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# Copyrights 2004,2006-2011 by Mark Overmeer.
#  For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.00.
use strict;
use warnings;

package Math::Polygon::Transform;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '1.02';

use base 'Exporter';

use Math::Trig   qw/deg2rad pi rad2deg/;
use POSIX        qw/floor/;
use Carp         qw/carp/;

our @EXPORT = qw/

sub polygon_resize(@)
{   my %opts;
    while(@_ && !ref $_[0])
    {   my $key     = shift;
        $opts{$key} = shift;

    my $sx = $opts{xscale} || $opts{scale} || 1.0;
    my $sy = $opts{yscale} || $opts{scale} || 1.0;
    return @_ if $sx==1.0 && $sy==1.0;

    my ($cx, $cy)   = defined $opts{center} ? @{$opts{center}} : (0,0);

    return map { [ $_->[0]*$sx, $_->[1]*$sy ] } @_
        unless $cx || $cy;
    map { [ $cx + ($_->[0]-$cx)*$sx,  $cy + ($_->[1]-$cy) * $sy ] } @_;

sub polygon_move(@)
{   my %opts;
    while(@_ && !ref $_[0])
    {   my $key     = shift;
        $opts{$key} = shift;

    my ($dx, $dy) = ($opts{dx}||0, $opts{dy}||0);
    return @_ if $dx==0 && $dy==0;

    map { [ $_->[0] +$dx, $_->[1] +$dy ] } @_;

sub polygon_rotate(@)
{   my %opts;
    while(@_ && !ref $_[0])
    {   my $key     = shift;
        $opts{$key} = shift;

    my $angle
      = exists $opts{radians} ? $opts{radians}
      : exists $opts{degrees} ? deg2rad($opts{degrees})
      :                         0;

    return @_ unless $angle;

    my $sina = sin($angle);
    my $cosa = cos($angle);

    my ($cx, $cy)   = defined $opts{center} ? @{$opts{center}} : (0,0);
    unless($cx || $cy)
    {   return map { [  $cosa * $_->[0] + $sina * $_->[1]
                     , -$sina * $_->[0] + $cosa * $_->[1]
                     ] } @_;

    map { [ $cx +  $cosa * ($_->[0]-$cx) + $sina * ($_->[1]-$cy)
          , $cy + -$sina * ($_->[0]-$cx) + $cosa * ($_->[1]-$cy)
          ] } @_;

sub polygon_grid(@)
{   my %opts;
    while(@_ && !ref $_[0])
    {   my $key     = shift;
        $opts{$key} = shift;

    my $raster = exists $opts{raster} ? $opts{raster} : 1;
    return @_ if $raster == 0;

    # use fast "int" for gridsize 1
    return map { [ floor($_->[0] + 0.5), floor($_->[1] + 0.5) ] } @_
       if $raster > 0.99999 && $raster < 1.00001;

    map { [ $raster * floor($_->[0]/$raster + 0.5)
          , $raster * floor($_->[1]/$raster + 0.5)
          ] } @_;

sub polygon_mirror(@)
{   my %opts;
    while(@_ && !ref $_[0])
    {   my $key     = shift;
        $opts{$key} = shift;

    if(defined $opts{x})
    {   my $x2 = 2* $opts{x};
        return map { [ $x2 - $_->[0], $_->[1] ] } @_;

    if(defined $opts{y})
    {   my $y2 = 2* $opts{y};
        return map { [ $_->[0], $y2 - $_->[1] ] } @_;

    # Mirror in line

    my ($rc, $b);
    if(exists $opts{rc} )
    {   $rc = $opts{rc};
        $b  = $opts{b} || 0;
    elsif(my $through = $opts{line})
    {   my ($p0, $p1) = @$through;
        {   $b = $p0->[0];      # vertikal mirror
        {   $rc = ($p1->[1] - $p0->[1]) / ($p1->[0] - $p0->[0]);
            $b  = $p0->[1] - $p0->[0] * $rc;
    {   carp "ERROR: you need to specify 'x', 'y', 'rc', or 'line'";

    unless(defined $rc)    # vertical
    {   my $x2 = 2* $b;
        return map { [ $x2 - $_->[0], $_->[1] ] } @_;

    # mirror is y=x*rc+b, y=-x/rc+c through mirrored point
    my $yf = 2/($rc*$rc +1);
    my $xf = $yf * $rc;

    map { my $c = $_->[1] + $_->[0]/$rc;
          [ $xf*($c-$b) - $_->[0], $yf*($b-$c) + 2*$c - $_->[1] ] } @_;

sub _angle($$$)
{   my ($p0, $p1, $p2) = @_;
    my $a0 = atan2($p0->[1] - $p1->[1], $p0->[0] - $p1->[0]);
    my $a1 = atan2($p2->[1] - $p1->[1], $p2->[0] - $p1->[0]);
    my $a  = abs($a0 - $a1);
    $a = 2*pi - $a    if $a > pi;

sub polygon_simplify(@)
{   my %opts;
    while(@_ && !ref $_[0])
    {   my $key     = shift;
        $opts{$key} = shift;

    return unless @_;

    my $is_ring     = $_[0][0]==$_[-1][0] && $_[0][1]==$_[-1][1];

    my $same        = $opts{same} || 0.0001;
    my $slope       = $opts{slope};

    my $changes     = 1;

    while($changes && @_)
        $changes    = 0;
        my @new;

        my $p       = shift;

        {   my ($x, $y)   = @$p;

            my ($nx, $ny) = @{$_[0]}; 
            my $d01 = sqrt(($nx-$x)*($nx-$x) + ($ny-$y)*($ny-$y));
            if($d01 < $same)
            {   $changes++;

                # point within threshold: middle, unless we are at the
                # start of the polygo description: that one has a slight
                # preference, to avoid an endless loop.
                push @new, !@new ? [ ($x,$y) ] : [ ($x+$nx)/2, ($y+$ny)/2 ];
                shift;            # remove next
                $p       = shift; # 2nd as new current

            unless(@_ >= 2 && defined $slope)
            {  push @new, $p;     # keep this
               $p       = shift;  # check next

            my ($sx,$sy) = @{$_[1]};
            my $d12 = sqrt(($sx-$nx)*($sx-$nx) + ($sy-$ny)*($sy-$ny));
            my $d02 = sqrt(($sx-$x) *($sx-$x)  + ($sy-$y) *($sy-$y) );

            if($d01 + $d12 <= $d02 + $slope)
            {   # three points nearly on a line, remove middle
                push @new, $p, $_[1];
                shift; shift;
                $p         = shift;  # jump over next

            if(@_ > 2 && abs($d01-$d12-$d02) < $slope)
            {   # check possibly a Z shape
                my ($tx,$ty) = @{$_[2]};
                my $d03 = sqrt(($tx-$x) *($tx-$x)  + ($ty-$y) *($ty-$y));
                my $d13 = sqrt(($tx-$nx)*($tx-$nx) + ($ty-$ny)*($ty-$ny));

                if($d01 - $d13 <= $d03 + $slope)
                {   $changes++;
                    push @new, $p, $_[2];  # accept 1st and 4th
                    splice @_, 0, 3;       # jump over handled three!
                    $p = shift;

            push @new, $p;   # nothing for this one.
            $p = shift;
        push @new, $p if defined $p;

        unshift @new, $new[-1]    # be sure to keep ring closed
           if $is_ring && ($new[0][0]!=$new[-1][0] || $new[0][1]!=$new[-1][1]);

        @_ = @new;

    return @_ unless exists $opts{max_points};

    # Reduce the number of points to $max

    # Collect all angles
    my $max_angles = $opts{max_points};
    my @angles;

    {   return @_ if @_ <= $max_angles;
        pop @_;
        push @angles, [0, _angle($_[-1], $_[0], $_[1])]
                    , [$#_, _angle($_[-2], $_[-1], $_[0])];
    {    return @_ if @_ <= $max_angles;
         $max_angles -= 2;

    foreach (my $i=1; $i<@_-1; $i++)
    {   push @angles, [$i, _angle($_[$i-1], $_[$i], $_[$i+1]) ];

    # Strip widest angles
    @angles = sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } @angles;
    while(@angles > $max_angles)
    {   my $point = shift @angles;
        $_[$point->[0]] = undef;

    # Return left-over points
    @_ = grep {defined} @_;
    push @_, $_[0] if $is_ring;
