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use warnings;
use strict;

package Net::Whois::SIDN;
use base 'XML::Compile::Cache';

our $VERSION = '0.98';

use XML::Compile::Util qw/type_of_node unpack_type pack_type/;
use Log::Report    'net-whois-sidn', syntax => 'SHORT';

use Net::Whois::SIDN::Util;
use HTTP::Status   qw/RC_OK/;
use LWP::UserAgent ();

my $service_public     = '';
my $service_registered = '';

=head1 NAME

Net::Whois::SIDN - whois for .nl TLD via XML interface


  is a XML::Compile::Cache
  is a XML::Compile::Schema
  is a XML::Compile


  my $whois  = Net::Whois::SIDN->new(drs_version => '5.0');
  my $answer = $whois->is('');
  my $answer = $whois->whois('');

  use Data::Dumper;
  warn Dumper $answer;


Implementation (both usable for client and server side), of the XML
version of the whois interface, as provided by the Dutch ccTLD
registry SIDN (the C<.nl> top-level domain).

Documentation is included in this distribution (in the F<doc/>
directory), and in nicely printed form via the ISP participants
wiki. Don't forget to look at the F<examples/> directory.


# map namespace always to the newest implementation of the protocol
my %ns2version =
 ( &NS_WHOIS_DRS50 => '5.0'

my %version2ns = reverse %ns2version;


=head1 METHODS

=head2 Constructor

First, create an object which contains the information for the

=over 4

=item my $whois = Net::Whois::SIDN->new(@opts);

The C<drs_version> parameter is required. When new versions of the SIDN
core implementation (DRS) are introduced, you may have to convert your
application.  In that case, SIDN will provide a test environment with
a server using a newer scheme before the change goes public.

With options C<role> set to C<SERVER>, you will accept queries and produce
responses.  For all other values, the module behaves as client. The
default role is C<REGISTERED>. The other valid value is C<PUBLIC>. however
SIDN does not (yet) support XML output on the public interface.

Option C<service> changes the url of the default server which will answer
the queries. You may pass your own C<user_agent> (an L<LWP::UserAgent>

Use option C<trace>, set to a trueth value, to see the message sent and
received. Client-side only.

This object extents L<XML::Compile::Cache>, so there are a lot of additional
parameters.  However, you will probably not need them.


my %roles = map { $_ => 1 } qw/SERVER PUBLIC REGISTERED/;

sub new($)
{   my $class = shift;
    $class->SUPER::new(direction => 'RW', @_);

sub init($)
{   my ($self, $args) = @_;
#   $args->{allow_undeclared} = 1
#       unless exists $args->{allow_undeclared};

    $args->{opts_readers} = { @{$args->{opts_readers}} }
        if ref $args->{opts_readers} eq 'ARRAY';

    $args->{opts_rw}      = { @{$args->{opts_rw}} }
        if ref $args->{opts_rw} eq 'ARRAY';
    $args->{opts_rw}{sloppy_floats}   = 1;  # only small floats
    $args->{opts_rw}{sloppy_integers} = 1;  # only small ints

    my $version = $self->{version} = $args->{drs_version}
        or error __x"object requires an explicit drs version";

    my $ns = $version2ns{$version}
        or error __x"unsupported DRS version {v}", v => $version;
    $args->{prefixes} = [ '' => $ns, whois => $ns ];


    $self->prefixes(whois => $ns);

    $version =~ s/\.//;
    (my $xsd = __FILE__) =~ s!\.pm!/xsd/whois-drs$version.xsd!;

    my $role = $self->{role} = $args->{role} || 'REGISTERED';
        or error __x"no such role: `{role}'", role => $role;

    my ($cs, $ss);
    if($role eq 'SERVER')
    {   # configure as server
        ($cs, $ss)  = ('READER', 'WRITER');
    {   # configure as client
        ($cs, $ss)    = ('WRITER', 'READER');
        $self->{ua}   = $args->{user_agent} || LWP::UserAgent->new;
        $self->{service} = $args->{service} ||
          ( $role eq 'PUBLIC'     ? $service_public
          : $role eq 'REGISTERED' ? $service_registered
          :                         undef
        $self->{trace} = $args->{trace};

    $self->declare($cs, [ qw/whois:whois-query    whois:is-query/    ]);
    $self->declare($ss, [ qw/whois:whois-response whois:is-response/ ]);



=head2 Accessors

=over 4

=item $whois->version

=item $whois->namespace

=item $whois->role

=item $whois->userAgent

=item $whois->service('is'|'whois')


sub version()   {shift->{version}}
sub namespace() {shift->{namespace}}
sub role()      {shift->{role}}
sub userAgent() {shift->{ua}}
sub service($)  {$_[0]->{service}.'/'.$_[1]}



=head2 Client actions

=over 4

=item my ($rc, $data) = $obj->whois('', %opts)

When C<$rc> equals 0, then there are no errors and C<$data> will refer
to the HASH containing the result. Otherwise, C<$rc> is an error code,
defined as HTTP error codes and C<$data> an error text.

The C<%opts> are parameter pairs. Defined keys are: C<lang> (language
EN or NL, default EN), C<output_format> (PLAIN, HTML, and the default XML)
and C<usertext_format> (PLAIN or HTML).


   my ($rc, $data) = $whois->whois('');
   $rc==0 or die "Error: $data";

   print $data->{domain}{status}{code}, "\n";
The distribution package contains an extended realistic example of
the data structure as made available in Perl.

=item my ($rc, $data) = $obj->is('', %opts)

The C<is()> works exactly the same as the C<whois()>, but produces a
shorter answer.


sub _call($$)
{   my ($self, $action, $data_out) = @_;

    my $xmlout   = $self->create("whois:$action-query" => $data_out);

    my $request  = HTTP::Request->new
      ( POST => $self->service($action)
      , [ X_Net_Whois_SIDN => $VERSION
        , Content_Type     => 'text/xml; charset="utf-8"'
        , Connection       => 'open'
      , $xmlout->toString(1)

    print "\n==> Request\n", $request->as_string
        if $self->{trace};

    my $response = $self->userAgent->request($request);
    print "\n--> Response\n", $response->as_string
        if $self->{trace};

    my $content  = $response->decoded_content || $response->content;

    my $rc = $response->code;
    $rc == RC_OK
        or return ($rc, "Error: $rc = "
           . ($response->header('Client-Warnings') || $content));

    my $ct = $response->content_type;
    $ct eq 'text/xml'
        or return (-1, "Error: expect xml, but got $ct");

    my ($type, $data_in) = $self->from($content);
    (0, $data_in);

sub is($@)
{   my ($self, $domain, @args) = @_;
    $self->_call(is => {domain => $domain, @args});

sub whois($@)
{   my ($self, $domain, @args) = @_;
    $self->_call(whois => {domain => $domain, @args});


=head2 Helpers

=over 4

=item my $xml = $obj->create($type, $data);

Pass a correctly constructed Perl C<$data> nested HASH, which suites
to the C<$type>, which is C<whois:{whois,is}-{query,response}>. See
the examples provided by the distribution.

  my $xml = $whois->create($type, $data);
  print $xml->toString(1);


sub create($$)
{   my ($self, $type, $data) = @_;
    my $doc  = XML::LibXML::Document->new('1.0', 'UTF-8');
    my $wr   = $self->writer($type) or return;
    my $root = $wr->($doc, $data);

=item $class->from($data, [@opts]);

=item $obj->from($data, [@opts]);

Read an XML message from C<$data>, in any format supported by
L<XML::Compile> method C<dataToXML()>: string, file, filehandle, and more.
Returned is a list of two: the type of the top-level element plus the

When called as instance method, the data will automatically get converted
to the version of required by the object.  When called as class method,
the version of the top-level element will determine the returned version
automatically (which may give unpredictable versions as result).

When the method is called as class method, then a temporary instance is
created.  Creating an instance is (very) slow.


  my $whois = Net::Whois::SIDN->new(drs_version => '3.14');
  my ($type, $data) = $whois->from('data.xml');


  my ($type, $data) = Net::Whois::SIDN->from('data.xml');


sub from($@)
{   my ($thing, $source, %args) = @_;

    my $xml  = XML::Compile->dataToXML($source);
    my $top  = type_of_node $xml;

    my ($ns, $topname) = unpack_type $top;
    my $version = $ns2version{$ns}
       or error __x"unknown version with namespace {ns}", ns => $ns;

    my ($self, $convert);
    if(ref $thing)
    {   # instance method
        $self    = $thing;
        $convert = 1;
    {   # class method: can determine version myself
        $self    = $thing->new(drs_version => $version, %args);
        $convert = 0;

    my $r  = $self->reader($top, %args)
        or error __x"root node `{top}' not recognized", top => $top;

    my $data = $r->($xml);
    ($top, $data);



Copyright 2010 Mark Overmeer

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

