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# Copyrights 2012 by [Mark Overmeer].
#  For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.00.
package Apache::Solr::XML;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '0.91';

use base 'Apache::Solr';

use warnings;
use strict;

use Log::Report          qw(solr);

use Apache::Solr::Result ();
use XML::LibXML::Simple  ();
use HTTP::Message        ();
use HTTP::Request        ();
use Scalar::Util         qw(blessed);

use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Indent    = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = 0;

# See the XML::LibXML::Simple manual page
my @xml_decode_config =
  ( ForceArray   => []
  , ContentKey   => '_'
  , KeyAttr      => []
sub _cleanup_parsed($);

sub init($)
{   my ($self, $args) = @_;
    $args->{format} ||= 'XML';


    $self->{ASX_simple} = XML::LibXML::Simple->new(@xml_decode_config);

sub xmlsimple() {shift->{ASX_simple}}


sub _select($)
{   my ($self, $params) = @_;
    my @params   = (wt => 'xml', @$params);
    my $endpoint = $self->endpoint('select', params => \@params);
    my $result   = Apache::Solr::Result->new(params => \@params
      , endpoint => $endpoint);
    $self->request($endpoint, $result);

sub _extract($$)
{   my ($self, $params, $data) = @_;
    my @params   = (wt => 'xml', @$params);
    my $endpoint = $self->endpoint('update/extract', params => \@params);
    my $result   = Apache::Solr::Result->new(params => \@params
      , endpoint => $endpoint);
    $self->request($endpoint, $result, $data);

sub _add($$$)
{   my ($self, $docs, $attrs, $params) = @_;
    $attrs   ||= {};
    $params  ||= {};

    my $doc    = XML::LibXML::Document->new('1.0', 'UTF-8');
    my $add    = $doc->createElement('add');
    $add->setAttribute($_ => $attrs->{$_}) for sort keys %$attrs;

    $add->addChild($self->_doc2xml($doc, $_))
        for @$docs;


    my @params   = (wt => 'xml', %$params);
    my $endpoint = $self->endpoint('update', params => \@params);
    my $result = Apache::Solr::Result->new(params => \@params
      , endpoint => $endpoint);
    $self->request($endpoint, $result, $doc);

sub _doc2xml($$$)
{   my ($self, $doc, $this) = @_;

    my $node  = $doc->createElement('doc');
    my $boost = $this->boost || 1.0;
    $node->setAttribute(boost => $boost) if $boost != 1.0;

    foreach my $field ($this->fields)
    {   my $fnode = $doc->createElement('field');
        $fnode->setAttribute(name => $field->{name});
        my $boost = $field->{boost} || 1.0;
        $fnode->setAttribute(boost => $boost) if $boost != 1.0;

sub _commit($)   { my ($s, $attr) = @_; $s->simpleUpdate(commit   => $attr) }
sub _optimize($) { my ($s, $attr) = @_; $s->simpleUpdate(optimize => $attr) }
sub _delete($$)  { my $self = shift; $self->simpleUpdate(delete   => @_) }
sub _rollback()  { shift->simpleUpdate('rollback') }

sub _terms($)
{   my ($self, $terms) = @_;

    my @params   = (wt => 'xml', @$terms);
    my $endpoint = $self->endpoint('terms', params => \@params);
    my $result   = Apache::Solr::Result->new(params => \@params
      , endpoint => $endpoint);

    $self->request($endpoint, $result);

    my $table = $result->decoded->{terms} || {};
    while(my ($field, $terms) = each %$table)
    {   my @terms = map [ $_ => $terms->{$_} ]
          , sort {$terms->{$b} <=> $terms->{$a}}
              keys %$terms;
        $result->terms($field => \@terms);



sub request($$;$)
{   my ($self, $url, $result, $body) = @_;

    my $req;
    {   $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
    elsif(blessed $body && $body->isa('XML::LibXML::Document'))
    {   # request with xml payload
        $req = HTTP::Request->new
          ( POST => $url
          , [ Content_Type => 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' ]
          , $body->toString
    elsif(ref $body eq 'SCALAR')
    {   # request with 'form' payload
        my $attach = HTTP::Message->new
          ( [ Content_Disposition => qq{form-data; name="content"}
            , Content_Type => 'application/pdf' ]
          , $$body
        $req       = HTTP::Request->new
          ( POST => $url
          , [ Content_Type => 'multipart/form-data' ]
    else {panic}

#warn $req->as_string;

    my $resp = $self->agent->request($req);

        or warning __x"error response from solr server: {err}"
             , err => $resp->status_line;

    my $ct = $resp->content_type;
#warn $resp->as_string;
    $ct =~ m/xml/i
        or error __x"answer from solr server is not xml but {type}", type => $ct;

    my $dec = $self->xmlsimple
       ->XMLin($resp->decoded_content || $resp->content);

#warn Dumper $dec;
    $result->decoded(_cleanup_parsed $dec);

sub _cleanup_parsed($)
{   my $data = shift;

    if(!ref $data) { return $data }
    elsif(ref $data eq 'HASH')   
    {   my %d = %$data;   # start with shallow copy

        # Hash
        if(my $lst = delete $d{lst})
        {   foreach (ref $lst eq 'ARRAY' ? @$lst : $lst)
            {   my $name  = delete $_->{name};
                $d{$name} = $_;

        # Array
        if(my $arr = delete $d{arr})
        {   foreach (ref $arr eq 'ARRAY' ? @$arr : $arr)
            {   my $name   = delete $_->{name};
                my ($type, $values) = %$_;
                $values = [$values] if ref $values ne 'ARRAY';
                $d{$name} = $values;

        foreach my $type (qw/int long str float bool/)
        {   my $items = delete $d{$type} or next;
            foreach (ref $items eq 'ARRAY' ? @$items : $items)
            {   my ($name, $value)
                    = ref $_ eq 'HASH' ? ($_->{name}, $_->{_}) : ('', $_);
                $value = $value eq 'true' || $_->{_} eq 1
                    if $type eq 'bool';
                $d{$name} = $value;

        foreach my $key (keys %d)
        {   $d{$key} = _cleanup_parsed($d{$key}) if ref $d{$key};
        return \%d;
    elsif(ref $data eq 'ARRAY')
    {   return [ map _cleanup_parsed($_), @$data ];
    else {panic $data}

sub simpleUpdate($$;$)
{   my ($self, $command) = (shift, shift);

    my $attrs    = shift || {};
    my @params   = (wt => 'xml', commit => delete $attrs->{commit});
    my $endpoint = $self->endpoint('update', params => \@params);
    my $result   = Apache::Solr::Result->new(params => \@params
      , endpoint => $endpoint);

    my $doc      = $self->simpleDocument($command, $attrs);
    $self->request($endpoint, $result, $doc);

sub simpleDocument($;$$)
{   my ($self, $command, $attrs, $content) = @_;

    my $doc  = XML::LibXML::Document->new('1.0', 'UTF-8');
    my $top  = $doc->createElement($command);

    $attrs ||= {};
    $top->setAttribute($_ => $attrs->{$_}) for sort keys %$attrs;

    if(!defined $content) {}
    elsif(ref $content eq 'HASH')
    {   $top->addChild($doc->createElement($_ => $content->{$_}))
            for sort keys %$content;
    elsif(ref $content eq 'ARRAY')
    {   my @c = @$content;
        $top->addChild($doc->createElement(shift @c => shift @c))
            while @c;
    {   $top->appendText($content);
