The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
ok 1 - use Google::Merchant::AtomFeed;
# Describing complex a:feed
#     {}feed
# Produced by XML::Compile::Translate::Template version undef
#          on Fri May 10 16:08:18 2013
# BE WARNED: in most cases, the example below cannot be used without
# interpretation.  The comments will guide you.
# xmlns:a

# is an a:feedType
{ # choice of author, category, contributor, generator, icon,
  #   id, link, logo, rights, subtitle, title, updated, entry, ANY
  # occurs 3 <= # <= unbounded times
  cho_author => 
  [ {
      # is an a:personType
      # occurs any number of times
      author =>
      [ { # choice of name, uri, email, ANY
          # occurs 1 <= # <= unbounded times
          cho_name => 
          [ {
              # is a xs:string
              name => "example",

              # is an a:uriType
              # uri is simple value with attributes
              # is optional
              uri =>
              { # is a xs:anyURI
                base => "",

                # one of the following (union)
                #  - is a xs:language
                #  - is a xs:string
                #    Enum: 
                lang => "nl-NL",

                # any attribute not in a:
                ANYATTR => "AnySimple",

                # is a xs:anyURI
                # string content of the container
                _ => "", },

              # is a xs:normalizedString
              # is optional
              # Pattern: \w+@(\w+\.)+\w+
              email => "example",

              # any element not in a:
              ANY => "Anything", },

          # is a xs:anyURI
          base => "",

          # one of the following (union)
          #  - is a xs:language
          #  - is a xs:string
          #    Enum: 
          lang => "nl-NL",

          # any attribute not in a:
          ANYATTR => "AnySimple", }, ],

      # is an a:categoryType
      # occurs any number of times
      category =>
      [ { # is a xs:string
          # attribute term is required
          term => "example",

          # is a xs:anyURI
          scheme => "",

          # is a xs:string
          label => "example",

          # is a xs:anyURI
          base => "",

          # one of the following (union)
          #  - is a xs:language
          #  - is a xs:string
          #    Enum: 
          lang => "nl-NL",

          # any attribute not in a:
          ANYATTR => "AnySimple", }, ],

      # is an a:personType
      # complex structure shown above
      # occurs any number of times
      contributor => {},

      # is an a:generatorType
      # generator is simple value with attributes
      # is optional
      generator =>
      { # is a xs:anyURI
        uri => "",

        # is a xs:string
        version => "example",

        # is a xs:anyURI
        base => "",

        # one of the following (union)
        #  - is a xs:language
        #  - is a xs:string
        #    Enum: 
        lang => "nl-NL",

        # any attribute not in a:
        ANYATTR => "AnySimple",

        # is a xs:string
        # string content of the container
        _ => "example", },

      # is an a:iconType
      # icon is simple value with attributes
      # is optional
      icon =>
      { # is a xs:anyURI
        base => "",

        # one of the following (union)
        #  - is a xs:language
        #  - is a xs:string
        #    Enum: 
        lang => "nl-NL",

        # any attribute not in a:
        ANYATTR => "AnySimple",

        # is a xs:anyURI
        # string content of the container
        _ => "", },

      # is an a:idType
      # id is simple value with attributes
      id =>
      { # is a xs:anyURI
        base => "",

        # one of the following (union)
        #  - is a xs:language
        #  - is a xs:string
        #    Enum: 
        lang => "nl-NL",

        # any attribute not in a:
        ANYATTR => "AnySimple",

        # is a xs:anyURI
        # string content of the container
        _ => "", },

      # is an a:linkType
      # link has a mixed content
      # occurs any number of times
      link =>
      [ { # is a xs:anyURI
          # attribute href is required
          href => "",

          # is a xs:string
          rel => "example",

          # is a xs:string
          type => "example",

          # is a xs:NMTOKEN
          hreflang => "nmtoken",

          # is a xs:string
          title => "example",

          # is a xs:positiveInteger
          length => +3,

          # is a xs:anyURI
          base => "",

          # one of the following (union)
          #  - is a xs:language
          #  - is a xs:string
          #    Enum: 
          lang => "nl-NL",

          # any attribute not in a:
          ANYATTR => "AnySimple",

          # mixed content cannot be processed automatically
          _ => XML::LibXML::Element->new('link'), }, ],

      # is an a:logoType
      # logo is simple value with attributes
      # is optional
      logo =>
      { # is a xs:anyURI
        base => "",

        # one of the following (union)
        #  - is a xs:language
        #  - is a xs:string
        #    Enum: 
        lang => "nl-NL",

        # any attribute not in a:
        ANYATTR => "AnySimple",

        # is a xs:anyURI
        # string content of the container
        _ => "", },

      # is an a:textType
      # rights has a mixed content
      # is optional
      rights =>
      { # is a xs:token
        # Enum: html text xhtml
        type => "text",

        # is a xs:anyURI
        base => "",

        # one of the following (union)
        #  - is a xs:language
        #  - is a xs:string
        #    Enum: 
        lang => "nl-NL",

        # any attribute not in a:
        ANYATTR => "AnySimple",

        # mixed content cannot be processed automatically
        _ => XML::LibXML::Element->new('rights'), },

      # is an a:textType
      # subtitle has a mixed content
      # is optional
      subtitle =>
      { # is a xs:token
        # Enum: html text xhtml
        type => "text",

        # is a xs:anyURI
        base => "",

        # one of the following (union)
        #  - is a xs:language
        #  - is a xs:string
        #    Enum: 
        lang => "nl-NL",

        # any attribute not in a:
        ANYATTR => "AnySimple",

        # mixed content cannot be processed automatically
        _ => XML::LibXML::Element->new('subtitle'), },

      # is an a:textType
      # title has a mixed content
      title =>
      { # is a xs:token
        # Enum: html text xhtml
        type => "text",

        # is a xs:anyURI
        base => "",

        # one of the following (union)
        #  - is a xs:language
        #  - is a xs:string
        #    Enum: 
        lang => "nl-NL",

        # any attribute not in a:
        ANYATTR => "AnySimple",

        # mixed content cannot be processed automatically
        _ => XML::LibXML::Element->new('title'), },

      # is an a:dateTimeType
      # updated is simple value with attributes
      updated =>
      { # is a xs:anyURI
        base => "",

        # one of the following (union)
        #  - is a xs:language
        #  - is a xs:string
        #    Enum: 
        lang => "nl-NL",

        # any attribute not in a:
        ANYATTR => "AnySimple",

        # is a xs:dateTime
        # string content of the container
        _ => "2006-10-06T00:23:02Z", },

      # is an a:entryType
      # occurs any number of times
      entry =>
      [ { # choice of author, category, content, contributor, id, link,
          #   published, rights, source, summary, title, updated, ANY
          # occurs 1 <= # <= unbounded times
          cho_author => 
          [ {
              # is an a:personType
              # complex structure shown above
              # occurs any number of times
              author => {},

              # is an a:categoryType
              # complex structure shown above
              # occurs any number of times
              category => {},

              # is an a:contentType
              # content has a mixed content
              # is optional
              content =>
              { # is a xs:string
                type => "example",

                # is a xs:anyURI
                src => "",

                # is a xs:anyURI
                base => "",

                # one of the following (union)
                #  - is a xs:language
                #  - is a xs:string
                #    Enum: 
                lang => "nl-NL",

                # any attribute not in a:
                ANYATTR => "AnySimple",

                # mixed content cannot be processed automatically
                _ => XML::LibXML::Element->new('content'), },

              # is an a:personType
              # complex structure shown above
              # occurs any number of times
              contributor => {},

              # is an a:idType
              # id is simple value with attributes
              id =>
              { # is a xs:anyURI
                base => "",

                # one of the following (union)
                #  - is a xs:language
                #  - is a xs:string
                #    Enum: 
                lang => "nl-NL",

                # any attribute not in a:
                ANYATTR => "AnySimple",

                # is a xs:anyURI
                # string content of the container
                _ => "", },

              # is an a:linkType
              # link has a mixed content
              # occurs any number of times
              link =>
              [ { # is a xs:anyURI
                  # attribute href is required
                  href => "",

                  # is a xs:string
                  rel => "example",

                  # is a xs:string
                  type => "example",

                  # is a xs:NMTOKEN
                  hreflang => "nmtoken",

                  # is a xs:string
                  title => "example",

                  # is a xs:positiveInteger
                  length => +3,

                  # is a xs:anyURI
                  base => "",

                  # one of the following (union)
                  #  - is a xs:language
                  #  - is a xs:string
                  #    Enum: 
                  lang => "nl-NL",

                  # any attribute not in a:
                  ANYATTR => "AnySimple",

                  # mixed content cannot be processed automatically
                  _ => XML::LibXML::Element->new('link'), }, ],

              # is an a:dateTimeType
              # published is simple value with attributes
              # is optional
              published =>
              { # is a xs:anyURI
                base => "",

                # one of the following (union)
                #  - is a xs:language
                #  - is a xs:string
                #    Enum: 
                lang => "nl-NL",

                # any attribute not in a:
                ANYATTR => "AnySimple",

                # is a xs:dateTime
                # string content of the container
                _ => "2006-10-06T00:23:02Z", },

              # is an a:textType
              # rights has a mixed content
              # is optional
              rights =>
              { # is a xs:token
                # Enum: html text xhtml
                type => "text",

                # is a xs:anyURI
                base => "",

                # one of the following (union)
                #  - is a xs:language
                #  - is a xs:string
                #    Enum: 
                lang => "nl-NL",

                # any attribute not in a:
                ANYATTR => "AnySimple",

                # mixed content cannot be processed automatically
                _ => XML::LibXML::Element->new('rights'), },

              # is an a:textType
              # source has a mixed content
              # is optional
              source =>
              { # is a xs:token
                # Enum: html text xhtml
                type => "text",

                # is a xs:anyURI
                base => "",

                # one of the following (union)
                #  - is a xs:language
                #  - is a xs:string
                #    Enum: 
                lang => "nl-NL",

                # any attribute not in a:
                ANYATTR => "AnySimple",

                # mixed content cannot be processed automatically
                _ => XML::LibXML::Element->new('source'), },

              # is an a:textType
              # summary has a mixed content
              # is optional
              summary =>
              { # is a xs:token
                # Enum: html text xhtml
                type => "text",

                # is a xs:anyURI
                base => "",

                # one of the following (union)
                #  - is a xs:language
                #  - is a xs:string
                #    Enum: 
                lang => "nl-NL",

                # any attribute not in a:
                ANYATTR => "AnySimple",

                # mixed content cannot be processed automatically
                _ => XML::LibXML::Element->new('summary'), },

              # is an a:textType
              # title has a mixed content
              title =>
              { # is a xs:token
                # Enum: html text xhtml
                type => "text",

                # is a xs:anyURI
                base => "",

                # one of the following (union)
                #  - is a xs:language
                #  - is a xs:string
                #    Enum: 
                lang => "nl-NL",

                # any attribute not in a:
                ANYATTR => "AnySimple",

                # mixed content cannot be processed automatically
                _ => XML::LibXML::Element->new('title'), },

              # is an a:dateTimeType
              # updated is simple value with attributes
              updated =>
              { # is a xs:anyURI
                base => "",

                # one of the following (union)
                #  - is a xs:language
                #  - is a xs:string
                #    Enum: 
                lang => "nl-NL",

                # any attribute not in a:
                ANYATTR => "AnySimple",

                # is a xs:dateTime
                # string content of the container
                _ => "2006-10-06T00:23:02Z", },

              # any element not in a:
              # occurs any number of times
              ANY => [ "Anything", ], },

          # is a xs:anyURI
          base => "",

          # one of the following (union)
          #  - is a xs:language
          #  - is a xs:string
          #    Enum: 
          lang => "nl-NL",

          # any attribute not in a:
          ANYATTR => "AnySimple", }, ],

      # any element not in a:
      # occurs any number of times
      ANY => [ "Anything", ], },

  # is a xs:anyURI
  base => "",

  # one of the following (union)
  #  - is a xs:language
  #  - is a xs:string
  #    Enum: 
  lang => "nl-NL",

  # any attribute not in a:
  ANYATTR => "AnySimple", }