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# Copyrights 2007-2013 by [Mark Overmeer].
#  For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.01.
package Log::Report::Lexicon::PO;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '0.993';

use warnings;
use strict;

use Log::Report 'log-report', syntax => 'SHORT';

# steal from cheaper module, we have no ::Util for this (yet)
use Log::Report::Lexicon::POTcompact ();
*_escape   = \&Log::Report::Lexicon::POTcompact::_escape;
*_unescape = \&Log::Report::Lexicon::POTcompact::_unescape;

sub new(@)
{   my $class = shift;
    (bless {}, $class)->init( {@_} );

sub init($)
{   my ($self, $args) = @_;
    defined($self->{msgid} = delete $args->{msgid})
       or error "no msgid defined for PO";

    $self->{msgctxt}  = delete $args->{msgctxt};
    $self->{plural}   = delete $args->{msgid_plural};
    $self->{msgstr}   = delete $args->{msgstr};

    $self->addComment(delete $args->{comment});
    $self->addAutomatic(delete $args->{automatic});
    $self->fuzzy(delete $args->{fuzzy});

    $self->{refs}   = {};
    $self->addReferences(delete $args->{references})
        if defined $args->{references};


# only for internal usage
sub _fast_new($) { bless $_[1], $_[0] }


sub msgid() {shift->{msgid}}
sub msgctxt() {shift->{msgctxt}}

sub plural(;$)
{   my $self = shift;
    @_ or return $self->{plural};
    if(my $m = $self->{msgstr})
    {   # prepare msgstr list for multiple translations.
        $self->{msgstr} = [ $m ] if defined $m && !ref $m;

    $self->{plural} = shift;

sub msgstr($;$)
{   my $self = shift;
    my $m    = $self->{msgstr};

    {   $self->{msgstr} = $_[1] if @_==2;
        return $m;

    my $index    = shift || 0;
    @_ ? $m->[$index] = shift : $m->[$index];

sub comment(@)
{   my $self = shift;
    @_ or return $self->{comment};
    $self->{comment} = '';

sub addComment(@)
{   my $self    = shift;
    my $comment = $self->{comment};
    foreach my $line (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$_[0]} : @_)
    {   defined $line or next;
        $line =~ s/[\r\n]+/\n/;  # cleanup line-endings
        $comment .= $line;

    # be sure there is a \n at the end
    $comment =~ s/\n?\z/\n/ if defined $comment;
    $self->{comment} = $comment;

sub automatic(@)
{   my $self = shift;
    @_ or return $self->{automatic};
    $self->{automatic} = '';

sub addAutomatic(@)
{   my $self = shift;
    my $auto = $self->{automatic};
    foreach my $line (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$_[0]} : @_)
    {   defined $line or next;
        $line =~ s/[\r\n]+/\n/;  # cleanup line-endings
        $auto .= $line;

    $auto =~ s/\n?\z/\n/ if defined $auto; # be sure there is a \n at the end
    $self->{automatic} = $auto;

sub references(@)
{   my $self = shift;
    {   $self->{refs} = {};

    keys %{$self->{refs}};

sub addReferences(@)
{   my $self = shift;
    my $refs = $self->{refs} ||= {};
    @_ or return $refs;

       for @_ > 1               ? @_       # list
         : ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$_[0]} # array
         : split " ",$_[0];                # scalar

sub removeReferencesTo($)
{   my $refs  = $_[0]->{refs};
    my $match = qr/^\Q$_[1]\E\:\d+$/;
    $_ =~ $match && delete $refs->{$_}
        for keys %$refs;

    scalar keys %$refs;

sub isActive() { $_[0]->{msgid} eq '' || keys %{$_[0]->{refs}} }

sub fuzzy(;$) {my $self = shift; @_ ? $self->{fuzzy} = shift : $self->{fuzzy}}

sub format(@)
{   my $format = shift->{format};
    return $format->{ (shift) }
        if @_==1 && !ref $_[0];  # language

    my @pairs = @_ > 1 ? @_ : ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$_[0]} : %{$_[0]};
    {   my($k, $v) = (shift @pairs, shift @pairs);
        $format->{$k} = $v;

sub addFlags($)
{   my $self  = shift;
    local $_  = shift;
    my $where = shift;

    foreach my $flag (split /\s*\,\s*/)
    {      if($flag eq 'fuzzy') { $self->fuzzy(1) }
        elsif($flag =~ m/^no-(.*)-format$/) { $self->format($1, 0) }
        elsif($flag =~ m/^(.*)-format$/)    { $self->format($1, 1) }
        {   warning __x"unknown flag {flag} ignored", flag => $flag;

sub fromText($$)
{   my $class = shift;
    my @lines = split /[\r\n]+/, shift;
    my $where = shift || ' unkown location';

    my $self  = bless {}, $class;

    # translations which are not used anymore are escaped with #~
    # however, we just say: no references found.
    s/^\#\~\s+// for @lines;

    my $last;  # used for line continuations
    foreach (@lines)
    {   s/\r?\n$//;
        if( s/^\#(.)\s?// )
        {      if($1 =~ /\s/) { $self->addComment($_)    }
            elsif($1 eq '.' ) { $self->addAutomatic($_)  }
            elsif($1 eq ':' ) { $self->addReferences($_) }
            elsif($1 eq ',' ) { $self->addFlags($_)      }
            {   warning __x"unknown comment type '{cmd}' at {where}"
                  , cmd => "#$1", where => $where;
            undef $last;
        elsif( s/^\s*(\w+)\s+// )
        {   my $cmd    = $1;
            my $string = _unescape($_,$where);

            if($cmd eq 'msgid')
            {   $self->{msgid} = $string;
                $last = \($self->{msgid});
            elsif($cmd eq 'msgid_plural')
            {   $self->{plural} = $string;
                $last = \($self->{plural});
            elsif($cmd eq 'msgstr')
            {   $self->{msgstr} = $string;
                $last = \($self->{msgstr});
            elsif($cmd eq 'msgctxt')
            {   $self->{msgctxt} = $string;
                $last = \($self->{msgctxt});
            {   warning __x"do not understand command '{cmd}' at {where}"
                  , cmd => $cmd, where => $where;
                undef $last;
        elsif( s/^\s*msgstr\[(\d+)\]\s*// )
        {   my $nr = $1;
            $self->{msgstr}[$nr] = _unescape($_,$where);
        elsif( m/^\s*\"/ )
        {   if(defined $last) { $$last .= _unescape($_,$where) }
            {   warning __x"quoted line is not a continuation at {where}"
                 , where => $where;
        {   warning __x"do not understand line at {where}:\n  {line}"
              , where => $where, line => $_;

    defined $self->{msgid}
        or warning __x"no msgid in block {where}", where => $where;


sub toString(@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $nplurals = $args{nr_plurals};
    my @record;

    my $comment = $self->comment;
    if(defined $comment && length $comment)
    {   $comment =~ s/^/#  /gm;
        push @record, $comment;

    my $auto = $self->automatic;
    if(defined $auto && length $auto)
    {   $auto =~ s/^/#. /gm;
        push @record, $auto;

    my @refs    = sort $self->references;
    my $msgid   = $self->{msgid} || '';
    my $active  = $msgid eq ''   || @refs ? '' : '#~ ';

    {   my $line = '#:';
        $line .= ' '.shift @refs
            while @refs && length($line) + length($refs[0]) < 80;
        push @record, "$line\n";

    my @flags   = $self->{fuzzy} ? 'fuzzy' : ();

    push @flags, ($self->{format}{$_} ? '' : 'no-') . $_ . '-format'
        for sort keys  %{$self->{format}};

    push @record, "#, ". join(", ", @flags) . "\n"
        if @flags;

    my $msgctxt = $self->{msgctxt};
    if(defined $msgctxt && length $msgctxt)
    {   push @record, "${active}msgctxt "._escape($msgctxt, "\n$active")."\n"; 
    push @record, "${active}msgid "._escape($msgid, "\n$active")."\n"; 

    my $msgstr  = $self->{msgstr} || [];
    my @msgstr  = ref $msgstr ? @$msgstr : $msgstr;
    my $plural  = $self->{plural};
    if(defined $plural)
    {   push @record
         , "${active}msgid_plural " . _escape($plural, "\n$active") . "\n";

        push @msgstr, ''
            while defined $nplurals && @msgstr < $nplurals;

        if(defined $nplurals && @msgstr > $nplurals)
        {   warning __x"too many plurals for '{msgid}'", msgid => $msgid;
            $#msgstr = $nplurals -1;

        $nplurals ||= 2;
        for(my $nr = 0; $nr < $nplurals; $nr++)
        {   push @record, "${active}msgstr[$nr] "
               . _escape($msgstr[$nr], "\n$active") . "\n";
    {   warning __x"no plurals for '{msgid}'", msgid => $msgid
            if @msgstr > 1;

        push @record
          , "${active}msgstr " . _escape($msgstr[0], "\n$active") . "\n";

    join '', @record;

sub unused()
{   my $self = shift;
    ! $self->references && ! $self->msgstr(0);
