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# Copyrights 2003-2018 by [Mark Overmeer <>].
#  For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.02.
# This code is part of distribution HTML-FromMail.  Meta-POD processed with
# OODoc into POD and HTML manual-pages.  See
# Copyright Mark Overmeer.  Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.

package HTML::FromMail;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '0.12';

use base 'Mail::Reporter';

use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Spec::Functions;
use File::Basename qw/basename dirname/;

my %default_producers =   # classes will be compiled automatically when used
 ( 'Mail::Message'        => 'HTML::FromMail::Message'
 , 'Mail::Message::Head'  => 'HTML::FromMail::Head'
 , 'Mail::Message::Field' => 'HTML::FromMail::Field'

sub init($)
{   my ($self, $args) = @_;

    $self->SUPER::init($args) or return;

    # Defining the formatter to be used
    my $form = $args->{formatter} || {};
    if(!ref $form)
    {   eval "require $form";
        die "ERROR: Formatter $form can not be used:\n$@" if $@;
        $form = $form->new;
    elsif(ref $form eq 'HASH')
    {   require HTML::FromMail::Format::OODoc;
        $form = HTML::FromMail::Format::OODoc->new(%$form);

    die "ERROR: Formatter $form could not be instantiated\n"
        unless defined $form;

    $self->{HF_formatter} = $form;

    # Defining the producers
    my %prod = %default_producers;   # copy
    my $prod = $args->{producers} || {};
    @prod{ keys %$prod } = values %$prod;
    while( my($class, $impl) = each %prod)
    {   $self->producer($class, $impl);

    # Collect the settings
    my $settings = $args->{settings} || {};
    while( my ($topic, $defaults) = each %$settings)
    {   $self->settings($topic, $defaults);

    $self->{HF_templates} = $args->{templates} || '.';

sub formatter() { shift->{HF_formatter} }

sub producer($;$)
{   my ($self, $thing) = (shift, shift);
    my $class = ref $thing || $thing;

    return ($self->{HF_producer}{$class} = shift) if @_;
    if(my $prod = $self->{HF_producer}{$class})
    {   eval "require $prod";
        return $prod->new unless $@;

        $self->log(ERROR => "Cannot use $prod for $class:\n$@");
        return undef;

    # Look for producer in the inheritance structure
    no strict 'refs';
    foreach ( @{"$class\::ISA"} )
    {   my $prod = $self->producer($_);
        return $prod if defined $prod;


sub templates(;$)
{   my $self = shift;
    return $self->{HF_templates} unless @_;

    my $topic    = ref $_[0] ? shift->topic : shift;
    my $templates= $self->{HF_templates};

    my $filename = catfile($templates, $topic);
    return $filename if -f $filename;

    my $dirname  = catdir($templates, $topic);
    return $dirname if -d $dirname;

    $self->log(ERROR =>
         "Cannot find template file or directory '$topic' in '$templates'.\n");

sub settings($;@)
{   my $self  = shift;
    my $topic = ref $_[0] ? shift->topic : shift;
    return $self->{HF_settings}{$topic} unless @_;

    $self->{HF_settings}{$topic} = @_ == 1 ? shift : { @_ };

sub export($@)
{   my ($self, $object, %args) = @_;

    my $producer  = $self->producer($object);
    $self->log(ERROR => "No producer for ",ref($object), " objects."), return
       unless defined $producer;

    my $output    = $args{output};
    $self->log(ERROR => "No output directory or file specified."), return
       unless defined $output;

# this cannot be right when $output isa filename?
#   $self->log(ERROR => "Cannot create output directory $output: $!"), return
#      unless -d $output || mkdir $output;

    my $topic     = $producer->topic;
    my @files;
    if(my $input = $args{use})
    {   # some template files are explicitly named
        my $templates = $self->templates;

        foreach my $in (ref $input ? @$input : $input)
        {   my $fn = file_name_is_absolute($in) ? $in
                   : catfile($templates, $in);

            $self->log(WARNING => "No template file $fn"), next
               unless -f $fn;

            push @files, $fn;
    {   my $templates = $self->templates($topic);
        $self->log(WARNING => "No templates for $topic objects."), return
            unless defined $templates;

        @files = $self->expandFiles($templates);
        $self->log(WARNING => "No templates found in $templates directory.")
            unless @files;

    my $formatter = $self->formatter(settings => $self->{HF_settings});
    my @outfiles;

    foreach my $infile (@files)
    {   my $basename = basename $infile;
        my $outfile  = catfile($output, $basename);
        push @outfiles, $outfile;

          ( %args
          , object   => $object,   input     => $infile
          , producer => $producer, formatter => $formatter
          , output   => $outfile,  outdir    => $output
          , main     => $self


sub expandFiles($)
{   my ($self, $thing) = @_;
    return @$thing if ref $thing eq 'ARRAY';
    return $thing  if -f $thing;

    $self->log(WARNING => "Cannot find $thing"), return ()
        unless -d $thing;

    $self->log(ERROR => "Cannot read from directory $thing: $!"), return ()
        unless opendir DIR, $thing;

    my @files;
    while(my $item = readdir DIR)
    {   next if $item eq '.' || $item eq '..';

        my $full = catfile $thing, $item;
        if(-f $full)
        {   push @files, $full;

        $full    = catdir $thing, $item;
        if(-d $full)
        {   push @files, $self->expandFiles($full);

        $self->log(WARNING =>
                "Skipping $full, which is neither file or directory.");

    closedir DIR;
