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# Copyrights 2001-2016 by [Mark Overmeer].
#  For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.02.

use strict;
use warnings;

package Mail::Message::Replace::MailInternet;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '2.120';

use base 'Mail::Message';

use Mail::Box::FastScalar;
use Mail::Box::Parser::Perl;
use Mail::Message::Body::Lines;

use File::Spec;

sub new(@)
{   my $class = shift;
    my $data  = @_ % 2 ? shift : undef;
    $class = __PACKAGE__ if $class eq 'Mail::Internet';
    $class->SUPER::new(@_, raw_data => $data);

sub init($)
{   my ($self, $args) = @_;
    $args->{head_type} ||= 'Mail::Message::Replace::MailHeader';
    $args->{head}      ||= $args->{Header};
    $args->{body}      ||= $args->{Body};

    defined $self->SUPER::init($args) or return;

    $self->{MI_wrap}      = $args->{FoldLength} || 79;
    $self->{MI_mail_from} = $args->{MailFrom};
    $self->{MI_modify}    = exists $args->{Modify} ? $args->{Modify} : 1;

    $self->processRawData($self->{raw_data}, !defined $args->{Header}
       , !defined $args->{Body}) if defined $self->{raw_data};


sub processRawData($$$)
{   my ($self, $data, $get_head, $get_body) = @_;
    return $self unless $get_head || $get_body;
    my ($filename, $lines);
    if(ref $data eq 'ARRAY')
    {   $filename = 'array of lines';
        $lines    = $data;
    elsif(ref $data eq 'GLOB')
    {   $filename = 'file (GLOB)';
        $lines    = [ <$data> ];
    elsif(ref $data && $data->isa('IO::Handle'))
    {   $filename = 'file ('.ref($data).')';
        $lines    = [ $data->getlines ];
    {   $self->log(ERROR=> "Mail::Internet does not support this kind of data");
        return undef;

    return unless @$lines;

    my $buffer = join '', @$lines;
    my $file   = Mail::Box::FastScalar->new(\$buffer);

    my $parser = Mail::Box::Parser::Perl->new
     ( filename  => $filename
     , file      => $file
     , trusted   => 1

    my $head;
    {   my $from = substr($lines->[0], 0, 5) eq 'From ' ? shift @$lines : undef;

        my $head = $self->{MM_head_type}->new
          ( MailFrom   => $self->{MI_mail_from}
          , Modify => $self->{MI_modify}
          , FoldLength => $self->{MI_wrap}
        $head->mail_from($from) if defined $from;
    {   $head = $self->head;

    $self->storeBody($self->readBody($parser, $head)) if $get_body;

sub dup()
{   my $self = shift;

sub empty() { shift->DESTROY }

sub MailFrom(;$)
{   my $self = shift;
    @_ ? ($self->{MI_mail_from} = shift) : $self->{MU_mail_from};

sub read($@)
{   my $thing = shift;

    return $thing->SUPER::read(@_)   # Mail::Message behavior
        unless ref $thing;

    # Mail::Header emulation
    my $data = shift;
    $thing->processRawData($data, 1, 1);

sub read_body($)
{   my ($self, $data) = @_;
    $self->processRawData($data, 0, 1);

sub read_header($)
{   my ($self, $data) = @_;
    $self->processRawData($data, 1, 0);

sub extract($)
{   my ($self, $data) = @_;
    $self->processRawData($data, 1, 1);

sub reply(@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;

    my $reply_head = $self->{MM_head_type}->new;
    my $home       = $ENV{HOME} || File::Spec->curdir;
    my $headtemp   = File::Spec->catfile($home, '.mailhdr');

    if(open HEAD, '<:raw', $headtemp)
    {    my $parser = Mail::Box::Parser::Perl->new
           ( filename  => $headtemp
           , file      => \*HEAD
           , trusted   => 1

    $args{quote}       ||= delete $args{Inline}   || '>';
    $args{group_reply} ||= delete $args{ReplyAll} || 0;
    my $keep             = delete $args{Keep}     || [];
    my $exclude          = delete $args{Exclude}  || [];

    my $reply = $self->SUPER::reply(%args);

    my $head  = $self->head;

        foreach map { $head->get($_) } @$keep;

    $reply_head->reset($_) foreach @$exclude;


sub add_signature(;$)
{   my $self     = shift;
    my $filename = shift
       || File::Spec->catfile($ENV{HOME} || File::Spec->curdir, '.signature');
    $self->sign(File => $filename);

sub sign(@)
{   my ($self, $args) = @_;
    my $sig;

    if(my $filename = delete $self->{File})
    {   $sig = Mail::Message::Body->new(file => $filename);
    elsif(my $sig   = delete $self->{Signature})
    {   $sig = Mail::Message::Body->new(data => $sig);

    return unless defined $sig;
    my $body = $self->decoded->stripSignature;
    my $set  = $body->concatenate($body, "-- \n", $sig);
    $self->body($set) if defined $set;

sub send($@)
{   my ($self, $type, %args) = @_;
    $self->send(via => $type);

sub nntppost(@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;
    $args{port}       ||= delete $args{Port};
    $args{nntp_debug} ||= delete $args{Debug};

    $self->send(via => 'nntp', %args);

sub head(;$)
{  my $self = shift;
   return $self->SUPER::head(@_) if @_;
   $self->SUPER::head || $self->{MM_head_type}->new(message => $self);

sub header(;$) { shift->head->header(@_) }

sub fold(;$) { shift->head->fold(@_) }

sub fold_length(;$$) { shift->head->fold_length(@_) }

sub combine($;$) { shift->head->combine(@_) }

sub print_header(@) { shift->head->print(@_) }

sub clean_header() { shift->header }

sub tidy_headers() { }

sub add(@) { shift->head->add(@_) }

sub replace(@) { shift->head->replace(@_) }

sub get(@) { shift->head->get(@_) }

sub delete(@)
{   my $self = shift;
    @_ ?  $self->head->delete(@_) : $self->SUPER::delete;

sub body(@)
{   my $self = shift;

    {   my $body = $self->body;
        return defined $body ? scalar($body->lines) : [];

    my $data = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? shift : \@_;
    my $body  = Mail::Message::Body::Lines->new(data => $data);


sub print_body(@) { shift->SUPER::body->print(@_) }

sub bodyObject(;$) { shift->SUPER::body(@_) }

sub remove_sig(;$)
{   my $self  = shift;
    my $lines = shift || 10;
    my $stripped = $self->decoded->stripSignature(max_lines => $lines);
    $self->body($stripped) if defined $stripped;

sub tidy_body(;$)
{   my $self  = shift;

    my $body  = $self->body or return;
    my @body  = $body->lines;

    shift @body while @body &&  $body[0] =~ m/^\s*$/;
    pop   @body while @body && $body[-1] =~ m/^\s*$/;

    return $body if $body->nrLines == @body;
    my $new = Mail::Message::Body::Lines->new(based_on => $body, data=>\@body);

sub smtpsend(@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $from = $args{MailFrom} || $ENV{MAILADDRESS} || $ENV{USER} || 'unknown';
    $args{helo}       ||= delete $args{Hello};
    $args{port}       ||= delete $args{Port};
    $args{smtp_debug} ||= delete $args{Debug};

    my $host  = $args{Host};
    unless(defined $host)
    {   my $hosts = $ENV{SMTPHOSTS};
        $host = (split /\:/, $hosts)[0] if defined $hosts;
    $args{host} = $host;

    $self->send(via => 'smtp', %args);

sub as_mbox_string()
{   my $self    = shift;
    my $mboxmsg = Mail::Box::Mbox->coerce($self);

    my $buffer  = '';
    my $file    = Mail::Box::FastScalar->new(\$buffer);

 no warnings;
 *Mail::Internet::new = sub (@)
   { my $class = shift;

sub isa($)
{   my ($thing, $class) = @_;
    return 1 if $class eq 'Mail::Internet';

sub coerce() { confess }
