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#!/usr/bin/perl -w 

use strict;
use WWW::Mediawiki::Client;
use Getopt::Long ();
use Pod::Usage;
use Data::Dumper;

# Fields                                                                     #

# Options:
our (
	$opt_help, $opt_verbose, $opt_defaults,
	$opt_host, $opt_lang, $opt_username, $opt_password, 
        $opt_version, $opt_wiki_path, $opt_space_sub,
	$opt_message, $opt_watch, $opt_minor, $opt_tls
$opt_verbose = 0;

# Multi-state options:
use constant OPTION_STATES => (
	yes     => WWW::Mediawiki::Client->OPT_YES,
	no      => WWW::Mediawiki::Client->OPT_NO,
	keep    => WWW::Mediawiki::Client->OPT_KEEP,
	default => WWW::Mediawiki::Client->OPT_DEFAULT,

our $VERSION = $WWW::Mediawiki::Client::VERSION;

my $LOGFILE = '.mediawiki.errors';

# Subroutines                                                                #

sub print_defaults {
    my $DEFAULTS = WWW::Mediawiki::Client->DEFAULTS;
    for my $host (keys %$DEFAULTS) {
        print "Hostname: $host\n";
        for my $field (keys %{$DEFAULTS->{$host}}) {
            print "    $field: " . $DEFAULTS->{$host}->{$field} . "\n";
        print "\n";
    exit 1;

sub main {
    my ($command, @files) = @_;
    print_defaults if $opt_defaults;
    version_message() if $opt_version;
    pod2usage unless $command;
    my $method= "do_$command";
    # do help if indicated
    pod2usage(-verbose => 1) if $opt_help;
    # create the init array, and maybe pre-populate it
    my $wmc = WWW::Mediawiki::Client->new();
    unless ($wmc->can($method)) {
        print "Command \"$command\" not supported.\n\n";
        pod2usage(-verbose => 1);
    $wmc->host($opt_host) if $opt_host;
    $wmc->protocol('https') if $opt_tls;
    $wmc->commit_message($opt_message) if $opt_message;
    $wmc->language_code($opt_lang) if $opt_lang;
    $wmc->username($opt_username) if $opt_username;
    $wmc->password($opt_password) if $opt_password;
    $wmc->space_substitute($opt_space_sub) if $opt_space_sub;
    $wmc->wiki_path($opt_wiki_path) if $opt_wiki_path;
    $wmc->minor_edit($opt_minor) if defined($opt_minor);
    $wmc->watch($opt_watch) if defined($opt_watch);
    # run command
    my $message = "Doing $command ";
    $message .= @files ? join(' ', @files) . ' ' : '';
    $message .= "with host: " 
              . $wmc->host . " and lang: "
              . $wmc->language_code . "\n";
    my $watch = multistate_text($wmc->watch);
    my $minor = multistate_text($wmc->minor_edit);
    $message .= "    wiki_path: " . $wmc->wiki_path . "\n"
              . "    space_substitute: " . $wmc->space_substitute . "\n"
              . "    watch this page?: $watch\n" 
              . "    minor edit?: $minor\n"
            if $opt_verbose >= 1;
    print $message unless $opt_verbose <= -1;
    eval { $wmc->$method(@files) };
    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($@, 'WWW::Mediawiki::Client::Exception')) {
        open (LOG, ">>$LOGFILE");
        print LOG "\n-----------------\n$@";
        warn "\n-----------------\n$@" if $opt_verbose >= 1;
        if ($@->isa('WWW::Mediawiki::Client::LoginException')) {
            print LOG Data::Dumper->Dump([$@->res], ['res'] ) . "\n";
            print LOG Data::Dumper->Dump([$@->cookie_jar], ['cookie_jar']) . "\n";
            close LOG;
            die $@->error . " See $LOGFILE for details.\n" ;
        } elsif ($@->isa('WWW::Mediawiki::Client::CommitException')) {
            print LOG Data::Dumper->Dump([$@->res], ['res']) . "\n";
        } elsif ($@->isa('WWW::Mediawiki::Client::ServerPageException')) {
            print LOG Data::Dumper->Dump([$@->res], ['res']) . "\n";
        warn $@->error . " See $LOGFILE for details.\n" ;
    } elsif ($@) {
	die $@;
    return 1 unless $wmc->status;
    my %status = %{$wmc->status};
    foreach my $file (keys %status) {
        print $status{$file} . " $file\n" if $status{$file};
    return 1;

    pod2usage(-verbose => 1);

sub version_message {
    print "Mediawiki versioning system version $VERSION\n";
    exit 1;

sub parse_command {
	local @ARGV = @{$_[0]};

	my $command;
	Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling', 'pass_through');
	Getopt::Long::GetOptions('<>' => sub {
		$command = $_[0] unless $command;

	return $command;

sub multistate_map {
	my @states = @_;

	my %states = OPTION_STATES;
	my %statemap;
	foreach my $state (@states) {
		$statemap{$state} = $states{$state};
	return \%statemap;

sub multistate_text {
	my ($value) = @_;
	return 'not set' unless defined($value);

	my %states = OPTION_STATES;
	my %reverse = map {$states{$_} => $_} keys %states;
	return $reverse{$value} if defined($reverse{$value});
	return 'unknown';

sub multistate_option {
	my ($ref, @states) = @_;

	my $statemap = multistate_map(@states);

	return sub {
		my ($name, $value) = @_;
		my $state = $statemap->{lc($value)};
		die "Unknown setting for $name: $value\n"
			. "Valid settings: " . join(', ', @states) . "\n"
			unless defined($state);
		${$ref} = $state;

sub parse_options {
	my $command = shift;
	local @ARGV = @{$_[0]};
    $command ||= "";
	my @addit;
	@addit = (
		'host|d=s'	=> \$opt_host,
                'use_tls|T'     => \$opt_tls,
		'lang|l=s'	=> \$opt_lang,
		'username|u=s'	=> \$opt_username,
		'password|p=s'	=> \$opt_password,
		'wikipath|w=s'	=> \$opt_wiki_path,
		'spaces|S=s'	=> \$opt_space_sub,
	) if $command eq 'login';
	@addit = (
		'message|summary|m|s=s'	=> \$opt_message,
		'minor=s'	=> multistate_option(
			\$opt_minor, qw(yes no default)),
		'watch=s'	=> multistate_option(
			\$opt_watch, qw(yes no default keep)),
		'M'		=> sub { $opt_minor = WWW::Mediawiki::Client->OPT_YES },
		'W'		=> sub { $opt_watch = WWW::Mediawiki::Client->OPT_YES },
	) if $command eq 'commit' or $command eq 'com' 
		or $command eq 'preview';

		'no_ignore_case', 'bundling', 'no_pass_through');
		'verbose|v'	=> sub { $opt_verbose++ },
		'quiet|q'	=> sub { $opt_verbose-- },
		'help|h'	=> \$opt_help,
                'version|V'     => \$opt_version,
	) or exit(-1);

	return @ARGV;

# parse command line
my $command = parse_command(\@ARGV);
my @args = parse_options($command, \@ARGV);
main (@args);


=head1 NAME

mvs - A command line Mediawiki client 


  mvs [Options] command [Options] [filename]

  mvs -h|--help
  mvs --version
  mvs -D

  mkdir wikistuff
  cd wikistuff

  mvs [-q|-v] login [-T] [-d <wikihost>] [-l language_code ] [-u <username>] [-p <password> ] [-w <wiki_path>] 

  mvs [-q|-v] update [<file> ..]
  mvs [-q|-v] up [<file> ..]

  mvs [-q|-v] commit [-M] [-W] -m "commit message" <file>
  mvs [-q|-v] com [-M] [-W] -m "commit message" <file>
  mvs [-q|-v] preview [-M] [-W] [-m "commit message"] <file>


C<mvs> is a command line client whose purpose is to simplify offline
editing of Wiki content.  It allows you to get any number of pages from a
given Mediawiki site, edit the pages with any editor, get and merge any
concurrent updates of the pages, and then safely commit the users own
changes back to the version of the page on the server.

The C<mvs> commands which take a filename argument only accept a single
filename as so to avoid taking up too much server bandwidth.

B<Note:>Users of C<mvs> from before version 0.27 will notice that in this
documentation the options are mostly listed after the C<mvs> sub-command.
This makes C<mvs> behave more like C<cvs>, C<svn>, or C<tla>, and so should
make it easier for people who are used to using those programs.  If you
prefer to use C<mvs> the old way, that will still work, at least for the
next few versions.


=head2 Step 1:  Create an account on the Mediawiki server.

This should be done the normal way, by visiting the Mediawiki website to
which you want to contribute and creating a new account, setting the
preferences, etc.

It should hopefully go without saying that you will want to become familiar
with the editorial, usage, and copyright guidelines of the site.  You
should probably also make some contributions through the normal UI, and
learn about following recent changes before contributing using mvs.

In addition for the sake of this test you should already have a user page
like User:<username> with something on it, where <username> is the user
name with which you established the account.

=head2 Step 2:  Create a working directory

C<mvs> works with Mediawiki formatted files with a C<.wiki> extension and
which are stored together with server information in a I<working directory>.  
You will have to have I<at least> one working directory for each Mediawiki
site to which you contribute.

Simply use C<mkdir> or the equivalent to make a new directory, and then
before cd into that directory.

  mkdir wikitravel.en
  cd wikitravel.en

All of the operations below should be done from this directory.

=head2 Step 3:  Login using C<mvs login>

To use login you will need to know the I<host>name for the Mediawiki site
to which you want to contribute.

Now use the I<host> with your username and password to login.

  mvs login -d -u <username> -p 'secret'

If C<mvs> knows about your Mediawiki host it will set set the
C<wiki_path> to the correct default for that server.  In this case it will
also be able to select the language version of that Wiki for you if you
specify a C<language_code>:

  mvs login -d -l fr -u <username> -p 'secret' 

The code must match the one which your wiki host uses for a given language,
and of course the language version must exist for the given host.

If your Mediawiki install uses a nonstandard path to the wiki script you
can specify it on login.  The path to the wiki script is the part of the
URL after the host name, and before the '?':

  mvs login \
    -d \
    -u <username> \
    -p 'secret' \
    -w 'mw/wiki.phtml'

You can change the edit and action paths in the created .mediawiki
file after successful login accordingly.

Now anything you submit to the Mediawiki server will be credited to user

B<NOTE:> If you have been using an earlier version of C<mvs> you should
probably delete the .mediawiki file in your working directory.

=head2 Step 4:  Use C<mvs update> to fetch one or more working files

You can fetch existing material off of the site, or create new pages with
C<mvs update>, remembering that your files will need a C<.wiki> extension:

  mvs update User:<username>.wiki User:<username>/

This should produce the output:

  U User:<username>.wiki
  A User:<username>/

The U (for Updated) means that User:<username> was found on the server and
its contents inserted into the local files.  The A (for Added) means that
the User:<username>/ page does not yet exist on the server,
and will be added when you run C<mvs commit>.

Note that both of the pages we are working with are within I<your>
User Namespace.  It's probably a good idea to restrict yourself to working
with such pages while you are experimenting with C<mvs>

=head2 Step 5:  Edit the files to make corrections and contributions

Use your favorite text editor to edit the files.  You might want to check
out this page to see if there is a Mediawiki syntax highlighting file for
your editor:

Of course if you don't find a highlighting file for you editor you are
welcome to create one and submit it to the page above.

=head2 Step 6:  Use C<mvs commit> to submit your changes

When you are done editing a file and would like to submit your changes to
the wiki server use C<mvs commit> to do so:

  mvs commit -m 'commit message' User:<username>.wiki

Where 'commit message' is whatever you want to say about the changes you
are submitting and why.  You must provide a commit message or C<mvs commit>
will fail.  You might also find that C<mvs commit> fails complaining that
the file has changed on the server.  If this is the case you will need to
use C<mvs update> again to get the most recent changes.

=head2 Step 7: Update your wiki files

You can use C<mvs update> again at any time to reconcile any of your files
with the most recent changes from the server.  Your changes I<will not> be
overwritten, but rather C<mvs> will try to merge any server changes into
the files as they exist in your working directory.  Note that update and
commit only work on one file at a time, as so to help prevent accidents and
server congestion.

If for some reason there is a conflict, i.e. you and someone else have made
changes which appear to be incompatible, and cannot be resolved then your
file will contain a I<conflict message>, as detailed in the documentation
for C<mvs update> below.  You I<must> resolve any conflicts I<before>
attempting to use C<mvs commit> on the file.  This is usually a very simple
matter of choosing one version of the change or another.  You should use
your best judgement, consulting the relevant C<Talk:> page to try to work
out an agreement with the other contributor in cases where you just simply

=head2 Repeat

You can continue editing and committing changes with the files in your
working directory.  It might be a good idea for you to eventually create
multiple working directories per site, perhaps grouping them by subject.
This will work fine with C<mvs> since it does I<not> need to have a
complete copy of all of the pages from a given server in a given working
directory to work.


All of your C<.wiki> files should be stored with UTF-8 encoding.  Upon
login to a given server mvs will determine the encoding used by that
server, and will upload in that encoding only.  For servers using non-UTF-8
character sets you should use HTML entities for any character you want to
represent which is outside of the server's character set.  This includes
the english Wikipedia.  Most newer Mediawiki sites however do use UTF-8, on
these sites HTML entities are I<never> needed.


=head2 Commands

The first argument after the options should be one of the following two

=over 4

=item mvs login

Allows the user to login to the Mediawiki server using an I<existing> login
and password for that server.  After calling C<login> all C<commit>s from
the same working directory will be logged as from the logged-in user.

=item mvs update

Updates the specified file[s] with content from the Mediawiki server.  If a
file does not exist it is created and populated with the current online
version.  If there is no online version, the file either created and left
blank, or just left as it is.  If there is content in both the specified
file and in the corresponding Wiki page, an attempt is made to merge the
two, line by line.  Files which are the same as the server version are

If no filenames are given on the command line, all visible files with the
.wiki extension are processed.

Conflicting changes to a given line are detected on the basis of the date
of the most recent update of the local file and date of the most recent
change to the online Wiki page.  If a line has changed in both the online
page and the local file it is flagged as a conflict, as in CVS, but with a
slightly different syntax:

  ********************Start of conflict 1  Insert to Primary, Insert to Secondary ************************************************************

  The line as it appears on the server


  The line as it appears locally
  ********************End of conflict 1********************************************************************************

C<mvs update> reports the status of files which it touches to STDERR with
a letter indicating the file status, and then name of the file, again like
CVS.  The status letters are:

=over 4

=item = (Unchanged)

The file is the same as the page on the server.

=item A (Added) 

The file will become a new page on the wiki server.

=item M (Modified) 

The file has been modified locally.

=item U (Updated) 

The file has been updated with changes from the wiki server.

=item C (Conflicts) 

The file contains conflict markers.

=item ? (Unknown)

Neither the file, nor a corresponding server page exist.


=item commit

Commits any changes in the specified local file to the Wiki site.  A check
is made first to make sure that there are no changes on the server more
recent than the most recent update.  Nothing will be comitted if the file 
and server version are identical.

When running C<mvs commit> you I<must> use the C<-m> flag to send a commit
message to the Mediawiki server.  e.g.:

  mvs commit -m 'Added Hotel Eldorado'

=item preview

This command functions identically to C<mvs commit>, except that nothing is
actually committed.  Instead, the file is uploaded and the Mediawiki server
sends back a formatted preview.  The C<-m> flag is optional.  If you set
the L<MVS_BROWSER> environmental variable to the path and filename of your
favorite browser, mvs will launch it with the preview page.

=item clean

This command removes any local version reference files relating to
pages you've deleted.

  mvs clean

=head2 File names

Any additional arguments are taken as I<local> filenames to be processed.
The local filename of a given Mediawiki page will be the same as its URL
encoded name with the extension ".wiki".  If no arguments are given then
any filenames with the "wiki" extension and under the current directory are

=head1 OPTIONS

=head2 -h

Display usage information.

=head2 -D

Print information about known Mediawiki servers, then exit.

=head2 -q

Causes the command to be quiet.  Informational messages are suppressed.

=head2 -u "<username>"

Specifies a username for C<mvs login>.

=head2 -p "<password>"

Specifies a password for C<mvs login>.

=head2 -l "<language_code>"

The language code the wiki server uses to differentiate between language

=head2 -m "<your message>"

A commit message for C<mvs commit>.  Use this to explain the nature of your

=head2 -s "<your message>"

Same as C<-m>

=head2 --minor <yes|no|default>

Choose whether to mark change as a minor edit.  The default is to mark
changes as minor if the Mediawiki user profile is set to do so by
default.  Use this when committing a change with C<mvs commit> or
previewing with C<mvs preview>.

=head2 -M

Same as C<--minor yes>.

=head2 --watch <yes|no|keep|default>

Choose whether to add the edited page to your watchlist.  Specifying
C<keep> will maintain the current watched status.  The default is to
watch the page if it is already being watched, or if the Mediawiki
user profile is set to do so by default.  Use this when committing a
change with C<mvs commit> or previewing with C<mvs preview>.

=head2 -W

Same as C<--watch yes>.

=head2 -w "<wiki path>"

The path on the given C<host> to the Mediawiki script.  This defaults to
I<wiki/wiki.phtml> which is correct for a vanilla install of Mediawiki

=head2 -v

Verbose.  If this is set C<mvs> will give you lots of extra information
about what it's doing.  The -q flag overrides this.



The browser you prefer to use for previewing changes.


A proxy server to use (if any), expressed as a standard URL, something like

  export HTTP_PROXY=http://[username:password@]

=head1 CAVEATS

This is an early version of this program.  Future versions may have major
differences which will effect your ability to use them interchangeably with
this one.  In particular the initial "command" arguments may become
options and the handling of conflicts might change dramatically.

=head1 BUGS

Please submit bug reports to the CPAN bug tracker at


There is a discussion list.  You can subscribe or read the archives at:

=head1 SEE ALSO

=head2 Mediawiki


=head2 CVS

L<|The CVS home page>

=head1 AUTHORS

=item Mark Jaroski <>

=item Bernhard Kaindl <>

Improved error and usage messages.

=item Oleg Alexandrov <>, Thomas Widmann <>

Bug reports and feedback.

=item Adrian Irving-Beer <>

Preview support, export support for multi-page update, more 'minor'
and 'watch' settings, and bug reports.


© Copyright 2004-2005, Mark Jaroski

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.