd_fh, $$chunk_ref;           ## Write to external's STDIN
      close $cmd_fh;

      open STDOUT, '>&STDOUT_SAVE'; close $out_fh;
      open STDERR, '>&STDERR_SAVE'; close $err_fh;

   MCE->gather($chunk_id, $path, $? >> 8);

} $input;

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Cleanup and exit.


exit $exit_status;