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=head1 NAME

Any::Daemon::HTTP::Proxy - proxy request to a remote server


   is a Any::Daemon::HTTP::Source


 my $proxy = Any::Daemon::HTTP::Proxy->new
   ( path => '/forward'

 my $vh = Any::Daemon::HTTP::VirtualHost->new(proxies => $proxy);


[Available since v0.24] B<Warning: new code, not intensively tested.>

There are two kinds of proxies:

=over 4

=item 1.

Each L<Any::Daemon::HTTP::VirtualHost|Any::Daemon::HTTP::VirtualHost> may define as many proxies as it
needs, selected by location inside a server namespace, just like other

=item 2.

The HTTP daemon itself collects proxies which use C<forward_map>'s; mapping
incoming requests for many domains to many destination.


The current implementation does not support all features of proxies.  For
instance, reverse proxies are not yet implemented.  Besides, it does not
combine incoming connections into new outgoing connections.

Proxy loop detection is used by adding C<Via> header fields (which
can be removed explicitly).

See L<documentation in the base class|Any::Daemon::HTTP::Source/"DESCRIPTION">.
=head1 METHODS

See L<documentation in the base class|Any::Daemon::HTTP::Source/"METHODS">.
=head2 Constructors

See L<documentation in the base class|Any::Daemon::HTTP::Source/"Constructors">.
=over 4

=item Any::Daemon::HTTP::Proxy-E<gt>B<new>(OPTIONS|HASH-of-OPTIONS)

A proxy has either a C<path> various, in which case it is part of
a single VirtualHost, or has a C<forward_map> when it becomes a child
of the http daemon itself.

 -Option            --Defined in               --Default
  add_req_headers                                []
  add_resp_headers                               []
  allow               Any::Daemon::HTTP::Source  <undef>
  change_request                                 undef
  change_response                                undef
  deny                Any::Daemon::HTTP::Source  <undef>
  forward_map                                    <undef>
  name                Any::Daemon::HTTP::Source  path
  path                Any::Daemon::HTTP::Source  '/'
  remote_proxy                                   undef
  reverse                                        true
  strip_req_headers                              []
  strip_resp_headers                             []
  user_agent                                     undef
  via                                            "$host:$port"

=over 2

=item add_req_headers => ARRAY|CODE

=item add_resp_headers => ARRAY|CODE


=item change_request => CODE

After adding and deleting headers, you may make other changes to the
request.  The CODE is called with the proxy object, request and (rewritten)
uri as parameters.

=item change_response => CODE

After adding and deleting headers, you may make other changes to the
request. The CODE is called with the proxy object, request and (rewritten)
uri as parameters.


=item forward_map => CODE|'RELAY'

When there is a C<forward_map>, you can only add this proxy object to
the daemon.  The map describes how incoming domains need to be handled.

The special constant C<RELAY> will make all requests being accepted
and forwarded without uri rewrite.

=item name => STRING

=item path => PATH

=item remote_proxy => PROXY|CODE

When this proxy speak to an other PROXY.  This can either be a fixed
address or name, or computed for each request via a CODE reference.

=item reverse => BOOLEAN

Enable reverse proxy behavior as well, which means that redirection
responses from the remote will be modified to have the redirected
passing through this proxy as well.

=item strip_req_headers => NAME|REGEX|ARRAY|CODE

See L<stripHeaders()|Any::Daemon::HTTP::Proxy/"Action">.

=item strip_resp_headers => NAME|REGEX|ARRAY|CODE

See L<stripHeaders()|Any::Daemon::HTTP::Proxy/"Action">.

=item user_agent => LWP::UserAgent

=item via => WORD

To be included in the "Via" header line, which detects proxy loops.



=head2 Attributes

See L<documentation in the base class|Any::Daemon::HTTP::Source/"Attributes">.
=over 4

=item $obj-E<gt>B<name>()

See L<Any::Daemon::HTTP::Source/"Attributes">

=item $obj-E<gt>B<path>()

See L<Any::Daemon::HTTP::Source/"Attributes">

=item $obj-E<gt>B<remoteProxy>(SESSION, REQUEST)

Returns the remote proxy to be used for REQUEST.  If not set, then there
is direct connection to the destination.

=item $obj-E<gt>B<userAgent>()

=item $obj-E<gt>B<via>()


=head2 Permissions

See L<documentation in the base class|Any::Daemon::HTTP::Source/"Permissions">.
=over 4

=item $obj-E<gt>B<allow>(SESSION, REQUEST, URI)

See L<Any::Daemon::HTTP::Source/"Permissions">

=item $obj-E<gt>B<collect>(VHOST, SESSION, REQUEST, URI)

See L<Any::Daemon::HTTP::Source/"Permissions">


=head2 Actions

See L<documentation in the base class|Any::Daemon::HTTP::Source/"Actions">.
=head2 Action

=over 4

=item $obj-E<gt>B<addHeaders>(MESSAGE, PAIRS|ARRAY|CODE)

Add header lines to the request or response MESSAGE.  Existing headers
with the same name are retained.

   add_req_headers   => [ Server => 'MSIE' ]
   add_req_headers   => sub { my ($proxy,$msg,$uri) = @_; ... }

=item $obj-E<gt>B<forwardRequest>(SESSION, REQUEST, URI)

=item $obj-E<gt>B<forwardRewrite>(SESSION, REQUEST, URI)

=item $obj-E<gt>B<proxify>(REQUEST, URI)

The URI is the result of a rewrite of the destination mentioned in the
REQUEST.  To be able to forward the REQUEST to the next server, we need
to rewrite its headers.

It is also possible the the original request originates from browser
which is not configured for proxying.  That will be repared as well.

=item $obj-E<gt>B<stripHeaders>(MESSAGE, NAME|REGEX|ARRAY|CODE|LIST)

Convert a specification about which headers should be stripped into
a singled CODE reference to remove the specified fields from a request
(to a proxy) or response (by the proxy).

   strip_req_headers => 'ETag'
   strip_req_headers => qr/^X-/
   strip_req_headers => [ 'ETag', qr/^X-/ ]
   strip_req_headers => sub { my ($proxy,$msg,$uri) = @_; ... }


=head1 DETAILS

See L<documentation in the base class|Any::Daemon::HTTP::Source/"DETAILS">.
=head2 Resource restrictions

See L<documentation in the base class|Any::Daemon::HTTP::Source/"Resource restrictions">.
=head2 Using the proxy-map

The proxy map will only be used when the access rules permit the client
to access this source.  When the map returns a new URI as result, that
will be the new destination of the request.  When C<undef> is returned,
there may be an other proxy specification which will accept it.

A typical usage could be:

  Any::Daemon::HTTP::Proxy->new(forward_map => \&mapper);

  sub mapper($$$)
  {   my ($proxy, $session, $request, $uri) = @_;

      if(lc $uri->authority eq '')
      {   my $new = $uri->clone;
          return $new;


You can do anything you need: build lookup tables, rewrite parameter
lists, and more.  However: the final URI needs to be an absolute URI.
Please create regression tests for your mapper function.

=head2 Proxy to a proxy

An open forwarding proxy can be made with

    ( forward_map  => 'RELAY'
    , remote_proxy => ''

=head1 SEE ALSO

This module is part of Any-Daemon-HTTP distribution version 0.24,
built on January 05, 2014. Website: F<>

=head1 LICENSE

Copyrights 2013-2014 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
See F<>