The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
# Copyrights 2003-2011 by Mark Overmeer.
#  For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 1.06.
package OODoc::Format::Pod;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '1.06';

use base 'OODoc::Format';

use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Spec   ();
use Carp         qw/confess/;
use List::Util   qw/max/;
use Pod::Escapes qw/e2char/;

sub link($$;$)
{   my ($self, $manual, $object, $text) = @_;
    $object = $object->subroutine if $object->isa('OODoc::Text::Option');
    $object = $object->subroutine if $object->isa('OODoc::Text::Default');
    $object = $object->container  if $object->isa('OODoc::Text::Example');
    $object = $object->container  if $object->isa('OODoc::Text::Subroutine');
    $text   = defined $text ? "$text|" : '';

    return "L<$text$object>" if $object->isa('OODoc::Manual');

    my $manlink = defined $manual ? $object->manual.'/' : '';

      $object->isa('OODoc::Text::Structure') ? qq(L<$text$manlink"$object">)
    : confess "cannot link to a ".ref $object;

sub createManual($@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $verbose  = $args{verbose} || 0;
    my $manual   = $args{manual} or confess;
    my $options  = $args{format_options} || [];

    print $manual->orderedChapters." chapters in $manual\n" if $verbose>=3;
    my $podname  = $manual->source;
    $podname     =~ s/\.pm$/.pod/;
    my $tmpname  =  $podname . 't';

    my $tmpfile  = File::Spec->catfile($self->workdir, $tmpname);
    my $podfile  = File::Spec->catfile($self->workdir, $podname);

    my $output  = IO::File->new($tmpfile, "w")
        or die "ERROR: cannot write prelimary pod manual to $tmpfile: $!";

      ( manual => $manual
      , output => $output
      , append => $args{append}
      , @$options


    $self->cleanupPOD($tmpfile, $podfile);
    unlink $tmpfile;



sub formatManual(@)
{   my $self = shift;

sub showAppend(@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $append = $args{append};

       if(!defined $append)      { ; }
    elsif(ref $append eq 'CODE') { $append->(formatter => $self, %args) }
    {   my $output = $args{output} or confess;


sub showStructureExpand(@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;

    my $examples = $args{show_chapter_examples} || 'EXPAND';
    my $text     = $args{structure} or confess;

    my $name     = $text->name;
    my $level    = $text->level;
    my $output   = $args{output}  or confess;
    my $manual   = $args{manual}  or confess;

    my $descr   = $self->cleanup($manual, $text->description);
    $output->print("\n=head$level $name\n\n$descr");

    $self->showSubroutines(%args, subroutines => [$text->subroutines]);
    $self->showExamples(%args, examples => [$text->examples])
         if $examples eq 'EXPAND';

    return $self;

sub showStructureRefer(@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;

    my $text     = $args{structure} or confess;

    my $name     = $text->name;
    my $level    = $text->level;
    my $output   = $args{output}  or confess;
    my $manual   = $args{manual}  or confess;

    my $link     = $self->link($manual, $text);
    $output->print("\n=head$level $name\n\nSee $link.\n");

sub chapterDescription(@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;

    $self->showRequiredChapter(DESCRIPTION => %args);

    my $manual  = $args{manual} or confess;
    my $details = $manual->chapter('DETAILS');
    return $self unless defined $details;

    my $output  = $args{output} or confess;
    $output->print("\nSee L</DETAILS> chapter below\n");
    $self->showChapterIndex($output, $details, "   ");

sub chapterDiagnostics(@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $manual  = $args{manual} or confess;

    my $diags   = $manual->chapter('DIAGNOSTICS');
    $self->showChapter(chapter => $diags, %args)
        if defined $diags;

    my @diags   = map {$_->diagnostics} $manual->subroutines;
    return unless @diags;

    my $output  = $args{output} or confess;
        or $output->print("\n=head1 DIAGNOSTICS\n");

    $output->print("\n=over 4\n\n");
    $self->showDiagnostics(%args, diagnostics => \@diags);

sub showChapterIndex($$;$)
{   my ($self, $output, $chapter, $indent) = @_;
    $indent = '' unless defined $indent;

    foreach my $section ($chapter->sections)
    {   $output->print($indent, $section->name, "\n");
        foreach my $subsection ($section->subsections)
        {   $output->print($indent, $indent, $subsection->name, "\n");

sub showExamples(@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $examples = $args{examples} or confess;
    return unless @$examples;

    my $manual    = $args{manual}  or confess;
    my $output    = $args{output}  or confess;

    foreach my $example (@$examples)
    {   my $name    = $self->cleanup($manual, $example->name);
        $output->print("\nexample: $name\n\n");
        $output->print($self->cleanup($manual, $example->description));

sub showDiagnostics(@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $diagnostics = $args{diagnostics} or confess;
    return unless @$diagnostics;

    my $manual    = $args{manual}  or confess;
    my $output    = $args{output}  or confess;

    foreach my $diag (sort @$diagnostics)
    {   my $name    = $self->cleanup($manual, $diag->name);
        my $type    = $diag->type;
        $output->print("\n=item $type: $name\n\n");
        $output->print($self->cleanup($manual, $diag->description));

sub showSubroutines(@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $subs = $args{subroutines} || [];
    @$subs or return;

    my $output = $args{output} or confess;

    $output->print("\n=over 4\n\n");

sub showSubroutine(@)
{   my $self = shift;

    my %args   = @_;
    my $output = $args{output} or confess;

sub showSubroutineUse(@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $subroutine = $args{subroutine} or confess;
    my $manual     = $args{manual}     or confess;
    my $output     = $args{output}     or confess;

    my $use        = $self->subroutineUse($manual, $subroutine);

    $output->print("=item $use\n\n");

    $output->print("See ". $self->link($manual, $subroutine)."\n\n")
        if $manual->inherited($subroutine);


sub subroutineUse($$)
{   my ($self, $manual, $subroutine) = @_;
    my $type       = $subroutine->type;
    my $name       = $self->cleanup($manual, $subroutine->name);
    my $paramlist  = $self->cleanup($manual, $subroutine->parameters);
    my $params     = length $paramlist ? "($paramlist)" : '';

    my $class      = $manual->package;
    my $use
     = $type eq 'i_method' ? qq[\$obj-E<gt>B<$name>$params]
     : $type eq 'c_method' ? qq[$class-E<gt>B<$name>$params]
     : $type eq 'ci_method'? qq[\$obj-E<gt>B<$name>$params\n\n]
                           . qq[$class-E<gt>B<$name>$params]
     : $type eq 'function' ? qq[B<$name>$params]
     : $type eq 'overload' ? qq[overload: B<$name>$params]
     : $type eq 'tie'      ? qq[B<$name>$params]
     :                       '';

    length $use
        or warn "WARNING: unknown subroutine type $type for $name in $manual";


sub showSubroutineName(@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $subroutine = $args{subroutine} or confess;
    my $manual     = $args{manual}     or confess;
    my $output     = $args{output}     or confess;
    my $name       = $subroutine->name;

    my $url
     = $manual->inherited($subroutine)
     ? "M<".$subroutine->manual."::$name>"
     : "M<$name>";

     ( $self->cleanup($manual, $url)
     , ($args{last} ? ".\n" : ",\n")

sub showOptions(@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $output = $args{output} or confess;
    $output->print("\n=over 2\n\n");

sub showOptionUse(@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $output = $args{output} or confess;
    my $option = $args{option} or confess;
    my $manual = $args{manual}  or confess;

    my $params = $option->parameters;
    $params    =~ s/\s+$//;
    $params    =~ s/^\s+//;
    $params    = " => ".$self->cleanup($manual, $params) if length $params;
    $output->print("=item $option$params\n\n");

sub showOptionExpand(@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $output = $args{output} or confess;
    my $option = $args{option} or confess;
    my $manual = $args{manual}  or confess;


    my $where = $option->findDescriptionObject or return $self;
    my $descr = $self->cleanup($manual, $where->description);
        if length $descr;


sub writeTable($@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;

    my $head   = $args{header} or confess;
    my $output = $args{output} or confess;
    my $rows   = $args{rows}   or confess;
    return unless @$rows;

    # Convert all elements to plain text, because markup is not
    # allowed in verbatim pod blocks.
    my @rows;
    foreach my $row (@$rows)
    {   push @rows, [ map {$self->removeMarkup($_)} @$row ];

    # Compute column widths
    my @w      = (0) x @$head;

    foreach my $row ($head, @rows)
    {   $w[$_] = max $w[$_], length($row->[$_])
           foreach 0..$#$row;

    if(my $widths = $args{widths})
    {   defined $widths->[$_] && ($w[$_] = $widths->[$_])
           foreach 0..$#$rows;

    pop @w;   # ignore width of last column

    # Table head
    my $headf  = " -".join("--", map { "\%-${_}s" } @w)."--%s\n";
    $output->printf($headf, @$head);

    # Table body
    my $format = "  ".join("  ", map { "\%-${_}s" } @w)."  %s\n";
    $output->printf($format, @$_)
       for @rows;

sub removeMarkup($)
{   my ($self, $string) = @_;
    my $out = $self->_removeMarkup($string);
    {   s/^\s+//gm;
        s/\s{2,}/ /g;
        s/\[NB\]/ /g;

sub _removeMarkup($)
{   my ($self, $string) = @_;

    my $out = '';
    while($string =~ s/(.*?)         # before
                       ([BCEFILSXZ]) # known formatting codes
                       ([<]+)        # capture ALL starters
    {   $out .= $1;
        my ($tag, $bracks, $brack_count) = ($2, $3, length($3));

        if($string !~ s/^(|.*?[^>])  # contained
        {   $out .= "$tag$bracks";

        my $container = $1;
        if($tag =~ m/[XZ]/) { ; }  # ignore container content
        elsif($tag =~ m/[BCI]/)    # cannot display, but can be nested
        {   $out .= $self->_removeMarkup($container);
        elsif($tag eq 'E') { $out .= e2char($container) }
        elsif($tag eq 'F') { $out .= $container }
        elsif($tag eq 'L')
        {   if($container =~ m!^\s*([^/|]*)\|!)
            {    $out .= $self->_removeMarkup($1);
            my ($man, $chapter) = ($container, '');
            if($container =~ m!^\s*([^/]*)/\"([^"]*)\"\s*$!)
            {   ($man, $chapter) = ($1, $2);
            elsif($container =~ m!^\s*([^/]*)/(.*?)\s*$!)
            {   ($man, $chapter) = ($1, $2);

            $out .=
             ( !length $man     ? "section $chapter"
             : !length $chapter ? $man
             :                    "$man section $chapter"
        elsif($tag eq 'S')
        {   my $clean = $self->_removeMarkup($container);
            $clean =~ s/ /[NB]/g;
            $out  .= $clean;

    $out . $string;

sub showSubroutineDescription(@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $manual  = $args{manual}                   or confess;
    my $subroutine = $args{subroutine}            or confess;

    my $text    = $self->cleanup($manual, $subroutine->description);
    return $self unless length $text;

    my $output  = $args{output}                   or confess;
    $output->print("\n", $text);

    my $extends = $self->extends                  or return $self;
    my $refer   = $extends->findDescriptionObject or return $self;
    $self->showSubroutineDescriptionRefer(%args, subroutine => $refer);

sub showSubroutineDescriptionRefer(@)
{   my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $manual  = $args{manual}                   or confess;
    my $subroutine = $args{subroutine}            or confess;
    my $output  = $args{output}                   or confess;
    $output->print("\nSee ", $self->link($manual, $subroutine), "\n");

sub showSubsIndex() {;}

sub cleanupPOD($$)
{   my ($self, $infn, $outfn) = @_;
    my $in = IO::File->new($infn, 'r')
        or die "ERROR: cannot read prelimary pod from $infn: $!\n";

    my $out = IO::File->new($outfn, 'w')
        or die "ERROR: cannot write final pod to $outfn: $!\n";

    my $last_is_blank = 1;
    while(my $l = $in->getline)
    {   if($l =~ m/^\s*$/s)
        {   next LINE if $last_is_blank;
            $last_is_blank = 1;
        {   $last_is_blank = 0;


       or die "ERROR: write to $outfn failed: $!\n";

