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# Copyrights 2007-2015 by [Mark Overmeer].
#  For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.01.
use warnings;
use strict;

package Log::Report::Lexicon::POT;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '1.04';

use base 'Log::Report::Lexicon::Table';

use Log::Report 'log-report-lexicon';
use Log::Report::Lexicon::PO  ();

use POSIX        qw/strftime/;
use List::Util   qw/sum/;
use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/;

use constant     MSGID_HEADER => '';

sub init($)
{   my ($self, $args) = @_;

    $self->{LRLP_fn}      = $args->{filename};
    $self->{LRLP_index}   = $args->{index} || {};
    $self->{LRLP_charset} = $args->{charset}
        or error __x"charset parameter is required for {fn}"
             , fn => ($args->{filename} || __"unnamed file");

    my $version    = $args->{version};
    my $domain     = $args->{textdomain}
        or error __"textdomain parameter is required";

    my $forms      = $args->{plural_forms};
    {   my $nrplurals = $args->{nr_plurals} || 2;
        my $algo      = $args->{plural_alg} || 'n!=1';
        $forms        = "nplurals=$nrplurals; plural=($algo);";

      ( project => $domain . (defined $version ? " $version" : '')
      , forms   => $forms
      , charset => $args->{charset}
      , date    => $args->{date}


sub read($@)
{   my ($class, $fn, %args) = @_;

    my $self    = bless {LRLP_index => {}}, $class;

    my $charset = $self->{LRLP_charset} = $args{charset}
        or error __x"charset parameter is required for {fn}", fn => $fn;

    open my $fh, "<:encoding($charset):crlf", $fn
        or fault __x"cannot read in {cs} from file {fn}"
             , cs => $charset, fn => $fn;

    local $/   = "\n\n";
    my $linenr = 1;  # $/ frustrates $fh->input_line_number
    {   my $location = "$fn line $linenr";
        my $block    = <$fh>;
        defined $block or last;

        $linenr += $block =~ tr/\n//;

        $block   =~ s/\s+\z//s;
        length $block or last;

        my $po = Log::Report::Lexicon::PO->fromText($block, $location);
        $self->add($po) if $po;

    close $fh
        or failure __x"failed reading from file {fn}", fn => $fn;

    $self->{LRLP_fn} = $fn;

sub write($@)
{   my $self = shift;
    my $file = @_%2 ? shift : $self->filename;
    my %args = @_;

    defined $file
        or error __"no filename or file-handle specified for PO";

    my $need_refs = $args{only_active};
    my @opt       = (nr_plurals => $self->nrPlurals);

    my $fh;
    if(ref $file) { $fh = $file }
    {    my $layers = '>:encoding('.$self->charset.')';
         open $fh, $layers, $file
             or fault __x"cannot write to file {fn} with {layers}"
                    , fn => $file, layers => $layers;

    my $index = $self->index;
    foreach my $msgid (sort keys %$index)
    {   next if $msgid eq MSGID_HEADER;

        my $rec  = $index->{$msgid};
        my @recs = blessed $rec ? $rec   # one record with $msgid
          : @{$rec}{sort keys %$rec};    # multiple records, msgctxt

        foreach my $po (@recs)
        {   next if $po->useless;
            next if $need_refs && !$po->references;
            $fh->print("\n", $po->toString(@opt));

        or failure __x"write errors for file {fn}", fn => $file;



sub charset()  {shift->{LRLP_charset}}
sub index()    {shift->{LRLP_index}}
sub filename() {shift->{LRLP_fn}}

sub language() { shift->filename =~ m![/\\](\w+)[^/\\]*$! ? $1 : undef }


sub msgid($;$)
{   my ($self, $msgid, $msgctxt) = @_;
    my $msgs = $self->index->{$msgid} or return;

    return $msgs
        if blessed $msgs
        && (!$msgctxt || $msgctxt eq $msgs->msgctxt);


sub msgstr($;$$)
{   my ($self, $msgid, $count, $msgctxt) = @_;
    my $po   = $self->msgid($msgid, $msgctxt)
        or return undef;

    $count //= 1;

sub add($)
{   my ($self, $po) = @_;
    my $msgid = $po->msgid;
    my $index = $self->index;

    my $h = $index->{$msgid};
    $h or return $index->{$msgid} = $po;

    $h = $index->{$msgid} = +{ ($h->msgctxt // '') => $h }
        if blessed $h;

    my $ctxt = $po->msgctxt // '';
    error __x"translation already exists for '{msgid}' with '{ctxt}"
      , msgid => $msgid, ctxt => $ctxt
        if $h->{$ctxt};

    $h->{$ctxt} = $po;

sub translations(;$)
{   my $self = shift;
    @_ or return map +(blessed $_ ? $_ : values %$_)
      , values %{$self->index};

    error __x"the only acceptable parameter is 'ACTIVE', not '{p}'", p => $_[0]
        if $_[0] ne 'ACTIVE';

    grep $_->isActive, $self->translations;

sub _now() { strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%z", localtime }

sub header($;$)
{   my ($self, $field) = (shift, shift);
    my $header = $self->msgid(MSGID_HEADER)
        or error __x"no header defined in POT for file {fn}"
                   , fn => $self->filename;

    {   my $text = $header->msgstr(0) || '';
        return $text =~ m/^\Q$field\E\:\s*([^\n]*?)\;?\s*$/im ? $1 : undef;

    my $content = shift;
    my $text    = $header->msgstr(0);

    {   if(defined $content)
        {   s/^\Q$field\E\:([^\n]*)/$field: $content/im  # change
         || s/\z/$field: $content\n/;      # new
        {   s/^\Q$field\E\:[^\n]*\n?//im;  # remove

    $header->msgstr(0, $text);

sub updated(;$)
{   my $self = shift;
    my $date = shift || _now;
    $self->header('PO-Revision-Date', $date);

### internal
sub _createHeader(%)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $date   = $args{date} || _now;

    my $header = Log::Report::Lexicon::PO->new
     (  msgid  => MSGID_HEADER, msgstr => <<__CONFIG);
Project-Id-Version: $args{project}
POT-Creation-Date: $date
PO-Revision-Date: $date
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$args{charset}
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Plural-Forms: $args{forms}

    my $version = $Log::Report::VERSION || '0.0';
    $header->addAutomatic("Header generated with ".__PACKAGE__." $version\n");

    $self->index->{&MSGID_HEADER} = $header
        if $header;


sub removeReferencesTo($)
{   my ($self, $filename) = @_;
    sum map $_->removeReferencesTo($filename), $self->translations;

sub keepReferencesTo($)
{   my ($self, $keep) = @_;
    sum map $_->keepReferencesTo($keep), $self->translations;

sub stats()
{   my $self  = shift;
    my %stats = (msgids => 0, fuzzy => 0, inactive => 0);
    foreach my $po ($self->translations)
    {   next if $po->msgid eq MSGID_HEADER;
        $stats{fuzzy}++    if $po->fuzzy;
        $stats{inactive}++ if !$po->isActive && !$po->useless;
